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Demographic Profile: Class and Individual Student Information

( TPE 1.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5 SSP-DAP )

Number of Students in Class Male:11 Female: 13 Total: 24

English Language Arts ( ELA ) Mathematics English Language Learners (ELL)

Level (Circle) Number of Level (Circle) Number of Level (Circle) Number of students
students per students per per level
level level
Beginning 8 Low 6 Emerging 1
Intermediate 10 Medium 13 Expanding 0
Advanced 6 High 9 Bridging 0
Special Education Students
IEP Identification (Speech, hearing Specific considerations for each student
impaired, autism, etc.)
Autism In-class aide
Speech Pull-out for speech

Five Identified Student Profiles

One identified special education student, one English language learner,
one special circumstance student, one high performing student, and one low performing student

Student #1
Student Name: FS!
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): ELL Math (circle one): low
Reading (circle one): low
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

This girl’s first language is Spanish. At home, they all speak She lives with her mom, dad, brother, and sister. FS! loves to
Spanish. Her dad is the only one at home who speaks some play with her sister. Mom and Dad are very vocal about any
English. concern they have about her schooling.

Health and/or Physical Considerations: Socio-emotional Learning Considerations/Social

(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:
(and how these may influence instruction)
The only health consideration for FS1 is that she often has
accidents at school. She has about 1 or 2 accidents a week. FS1 is the only English learner in the class. Everyone else is
She will only speak with a teacher one-on-one and never in front very social and talkative, whereas she is quiet and reserved.
of the whole class. The teacher must also prompt her for a
response to the question. Even if she is spoken to in her home Because of her accidents, she is also sent up to the nurse’s
language, she will not speak and often cries. office. This is a large stressor on her and the parents have
stated that she cries when she talks about going up to the
Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

This is FS1’s first time ever in school. She can also understand the She enjoys playing in the kitchen area during free play. At
teachers whenever they speak to her in English. home, her parents say she enjoys Barbie’s, dancing, coloring,
and singing.

Student #2
Student Name: FS2
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): Special need Math (circle one): high
Reading (circle one): high
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

When the parents pick him up from school, they have a slight FS2 lives with his mom and dad. They both pick him up from
accent and the mom is typically dressed in a traditional outfit. If school every day. They are a very close family. The parents
they speak another language at home, it has not hindered FS2’s also tried for years to have a child and finally had FS2. They
English. call him their miracle baby.

Health and/or Physical Considerations: Socio-emotional Learning Considerations/Social

(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:
(and how these may influence instruction)
FS2 has Autism spectrum disorder. He has an aide all day in FS2 is very quiet and shy. He does not engage in conversation
school. She helps to ensure that he can stay on track and focus on unless he is asked something or has a need. The kids are all
his work. very kind and helpful with him.

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS2 is a very bright student and he is above grade level in English. FS2 loves to read books. He enjoys videos that teach him
He also has a very good memory. This is his first time being in something. He loves nature and being outdoors. When FS2
school. needs a break from instruction, he talks a quick walk in the
school garden.

Student #3
Student Name: FS3
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): Special Math (circle one): low
Circumstance Reading (circle one): low
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS3 comes from a home where they speak English only. FS3 comes from a split home and spends time with both mom
and dad. He has three siblings, an older sister, older brother,
and a younger sister. His older brother is often getting into
trouble and spent much of the last school year in the
principal’s office. There is not much structure or discipline at

Health and/or Physical Considerations: Socio-emotional Learning Considerations/Social

(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:
(and how these may influence instruction)
FS3 does not have any health or physical concerns.
Coming from a divorced family and having a brother who
misbehaves, can be emotionally tolling on FS3. In the
beginning of the school year, FS3 struggled with his behavior.
He has pushed kids, spent hours crying at school, and
misbehaved in class. However, there was a shift in his
behavior a few weeks into school. The teachers focused on
praising good behavior, instead of focusing on the bad

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS3 will go to the library and get new books. He also enjoys math. He loves Minecraft, Paw Patrol, building with Legos, and

Student #4
Student Name: FS4
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): Low Level Math (circle one): low
Reading (circle one): low
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS4 lives in a household where only English is spoken. FS4 lives at home with his mom and dad.

