Grigorescu 2007

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Int Urogynecol J (2008) 19:107–116

DOI 10.1007/s00192-007-0395-8


Innervation of the levator ani muscles: description

of the nerve branches to the pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus,
and puborectalis muscles
Bogdan A. Grigorescu & George Lazarou &
Todd R. Olson & Sherry A. Downie & Kenneth Powers &
Wilma Markus Greston & Magdy S. Mikhail

Received: 8 January 2007 / Accepted: 1 May 2007 / Published online: 13 June 2007
# International Urogynecology Journal 2007

Abstract We described the innervation of the levator ani Keywords Levator ani muscles . Pubococcygeus muscle .
muscles (LAM) in human female cadavers. Detailed pelvic Iliococcygeus muscle . Puborectalis muscle . Inferior rectal
dissections of the pubococcygeus (PCM), iliococcygeus nerve . Pudendal nerve
(ICM), and puborectalis muscles (PRM) were performed on
17 formaldehyde-fixed cadavers. The pudendal nerve and the
sacral nerves entering the pelvis were traced thoroughly, and
nerve branches innervating the LAM were documented.
Histological analysis of nerve branches entering the LAM
The levator ani muscles (LAM) are comprised of the
confirmed myelinated nerve tissue. LAM were innervated by
iliococcygeus (ICM), the pubococcygeus (PCM), and the
the pudendal nerve branches, perineal nerve, and inferior
puborectalis (PRM) muscles, which, together with the coccy-
rectal nerve (IRN) in 15 (88.2%) and 6 (35.3%) cadavers,
geus muscle and the perineal membrane, constitute the pelvic
respectively, and by the direct sacral nerves S3 and/or S4 in 12
floor. The LAM, composed mainly of type-I (slow-twitch)
cadavers (70.6%). A variant IRN, independent of the pudendal
muscle fibers and, to a smaller extent, type-II (fast-twitch)
nerve, was found to innervate the LAM in seven (41.2%)
fibers, play an essential role in urinary and fecal continence and
cadavers. The PCM and the PRM were both primarily
provide support to the pelvic organs [1, 2].
innervated by the pudendal nerve branches in 13 cadavers
LAM innervation has been debated for many years [3].
(76.5%) each. The ICM was primarily innervated by the direct
This is not surprising, given the complexity of the pelvic
sacral nerves S3 and/or S4 in 11 cadavers (64.7%).
floor anatomy and the difficulty of dissection and access to
this area of the human body. Standard anatomy textbooks
Reprint requests: Magdy S. Mikhail, M.D. and journal articles indicate that the LAM are dually
innervated by pudendal nerve branches and by direct
Oral presentation at the 31st Annual International Urogynecological
Association Meeting, Athens, Greece, September 6–9, 2006—The branches from the sacral nerve roots S3 and/or S4 [1, 4,
Best Oral Poster Presentation Award. 5]. Dual LAM innervation from the sacral and pudendal
B. A. Grigorescu (*) : G. Lazarou : K. Powers : W. M. Greston :
nerves was confirmed by several investigators. In a study of
M. S. Mikhail fetal and neonatal pelvic anatomy, Lawson [6] found
Division of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, evidence of dual LAM innervation from branches of the
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Women’s Health, pudendal nerve that coursed posterior to the pelvic floor to
Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
supply the inferior surface of the LAM and from the sacral
3332 Rochambeau Ave.,
Bronx, NY 10467, USA nerves S3–S5 that directly penetrated the superior (pelvic)
e-mail: surface of the LAM. Shafik [7] and Shafik and Doss [8]
described that the inferior rectal nerve (IRN) entered the
T. R. Olson : S. A. Downie
inferior surface of the LAM but did not elaborate on the
Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology, Albert Einstein
College of Medicine, specific innervation of each muscle of the LAM group.
Bronx, NY, USA Furthermore, pudendal nerve blockade studies provided
108 Int Urogynecol J (2008) 19:107–116

