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The video “Nature by Numbers” by  

Spanish filmmaker Cristóbal Vila presents a series of

animations illustrating various mathematical principles such as The Fibonacci Sequence and Spiral, The

Golden and Angle Ratios, The Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Tessellations. These animations prove

that Mathematics is a part of our nature. It is found everywhere in our surroundings. Before, I only think

that Mathematics is just all about computations, calculations, deriving formula and the like. I also

thought before that what we should only know in sequences is to find the next term in the sequence.

But after watching this video, all my perceptions have changed. I did not noticed before that we can find

Math in nature, because all I know and do is to solve equations, derive formula and compute until I find

the answer. I realized that there is an intimate relationship between nature and Mathematics. We only

need to see and discover in order for us to understand completely the secret patterns of nature in our


Just looking to a shell, it has a spiral that is formed through the Fibonacci Sequence. In a

sunflower, we can see that its seeds are arranged and configured because it appears a kind of spiral

patterns. And if we take a real dragonfly and analyze its wings with the help of a magnifying glass or

microscope, we can find exceptions and deviations and have a unique pattern on its wings. That is how

wonderful to realize that nature presents some mathematical principles, for they are the existing

examples of these principles.

Mathematics and nature are indeed correlated with each other. We could just look the

beauty in them, for both of them have wonders that make us amazed and surprised. We truly need

Mathematics and nature in our lives, for without them, we could not live comfortably and completely.

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