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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Shumet Tadesse
Department of Computer Science
College of Informatics

April 2022
Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

What is AI?
• Artificial + Intelligence = AI

• Intelligence: "The capacity to learn and solve problems".

• Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the the simulation of human
intelligence by machines.
• AI is an attempt to the reproduction of human reasoning and
intelligent behaviour by computational methods.

• AI is the study and design of intelligent agents.

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Formal Definitions of AI
• Textbooks often define artificial intelligence as “the study and
design of computing systems that perceives its environment and
takes actions like human beings”.
• The term was introduced by John McCarthy in 1956 in the
well-known Dartmouth Conference.
• As a research area, AI studies theories and technologies for
obtaining systems that are partially or fully intelligent.
• AI attempts to understand intelligent entities as well as to build
them in order to understand human behavior.
− The idea is to develop an intelligent systems that has human
level intelligence or better if possible.
− The concern of AI is to enable computers behave like human
and emulate the reasoning power of humans
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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Viwes of Defining AI

• AI is found on the premise that:

− workings of human mind can be explained in terms of
computation, and
− computers can do the right thing given correct premises and
reasoning rules.
• Views of AI fall into four categories
• AI is a discipline that systematizes and automates reasoning
processes to create machines that:
Thinking humanly Acting humanly
Thinking rationally Acting rationally

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Thinking Humanly
AI as systems that think humanly
• “The automation of activities that we associate with human
thinking, activities such as decision-making, problem solving,
learning . . . ” (Bellman,1978)
• “The exciting new effort to make computers think . . . machines
with minds, in the full and literal sense” (Haugeland,1985)
• Requires:
− Scientific theories of internal activities of the brain
− How human thinks?
• Example: Write a program that plays chess. Instead of making
the best possible chess-playing program, you would make one
that play chess like people do.

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Acting Humanly
AI as systems that act humanly
• “The art of creating machines that perform functions that
require intelligence when performed by people.” (Kurzweil,1990)
• “The study of how to make computers do things at which, at
the moment, people are better.” (Rich and Knight,1991)

The Turing Test

• Can machines act like human do? Can machines behave
• Turing Test: Operational test for intelligent behavior
− do experiments on the ability to achieve human-level
− Acting like humans requires AI programs to interact with people
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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Thinking Rationally
AI as systems that think rationally
• “The study of mental faculties through the use of computational
models.” (Charniak and McDermott,1985)
• “The study of the computations that make it possible to
perceive, reason, and act.” (Winston,1992)
• A system is rational if it thinks/does the right thing through
correct reasoning.
• Aristotle: provided the correct arguments/ thought structures
that always gave correct conclusions given correct premises.
− Abebe is a man; all men are mortal; therefore Abebe is mortal.
− These Laws of thought governed the operation of the mind and
initiated the field of Logic.

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Acting Rationally
AI as systems that act rationally
• This view is interested to design an agent that act the best
alternative action on the environment for the problem at hand
considering all the issues
• “Computational intelligence is the study of the design of
intelligent agent” (Poole et al, 1998)
• “AI . . . is concerned with intelligent behavior in artifacts.”
(Nilsson, 1998)
• The course advocates to agents that act rationally
• In this approach, AI is viewed as the study and construction of
rational agent
• Rational behavior: doing the right thing
• The right thing: is the action/decision which is expected to
maximize goal achievement, given the available information.
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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

• Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge (for solving
• Intelligence is the capability of observing, learning, remembering
and reasoning.
• Intelligence is a general mental capability that involves the
ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly,
comprehend ideas and language, and learn.
• Intelligence draws on a variety of mental processes, including
memory, learning, perception, decision- making, thinking, and
• Memory of Intelligent system is used to store knowledge base
which is the key for success for artificial intelligent systems.
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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

• Knowledge is the collection of skills and information a person
has acquired through experience.
• Knowledge is a general term.
• Knowledge is a progression that starts with data which is of
limited utility.
− By organizing or analyzing the data, we understand what the
data means,and this becomes information.
− The interpretation or evaluation of informtion yield knowledge
− An understanding of the principles embodied with the
knowledge is wisdom.

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


• "data" and "information" deal with the past; they are based on
the gathering of facts and adding context.
• "knowledge" deals with the present that enables us to perform.
• "wisdom" deals with the future; acquire vison for what will be
rather than what is or was.
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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Knowledge Represenataion
• Computer requires a well-defined problem description to process
and to provide well-defined acceptable solution.
• To collect fragments of knowledge we need
− to formulate a description in our spoken language
− represent it in formal languages so that computer can
− the computer can then use an algorithm to compute an answer.
• The following picture illustrates the above-mentioned process

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Approaches to AI

• There is a lot of technology that goes into building AI systems.