evidence for pudendal nerve innervation of the LAM [9]. innervate the LAM were identified according to their origin
However, other studies have contradicted the pudendal in the sacral plexus.
nerve role in LAM innervation. Barber et al. [10] studied 12 The PCM was identified as the part of the LAM that
fresh-frozen cadavers and found no evidence of pudendal originated on the dorsal surface of the symphysis pubis that
innervation of the LAM. They described the LAM passed posterior and caudal and inserted into the anococcy-
innervation as originating solely from the sacral nerve roots geal raphe and the coccyx. The ICM was identified as the
S3, S4, and/or S5, which entered the superior surface of the component muscle of the LAM attached to the ischial spine
LAM. In a nonhuman primate model of the pelvic floor and arcus tendineus levator ani laterally that passed medially
musculature and continence, Pierce et al. [11] used neuro- to form a midline raphe attached to the sacrum and coccyx.
tracers in the female squirrel monkey and provided The PRM was identified as the vertically oriented LAM
evidence to suggest that LAM innervation received little fibers, which originated medial to the PCM and ran inferior
or no contribution from the pudendal nerve. Moreover, to this muscle. The external anal sphincter, associated
other nonhuman nerve conduction studies [12] and neuro- closely with the anal canal, was located inferior to the
anatomic tracer studies [13] also suggested that the LAM PRM and was attached to the perineal body. We further
were innervated by the sacral nerves S3 and/or S4 from the distinguished PRM from the anal sphincter complex by
pelvic side of the muscles with no contribution from transilluminating one side of the dissected specimen with
pudendal nerve branches. bright light. The point at which it was not possible to shine
The purpose of this study is to describe the innervation light through the muscle was determined to be the superior
of each of the muscles that comprise the LAM (the PCM, aspect of the anal sphincter complex with its fascia and
the ICM, and the PRM) in fixed female cadavers. associated tissue. Superior to this, the fiber direction of the
PRM and the PCM was transparent to the light.
All cadavers were dissected meticulously using a
Materials and methods magnifying lens, bright light, and standard surgical instru-
ments. All dissections were independently verified by two
The study protocol was submitted to the Institutional of the authors (Olson and Downie).
Review Board and was deemed exempted. The cadavers To confirm our findings microscopically, specimens from
were obtained from the Department of Anatomy and the first three dissected cadavers measuring 5 mm in length
Structural Biology at the Albert Einstein College of were obtained from suspected nerve branches proximal to
Medicine, Bronx, New York. Detailed pelvic dissections their entry into the LAM. These biopsies were fixed in 4%
were performed, with photo documentation for illustrative paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Sections were
purposes. We exposed the pelvic floor, the coccygeus stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Luxol Fast Blue and
muscle, sacrospinous ligament, the ICM, PCM, and PRM, were submitted for histological analysis.
the pudendal nerve, and the sacral nerve roots in 17
formaldehyde-fixed female cadavers, aged 62–95, using
abdominal, gluteal, and perineal approaches. The cadavers Results
were maintained with daily wetting with a solution of 10%
fabric softener and water. To facilitate dissection, all Cadaver characteristics
cadavers were hemisected. The pudendal nerve, its
branches (IRN, perineal nerve, and dorsal nerve of the The mean cadaver age was 76.2 (SD=±11.7) years, the mean
clitoris), and all the sacral nerves that entered the pelvis cadaver height was 161.7 cm (SD=±15.3), and the mean
were traced in an anterograde fashion from their origin at cadaver weight was 69.6 kg (SD=±11.6). In all 17 dissected
the anterior sacral foramina to their termination. To identify cadavers, we noted no difference between the left and right
the pelvic floor nerves, the entire course of all the nerves hemipelves of the structures studied. With the exception of four
was traced, while gradually dissecting each of the muscles cadavers with evidence of a previous hysterectomy, all cadavers
that constitute the LAM. had grossly normal pelves.
We identified pudendal nerve branches by the following
method: The pudendal nerve branches innervating the Pudendal nerve and its branches
clitoris were identified as the dorsal nerve of the clitoris,
the pudendal nerve branches terminating in the external In all 17 cadavers, the pudendal nerve originated from the
anal sphincter were named the IRN (“classical” IRN), and ventral divisions of the second, third, and fourth sacral
the pudendal nerve branches terminating in the perineum rami (S2, S3, and S4). The pudendal nerve then passed
and innervating the perineal muscles and the urethra were between the piriformis and coccygeus muscles and exited
identified as the perineal nerve. All nerve fibers found to the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen, posterior to
Int Urogynecol J (2008) 19:107–116 109

the sacrospinous ligament, and medial to the pudendal pudendal canal (Figs. 1a, 2). It reached the external anal
artery. The pudendal nerve then entered the pudendal sphincter and the perianal skin in all ten cadavers by
canal where it divided into the perineal nerve and the traveling through the ischioanal fossa in an inferior-medial
dorsal nerve of the clitoris branches in all cadavers. In ten direction. The nerve extended branches to LAM in six
cadavers (58.8%), the pudendal nerve also branched into cadavers (35.3%), which entered the inferior surface of the
the IRN (“classical” IRN), as described in the following PCM, ICM, and PRM in two (11.8%), two (11.8%), and six
paragraph (Figs. 1, 2). After it exited the pudendal canal, (35.3%) cadavers, respectively (Table 1).
the perineal nerve extended branches that entered the PCM,
ICM, and PRM as described below (Table 1, Figs. 1, 2, 6a– Variant IRN
c). The dorsal nerve of the clitoris was not observed to send
branches to the LAM in any of the cadavers examined. In seven cadavers (41.2%), an anatomically variant IRN,
independent from the pudendal nerve, originated directly
“Classical” IRN from the S3 and/or S4 roots of the sacral plexus (Figs. 1b,
3a, b): from the S3 alone in two cadavers, from the S4
In ten cadavers (58.8%), the IRN originated from the alone in three cadavers, and from both the S3 and S4 in two
pudendal nerve (“classical” IRN) in the proximal part of the cadavers. The variant IRN passed superior to the coccygeus

