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Responsiveness of Managers in Current Pandemic:

Many managers in general had to adapt with slight shift in their roles, due to the current covid-19
pandemic. The managers had to acknowledge their social responsibility to help those adversely
affected by the pandemic. Cipla’s managers too, took the initiative of helping those in need in the
following ways:

1.) Responsiveness to Society: Cipla has shown its concern for the healthcare workers during
the peak of this pandemic. - They have played a major role in supplying PPE suits, masks,
sanitizers, etc. -They have also created a platform to connect healthcare workers to doctors
through their ECHO platform. -Similarly, they have provided masks, sanitizers, gloves, etc. to
police officers and individuals living around the company facilities.
2.) Responsiveness to Customers: Cipla has understood during the peak periods of the
pandemic that distribution of essential drugs to patients can be difficult. -Thus, they have
created a toll- free helpline to assist this process. -It has also shown support to patients by
helping public and charitable hospitals. -The Cipla Palliative Care & Training Centre in Pune is
also open 24/7 to address the need of their patients in these difficult times.
3.) Responsiveness to employees: The pandemic could have created unfortunate decline on
employee’s mental health. -Cipla decided to address this by developing an emotional health
programme to address these concerns and provided on call support as well as self-help
guides. -They also addressed employee safety by initiating work from home measures 10
days before the national lockdown. - Free sanitizers and n95 masks too were distributed.
Due to the adverse situation in South Africa, their employees were given additional flu
vaccines to ensure their safety.

Caring for Employees | Cipla

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