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ONIT-1y 6 ER Benoina, Serene otiaduction : Tn olden days availability and usage ob Steel ig less. ppier inteoduction Ob steel size ob the membess ave veduced gab weight veduced teorendously » stoength , dusability ’ serviceability Clibe of stouctuxe) increased . felimation Ob Sted is tp be included as the Separate item io abstoact estinnate . Methods ob Estimating Ob Steel s. 4. Estimating ob the steel psom tho gtuctusal cheaccings - 5 Estimation Sf steel on the Pevcentage basis of concoele 4. Blimation of the Steel oom the sStouctuval cheatoings - Fe guantity ob ste) aalculated foom the detailed stouctunal ‘drawings by pepaving 689. quantity of Steel usually measured ip Weights , 00 deducticns steel ip cement concoete 13 being made because of Small ue occupied! by the gted in Rec stsuctuse - weight of the bas ee lengt roultiplied by the b of ‘the bass which gives its weight - ‘op bane Includes coanks, bents . books , ete kyo gtee! 13 4850 Kgl? to cbtain the ext Shooting Size § shape & length ob the bars. Wefgnt Ob steel bav pe» rneter length « ee Method- 2 Density = 2eabt oo 2, 2 Voluroe 102 162 Weight = Deveity x Volume tere : p= dia ob bay mp = #850% Txt {e919,8t0M » 10MM, 12rOMD, AU nom, Iorono, 18MM BONN? 29M, a5, 23mm, 32M, Bbron | Weights: Grom — 6.99 Kq/m> . 8mm — 0-3q kg/m. lomm — 0-61 Kq/ro JOrmom — 0-88 bg/m. AYmm — 1.90 kq/ro 16mm — 4.58 kg/m 49mm — 2 Kalo 20mm — 246 kq/to 99 mr Se Ee kg ]ro o5mm — 3-85 Kg/o — 4-8 kg/m — 632 kq/ro - 3 roation Ob Steel on Pevcentage bases on concrete - method 19 used o> alopted tbe detailed daawtngs ave nol qafiable The percentage of steel depends upon span » - type oP design, load ete. “pe appwoximate pescentage | qh steel used ip Raw. fy» beam 4-9-7 ‘for columns 1-4 7. py glabs and ffotels 0.4 — 4-4 The least distance b/w suvbace of veinkoxcement to tbe outevsuvpace of the concvete . bav- op and bottorn coveos op the slabs 12 - 20 ron Beans 95 -50 non side end covess 25 ~- 40mm ‘oluron end covess YOnro ig SO- 45 roro al coves to be meet duzability veguivements - Nominal concrete coves iD mn 20m 30 m0 | U5 mm 5O mo 5 | Bteme eee 8 peo 38 56-1948 -the minirourn cover por Longitudinal f,, Cbottom and top coves) ip a beara 25ron but Pot leg, than the diameter op Such bars . The mininouro end coves % o5rmm but nol less than 4ho tewice of the diarmetes ob Such bays - Common types cf Reinfoacement Used : 4. Mild Steel ( plain bavg) . - e250 2. HYSD baws - feyis. 500, Fe sso - 2. Plai> round bass having Irited use» Pomadags Msp bave used in all Rec structures Siroply Supported Beam + Bentup Anchor bar stip? Majin bar « main refoyorcement ted beam"i3 provided at bottom . developed below tbe Neuhal axis e080? 19 developed above the Nbutee NOX “pate senPOICEMEDt Pmovided at bottor coil! beotup and. — gaanted alternatively pron phase of Suppost at a dfstanre ob 3/4 to 4/5 ob Spa evr Support 45° Vertical or foelined gtinups are provided as per design to take ob design ghesses - gpapes OF Steel avs used in beams and lenq'h colaslations | 4 Mate staiybt bave at bottom : At It consist op stoatqbt length (1) and too end 1ooks ave provided with a length of ‘ad’ on either side- | whee, 13 the dia. ob the bas ; Se ep eat teal mene pire oneeeneesy covers: : Length op straight bay (0) = clear gpan + 2% beawings ~oxend (00 th of beam - 2xend covers Total length ob main stsagbt bao = length ob Stoaight bay + tength ob books . L= dyox Adon I+ox9d 3 pchor bars : a ase , e Fg — gt ob apchos bax clear span +2% beaving Ox end covers + 9% Id e) ob bearo — ox end covers +x Id 2 bevtup (0) cranked bars Generally additional length rey Q dipperence of apna of base Tris epual tp DB -p se At is egual to o-yoXxD o-uly= 6yoxD fred for beotup bars - it i Where» D= Vertical digtance fw the center of the upward g,,, lower arms op bedtup bass D= Total depth of beam - top clear cover - bottom dey coves — dia of bentup bav- Total tength ch coanked bas at both ends = Clear span, | 2x bearfogs ~ 2x end covers + Dx9d + 2x0.u95 b Sfnus._P e z ° Ret tp D 4anys"= ve Sinyg’= _D_ 3 i i snugit™ Yetous BBD Ay fous” q j Manus J ne breadth - 2end Covers . 