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram illustrating two patterns of innervation of the in blue) that originates directly from the sacral nerve plexus (S3 and/or
levator ani muscles (LAM)—superior view. The nerves traveling on the S4 roots). The IRN variant courses superior to the coccygeus muscle,
superior surface of LAM are shown as a continuous line and the nerves sends branches to the superior surface of the ICM, and penetrates the
coursing inferior to LAM are illustrated by a dashed line. a “Classical” coccygeus–sacrospinous ligament complex. The variant IRN then
IRN distribution. LAM innervation in cadavers where the inferior travels inferior to the LAM and sends branches to the inferior surfaces
rectal nerve (IRN) originated from the pudendal nerve (PN, shown in of PCM and PRM. PN divides into the dorsal nerve of the clitoris and
green). The PN branches into the dorsal nerve of the clitoris, perineal the perineal nerve with distribution similar to that shown in a. The
nerve, and the IRN. The perineal nerve and the IRN send branches that levator ani nerve (LAN) arises directly from S3 and/or S4 sacral nerve
enter the inferior surface of the iliococcygeus (ICM), pubococcygeus roots (shown in yellow) and travels on the superior surface of the LAM
(PCM), and puborectalis (PRM) muscles. The dorsal nerve of the to innervate the ICM, PCM, and PRM. The LAN has the same
clitoris terminates in the clitoris (not shown). b Variant IRN distribution in a and b. OIM Obturator internus muscle
distribution. LAM innervation in cadavers with an IRN variant (shown
110 Int Urogynecol J (2008) 19:107–116

nous ligament–coccygeus muscle complex (Figs. 1a, b, 3a,

b, 5a). In three cadavers, the nerves originated from the
sacral nerve root S3 (Fig. 3a, b), in three cadavers, the nerves
originated from the sacral nerve root S4, and in five cadavers,
the nerves originated from both the S3 and S4. The S3 and/or
S4 nerves passed over the superior surface of the ICM and
sent branches that entered directly into the superior surface of
the LAM, as described below (Table 1, Figs. 1a, b, 3a, b, 5a).
No direct LAM innervation from the sacral nerves that
entered the pelvis was observed to originate from the sacral
roots S1, S2, or S5 in any of the dissected cadavers.