• Based on the ways the machines behave, there are four types of
Artificial Intelligence approaches
− Reactive Machines
− Limited Memory
− Theory of Mind
− Self-awareness

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Approaches to AI
Reactive Machines
• The most basic form of AI applications
• They cannot create memories or use information learnt to influence future decisions
• They are only able to react to presently existing situations.
• Examples of reactive machines are games like Deep Blue, IBM’s chess-playing

Limited Memory
• A limited memory machine, as the name might suggest, is able to retain some
information learned from observing previous events or data.
• In addition to having the capabilities of purely reactive machines, they are also capable of
learning from historical data to inform subsequent decisions.
• Self-driving cars for instance store pre-programmed data – i.e. lane markings and maps,
alongside observing surrounding information such as the speed and direction of nearby
cars, or the movement of nearby pedestrians.

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Approaches to AI
Theory of Mind
• It is the next level of AI systems and, unlike the previous two types of AI, this approaches
currently considered either as a concept or a work in progress.
• This systems can better understand entities with which they interact by discerning their
needs, emotions, beliefs, and thought processes.

Self-aware AI
• This is the final stage of AI development, which currently exists only hypothetically, and
is the ultimate ambition of all AI research.
• Self-awareness AI machines are the most complex that we might ever be able to envision
and are described by some as the ultimate goal of AI.
• These are machines that have human-level consciousness and understand their existence
in the world.

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

History of AI

• The Dartmouth conference: 1956
− John McCarthy (Stanford)
− Marvin Minsky (MIT)
− Herbert Simon (CMU)
− Allen Newell (CMU)
− Arthur Samuel (IBM)
• The Turing Test (1950)
• “Machines who Think” By Pamela McCorckindale

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Periods in AI

• Early period - 1950’s & 60’s

− Game playing
− Theorem proving
− Biological models: neural nets
• Symbolic application period - 70’s
− Early expert systems, use of knowledge
• Commercial period - 80’s
− boom in knowledge/ rule bases
• 90’s and New Millenium
− Real-world applications, modelling, better evidence

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Fashions in AI

Progress goes in stages, following funding booms and crises: Some

1 Machine translation of languages
• 1950’s to 1966 - Syntactic translators
• 1980 - commercial translators available
2 Neural Networks
• 1943 - first AI work by McCulloch & Pitts
• 1950’s & 60’s - Minsky’s book on “Perceptrons” stops nearly all
work on nets
• 1986 - rediscovery of solutions leads to massive growth in neural
nets research

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Summary on history of AI

1943 McCulloch & Pitts: Boolean circuit model of brain

1950 Turing’s "Computing Machinery and Intelligence"
1956 Dartmouth meeting: "Artificial Intelligence" adopted
1950s Early AI programs, including Samuel’s checkersprogram,
Newell & Simon’s Logic Theorist, Gelernter’s Geometry Engi
1958 LISP invented
1966-73 AI discovers computational complexity Neural network
research almost disappears
1969-79 Early development of knowledge-based (expert)systems
1980 AI becomes an industry
1986 Neural networks return to popularity
1987 AI becomes a science
1995 The emergence of intelligent agents
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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

State of the Art

• Deep Blue defeated the reigning world chess champion Garry

Kasparov in 1997 conjecture unsolved for decades
• No hands across America (driving autonomously 98% of the
time from Pittsburgh to San Diego)
• During the 1991 Gulf War, US forces deployed an AI logistics
planning and scheduling program that involved up to 50,000
vehicles, cargo, and people
• NASA’s on-board autonomous planning program controlled the
scheduling of operations for a spacecraft
• Proverb solves crossword puzzles better than most humans
• Best vehicle in Darpa challenge made it 7 miles into the desert

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Applications of AI

• Playing games (chess, checker, cards, ...)

• Proving theorems (mathematical theorems, laws of physics, . . . )
• Classification of text (Politics, Economic, sports, etc,)
• Writing story and poems; solving puzzles
• Giving advice in medicine, law, . . . (diagnosing diseases,
consultation, . . . )
• AI system is used in control, planning, and scheduling,
recognition of handwritten and printed text, natural language,
speech and face processing.

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Current Status of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Current Status of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of


1 Introduction

2 Formal Definitions of AI

3 Intelligence and Knowledge

4 Approaches to AI

5 History and Evolution of AI

6 Applications of AI

7 Sub-fields of AI

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Introduction Formal Definitions of AI Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches to AI History and Evolution of AI Applications of

Sub-fields of AI
• Natural Language processing(enable computers communicate
in human language, English, Amharic, ..)
• Knowledge representation (schemes to store information,
both facts and inferences, before and during interrogation)
• Automated reasoning (use stored information to answer
questions and to draw new conclusions)
• Machine learning (adapt to new circumstances and
accumulate knowledge)
• Computer vision (recognize objects based on patterns in the
same way as the human visual system does)
• Robotics (produce mechanical device capable of controlled
motion; which enable computers to see, hear & take actions)

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