3 end tovere. Seperately « Reputieme | t sizes and oh aippere? a length ob bass tov bending schedule : i ninnk ee F and minimize 4the coaste TB easy bor the bay b ic ae ender. Ih BRS is ready ip advance ap ay borm is given below —Tpescripti Ke cea | as Diameter | Numbers Hp “Tota! wt | otal oq 14] ‘engi ‘al Tae] oe) t Calculate the guaolities of Steel of RCC Oh esp of “leas gp 36m the cwalle Supporting the beam ave 280 ror wit 7g 230% 300 "ro, Yom and + detafls op © pull heaving on both sides. gize of the beam epncuete covers at ende ob the bavs and sides 4op ard otto 30mm each. The Reinposceme? dpe beam ave given below ) Main steel bavs at bottom 1bmm dia o} @ Mato beotup ave ov coanked bass 19.0% dio. ob “Top archos bavs 12m dia ob Qno'e. dia S \svrm centes to conten SPACing. ed at us" at a distance ob 500 mM ben b ons. D0 . Shivmips ave Grom bmn £0 e sect A-B » Length of mooie Sbeaiqbt bas :- (ese $3959 a length of strafght bas = cea» span+ 2 beawing - 2x end coveas = 260042%230-9x YO = 3980mm Length ob roain stoaight bar = length of skiafght bar+ : 2x hook lenqtb = Syoxad ~ B9BO 4 OXFX16 = Y96@ mm 2 4268m ae hy . “wo Basrre POP terath of Stoaigbt baw + 2 hook length = 9980 +29 x19. 3 = 496 wm = UIG6m “tid Length of rea bentup bar : oe us" —— tength ob rain bentup bas , clea span + ox bearing -oxerd eee as 2x hook length 4OKOUDXD . D = Total Depth of beam ~ ‘Top clear coves - bottom clear coves - e : dia op bar = 300-30-30-19 = 099 mp Length of mafn beotup bay = 3500 49%930-2%40 4 a 9xID4O% 0-42 x998 = 4387-52 mr = 438M - ) gtivrups ~ pare = ttidth ob beam-axend coves a GE ask = 930- 2%40 = 150mm “Depth ob bear — xcleas coves. 20K 300-2X30 | fe} ag0mm + ‘ob stisup= 2(04>) 4axlad taal = 2(1504 2UO)+ 2X19N6 = Foy mm ~O924M. length op moi steiight bar aago 150 Spacing = 94.53 598 NO'S, ‘pti . sotar | /m Tht | Desceiption Shape op | Diamele! i514 Leng teog! [= “4 No} °} R\itanbendind| 4 — Pere seca ee ox 4.96 =a qe rtcabt 44.9610] * 859 fe “al | (ai 2 eae ess | C3 | sem as 2.| Anchor Co | tomm| 2 | 4.196m} 8-392 ‘qin 28 | bay m4 3.) Main : es Bentup |“ \_/~ | tomm| 9 [ussite] 8.44 o. a | bar. t| | | 4.) Stinups - i ‘ 6mm | 93 |0-494m| 95-842) 0°99 | 6.69 tm Kgl gs iz : | eee 24054 99. In a Siroply Suppooted nein porced rectanqulay beom raving pollowing gpecipications is clear span of bean 6800 ro ii) Beaving on either Side 300mm ii) lidtb op the beam 300mm, overall depth ob the beam 450 mm. ”) steabt baws at bottom - 3No’s 29mm Dia of HYSD haw ed bavs -3No's l6mm dia coanked at us? ata op 800mn pam pace of Suppost . 303-ONo's loro dia of HYSD baas dia HYSD bavs - 9 teqged at 250 mm o S 2 i Q® COVES - UOrom the Bais. eit Ped mete length ave. foo 29mm dia = D? _ o> lon Tg = 2-984 Kirn. for 46mm dia — ws to" 41-5802 kq/m . for 40mm dia ~ p> 162 ae = 0°61 kg/m - Anchovy bar po: \erome 8 __ stinups Imm chia @ 25000". 15D min Yom maf basA Bnd-22 mm, ) = Clear span +9x bearing — 2% end Covers = 6800 +2x 300- 9% YO = 4320 rom mi length cb min stooight bax - length ob stoaight bax 4 9 x book lena th = §49%4d » 4990 49%49 x99 = 4416 mr ~ Ibn GW Length ob Archos Bao» \_—— a 7 2 eo engi op straight bav = cleae span + 2x beazing = 6800 +2.%300 -9x40 -9x end Cover, = 4390 rom length ob Anchoo ba» = length ob staaight bas = 4390 49x90 = 43004 2X9x16 42x book lena, = 4608 mr ~4608M, GiD length op Main Bentup Bavs length ob Main Bentup Bars clea epan 4 ax beating - oxend covers 42x hook length +0:42D i D = Total depth cf beam ~Top Aeaw coves - dia of bent - up bav- bottom clea» covea => D= 450 -40-40-16 in. Bentup baw = 4990 4+9x300-9x40 | 4 OxI1b 4O.U2 X354 = 9096-68mMMm ~ B276M, ibe ol % 2. pepth ob beam 9x cleaxs cover = 450 -2x40 = 340m . tenqi? Op stieoups = 2(a4b) = o(0904 340) > 480mm = 4.480 m, yo-oh Stioaups = length op aboaight baa , Spacing bho stisoups = 4390 +4 = 30.98 & I stivoups- 250 escuiption | Sha| th ore Bede spial_| ¢kg/m) | “Total Al - $ WE kt. ip Bax ee | a Length | per m qe. Main staai 2.984 | 69143 -qpt | c__5] 29 | 3 | atom o3-H8 Baa: m | Kqo| kgs a. |freboo |C | 46) 2 4-608m| 45:-916 | 4.58 | 2404! s Bavs 0 kq/o kqs. i | 16 | 3 | .2%6| 24-08] 4:58 | 97-298 . oe 1m kg/ro Kgs 4.180 Ove! | 22-313 kqleo kgs 15-42 8 Calculate the quantity ob Steel veguioed poo +he linte) and prepare ba» bencling achedule wofth the Following day, % Clean Span 9.4m» wal) thickness 1930 rome wheth ob the Inte ML Uldtb ob Motel & depth 200mm win bass 20 rom dia “1 pole outoh Wht too axe coanked, anchos base 2108 ob 40 mp, at +op ii) Stinupe Grom dia at 950mm c/e two legged . Sol: Aeguroe , on each ode % 200% BaD 150 ri Projection on lintel ide coves 25tmm Bottom ant top clear coves Yorn? and $ Weight meter length p "4 mato shagjnt tar and mafo bentup bas. Ls Se Y 20m B= 55 = agg ~ ON Kal for Jorn g = 0” . 10% _ 9.644 Kain. 162 joo Dv 6mm g = D2 ~ 62. 