LAM innervation

Fig. 2 Perineal view of puborectalis muscle (PRM) innervation by Pudendal nerve branches innervated the LAM in 15
perineal nerve branches. Left hemipelvis shown after removal of the cadavers (88.2%). The perineal and the IRN branches of
skin, subcutaneous tissues, and gluteus muscles. The pudendal canal the pudendal nerve innervated the LAM in 15 (88.2%) and
was opened to reveal the pudendal nerve branches. Within the
pudendal canal, the pudendal nerve branches into inferior rectal nerve
in 6 (35.3%) cadavers, respectively. We noted exclusive
(IRN) and perineal nerve (Perineal n.). The perineal nerve sends LAM innervation from the pudendal nerve branches in four
branches that enter the inferior (perineal) surface of the puborectalis
muscle (PRM). A metal probe was placed through the levator ani
muscles to demarcate the border between the pubococcygeus and the Table 1 Innervation of the levator ani muscles, the pubococcygeus,
PRM. The IRN is seen on its course to the external anal sphincter iliococcygeus, and puborectalis muscles
muscle (EASM). IT Ischial tuberosity
muscle in a lateral and caudal direction and extended nerve
branches that entered the superior surface of the ICM in 1 Perineal N+IRN* S3–S4 Perineal N+
three cadavers (17.6%; Figs. 1b, 3a, b). Next, the variant IRN*
IRN pierced the mid-portion of the sacrospinous ligament– 2 S3–S4 – Perineal N+
coccygeus muscle complex (Figs. 1b, 3a, b). After exiting IRN
the inferior surface of the sacrospinous ligament–coccygeus 3 Perineal N – Perineal N
4 Perineal N – Perineal N+
muscle complex, the variant IRN traveled on the inferior
surface of the ICM, entered the ischioanal fossa in a medial 5 Perineal N S3–S4 Perineal N+
and caudal direction, and ultimately extended nerve IRN
branches to the external anal sphincter and the perianal 6 Perineal N S3–S4 IRN*
skin (Figs. 6a–c). The variant IRN sent nerve branches to 7 S3–S4+IRN* S3–S4 S3–S4
six cadavers that entered the inferior surface of the PCM 8 Perineal N+IRN IRN IRN
and the PRM in four (23.5%) and five (29.4%) cadavers, 9 Perineal N+IRN* Perineal N+ Perineal N+
respectively (Table 1, Figs. 4a, c). Cadavers with the variant
10 – S3–S4 S3–S4
IRN had no identifiable “classical” IRN branch originating 11 Perineal N+IRN+ IRN+S3–S4 Perineal N+
from the main trunk of the pudendal nerve (Figs. 1b, 6a). S3–S4 IRN
Conversely, cadavers with a “classical” IRN pattern had no 12 Perineal N S3–S4 Perineal N+
identifiable IRN variant present (Figs. 1a, 2). In one IRN*
cadaver, the perineal nerve extended a communicating 13 Perineal N+IRN*+ IRN*+ Perineal N+
branch, which joined the main trunk of the IRN variant S3–S4 S3–S4 IRN*
(Fig. 6b, c). Cadavers that displayed an IRN variant had 14 Perineal N+S3–S4 S3–S4 S3–S4
15 Perineal N Perineal N IRN
separate identifiable direct sacral S3 and/or S4 nerve
16 Perineal N+S3–S4 S3–S4 Perineal N
branches that innervated the LAM as described below. 17 IRN*+S3–S4 IRN*+ Perineal N
Direct sacral nerves S3 and/or S4 (levator ani nerve)
PCM Pubococcygeus muscle, ICM iliococcygeus muscle, PRM
puborectalis muscle, S3, S4, sacral nerves originating from sacral roots
In 12 cadavers (70.6%), nerve branches originating from S3 and/or S4 (levator ani nerve), Perineal N perineal nerve, IRN
the sacral roots S3 and/or S4 entered the pelvis, merged, “classical” inferior rectal nerve, IRN* variant inferior rectal nerve, – no
and coursed over the superior–medial surface of sacrospi- innervation was observed for the particular component muscle of LAM
Int Urogynecol J (2008) 19:107–116 111

Fig. 3 Nerve distribution across superior surface of right pelvic floor superior to the coccygeus muscle (CM)–sacrospinous ligament (SSL)
in a cadaver with an inferior rectal nerve variant (IRN variant). complex and sends branches that enter the iliococcygeus muscle
a Sagittal view of the right hemipelvis with bladder reflected anterior (ICM). The IRN variant extends branches that enter the superior
out of view. Photograph of the levator ani nerve (LAN) and IRN surface of the CM and the ICM and then pierces the CM–SSL
variant. b This is an outline drawing of the relevant structures shown complex. L5, S1, S2, S3, S4 Nerve roots originating from lumbar and
in a. Nerves from the S3 root extend branches that form the LAN, IRN sacral foraminas
variant, and a nerve to the coccygeus muscle. The LAN courses

cadavers (23.5%). Variant IRN entered the LAM in seven entered the inferior surface of the PCM. The perineal and
(41.2%) cadavers. Direct branches from the sacral nerves the IRN branches of the pudendal nerve innervated the
S3 and/or S4 entered the LAM in 12 cadavers (70.6%). In PCM in 13 (76.5%) and in 2 (11.8%) cadavers, respectively
one cadaver (5.9%), the LAM were innervated exclusively (Fig. 1a, b). Variant IRN entered the PCM in five (29.4%)
by direct branches from the sacral nerves S3 and/or S4. cadavers (Figs. 1b, 4a, c). The PCM was innervated by
Dual LAM innervation from both the pudendal nerve and direct branches from the S3 and/or S4 nerves in seven
direct branches from the sacral nerves S3 and/or S4 were cadavers (41.2%) that entered the superior (pelvic) surface
noted in ten cadavers (58.8%; Table 1). of the PCM (Figs. 1a, b, 5a). Dual PCM innervation, from
both pudendal nerve and direct sacral nerves S3 and/or S4,
PCM innervation was observed in four cadavers (23.5%; Table 1). We could
not identify nerve branches to the PCM in one cadaver.
The PCM received innervation from branches of the Table 2 shows the PCM innervation in the cadavers that
pudendal nerve in 13 cadavers (76.5%). These branches demonstrated the “classical” IRN versus the variant IRN.

