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Spiritual benefits
What is Journaling ?
Simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them
more clearly.
Types of Journaling
Bullet Journal


Therapy note

Shadow Work

Gratitude and Spiritual Journal

Bullet Journal
Creative journal
Daily Entry
Monthly Planner
Therapy Notes
Mental notes
Emotion detox journal
Self reflection journal
Shadow Work
Connecting with inner child
Trauma Healing
Breaking negative pattern
Gratitude Journal
Shadow work journal
Do you know the hidden motivations that drive your actions?

Do you reject or suppress certain parts of yourself out of shame or even fear?

Do you project your insecurities onto other people?

What is the shadow
“Everyone carries a
shadow, and the less it is
embodied in the
individual’s conscious life,
the blacker and denser it
is.” — Carl Jung
What is shadow work?
The idea of shadow work is
to bring your dark sides out
into the light and learn to
accept and love them.
Shadow work is However, many people tend to avoid

important engaging in shadow work, because it

means they have to confront the dark
part of themselves they rather not know
about or want to admit.
Shadow work is not dangerous,
even though it might sound
frightening to jump into. It can
be both scary and painful, but
the shadow is a part of yourself
that will actually cause more
damage it’s left in the dark…
Looking Deeper….
One of the most important mechanisms Some other common issues a hidden
caused by our shadows is projection. What shadow can bring are manipulation, anger
we are not willing to accept within outbursts, greed, addictions, self-sabotage,
ourselves, we project onto other people. racism/sexism/homophobia, anxiety,
This is a problem for so many people, depression, and narcissism.
without even knowing it’s happening.
Benefits of shadow work
● Help find your purpose in life. ● Increased empathy and
● More courage to face the unknown. compassion.
● More confidence to be your true ● Better mental and psychical health.
self. ● A clearer perception of the world.
● Deeper love, acceptance, and ● Increased creativity.
understanding of yourself. ● Awareness of toxic patterns you are
● Improved relationships with others. repeating, so you can change them.
● Help you find the root cause of your
problems and traumas.
Observe your emotion in journal first
● Why did you react the way you did?
● How did it make you feel emotionally?
● Can you notice a pattern?
● Can you connect these episodes to something that happen once you
were a child?
Discover your
shadow Archetype
12 shadows
○ The ruler – power-sick, egocentric, have a ○ The warrior – create chaos, never learns
lot of pride, chase money and success, their lesson, stays stuck in unwanted
engage in destructive behaviors situations, immature, dependent on others to
○ The caregiver – plays the victim, problems make their decisions, stays in the comfort
saying no, guilt-tripping, feelings of zone, wild and reckless
inadequacy which leads to anger and ○ The outlaw – the same shadow traits as the
frustration warrior, complain rather than change
○ The everyman – manipulative, afraid to be ○ The magician – detached, feeling
left out, co-dependent, helpless, wants to fit unsatisfied with what they got, overly critical,
in, lost sense of identity paranoid, skeptic
○ The creator – perfectionist, lack of stability ○ The lover – not in touch with their feelings,
and comfort, hard to accept things for how lack of self-love, prone to addiction,
they are, not in control of their emotions destructive behaviors, struggles to form
○ The innocent – lack responsibility, inclined relationships, obsessive and dependant on
to follow and obey, ignore reality, naivety, someone or something
blame other people ○ The jester – dishonest with themselves,
○ The explorer – feeling lost and unfulfilled, trapped emotions, immature, annoying,
danger-seeker, prone to addiction, search for self-sabotaging behavior
excitement, restlessness, moves from one ○ The sage – obstinate, opinionated,
thing to another impossible to reason with, loner, arrogant
● ●

9 days shadow journal challenge
○ In what parts of my life am I struggling the most?
○ Are there any patterns that keep appearing?
○ What emotions am I trying to avoid?
○ What specific situations trigger me?
○ What are some traumatic experiences that happened in my childhood? And, how has it affected me
○ How am I projecting my insecurities onto other people?
○ What is my worst side?
○ How do other people see me? Think about three specific people close to you, and write down how
you think they would describe you.
○ Do I hold any grudges? If so, with who, and why?

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