6.90 kg/m. “ Yoo 169 4 ob mato shafbt bas . : ‘ epee aight boo L= leas span+ 2x beawiings = ax endl coves - $= 9100 49% 900-9x 95 L = 5450 rm - = heogth ob stoaight baw 4 ox hook Yeogth = 9460 + 9x9x 90 = 981IDmM & 9-8lm. w length oy Archos bas - eee a é Lengths ob Anchos bas +x hook length n = OURD +2%4¥ ID = 2630 rom » 9.631 ) dota! tenth of mato beot up bas - aaa se i. x bearings 2x end covess+ 2x hook le 5 cover - bottoro clea coves _ Dm of beotup bas - th+ 2% mom > 7 pick Total depth op Lfntel - Top cleo ee 900-40 ~40- 20+ 100r0m O 4 OX 200-2% 95+ OxdIX 20+ OX 0.42.x100 Yom & 9.8941 ny) eee a abentup barsey pores Taomn ck O04 2% Demo, 2enchor te \ vg | ob pS ¥ “pet one-way Slab, Siroply Supposted Bear . reo 1/8 vatio , tong Span to the ghovt span ratio i move pan 2» that ‘ype Ob Slab 18 called a3 one- way slab. athenoise Ve vatfo tess than ov epual to 2 i called 400 woay Slab - | ol ‘aa ig Suppooted op all 4 Sides rain Steel ie provided 1D shostes span disection with the design , pacing ond altevnately bending - Dyetribution steel 3 poi -ded tm the longes Span divection - pi the bavg ave provided with end hooks foo Mild steel bavs and fous HYSD bas ave Kipo18 end hooks poovided : Usually bottom and top coves pwovided op Carer and endeoved cofll be 25mm M.. Length of main Steel bao : Pei ee s : (short s¢00) Leogth of main bad = @ clea Span + ox beawings - 2% end covers + OX hook length a Bo (eleav tong Spar) jo.op mato steaight bays = cleas epan + 2» beavings ~ 2 08 end cov a ox spacing of bass C/e ba “oF mato bentup bao - c iP op oat bent-up bav(L)= clea shoot 9p2°t ax bearings ~oxendeovers +2xIlength ob pe hooks + 2x 0-U2D No @. I 0b main beotup bavs ~ clear eet gpan + oxbearings ~ 9» end coves ox gpactng ob bentup bas Co j J Length of disteibution bas at bottom . Co) L = cleay long span + ov beavings _ ox end covers + Length op hook - Memincteiaeicien! chaihcpantnombeanngee OF er ioe, ot Bpactog of bass /e as Length of ditoibutiom bavs at top — Thege ave poovided at top pent-up poactice ofthe mip gteel. (eually 3 no's fb shoot spar ved dfetabution povided - Dfstsibutioe base at top ae provided each side of bent up bass. no's ob dfatibution bave at top ave provided spe Sk a {fg eibution bav at bottom 13 epual to the bution ms at top - sach gide of bentup bavs ave 3. bution bavs at top 6 the Slab Shall not be legs thao 9d 10TMm fos plain mid Stee bas 4 any other Yefnposceroent , the coves % not less than Simm ean ion _ stint = oistributioo @ bottoro +» mato bent-up bar S3— main gt bal. srkout the guantites of Steel and prepare BBS ob 1 ne - way Blab Siroply Supposted over walle. - apap 9.5% F longed span ner 0 beating of Slab to the walle» tbitkness of gla 16D mmm. Take rom and bottom ard top coves 191M Maio g alteorately bentup at 120mm cc - Dito % 6mm dia at 4e0 mm ge at the bottoro the top at both end at each bent-up bax op Sy peor the face op “the Weal So: Calculate voelght per metre lengt por mai bars . Tor 10 oro dia = ous Eas Tes > 160 = 98840 6mm dia = D> _ 62 Soe loco an tom Cleay short mo Ci ea end covers = 261010, Clear tong span = 6m bot Width of bearfing = 90" Top coverard bottom eve | 4hickness of Slab = 150mm Cover = 157010 | © Coleulate lengi ef rain straight bar : : ad levgth ob roafo shraight bar = clear short span + 2x beaaiings . ox end coves + 2 hook Jeogi = 9500F9%230-2X254 9X9x19 LS Slee) | af shaigbt bav = Clear long spar 42x beatings - f 2x end coved ing cS ly Ox Spacing of bav o/c 6000 + D¥280—2x25 , rear Bi 2x 120 = 4500419. 24-4 ~ 28 bars - bent-up bar (1) = Cleav Short span + o¥ 2x end covers + 2x lengh ob L= 9500 +9x920-9¥ 05 FON QyID. DaIBOEOXIBAID) Seno; dasipg D = l08rore l= 9916-4mm ~ 3.016m | © ce : 1SDew No: oP main bent up bay - cM it clear long span + Oxbeasing 9% endeovens 7) i ‘2x spactng OF bent up har C/e = 60004+2%230-S x05 2x%190 WA N= 26-4 & 24 bars By eutate (erp eb distébution at bottor : cL) Lengt> of ditebution bax at bottm= clear long gpan 4 2x beavsiing - oxendcovess + 2% HOOK leogth - 0% 930 - 2x95 tO%4XE 34 L = 6000+ L= 65/8 = 6.519mM . op bavg (Nn) = clear short spar + 9% beassings - 9.x end cover a eI en Spacing oy bars ¢/c = 9600 + 2X 290% 2% 95” 460 ANS & 20 bare - 44a ee Biggbulion bars at top : fF bottom bas ~ length ob diSbebution bar at tp - = 6518mMMm = 6-518m . etreguired = 6 bars . Deseripti! shape “OD of length 3.196 9-016 6-518 eee) rie jeoth| Condens SU 91528 | 0-08 Keay 96-932| 0°88 | 46-410 Ms 130°36| 0-22 | 29-649 kgs Borie SA- bass of 10 rome aA main §=+— bentup bats of 12 nmg| oat bent up bass Ee r++ pistsibutfor bass © top : 1SDrOm : — __ — distibatins taxes @ 4 <— 2500 —__ J bottom : A —» hin Mond? e Rc L wage poo! one ie Bom Area ® 8) 220 rom 2 qo Hb sanaidt fe be br oution i F289, @ dptton main bent 4 up bars |. main g}- bows Distnbution boas eal @ top- Cx088 -gechioo@ -(6) Y \\ PAN ast the quantities ob tee! and prepase SES ob steel One - way slab Sinoply Supported oves walle - shostes m+ longed spar 42m, bearing of sla 300 mm , thickness op Slab 150mm, Take end coves and top coves 'Smm . Main steel 16ram | bent-up at 160m ce- Distorbutlon steel ge at the bottom and 2300's at + each bent-up bax and beot at a op the coal. Sl Colcutate ligt pes mebe teogth fox Maio ae Fos agmm dia ~ O° 262 » 1.08 Kgl 469 469, im dia: Di. 8 - 07 Ke 162 169 clean short span - 35m and covens = 951010 cleas log span = +21 - “op coves and bottor Width of Beating = 300mm coves = 151010 Thickness oh slab = 150mm 4. Calculate length of main straight ba = (ee A Length op woin straight box = cleas aboot span +2x beatings ~oy end coved + 2% hook length = 3500 + 2x 300-2¥ 9542 4x 15 L= 4888 rom Noob rain stvaight ba = cleav long span + 2% bearings ~ Szend year re] >xSpacing ob boas ¢/c = ¥ Beige a og Ox25,, 4 2% 160 D = 95-94 ~ 26 bass “bent-up bax P Shovt p bav (L) = cleas span + 9x beavsings covets +O-% Jeogt> ‘op books : + 2x%0-U2D x1b 4.2% 042x104 a [= HH95-36 1M > YuD6 4, cay malo Pook UP bas ~ claw tory span 42x being - 2x endovers ox ppeae) at bent up bas Ye 2% 160 D> 94-91 » o6 baas . 2 calculate length ob distsibution bax at bottoro : yeogth op distribution toa at bottom (1) = clear long 6pan4 2 beating - oxend covers + 9x hook length L= 4900 + 9x.300 - 9% 25 +2¥9¥8 L= 4894 mm = 4-894 m No-of 1288p) - clea» shoot span 49% beadings - Sxend reHS , , Spacing ob bavs ce = 3500 + 9x300- 2¥95 , 4 180 D= 93.5 ~ oY bavs Distoibution bavs at top: r length of bottom bas = length ob digtsibution bax at top . L= ABQU rom = 4-844% No-op bave sequined = 8 bavs Total wh | io kgs 4:58 148.905 kg /ro kqe Kq/ma ok 4-68 mY .u56 | 0:29 24 | 7-894 | 489-49 4-814m) 68162, | 029 2 5 3 4 kqiro kalo} kas, fro H-b9q me WPI Bug (+> Dishitut GQ] -for bors GQ] @ tattor q q + main bars Main 3t- bass. Section ©-0 Distribution bass @ isp * Distnbution boys @ volte f EARTHWORK FOR ROADS AND CANALS Tohoduction * All the civil enn stouctuses such as ae -ction ob building » wads. aanale» woitoay lines bridges and dams, canal dwops etc. sequises earth wosks - The guality of earthwosk in cutting ig Known as excavat sion and filling i$ Krowr as embankment cbo9s section o eastbwosk of vad ip banking (os) cutting in the pov ob trapeziuro and the guality ob easthioovtt may be calculated by the following methods - | Volume of eanthwonk | ii) Lead and lipt 1» Volume of Earthwook : 1 is calculated by roultiply fog tbe cxpg3- sectional avea and lecnth - Tt ig denoted by tye letter ‘v' and its unit asea ase m?. Excavation/ s:4 cutting a (Sd—}<-—$ 8 aq gg Ta ie os (a 1 ' / ' a. i i ps: 1 ' Volume ob cavthwosk ‘v’= Sectional avea x length = Avi sectional avea ‘4’ = Avea of central vectanquias channel Area op two side tangulas postion . B= Bas oxt x Sdxd = (Bd +sd%) Cov) (B+sd)d » 3:1 % the satio of Side slopes op howtzoota! and 's’ ig bosizontal § 1 fs Vestical => $-d- and- izontal dligtance ovev which the 18 Measused fem the center oy y 50 pit to the conten of pts pt is Me vertical distance oves which the eadth conveyed . Tt i 5 convey 'S Measuved poor the ceptes of excavation 4p tbe spoil bank/bund - Spoil bank/ bund roally earthwook is estimated pos 20m lead distance 4.500 lipk foo height (00) depth and this distance of ard height of 4:5ra axe Known ae lead and lift - quentes the lead and lift the sates will be higher jeny unit op 4:5 lit and 30m ob lead the earth therefore estimated seperately por every 80m iy 5m Tipe lume of eadthwook ~ ook seguived in cutting ov fillleq #8 bound 2 i apy one of the pollowing retbods 4 Mean sectional axea method 2. Mid sectional avea method 3. Rapezoidal vule _ A> Prismoidal sule . © 4. Mean Sectional Avea method « In this. method» the average avea of two end Sectiong ave considesed - This method ie most coromonly used ty i the depastment fos caleulati ‘ =nq the volume ob eadtrunsk ion @ = Ar = (Bdi +S? ] Section © = Ao - [Bdo + 83] Ait Ao 2 al avea x lengthy ob qiveo Section i$ pound by multiplyin blu sections . This pethod is used when he quourd ia foeely level ard ection ave taken at closed inteovale - tet dir do be the height ob bank at two end postions ob embankment > L fs the length op the ection - 8 ia the fooro cation ‘width