AP World First Semester Review

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AP World First Semester Review

1. The Paleolithic Age, or Old Stone Age—ending in 12,000 BCE—refers to the period
of time typified by use of crude stone tools and hunting and gathering for subsistence.
Neanderthals, a species of the genus Homo, disappeared at the end of the Paleolithic
period whereas Homo sapiens, a humanoid species, emerged as mot successful at the end
of the Paleolithic period. The characteristics of the human spices in the Paleolithic Age
included slow population growth, rituals to lessen the fear of death, the development of
simple stone and wooden tools, and the ability to communicate with speech, but the
development of agricultural-based economies did NOT characterize the human species in
the Paleolithic Age. Also, hunter-gatherers in the Paleolithic Age could NOT support
large populations and elaborate societies.

2. The Neolithic revolution (10,000/8500—3500 BCE) first occurred in the Middle East.
It was the revolution in economic, political, religious, and social organizations and
functions. The emergence of agriculture, or the Neolithic Revolution, caused the gradual
removal of hunters from the agricultural community, an increase in the specialization of
political, economic, and religious functions, a population explosion, and the ability of
humans to settle more permanently in one spot, but the emergence of the Neolithic
Revolution did NOT cause the disappearance of hunter-gatherer communities.

3. The development of cities, political units capable of ruling large regions, adaptation of
new technology—such as metal tools, and writing systems—all define civilization,
whereas equality between social classes does NOT define civilizations.

4. Egyptian civilization differed from Mesopotamian civilization by stressing more

centralized and durable empires.

5. The Tigris-Euphrates civilization of Sumeria produced the first writing system. The
Sumerians improved agricultural prosperity by learning about fertilizers and using silver
to conduct commercial exchange. The Sumerian government helped regulate and enforce
the duties of religion, and also provided a system of courts for justice. The Sumerians
were characterized by the development of astronomical sciences, intense religious beliefs,
and tightly organized city-states, ruled by kings who claimed divine authority.

6. The characteristic political organization of the Tigris-Euphrates civilization was tightly

organized city-states, ruled by kings who claimed divinity. The government helped
regulate and enforce the duties of religion and also provided a system of courts for

7. The Indus Valley Civilization was most completely destroyed by invasion. Much of
the Harappan civilization was destroyed and unknown for thousands of years, although
some legacies (e.g., yoga positions) carried on.

8. The Chinese view of nature stressed harmony and balance.

9. In Chinese history, a “dynasty” is a family of kings that would rule over China during
the classical period.

10. Besides the “mean people”, merchants were considered to have the lowest status in
classical China.

11. China’s classical period gave rise to many intellectual traditions, including Daoism,
the Five Classicals, and Confucianism, but NOT Buddhism.

12. Ceremony was an important part of the Chinese upper-class life because the Chinese
believed that people should restrain crude impulses.

13. The basic Confucian beliefs were: good society has a firm hierarchy, continuity is the
goal of a sensible state, the emperor should be obeyed like the father is obeyed in a
family, and a person should exhibit ren in all of their interactions. They did not believe in
commendation and punishment to control society.

14. China's key economic strengths were high levels of technological innovation, good
trade routes, and had a solid agricultural base.

15. The Chinese government accepted Daoism because it provided spiritual insights, they
acknowledged the son of heaven, and because Daoists did not have great political
ambitions. They did not accept them because Daoism believed that nobles were holier
than peasants.

16. Daoists disagreed with Confucianists about scorn for greed, the importance of
tradition, importance of restraint, and harmony of nature. They both agreed in the
importance of political activity.

17. The Indian caste system served to an extent as a political institution by enforcing
rules about social behavior.

18. Nirvana means enlightenment. It is the goal of all Buddhists. Reaching Nirvana
means leaving the cycle of rebirth to attain ultimate wisdom and become enlightened.

19. Both Buddhism and Hinduism believed in Nirvana and reincarnation but they had
different views on social structure.

20. India's trading network involved direct contact with the Middle East, China, central
Asia, and Southeast Asia. They did not trade with Russia.

21. Hinduism believed in the Brahman, reincarnation, karma, and dharma.

22. The important features of Indian art were stylized representations of the human form,
influences from other cultures, links to religious beliefs and lively color, and the use of
23.) Compared to India, Chinese also had a strongly developed social class. However
some people within the lower class in Chinese society are able to move up within the
bureaucracy from talents. In India, the caste system strictly follows Hinduism and one
born into the lower class stays in the lower caste. Trade had been successful in China
during the Han period but the class of merchants remained low-standing due to Confucius
thoughts influencing. Hinduism in India made trade flourish and the merchant class was
well off in India.

24.) Confucian and Hindu beliefs both emphasized the maintenance of a social
stratification. People were to respect where they stand in society and work up to their

25.) Greek politics was known for its formation of a Democracy. All citizens were
encouraged to participate in public affairs and receive education.

26.) The Senate of republican Rome consisted of the aristocrats mainly.

27.) The Romans genius was on architecture.

28.) The Roman Empire built countless structures including the stadium where gladiator
games were held along with cheap food as entertainment for the people to mask to
deteriorating economy of Rome as Rome went on many conquests and wars which
wasted money. Roman law created is used today by many the idea of equality and
fairness for everyone.

29.) Roman slaves were used for many household tasks that even included tutoring the
upper-class children (slaves had a right to education) and working in the mines. A large
number of slaves are employed as agricultural workers.

30.) The Republican Romans and the democratic Athenians would agree on the emphasis
of tight family structure, artistic style and political importance. They would disagree on
division of powers within the state. They were not used for military service.

31.) Greek politics resembled Indian politics by their use or aristocratic assemblies that
consulted and decided on major issues.

32.) From the Confucian viewpoint, the Roman Empire might be criticized on its
emphasis on equality for everyone in Roman law.

33.) The spread of Buddhism to China is an example of: cultural diffusion

(spread)\syncretism (spread integrating with indigenous beliefs).

34. After 200 C.E. an increasing number of people in Asia, Europe, and North Africa
began to adapt faith characterized by monotheism
35. The end of the Gupta period differed from the decline of Roman because when Rome
began to fall they were introduction to a new religion (Christianity) for the majority, and
also that Rome did not completely fall the Byzantine Empire was still alive and

36. Compared to Hinduism Christianity is more likely to disapprove of other belief


37. Inter-clan relationships in Bedouin societies were violence and often fought over
control of water and pasturage.

38. Islam means submission.

39. The sense of common cause and united strength, the desire for booty, a means to
release the energies of the Bedouin tribes against others than themselves, the weakness of
their adversaries were reasons for early expansion of Islam beyond Arabia.

40. Despite early successes, Ali's faction disintegrated leading to an Umayyad victory and
Ali's assassination during the civil war between Ali and the Umayyads.

41. There was no accepted rule of succession to the office of Caliph during the Abbasid

42. The decline of the Abbasid Empire resulted from difficulty of moving armies across
the great distances of the empire, retention of regional identities by the population, and
difficulty of compelling local administrators to obey.

43. The establishment of the harem was an innovation of the Abbasid court for women.

44. Crusades on the Christian west resulted in Christians adopting military techniques,
words, scientific learning, and Arabic numerals among other things.

45. There was minimal western impact from the Crusades on Islam.

46. Hinduism responded to the challenge of Islam by placed greater emphasis on the
devotional or bhaktic cults of gods and goddesses such as Shiva and Vishnu.

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