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April 13, 2020


I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to use the past form of irregular verbs.
k.b.i: Wait turn.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Past Form of Irregular Verbs
Reference: EN4G-IIh-11 CG page 91 of 247
English 4 TG Unit 2 pages 188-189
English 4 LM Unit 2 pages 205-207
Materials: Flashcards and Powerpoint Presentation

III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
1. Prayer
Ask someone in the class to lead a prayer.

2. Checking of Attendance
Ask someone to report if who’s absent in the class.

3. Checking of Assignment
Tell the class to exchange their assignment notebooks with their seatmates. Next,
call some volunteers to answer on the board. Then, check together with the class’ answers.

B. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Let the class repeat some irregular verbs in the flash cards after you.

crept came spat sang bit

2. Motivation
Do an ACT IT OUT game about what they did yesterday. Pupils can sing, draw
or dance to maximize their skills. Then, let the classmates guess. Lastly, write their actions on the board.

C. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation
Tell the class that some of the verbs acted are simple past regular verbs while the
others are simple past irregular verbs.
2. Discussion
a. Read the irregular verb song in the class and let the them repeat. Then, put a
tune of PEARLY SHELL on it. Sing together with the pupils.

Irregular Verb Song (Pearly Shell tune)

Irregular verbs, very easy!

Two things to my mind,
When we use them in the past.
Some have changes
In their spellings while others remain.
Now, I know these ir-re-gular verbs.
Now, I know these ir-re-gular verbs.

b. Ask the class what they learned from the song. Then, explain the them that
most of the irregular verbs change their spellings when they form in the past tense.

c. Show the class some examples and let them repeat after you.
Present Past Present Past
begin began grow grew
build built hide hid
break broke keep kept
creep crept leave left
deal dealt lend lent
drink drank meet met
drive drove ride rode
eat ate run ran
feel felt send sent
feed fed sleep slept
fly flew sit sat
give gave tell told
e. Explain further that a
few of irregular verbs have the same spelling of their present and past forms.
f. Show the class those words with no changes on their present and past forms.
Then, let them repeat after you.

Present Past
bet bet
broadcast broadcast
cost cost
cut cut
hit hit
hurt hurt
put put
read read

e. Value in the class to always wait their turn not only in the class but on any
D. Fixing Skill
Let the class answer orally about a foreigner’s trip to Tabango, Leyte by using the right
irregular verbs.

Hi! My name is Kit. I (go) to the municipality of Tabango last year. I (have)
the chance to meet their charming mayor. With his companion, I (am) able to
visit the public library and their freedom park. I (eat) some delicious meals in
Ocean Pearl Cove Resort’s restaurant. I (swim) on Boho beach. I (see) the
sunset from the peak of Mt. Canturaw. I wish I could visit their other spots too
like the San Vicente Ferrer Pilgrimage Site & Pangpang Cave, Dawahon Isle,
E. etc.
Ask the class if irregular verbs have some changes on their spellings or not. Ask them
samples of past form of the irregular verbs with its present form.

F. Application
Group the class into 4 teams. Let them write in a ¼ piece of paper on what they did last
January-March of this year. As much as possible they must be able to employ those past form of irregular
verbs learned in the class. Then, the results should be done on a following:

Team Melody has to sing using any tunes.

Team G-force has to dance in any styles.
Team Arts has to illustrate what they got on a piece of paper.
Team Probinsyano has to dramatize in a concise scene.

The students are given 15 minutes to prepare.

IV. Evaluation
A. Directions: Use the correct past form of the irregular verbs in the following items. Copy the
sentences below and underline your answers.

1. Maria (spend, spent) her vacation in Tabing last December.

2. She (buy, bought) something in Franie’s store yesterday.
3. I (ride, rode) on a motorcycle to visit my uncle in BLAMPCI last week.
4. My cousin (eat, ate) a couple of hamburgers in Nicey Burger Junction.
5. My mom (forget, forgot) the location of Marcelino R. Veloso NHS last night.

B. Answer “Try and Learn” Exercise 1 of page 206 of LM.

V. Assignment
Directions: Write at least 5 things you did on the Valentine’s day of this year in the assignment

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