and 9:1 [+Hiovizontal : Vestical] side Slopes - Volume of earthwook = mid gection avea x length ov Section pepth at rid Section» dm = ditda: Mid covss sectional avea = [bdrm + Sdmo] Mid cooss sectional Volume - [bdo + Sdm?Jxt # The quantities of easth wook may be calculated ib fabulas poo as qiven below pov mean sectional method. Ar€0.0b| Area of| a] " b| Total Stati | be) centaal | ““Sdoe | sectional | gestion | wip nn lis | eoxtion aliens . | ermbank al ad dasa? Area | station |__ ment Behe ol loool al guantites ob eacthuoook "ay be calculated in a fabulay bo rid sectional avea method - Mean tere ‘quantity (edisd)*t cutting Pven | Total Leogth | Quantity (B44 sd") *L Gides| Sectivea! , SES reo | PAD Stat erobank 3 Sd? | Bd4sd2} "90 'L’ | ~ ment cutting a F Soret ice came of * Pea op gide sloping Sushace The oreo of side sloping which seguised pitching nooy be pound by rnultiplying the mean stoping bveadth by the length. The mean sloping boeadth ist= J (sd)?4d> " = (fee) #4 pitebing ezoidal tule - anne od is extension op mean Sectiona) avea method cable to sevies op sections taken at egual a) blu) Sections x (48t area + last ave 2 (Sum of demaining yea) : ttt An.1)] ¥ [Beate Bue ROI STE igWaleoe kocconWae Simpson's tule. This i method 18 used when the shape ob the solid bo the 400 pavalle! CwWS8- Gection iS in Shape of a prisrevidat | volume enclosed b/w the two vections by prismoidal ule ig qiven by V~ tay AProrAa | Whet> A\- Avea of coves section at one end- As = Avea of cwse section at othes end - ‘Am = flea of caogs gection at mide - eo length b/w the Sections - Note: Am 13 the avea ob case - section at the reiddle and not the avevage ase of Gection . In case series ob Section ave given 4bis foornulae can be exterrted only when these ave Odd numbere of cwves- section and the fntesvale blo the points ave equal. Volume » V= [cst area + last avea)] +4 (Sum ob even aseas) + 2 (sur Of odd azeas) > [Cais And+ 4(Ao+ Aut +An-+t) +2 (Ag tAnt -~-+ An.) E e fod the volume Of Easthwook fo an embankment op engl AKAO > top width ob load 8 6m and depth i& 31m . ‘The Side glopes ave O34. go B= 6r0 d= 3m eo) Area = (Bd + Sd”) = 6x349%37 B= 36r> I Volume = 36% l= 36x1000 v = 360001 (28. Calculate the Volume op Earthwork jp a canal of depth tm and bottom width 2ro pov a length of OKnm. The side slopes ave 295+4 _ 822M on oo po d-im- $=25 25:4 Am [95:5 L=9km = 2000 amn- B -(x4 495x417) A Hus” Jue = Area x (lk ¥ = ux 2000 _ y.= 100010? 2a. fird the lead ave tpt bon the porortg HIME Asati, Gide slope saroe ag above: |<-am- jusit = 2070. Lead Dibpeaence (ro)- S yosxy+6+99%8t Dame” Lift Diphevence (10) = 34+ Yo = 3500.= guoik 4. Glculate the guantity of earthwork poo AK length posa E portion of a wad in unifosro ground - The height ob banks at two ends be im § 15m. ‘The poormation coidth 10m. The side slope is 2:4 - find out }Mean Sectional avea meted - Gectfonal avea roethod del pule- op earthuoosk. (1) = 4Kro = 400010 . nk at tuo ends dj = Ar aioe Jo” yhararea. Ai =(Bdia ad?) 5 Area. Ao = (Bdo+ed3) 2 2. =(lox4 4 9x42) = 10x rs + OxI5™ AL = 19110? Ag = 14-510” = 19-570? NOW? pny. Alt AD _ 194105 p ao = IDEN - Molume = Aroxl = 15°45X 1000 v.= 15450m> i) Mid Sectional area roethod NOW, drm = Gitde 4445 = Se ome =e OO) P= (Bdroy Sdeo™) = (tox1254 91-96) = 45-6951? Voluroe = AxL = 15-625% 10000 V= 156951? jiiy Pafsrovida! oule - v= Lait yearn 90) = {002 (15 44 x18:695419°5) V = 15666 66102- late the guantity of eavthwook vegufved accoadtng to ad potero wicide) wile fb a wad embankment having 9 foormation coldto » 2:4 sile slope id a leogth op pans (20%) . The level clibbevence blu poomation acd level 8 D9m 04M» 4:0, 34m» 29m, B4m, mo and 9.4m veapectively . -Agsume Gnound & sansvevse direction bo centre Ifre - $0): Feemation toidth's - 10.5% Side slope = 9:4 lengtt op Single chaint= 30 Depth di- 0.9m 1do= 0-4 dg = 1'2r0 ds-2-9m, do=3:Im, dt= 3-4 108 = du = 3:4, 2.6007 99 = 24r 20-9) +9(0.4)?J= N0Fm>- 0-4) 49(0-4)?] = 83 m?- | ismoica! foormula faye ve & [Cart Aa) + UCAa 4 Ays Aba Aa d+ 2(A34 Ant Aa] - 2 oS y= 9298.30, 50.699] (11-09 436-4) +4(8.3458 994514 440-89) 4+ 2(I5-4B 44-94 4g (olculate she guantity of eaxthwook vegutsed accosdtag am ype stondodl Prismoidal cule and tpapezoidal yule fh a wad having embankment » 4h Jor poomatior woth , 2+4 Sides slopes a length of 6 chain Caom) - The level diphesence bp yoomation and gquound is 0.4, 49m, 2:4m 4.5707 9-Am 48m, respectively - Aegurne ground level fg th a divection teansrease to the Chain - « Formation width(6) - 40m ide glope = 2:4. length b/w the Gections t= 90 Depth di = 04m, do= 4-200, d3-o-Am, dy=h5io, ds = 43m, d6 = 9.1m d4= 48m - : Al = (Bdi4 Sd) Ai = (10x07 t9o(0-FP) = F918. Ad = (ox 4.0 + 904.9%) = 14:88 Ag = (loxd-4 4 9(919>) = 99°82 m? - Ay = Cox he +9(15)°) = 19:5 m? Ay = (104-84 2(1:3)?) = 16-38 m? Ae = Clo x91) 4202497) = 99-82 m9? Aq = (ox!8 +2(1°8)7) = 24-48 m?