Health and/or Physical Considerations: Socio-emotional Learning Considerations/Social

(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:
(and how these may influence instruction)
There are no physical or health considerations for FS4. He is
smaller than many other students, but not to a degree that is
concerning. FS4 wants to do well and wants to make the teachers happy.
He does not like getting in trouble and will feel bad if he lets
the teacher down.
Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS4 spent two years in preschool, but is still significantly behind. FS4 loves Star Wars and baby Yoda.

Student #5
Student Name: FS5
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): High Level Math (circle one): high
Reading (circle one): high
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)
FS5 grew up in a household where only English was spoken.
FS5 lives at home with his mom and dad.

Health and/or Physical Considerations: Socio-emotional Learning Considerations/Social

(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:
(and how these may influence instruction)
There are no health or physical considerations for FS5.
FS5 is more reserved and does not socialize with people he is
unfamiliar with. He is very lively with his close friends. He
works hard in class and gets lots of praise in front of the
whole class for it.

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS5 is above grade level in many areas. His penmanship and FS5 loves to draw and color. He is a skilled artist and pays
writing skills are above the average kindergartener. close attention to the detail in his work.

Other General Classroom Concerns

General cultural and linguistic background of students (home/family):

These students come from a wealthy, new neighborhood where parents are typically involved in their learning (and sometimes
overbearingly involved). The class is made up of a diverse group of students. While there may be other languages spoken at home,
all students, except one, can speak English well.

Health considerations or physical development factors (if any)

There are not any significant health or physical development factors that are a major concern. The class is made up of fairly healthy
children. Because this is their first year of school, there are only two IEPs in the classroom, but there are other students who may
potentially need intervention in the later school year.

Socio-emotional developmental (SEL) factors that may influence instruction in this academic area

This school emphasizes the importance of play in their learning. Every grade level across the school sets out time for the students to
play, sometimes there are academic games and other times they just engage in free play. This has been beneficial to the social
connections in the classroom. In addition, it allows the students to feel more comfortable in the classroom as they have the
opportunity to explore the classroom and dive deeper into their interests. The students use flexible seating.

Interests and/or aspirations in the class (relevant to this academic area)

The students love whenever they get the opportunity to engage in movement. In class, the students enjoy when songs are
incorporated into the learning. They love to get up, move around, and sing along to the songs. They love the Jack Hartmann songs
about sight words.
9. Anticipated Difficulties: The bridge between the concerns for individual students identified in Section 7 and how this will play
out in the context of the actual classroom setting and lesson plans. Based on the information above, what difficulties may students
have with the content? Specify anticipated difficulties for English language learners, students with special needs, or students with
unique needs.

The students get along very well, which is good, but can also be a struggle to some students. The students may often get distracted
by talking to their neighbors which slows down their work. It is important to give them access to the content in a manner that will
not be distracting to them.
BST Demographic Profile Grading Rubric
Insufficient Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Total
12 and below 12-13.9 14-15.9 16-19.9 18-20
Failed to Identified 3 or Identified 3-5 Identified 4-5 Identified 5
Appropriate identify fewer limited adequate good particularly
(5 points) examples of at examples of at examples of at examples of at strong
least 1 ELL least 1 ELL least 1 ELL least 1 ELL examples of at
(low, med, (low, med, high), (low, med, (low, med, least 1 ELL
high), 1 Special 1 Special Need, high), 1 high), 1 (low, med,
Need, and 1 and 1 special Special Need, Special Need, high), 1 Special
special concern concern student and 1 special and 1 special Need, and 1
student (G.A.T.E., concern concern special concern
(G.A.T.E., bullying, student student student
bullying, divorce, etc.) (G.A.T.E., (G.A.T.E., (G.A.T.E.,
divorce, etc.) bullying, bullying, bullying,
divorce, etc.) divorce, etc.) divorce, etc.)
23.9 and below 24-27.9 28-31.9 32-35.9 36-40
Lack of Overview of Somewhat Good, detailed Excellent,
(10 points) overview of class information detailed overview of detailed
class that lacked detail overview of class overview of
information that and will only class information class
will not inform limitedly inform information that will information that
instruction instruction that will helpfully will powerfully
adequately inform inform
inform instruction instruction
of Students
Failure to Few or no Some clear Helpful and Extremely
(10 points) provide descriptions of and insightful clear helpful, clear,
descriptions of unique needs of descriptions descriptions of and insightful
unique needs of students of unique unique needs descriptions of
students needs of of students each student
Point Chart:
90-100 A
Comments: Final
80-89 B Score:
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 and
below: Not

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