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CSC8001 Assignment 2– Marking Criteria

[100 Marks worth 30% overall]

Part A: marking criteria can be found in Appendix
of Part A handout
/70 Part B: Data Visualisation
/100 TOTAL

As follows are two parts regarding your CSC8001 Assignment

I. Checklist before/when/after submitting your CSC8001
Assignment 2 (until the Assignment 2 submission
II. CSC8001 Assignment 2 Part B Marking Criteria
III. Grammar & Referencing: Marking Criteria (for your Part A)

I. Checklist before/when/after submitting your

CSC8001 Assignment 2 (until the Assignment 2
1. Pay attention to the plagiarism check results returned by Turninit. Zero
marks will be given if academic misconduct.
2. For Part B, please include code to display results as required. You should
call the function by yourself and display results as required in each
question. Please do not ask the marking team to write code to call your
3. Ensure the file types you submitted are correct. Please read instructions
4. For Part A, please pay attention to the required word count. Tolerance
(shorter or longer) is within 5%, not 10%.
5. For Part B, write docstring and some comments in the function body.
6. Avoid serious issues in code readability: code is too long, or too many
layers of function calls.
7. Read questions carefully and pay attention to all the (small) instructions.
8. If you are not sure about any question, please email Examiner. In a worst
case, if needed, you can include your own assumption in the code,
although this may require more extra reading time from the marking
9. For part B, make sure you have met all the requirements for each
10.After submission, ensure that your submission status is “submitted”, not
11.Check your submission is for the correct course and correct assessment
item (i.e., CSC8001 Assignment 2).

II. Part B Marking Critieria [70 marks]

Marks Criteria
/5 B11 Load health insurance data
• Effective and appropriate use of Python/Matplotlib/Pandas.
• Code includes useful and appropriate comments (including
• Code runs without errors.
• Returns expected data frame

/5 B12 Loading resident age categories data

• Effective and appropriate use of Python/Matplotlib/Pandas.
• Code includes useful and appropriate comments (including
• Code runs without errors.
• Returns expected data frame
/16 B13 Age demographics of NYC Boroughs
• Effective and appropriate use of Python/Matplotlib/Pandas.
• Code includes useful and appropriate comments (including
• Code runs without errors.
• Uses b11_load() and b12_load() functions to load data
• Code to successfully extract age distributions for each borough
• Created 3 subplots with expected layout, labels, values
o different colored lines for each borough
o appropriate y axis value range to accommodate all
three plots
o appropriate labels and legend
o appropriate dimensions
• The figure is similar to the sample as provided
/5 B21 Loading commuter data
• Effective and appropriate use of Python/Matplotlib/Pandas.
• Code includes useful and appropriate comments (including
• Code runs without errors.
• Returns expected data frame
/16 B4 Commuting to work
• Effective and appropriate use of Python/Matplotlib/Pandas.
• Code includes useful and appropriate comments (including
• Code runs without errors.
• Uses b21_load() function to load data
• Code to successfully extract commuter data for each type of
commuting for each borough
• Created plot has expected layout, labels, values:
o different coloured lines for each commuting category
o appropriate labels and legend
• The figure is similar to the sample as provided.
/7 B31 Load data
• Opens and reads csv file.
• Returns expected result in correct format.
• Correct code to return a multi-index Dataframe with indices
for month and date_of_month and a births column which has
the average daily as required.
• Effective and appropriate use of Python, and Code includes
useful and appropriate comments including docstring.
/16 B32 Plot data:
• Returns expected result in correct format, including same (or
at least very close) data distribution and color.
• Effective and appropriate use of Python, and Code includes
useful and appropriate comments including docstring.
• Correct code to extract birth data.
• Correct code to set y_label as required
• Add appropriate labels.
o X-axis labels should be on the top of the plot.
• For the color bar select the appropriate discrete values and
color limits. Indicate out-of-bounds values with a triangular
• Correct x-tick display
• Correct y-tick display
• Use b31() function to load data
• Figure size: 16 by 6
• The figure is similar to the sample as provided.
III. Grammar & Referencing: Marking Criteria
Grammar, HD [6] A [5] B [4] C [3] F [< 3]
□ Essay is free of □ Only a few □ Some □ Significant □ You have
grammatical grammatical or grammatical evidence of made many
and syntactic syntactic errors and syntactic grammatical grammatical
errors and with generally errors but not and syntactic and
demonstrates clear written so many so as errors, which syntactic
clarity, and expression. to significantly has affected errors, so
sophistication, affect the the clarity of your written
of expression. clarity of your your written expression
written expression. is difficult to
expression. follow.
Appropriate in-text HD A B C F
□ In-text □ All research □ Most □ Only some □ Few (if any)
references appropriately ideas/evidence ideas are referenced
skillfully referenced but is reference but referenced; ideas, facts
integrated into some awkward there are gaps □ Too much or opinions.
the essay in a instances. or too much reliance on
way that reliance on direct quotes
increases its direct quotes. for issues and
authority. concepts;
□ Only direct
Appropriate use of HD A B C F
referencing system
□ Fully compliant □ Compliant with □ Broadly □ Non-Harvard □ No
with current Harvard system, compliant but system used consistent
Harvard with some inconsistent and/or many referencing
system. Few errors. use of Harvard errors are standard
(if any) errors. format. present. applied.

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