- Prisrooidal foomula - vie 4 [aay +4 (Aas Ayt Ao) +2(A3 + As)] * 20[ (+484 oyue)+y (14-884 19-54 2782+ 2 (09-824 16 -36)] V= 3816-6 m? pezoidal formula . Ve (Cnt Ag) 42( at Ag +Aya And As)) © (G98 +2448) + 20H. 884 99-894 19-5 4 16.285 29-82)) 3498-4 m? , fined -he yelative befghts op dippeven! the suvboce of the and to deteomined é Cavth . = 4be urdualated Suspaces . geduced level - wa we Veotical distance of a potot above (00) below the daturo foe f Krowr a5 the pecuced level ob that point - ape vecluced level of a point may be +’ or) '~' accooding jo te point above bs) below the datum eh wood % perposed to constouct wlth the pollovotog data. 4) foomation width of the wad is 8m 4) Side slopes at embankment 3 25:4 if) formation level may be taken 2s joon constant pepr 014d I80m W abe ground levels along the center Ine ofthe voad ase qiver below - ek -” 282 998 409g YS EBT O 30 60 90 120 150 180 ulate the quantity ob oe by using : + prferooidal dule ii) Trapezotdal vale - tp bio gections L~ 201. Bt at © cbattiye ~ forwatibn level ~ Reduced level. + 400 - 98.2 = 18m. li opener 22m, Dept at gon chainage = Fl- RL =y 100 _ Depth at 60m chaihage = 100~ eae Depth at 90m = 100-98-4 = 816 Depth at t20m = 100 - 18:5 1.5m. Depth at inom = 100 - 98-4 = 1:30 Depth at ig0m = 100- 98.4= 44” - News a= cadre sc) Al = (8x84 9-5x1'8") = 99:5m?- Ae = (9%9.249.5(0.27) = 09-4m?. AZ = (8x24 2.9(0)7) = 26m?- y= (8x16+9°5(81.6)%) = 4999.2 10?» AB = (8x15 49-5(15)>) = 14-6952 Ag = (8x34 25(13) - 20.995m> (8x 4 250) = 1 g05m2 2(Ar+A3 +Ay4 A5+A6) | 42(99-44 964 19.04146254 20:05) ] bs Da Calculate the avea ob gto Slopes of postion ob tbe bank pox a length Of 200m. The heighta ob banks at two ends 25m ~ and 36m aod +the vatio of efde 8lope 2:4. Ib the side slopes : ave 10 be provided with I5cm thfck stone picbing - Calculate | the cost of piching at 150Re/m3 d)=9.5m> do- 35m , L=900r pe ourxd (es 12) do s ‘i g- h+e? 2 254 85 an a = 2x000 x 3x (Sa?) | A= 2683-3 m™ oe (ov) Quantity op stone piching ve AXT = 2683-3015 y = 409-44 9? Cost of Stone pitching - vv Rate per mo? = 4oo.ui9 ¥150 = 60313-5/- Gadivo! & Gradient fs the vank of vive cor gpa alorq og or pare pad with yespect to hovizontal The slope along the lergt eb wad wot pay Note: Upuard or) Ring quadient fidicates ‘+’ Si90- dowonwoarsd (ov) Palltbg qpadient indicates '~? Sign dippevence b/o fovmation level to -the pecluced level jpowN as depth of embankment er) excavation . tal. in embankment as a pollecoing data 30 60 go 190. 9195 «385 | 3285-83 o is 33 and having a visi qoadient ch poomation is 10m and side slope evse slope of the qpnucd 5 -eanthioouk by porsmoidal ee: . Given cata - fsrootio> width B= 10m Side slope $=9 Rising gradient 4 iD 199 FL at 0 fs 33 ooroation level: y FL @'0 chainaqe= 33m } FL ® 30 chai = AL y30= 33- i) el nage B85 Xe? 33.05m ily FL @ Goro cratioage = 334d, x69 = 98-91- i) FL @ 90m chairage - a f ical 234-5 X90 = 33-45 y) FL @ 10m chainage - gat ig 2100 = Hm 12¢ pepth at 0’ chafoage = formation level - Reduced level ke + 33-3080 dy) = 92-2070 Depth at 20m cbainage = 93-95 - 3195 = 2m- ept at 6ore Chainage = 335-3185 = 165 th at 90m cbainaqe = 33-45-9345 = 14 at 10rn chainage = gu -33 = 4 ep et W> Avea= Ai = (Bdi + Sd?) = (10% 9.90 +2(2-20))> 3168 m2: = (10x 242 (97) = 2810? ox 654 2(165)) = 21-140? ery rary?) = 14-9210? Bee ot!) ~ 1or? Pdisroidal ule + ve 55 (Cas As)4+ o(Ao+ Ay )t 9(Aa)] © 80F(31.68412) +y (2841492) yo(ar-au)] Ve 9419.4m? — Thapezcidal ule : v= EL Chis An) + 9( Ant Aor Aw)) FE F * 80F¢ 91.69) 4(10)) +2(284.91'94 + #-99)] V= 2691-53 , oad ag pollovoting data Pep) co 4 go) «120 5D BO NO 80 395 385 «3225 «8 93-65 S45 3485 3: '0' chafnage ® 39m and having a sieding qoadlert The top width op om and sfde slope 2:4 toansvevse Glope of the quound & level “volume of eaxthwork by above two metho idth B = 10ro 1 @ 20 chafnge = ie F : 4 39455,%30 = 39.95m - ' , © y Ft@ 60 chainage x 994 1 +60 = 32-6 ° wy FL @ Am chaioaqe ~ 9941 xq0 = 39-46 p Fl @ 90m chainage 2 294 rL, x19 rey S gpl @ 150m pee = 39 47bgX!50= 33-051 yy Fl @ Rom Seana nS 2 sors x180= 335% Fl @ 210m Choinage = a aaa eo We = S24 ihe XID) 33: 46m g FL @ 2orm chainage ~ 904 7b,x940 = 34M. eicee Depth, a 065 (ots Oh og tee tee Fl ia 32 22-95 39-5 3095 33 93.25 33:5 2975 34 Rich 2080 3195 B65 39.05 33 3365 S45 S485 255 (ro) _chafnoge. © 30 60 90 120 15D gee Aye (10x (1-294 201-97) = 14-88 0 Uox4 +209) = 12 m?