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Aida Msalek

The focus of my senior project will be on industry pollution. Specifically, I will be going

in depth on the environmental impact of the fashion industry, from production to disposal. The

fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries, and as the average consumer is buying

more and more clothes yearly, that impact is only worsening. Although the United States does

have many laws in place to try to reduce the harm done to the environment during the production

process, many brands and companies source their production in developing countries where

environmental protection laws are not enforced or nonexistent. The main questions I will be

using to guide my research are as follows:

● How do textile production laws differ between the US and countries where many

companies source production?

● What is the severity of pollution from current production methods?

● What specific effects do production methods have on the environment?

● What efforts are brands and companies taking to shift towards more sustainable

production, if any?

● Have we seen any improvement in impacts of the industry in recent years?

For my community project, I plan on hosting a pop up thrift store. I will set up a donation

drive where people give away clothes they don’t want instead of throwing them away. Using

these donations, I will set up a thrift event where people can come and buy second hand clothing

at a very affordable price. All proceeds will go to a local environmental organization such as

Lynnhaven River Now or the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Throughout the pop up thrift store,

there will be informational posters and pamphlets about the impact fashion production has on our
environment. My target audience consists of mainly teenagers, a large demographic of people

who are interested in fashion and buy a lot of clothes. My goal is to raise awareness on the true

impact of our clothes and help promote second hand purchasing to keep clothes out of landfills.

The amount of donated clothing that is purchased will be an indicator of if my goal was met. The

event will take place during the second semester. My ideal location is in the vibe district at the

Virginia Beach Oceanfront, but if that falls through, I am open to other venues. There is a chance

that I will be required to complete a contact-free project. In order to maintain that essence of my

project, I will still do an unwanted clothing donation drive and set up an online shop through

instagram. Pictures of all of the clothing will be uploaded along with the price, and people can

directly message the account if they wish to buy anything. I will then arrange a pickup where

masks and 6 feet social distancing is required so people can pay for and pick up the clothing they

purchased. Thrifting is a huge way to practice sustainable fashion. By buying second hand,

people both stop clothes from ending up in landfills and don’t buy from large corporations that

use unethical production methods. My project will be an opportunity for people to purchase

second hand. By donating proceeds to a local environmental organization, my project will also

play a part in the mitigation of pollution done by industries such as fashion production. My

consultant will be Heather Spruill, the fashion marketing teacher at First Colonial High School.


New skills I will acquire:

● Planning and hosting my own event

● Networking with local venues
● Running a COVID friendly event

Current skills I will enhance:

● Research
● Writing
● Advertising/Marketing

Areas of personal growth:

● Creativity
● Time management
● Communication
● Problem solving

C. PROJECT STEPS – Should be presented in sequential order.

Preliminary Determine venue, date, and time.

Steps Determine specifics such as pricing or if I will need volunteers
Determine how I will acquire necessary materials such as clothing racks, display
tables, etc.
Determine how donations will be collected
Midway Create project websites and social media such as instagram, twitter, maybe tiktok
Steps to get my project out
Start producing and distributing canvas and flyers asking for donations
Start producing advertisements for the actual events to be distributed 2-3 weeks in
If volunteers are necessary, start creating sign ups and distribute 3 weeks in
Confirm venue
Start acquiring necessary materials for event
Later Steps Confirm venue
Daily or twice a day advertising on social media 1 week before
Confirm with volunteers
Make sure I have all necessary materials for event
Organize all donations based on type of clothes so set up will be easier
Arrive at venue 1-2 hours before for set up
Find someone to take pictures
Instruct volunteers on what their duties are
Follow up Break down event set up and clean up area
If any materials were borrowed, return to owner
Donate all leftover clothes to other thrift stores or places in need
Donate all proceeds to chosen organization
Thank you notes for all people involved, including venue and volunteers
Post on all social medias thanking people who participated
Start working on panel presentation
Total Hours 20+
D. PROJECT DOCUMENTATION – This is a bulleted list
● Pictures
● Videos
● Written agreement with venue
● Written agreement with organization that proceeds will go to
● Spreadsheet totalling money made during event
● Documentation of number of clothes donated and number of clothes sold
● Pamphlets and posters distributed during event
● Advertisements and flyers for donation and event
● Any receipts
● All project social medias
● Timesheet/work log
● Volunteer sign up

E.    PROJECT JUSTIFICATION – In a short paragraph, explain why this is a quality project.

 How is it a challenge/stretch for you? What will the impact be? Why is this worth your
time and effort?

As a member of student government, I have been a part of the process of planning an

event but usually my role was minimal. This will be the first time I will be the sole planner of my
own event. I’ve never had to secure a venue and gather materials for an event of this size, but the
impact of it will definitely be worth it. As consumerism rises, people are buying more and more
clothes and wearing them less. This project will help bring awareness to more sustainable ways
people can shop. Along with this, my event will also fundraise for a local environmental
organization that helps mitigate the effect of industry pollution.

The Senior Project demands a high level of integrity on your part in every phase of the project.
 All work you present for your project and paper will be assumed to be your own. When you are
presenting work that is not original, you must acknowledge the use of such work by properly
documenting the paper, the project/portfolio, and presentation.

You have permission to copy the sample text for this piece of the proposal.

I understand that any academic dishonesty by me on any part of the project/paper will result in failure of
the Senior Project and forfeiture of the Legal Studies Seal on my High School diploma.
I understand that any academic dishonesty by me on any part of the project/paper will result in failure of
the Senior Project and forfeiture of the Legal Studies Seal on my High School diploma.

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