Fig. 4 Perineal view of pubococcygeus muscle (PCM) innervation by bladder is reflected anterior; the rectum and the coccygeus muscle–
inferior rectal nerve variant (IRN variant) branches. a This is a sacrospinous ligament complex were dissected. A metal probe is
photograph of the left hemipelvis. The skin, subcutaneous tissues, and inserted through the pelvic floor to mark the location of the pelvic
gluteus muscles have been removed, the sacrotuberous and the floor muscle innervated by the IRN variant in a. c Magnified perineal
sacrospinous ligaments have been dissected, and the pudendal canal view of the same left hemipelvis as in a and b with slight tensioning of
opened. The IRN variant originates independent of the pudendal nerve, the IRN variant by pickups to illustrate small perforating nerve
enters the ischioanal fossa, and sends branches to the PCM. The branches entering the inferior surface of the PCM at the site of the
perineal nerve (Perineal n) emerges from the pudendal canal and metal probe. IT Ischial tuberosity
enters the ischioanal fossa. b Sagittal view of the left hemipelvis. The
112 Int Urogynecol J (2008) 19:107–116

PRM innervation

The PRM received innervation from branches of the

pudendal nerve in 13 cadavers (76.5%). These nerves
entered the inferior surface of the PRM. The perineal and
the IRN branches of the pudendal nerve innervated the
PRM in 11 (64.7%) and in 6 (35.3%) cadavers, respectively
(Figs. 1a, b, 2, 6a–c). Variant IRN entered the PRM in five
(29.4%) cadavers (Fig. 1a, b). In three cadavers (17.6%),
the PRM received innervation directly from the sacral
nerves S3 and/or S4 (Figs. 1a, b, 5a). These branches
entered the superior surface of the PRM. There were no
Fig. 5 Levator ani nerve on superior surface of the levator ani
muscles (LAM). a Sagittal view of the same left hemipelvis as in Fig. cadavers that exhibited dual PRM innervation from both the
4. The bladder is reflected further anterior to reveal the superior pudendal nerve and the direct sacral nerves S3 and/or S4
surface of the LAM; the rectum and the coccygeus muscle– (Table 1). Table 2 shows the PRM innervation in the
sacrospinous ligament complex were dissected. The levator ani nerve
cadavers that demonstrated the “classical” IRN versus the
is shown innervating the superior surface of the LAM. Magnified
photograph of the same felt hemipelvis as in a. A metal probe was variant IRN.
inserted to mark the border between the pubococcygeus (PCM) and
the puborectalis muscles Histological analysis

An anatomic pathologist examined the tissue biopsies

submitted and confirmed that all the tissue samples entering
ICM innervation the LAM were myelinated nerves (Figs. 7, 8).
Lastly, there was complete agreement between our two
The ICM received innervation from branches of the anatomists on all of the findings.
pudendal nerve in four cadavers (23.5%). These branches
entered the inferior surface of the ICM. The perineal and
the IRN branches of the pudendal nerve innervated the ICM Discussion
in two (11.8%) and in two (11.8%) cadavers, respectively
(Fig. 1a, b). Variant IRN entered the ICM in three (17.6%) During human evolution, the pelvic floor assumed the
cadavers (Figs. 1b, 3a, b). In 11 cadavers (64.7%), the ICM inferior pole of the pelvic cavity. The human pelvic floor
received innervation from the direct sacral nerves S3 and/or S4 evolved into a strong fibromuscular structure that met the
(Figs. 3a, b, 5a). These nerve branches entered the superior needs for reproduction, parturition, normal urination, and
surface of the ICM. Dual ICM innervation, from both defecation while resisting the downward pressure of the
pudendal nerve and direct sacral nerve branches S3 and/or abdomino-pelvic organs [1]. Despite its essential function
S4, was observed in one cadaver (5.9%; Table 1). We could in the maintenance of continence (urinary, fecal) and
not identify nerve branches to the ICM in three dissected normal pelvic organ position, the pelvic floor and, in
cadavers. Table 2 shows the ICM innervation in the cadavers particular, the LAM are few of the least studied and least
that demonstrated the “classical” IRN versus the variant IRN. understood parts of the human anatomy [14].