- Avea of = (10x0-b54 2(0-689) = 4-345" embankment fioxo54 2105) )~ 550" oxo + 2(0°) = Om? - ox (oy) +2(ou)?) = 432m - dientop (4) 4 2U9?) = 19 107 excavation - ny 2CHI) = 13-4207 594 2(15))= 19.507 Feisrocidal_wule Volume of ernbankment - 1 AS) v= ECA As) 4 (rar Ay) +26 * 30((m-88 40) F4(19-4 5) atv 9u6)) 3 V= 995-4 m?- Volume ob excavatfon - v= LfCasrag)4u(aads 2(44)] + 80[(yao4i95)44(8 yo) 4202) V= 1015 3 - Tiapezoida! gule : Volume of embankment - = El tart As)+ a(Ao+Agt Aud] = 30 ((14.88 4 0) +2( ra44-g454 5-6) V = 68:55 m3 - e of excavation E [os Ag) 2CAr4 Aa] the centers line ob a pevposed wad fo20 ave qiveo below. The FL at woad 6 dovonwasd qradient foage 1Y and qpadieot Coe fovmation cwitlth of road 'S 20 eecl iay aie voeehe rmiaknaiat 6 yard side Slopes op banking ave 9:4 . length of the chain 30m. Draw longitudinal Section of the wad anda Agpical cls and prepare an estimate op earthiwook at 9: 245/m3 also find the AeA Ob Side sippes at 60/10 pitching Cushing) (cost op - Bye CS AN as 4g de 48 49 20 gous 405 105-6 106-44 105.9 Pe 08 105 144 roy. 104 103-3 t hy. Given data 4pvmation coidth’B’ = jm Side slope - 9:4 Length of chafnage l= 30m FL @ yo chaiinage % 104 Gradient, From it tou Ain 450. From 15" to 9% 4 fn 400 Now» fosrmation leveis 45 FL @ 104? chainage = 04m . FLO 11 chathage = lot 755 *80 = 106:8m th i Bre er. FLA chainage = 10% iS = 106-6 FL @ B chainage - 104 —Fe_X ID = 106-1 m Ab chai =10t- = 106.2. FL @ 1'> chainage = sot dp 190 = 106 L@ tb chainage = 106-2 the X80 = 1D5-9m. 1 @ WP chainage ~106.9-j5-x6b~ 105.6— r 1» f EtG; D)e = 105-3 Ww chainage 106: coo chai E api = 105 ‘B hai nage 106-9 coe 120 = 105 a) ir = 1069 - L. x k ! chaiinage = 106: joo *!50= 104 4m + a Ym. FL @ 0% chaibage ~ pone ip eee a dio ' i (ane 03 ee Tiboh | + POOL, = 2cte “Of Th Ul “oot “Bal bo = | Sse 90-& | a0 8h9 hoo. ay 9.168 og GE AI hes Bhb bEO te oc thoi Go sa bo < oe | oss: | ch ae - og (lee og bh 13-0 89# hoo J Ss ab el 2% pee ae eel EW a £80 < | for 09 a ae of 88-91 Bro Lehi ari [ar eee os ] CEhG ce Cb oat G tanare +Pg) vay S/2 (OL Guy (PX) Cally 014GaD AyDADIEA |ayvoquz JOHAP [cermr acess TH wher Now, Abstract @stirmate. yor earthwoook Emba i Heat yoqued | m2} oye | 40 1199052.5/- Now . F oe jap. Add 5° op poetty Supervision § Contigey 2 Px 25/062 100 © 56,962-626/ Total amount 1),95,059-5 + 56) 252-69 = 11,81, 306 /- Novo, Calculate +he azea of stone piching (o tudfing - Station/ | beight | Mean | Slopi nq breadth Length blo) Area ob both Chainage Deptt Depth (ms) °F Side slope ‘ ee Side Sbpss = Dei tb bedxdatin (00) ae 9.544 30 o1y62 =H 2-638 30 158-28, e838 1.85 30 m PM ppstract Estimate bor PHebing . Deseai Stion o| a= scalioo etal on | voit | fe Armouol 4 pitching 95.) 0? to 06k | ose” 4°k pe Supesvision and ewe charges = Bigg +4406. = 2895-3) “Total cost = 444064 agg5-3 Pa ehioo ae \5a/. 98 RIL'S dp ground along the centes line ob 2 Perposed Poad for the distance 200m from the begining 4p the 500m distance bbe given below. The FLat 200m d®stance tp 320m distance es tp 2inl00. le slope 25! 404 and a palling qradient of 1 fo 450 up mask. these abtex the balling qpadiect chang The boemation coldt of voad ig 2m and sid Dsaww the longftudinal Sectino of A wad and typical CDUSS - section ard vepafs and estimate ob cavthwork @ of = 100/ 500. toorn? fnteoval of 30m 198.3 Bee eo? 200 9230 260 290 320 360 380 410 Y4O FD ad 195 996-6 1254 125-9 19954 yoy 3 125 194) 1946 194 —Q (ro) Given data» Fosmation width B = 19% _ Side slop» S:1= 95:4 Leng or chainage , L= 30m FL @ 900m ~ 194m, Falling qpacieot 18 4p 45D upto 320 and 4% 100 frm 320 to 500. fosmation levels : FL @ 00m chafoage = 10% FL @ 930m chafiage = iodo eee eet FL @ 2600 choinage = 104-7556" 196-60 x90 = 196-490 we 290m i = eJdke @ chainage Eatery FL @ 390m nage = joy LL. x190 = 3! cha 7 194 ; FL @ 350m chainage Ansa ee = 125-9 195-690 126-200 | FL @ gor chainage _ jo6.9-1. x60 = ge = 196-9705 FL @ Ylom chainage = 196-2 ---xap = 1203 Anta | 196-2 RGD 1 @ uyom chai nate mendioome” 12670) ainage = 196.2 60} -L @ Yom chainage = 196.2 - d-x150 = 124.1 100 @ svo0m chainage - pa ; CIA 128 issce) i 10Yy- 4/1944) | 124-6 | 124 1233 4yo | 440 ord = oe Mean | centeal | side | otal cs send Quantity Depth | Area (Bd) Area | yea | Mw | (ed +sd2)xt m3) dL) | tm?) | (842) | (844 9d2)/ Station! Embark | excava tk (ro?! (9) | L(m)| - ment | -tion | 46 256 | 30 | 468 a 40. 