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Narrative Report

( Webinar brought by AB Psychology Senior Class )

This Webinar session is brought by our AB Psychology Senior Class with the
topic of “MAGPATULOY – Suicide Prevention Awareness” with the theme “Talk and
Connect: Creating Hope Through Action.” It was held today, October 8, 2021 at 3
o’clock in the afternoon until 5 o’clock in the afternoon via Zoom and Facebook Live.
The hosts are Miss Joie Palaganas and Miss Sophia Cortuna, they are 4 th year AB
Psychology students in our institution. Our invited guest speaker for the entire webinar
is a fres graduate in Lipa City Colleges and part of LCC Psychology Society, and also a
research enthusiast. He is Sir Jeremich Serafica.

Our guest speaker prepared a Lecture and told us his introductory quote, “We
can make a change.” The topics he provided to us is divided into four and will be
discussed as the webinar goes on. Suicide Awareness, Stigma, Mental Health, and
Mental Health Advocate are the topics. Suicide is the main topic for today’s webinar. It
is said by the experts that Suicide is highly stigmatized and often taboo as a topic. It
was said to be a global problem. Stigma denotes a quality that is considered to be
shameful in a certain individual. There are two kinds of stigma, the Social and Perceived
Stigma. Mental health is important not just for the field of Psychology but also in
Medical. Anything we do, Mental Health has a big impact on us. It is as important as the
Physical Health because it is connected. It has a crucial factor in every stage of
development. Lastly, it affects our relationships with other people. Our Mental Health
are changing over time but still depends on situations. Mental Health Advocates are
heroes. They are the individuals who do not wear coupes, but who work tirelessly every
day to share their stories and help those who are struggling. According to World Health
Organization, Suicide is a global problem. An article have stated that every year
703,000 people are taking their own life. The main reason is DEPRESSION. Also, their
state in life, family problem, and relationship problems. This is really an alarming issue
and that is why, government should do something to prevent suicide all over the globe.
There are also Factors that our Speaker taught us about the prevetion of suicide and
the Factors that can improve participants mental health. Also, there is a part wherein he
discussed about the Myths and Facts about Suicide and Mental Health. Mr. Serafica
also shared to us his thoughts about the Common Warning Signs that suicidal people
shows. There are also some factors that contribute to the Stigma. Family, Teachers,
Peers, and Media are the factors. Stigma should be stopped because it does not
promote a heart recovery. Also, it is a great barrier in prevention. We should encourage
people to be a Psychologist/Psychiatrist/Guidance Councilor especially the Psychology
students because nowadays, it is very essential to have mental health advocates
because they are todays heroes. As an end to the speaker’s lecture, he showed some
phrases and volunteer participants are sharing their thoughts and ideas about it. They
have a very brilliant reflection on it. The last quote Mr. Serafica told us is together, “Let’s
make a change.”

The last part of this webinar is the Question and Answer. The guest speaker
answers all the questions asked by the students. Miss Sophia Cortuna also flaunted her
talent on us by singing. After that, the webinar is done and the organizers said their last
words and thanked each and everyone who made the webinar successful. It is indeed a
very wonderful and informative webinar. Even the Dean, Mrs. Linda Platero
commended the organizers as well as the guest speaker. It is a great experience for
everyone who attended the webinar. Surely, the participants and audiences will use the
knowledge they have gained in this webinar. We are very hoping to a lot more webinar
like this in the future.

Narrative Report prepared by:

Venus Jhenica A. Jaravata


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