Table 2 The pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus and puborectalis muscle innervation in cadavers with “classical” inferior rectal nerve versus cadavers
with variant inferior rectal nerve

Cadavers with “classical” inferior rectal nerve (n=10) Cadavers with variant inferior rectal nerve (n=7)

Pubococcyeus Iliococcygeus Puborectalis Pubococcyeus Iliococcygeus Puborectalis

muscle n (%) muscle n (%) muscle n (%) muscle n (%) muscle n (%) muscle n (%)

Perineal nerve 8 (80) 1 (10) 6 (60) 5 (71.4) 1 (14.3) 5 (71.4)

Inferior rectal nerve 2 (20) 2 (20) 6 (60) 5 (71.4) 3 (42.9) 5 (71.4)
S3 and/or S4 nerves 4 (40) 5 (50) 2 (20) 3 (42.9) 6 (85.7) 1 (14.3)
(levator ani nerve)
Int Urogynecol J (2008) 19:107–116 113

Fig. 6 Perineal view of inferior rectal nerve variant (IRN variant) and independent of the pudendal nerve, enters the ischioanal fossa, and
perineal nerve (Perineal n.) on the inferior surface of the pelvic floor. sends branches to the external anal sphincter. b Magnified section of
a This is a photograph of the same left hemipelvis as shown in Figs. 4 the same view as in Fig. 5a. This is a photograph showing the terminal
and 5. The skin, subcutaneous tissues, and gluteus muscles have been branches of the Perineal n and the IRN variant. The IRN variant is held
removed, the sacrotuberous and the sacrospinous ligaments have been medially to show the Perineal n branches entering the PRM. c This is
dissected, and the pudendal canal opened. The ischioanal fossa has an outline drawing of the relevant structures from Fig. 5b. The Perineal
been dissected to reveal the entire course of the nerves described in n branches curve to enter the inferior surface of the PRM. The external
Fig. 4. The perineal nerve (Perineal n) emerges from the pudendal anal sphincter muscle (EASM) is distinguished from the PRM by its
canal, enters the ischioanal fossa, and sends branches that curve back location inferior to the PRM fibers and its close association with the
to enter the inferior surface of the puborectalis muscle (PRM). The anal canal. The IRN variant nerve fibers innervate the EASM and the
metal probe is inserted at the border between the pubococcygeus perianal skin. A small communicating nerve from the Perineal n joins
muscle and the PRM (see Fig. 5b). The IRN variant originates the IRN variant

Precise knowledge of LAM innervation could have stimulation causes contraction of the striated periurethral
clinical implications for the management of stress urinary and pelvic floor muscles, helps strengthen LAM contrac-
incontinence. Pelvic floor physiotherapy with active pelvic tion, and results in increased urethral pressure [18]. In order
floor exercises in conjunction with pelvic electrical stimu- for electrical stimulation to be effective, the pelvic floor
lation and biofeedback has been shown to have variable musculature must have at least partial innervation from the
effectiveness in the conservative treatment of patients with pudendal nerve. According to Barber et al. [10], the levator
stress urinary incontinence [15–17]. One of the techniques ani nerve crossed the superior surface of the coccygeus
for pelvic electrical stimulation consists of active pudendal muscle and the LAM, at a mean distance of 3.2 cm medial
nerve stimulation at the ischial spine by a 1-mm-thick from the ischial spine. However, in view of the data
intravaginally placed electrode attached to the gloved index recently published by Wallner et al. [19] who suggests that
finger of the examiner (e.g., St. Mark’s pudendal electrode, the levator ani nerve lies 8 mm medial to the ischial spine,
Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN). Pudendal nerve electrical the courses of the pudendal and the levator ani nerves at the

Fig. 7 Histological analysis confirms nerve branch innervating Fig. 8 Histological analysis confirms myelinated nerve branch
levator ani muscles. Microscope (5×) photograph of tissue biopsy innervating levator ani muscles. Microscope (5×) photograph of the
specimen fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. same biopsy specimen as in Fig. 7. Luxol Fast Blue stain, specific for
Hematoxylin and eosin stain demonstrates nerve fiber (arrowheads). myelinated nerve tissue, demonstrates myelinated nerve fiber (arrow-
Schwann cell nucleus (arrow) is visible heads). Myelin-producing Schwann cell nucleus (arrow) is apparent
114 Int Urogynecol J (2008) 19:107–116