4g | 30 | 5¥0 aa | oes | 10-0 | 1¢0 | 1 | 30 | 360 ae Ot i Pees nas | See paatu | ee | ae [a | ow | — | 44 | 13-2 | 3.02 | 1629 | go | 486-6 z + 09 | 0% | 202 | 1999 | 90 | 3846 E og | 46 | 46 | no | ao | 926 : os] 66 | ow | 335 | g0 | o005 04 | 08 | 5.00 | 15¢2 | 20 | seus 4986-83 Abstract Estimate - Descsiption ] ot Rate) Pes | Anmount op wouk [Qual Orit Erpbankmerd 4985-8 900 | 1000} sesq9 2/. > Add 5 +s ob petty Supervigion and Contingencies : charges = _©, "9 00% 28509 = 1998.6)/ tal amount _ o¢e40.04 1998-61 = 40600-81/— b 58. Qstimate the cost op earthuoosk poo o eo” Ob & wad Yoo, length poo the poliowira, dato » Hosa? ay toad 10m, side Slopes ave 9'4 peo vankiing § 4°5'4 io an The epual length b/w station to statioe YOM: Deno longitudinal section of the sad and typleal o6 and prepare an estimate of eartbuoak at % 945/993 es banking and & 350/100 m3 poo cutting - "The wad a6 fallfog (01) downuoard gpadient 4 fp200, FL at gtation 25% 59. Station oF 26 0% 98 29 30 3) 32 33 By 35 RLY 54 504 sp5p 5080 S060 5D o190 FI. SrS U6 S14 $0); Given data. : Toomation width B = 1om Side slope poo excavation = "5:4. Side Slope foo erobankment = 2:4. The distance b/w stations ‘L’ = Yom. ost for embankment & 945/10m3 Cost pov excavation & 26/\00m? - — downaard qrdient 4 in 200. eat at - chafrage >5o-1. FL@ 24 # chafoage DoD X 120 = 51-4. F ee = BVO tb fl @ 30 Chainage a 59 - 2, x90 = 51 3 i Fl@ 3i chainage = 69-1 _x240 = 508 nd 200 FL @ 32 Saipan’ = 52 - $5,% 280 = 50-6 1@ B84 chainage 651 = 50: et nog = 69 tp% 320 5o-U FEL @ gy'P Chainage . FL @ 35” Chainage _ 9 - 255X360 = 602 5o- Soh oes 50 Bee ar cg er Gee ' ' ' ' j ' 1 Hoty iy sre | -O4 | -0-8 51-20) 51.40) -09 ia 16) 50-4 50-2 50 | 5I3 | 6106 516 33/34 | 03 oun = (HO = 0-3xY4O = 03x40 oF ae HIdro = 18 %= 18m Smee: side | total es]ieng| Quootty. station 2707 a rae coke FLg RL jeptp| Areata} Area | Ai bro fy | atm) | em? | Lene) edise? |6lato Erb Bec peal aap STP? “ton, 1-805} 1-305] Yo | 4992 2 2 yo | 480 Yo: 32 961-6 389-2 3984 | 5e24 pee Now> ie Add © oh petty Supervigion and Contingencies * 5596955 + Fw 5967-55 = 8468-02 /- = 58469/- , Peepave an estimate boo the ead som potnt ob chafrage of U20m to point ob chainage 660m. Dsawo longitudiea) gectioo and C/s both foo cutting and filling - Adopt vate Gb earthwook in cutting and filling Say &9/m? . foomation of proposed wad is 12m. Side Blopes ave 415 <4 pox ing and 9:5:4 poo Pilling - The woad foomation has a osm palling gradient of tin 480 at point 420™m chain 2. The posmoation gqoound level and seduced level both yoo UBD 4B0 TID 5YO 54D 600 630 660 A 35 NOS N25 680 N15 WF-20 449-26 149-40 18-8: e 80}. Given data, ovmation coidth B= Ion Side slope por cutting = ord Side lope foo billing = 95:4 cost foo cutting and fillfoq. = = 9/3 | falling qpadient of sin 480 at pt 420m chainage fovmation levels: FL @ 400 chafhage = 118-6 FL @ u50 Chainage = 1g 645%) = W482 18-43 FL@ uso Chainage Es 186 - he x60 = 119-26 Fl @ 510 chaioage E Geog oe = Nel 18-6 Ta " FL @ HO chaliooge FL @ 50 chotinage Fl @ 600 ealonga = 8-6—¥I80~ 114-6 - 180 6 -- x100 = 4-43 N86 180 nie ~ W446 N96 ~ 7g5% 18D = FL @ 630 chainage = 186 - bx 9I0 = 198-36 114-43 0 foage - in = do 660 chasoage = 118.6 ev OUD = 114.96 an fa 510 54D , 054! 0.51] 0-8 0-98 | 0-06. Mice Nes 22] :t.6))) art 13386 | 18-5) 94-25] 16-0 | ws.1 | 14.20 | 620 | 660. | 0. o-64r = (0-1) 0:54" O51 = p41 - ODFY: Ob1L + O5FK = mel 4.081 = 14-1 w= 19-83 = 16 Depto | 0.0]. e Mean} Centsal | Sid To ‘ bio FL de otal |tength} Quant 209 flerqth| ee, | Depth] rea | Aven | Aven >} bho |e " nave 1 ion i _ stati (eo) | 6 | Bde?) | Sa? (7) (Barger) Sec10r4 ont | tion yoo | oO ° -0-Ul | -4.9a | 36-3096] 41-299 | 30 See ed | 30 | -0-82 46 0:18 | AI46 [204-4464] 919.0. 30 £ go | 60 | -hy —loays| 1-34 | 199-84 | 204-93] 30 ee qo 0-45 -0-66| —#-99 | 94-089 | 102-004] 30 socoas 1290 |-0.54 5] 72285) 342 | 54 2046 | 16 e308) 136 oma 179364 —| 40. ri ne oaliosi 06 | 23-409] a6.46q | IH | 340-566 oresail =. ; E 69-2: Feoulics 4-86 | 154-449 | 162.309} BO | 486924 o-5u 1-5 . a ED 648 | 104-946] 11-456 | 30 | 3343-68 oF 2.04 | 10-4OY) 19-444) 95 | 343.90 8956. 836m? Quantity | Unit | Rate Feo | Amount | 8956-836 7), m3 | 9 m3 | B06. Say 5 is m° |) 9 | 4m | weos-6 Rs - 2/36/630-194/- Now» Add 5% of petty Supervision & confingencles = 9,96, 620-9144 5 19/36/6304 = 2/48/46 6302/- = 2048, 462/- “Total amount = 9,yg,462/-

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