sacrospinous ligament may be too close to stimulate one dissected cadavers). Nevertheless, we found evidence of
without stimulating the other. LAM innervation in all cadavers dissected. (Table 1). Third,
The strong association between pudendal neuropathy our cadaver population was exclusively female, and
and pelvic floor dysfunction is well documented in the therefore, our findings may not apply to the male anatomy.
literature. Several studies provide supporting evidence that However, our study of female cadavers renders any
denervation of the LAM occurs in women with stress conclusion regarding the LAM innervation in women more
urinary incontinence and prolapse and denervation of the applicable. Lastly, the cadavers we studied were formalde-
pudendal nerve may contribute to stress incontinence. In a hyde fixed, and the effect of such fixation on anatomical
study of 11 women asymptomatic for urinary or fecal relationships is unknown.
incontinence, Anderson [20] performed single-fiber elec- Our dissections demonstrated variations of the IRN
tromyography of the external anal sphincter in women with origin and course. These IRN variations may be clinically
stress urinary incontinence but without fecal incontinence significant for pelvic reconstructive surgery and have also
and found evidence of partial denervation. In a pudendal been evidenced in other studies. Roberts and Taylor [25]
nerve conduction study of 129 women, Smith et al. [21] showed that IRN variants occurred in 20% of the 40 pelves
found that women with stress urinary incontinence had dissected where the IRN originated independently from the
delayed pudendal nerve conduction to both the striated sacral plexus and it pierced midway through the sacrospi-
urethral muscle and to the PCM. Moreover, they found that nous ligament. Moreover, in an anatomical study of 37
women with genitourinary prolapse and normal urine cadavers, Mahakkanukrauh et al. [26] demonstrated that a
control had comparable pudendal conduction times to the variant IRN, independent from the pudendal nerve, origi-
striated urethral sphincter muscle but exhibited clear nated from the S4 root in 15 cadavers, and in 11%, the IRN
evidence of pudendal denervation injury to the PCM. perforated through the fibers of the sacrospinous ligament,
Our findings demonstrate that in most cadavers studied, 1 cm medial to the ischial spine. We observed IRN variants
the LAM received innervation mainly from the perineal and in 41% of the cadavers we dissected, where the IRN
the IRN branches of the pudendal nerve, and in the majority originated independently from the sacral roots S3 and/or
of dissections, the LAM were also innervated by the direct S4, and perforated the mid-portion of the sacrospinous
sacral nerves S3 and/or S4. We noted a variant IRN, which ligament. Consequently, this renders the variant IRN
innervated the LAM in more than one third of the cadavers particularly liable to injury during sacrospinous ligament
dissected. We did not observe direct LAM innervation from (SSL) fixation procedures. Validation of our findings of an
the pelvic sacral nerves S1 or S5 in any of the dissected IRN variant is supported by the innervation of the external
cadavers. Our dissections are in agreement with the anal sphincter from the variant IRN nerve branches, the
majority of studies performed on LAM innervation, which demonstration of separate direct branches from the S3 and/
is described to originate from the second, third, and fourth or S4 nerves innervating the LAM, and by the absence of
(S2, S3, and S4) spinal sacral segments. Thus, Mundy [5] an identifiable “classical” IRN branch originating from the
and Wedell-Smith and Wilson [22] showed that LAM main trunk of the pudendal nerve in the same cadavers.
innervation originates from the S2, S3, and S4 sacral nerve Verification of anatomic dissections by two experienced
roots. Juenemann et al. [23] found that LAM were anatomists further supports our findings.
innervated by nerves from S2, S3, and S4 and found no Variations also exist with regards to documented LAM
evidence of S5 innervation. Wallner et al. [19] found that innervation [21]. Thus, somatic motor nerves innervating
the levator ani nerve originated from sacral nerve roots S3 the LAM may travel either with autonomic nerves from the
and/or S4 with no contribution from S5. Consequently, it inferior hypogastric plexus [27], with autonomic fibers
may be suggested that injury to the pudendal nerve, the from the pelvic splanchnic nerves [28], in branches of the
direct sacral nerves S3 and/or S4, and/or the variant IRN nerve to the anterior levator ani [29], or in direct nerve
sustained during pelvic reconstructive surgery may affect branches from the sacral plexus [22]. Several cadaver
the innervation of the LAM. studies [10, 29] described a “levator ani nerve” originating
Our study has some limitations. First, our sample size is from the sacral nerves S3, S4, and/or S5, or from the sacral
small, and therefore, our results should be regarded as nerve roots S3 and/or S4 [19, 23]. This is consistent with
preliminary. However, our sample size of 17 cadavers is our finding of direct sacral nerves S3 and/or S4 innervating
comparable to other cadaver studies in the literature [7, 10, LAM in the majority of our dissections. While our study
11]. Second, in four cadavers, innervation to a certain part contrasts to several recent dissections, which found no
of the LAM was not observed. This could be explained by evidence of LAM innervation by the pudendal nerve [10,
anatomic variations that exist in pelvic floor innervation [7, 14], our findings are in agreement with many other
22], or by possible nerve atrophy secondary to advanced anatomical, physiological, and functional studies, which
age, parturition [24], or pelvic surgery (in four of the confirm pudendal nerve innervation of the LAM and dual
Int Urogynecol J (2008) 19:107–116 115

innervation of the LAM from both direct sacral nerves and surface of all muscles that constitute the LAM, while the
pudendal nerve branches. Anatomic studies by Shafik [7] variant IRN (originating directly from the sacral plexus)
and Shafik and Doss [8] found evidence that branches of entered the superior surface of the ICM and the inferior
the pudendal nerve and IRN entered the inferior surface of surface of the PCM and the PRM. In addition, direct
the LAM. Moreover, several studies found evidence of dual branches of the sacral nerves S3 and/or S4 also entered the
LAM innervation from both direct sacral nerve branches superior surface of the LAM. It may be suggested that a
(levator ani nerve) and also from pudendal nerve branches positional difference in LAM innervation from the superior
that were distributed to the undersurface of the LAM. Thus, and inferior surfaces of the pelvic floor may influence the
Lawson [6] found evidence that the pudendal nerve degree of vulnerability to parturition-induced nerve injury.
branches innervated the inferior surface of LAM and the This postulation may deserve further study.
direct sacral nerves entered the superior surface of LAM. Finally, our findings demonstrated that individual muscle
Sato [27] found evidence that LAM were innervated by a components of the human LAM received different contri-
pelvic sacral plexus nerve, but he noted that branches of the butions from the pudendal nerve, the direct sacral nerves S3
perineal nerve and IRN entered the PRM segment of the and/or S4 (levator ani nerve), or the variant IRN. Cadavers
LAM. Physiological studies by Guaderrama et al. [9] found that displayed the “classical” IRN and the cadavers that
that pudendal nerve blockade significantly decreased the showed the variant IRN had a constant LAM innervation
electromyographic activity of the PRM and vaginal pattern: The PCM was primarily innervated by the perineal
pressures and increased the length of urogenital hiatus, nerve, while the PRM was equally innervated by the perineal
thus providing evidence for LAM innervation by the nerve and the IRN. Conversely, the ICM was mainly
pudendal nerve. Electrophysiological studies by Smith et innervated by the direct S3 and/or S4 nerves (levator ani
al. [21] found strong evidence for pudendal nerve innerva- nerve) in both cadaver types. Overall, our study consistently
tion of the PCM. While variations in pudendal nerve fibers showed that the PCM were mainly innervated by the
and, in particular, IRN variations were documented in the pudendal nerve and secondarily by the direct S3 and/or S4
literature [25, 26], to our knowledge, our study is the only nerves (levator ani nerve) and the PRM were primarily
one describing LAM innervation in cadavers with an IRN innervated by the pudendal nerve branches, while the ICM
variant. These findings may account for some differences in was mainly innervated by the direct sacral nerves S3 and/or
LAM innervation from other anatomic studies. S4 (levator ani nerve). As a result, nerve injury sustained
Damage to the pelvic floor, in particular by parturition, during parturition or pelvic reconstructive surgery may
has been postulated to result in denervation injury to the selectively damage one and spare other LAM component
LAM [2, 30, 31] and consequent pelvic organ prolapse and muscles. It may be suggested that the proportional difference
urinary and fecal incontinence [32]. DeLancey et al. [33] and/or variations in innervation of the PCM, PRM, and ICM
performed a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study of from the pudendal nerve and from the direct sacral nerves S3
the LAM and found no LAM abnormality in nulliparous and/or S4 may contribute to the observation that some
women, while 20% of parous women had visible LAM women tend to experience pelvic organ prolapse, while
defects on MRI. Hoyte et al. [34] compared pelvic floor others may be affected by urinary and/or fecal incontinence
three-dimensional color mapping MRI images of asymp- after nerve injury. Caution should be exercised in extrapo-
tomatic women with images of women with pelvic organ lating our cadaver findings into clinical applications, and
prolapse and found that asymptomatic women had bulkier therefore, our conclusions should be regarded as provisional.
PRM. Potential causes for these findings include LAM Further studies are needed in this area.
atrophy resulting from denervation injury.
While the mechanism(s) by which obstetrical trauma from Acknowledgments We are grateful to Radma S. Mahmood, Ph.D.,
vaginal childbirth affects pudendal and sacral innervation of and Rani Sellers, D.V.M., Ph.D., Department of Pathology, at the
the LAM is unclear, a dual nerve supply might provide the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, for assistance
with histological analysis. We thank Tatyana Harris, Graphic Artist at
LAM with added protection against pelvic organ prolapse the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Graphic Arts Center, Bronx,
and/or urinary and fecal incontinence. We observed dual New York, for her illustrations.
LAM innervation from both the pudendal and the direct
sacral nerves S3 and/or S4 in more than half of the cadavers
studied. There is ample evidence in the medical literature of
muscles with dual somatic nerve innervation: brachialis References
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