Crime File Mangement System

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1. Belaynew Tesfie………………………………..GUR/3716/08
2. Ermias sisay…………………………………....GUR/3784/08
3. Kirubel Chaklu ………………………...………GUR/3856/08
4. Michael Mengistu……………….……..………GUR/3896/08
5. Tadlo Getaneh …………………………………GUR/3972/08


MARCH 01/2019
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019

I certify that this BSC Industrial project entitled Crime File Management System for Gondar
Police Station by:

Belaynew Tesfie
Ermias Sisay
Kirubel Chaklu
Michael Mengistu
Tadlo Getaneh
It is approved by me for submission. I certify further that, to the best of my knowledge, the
Project represents work carried out by the students.

_________________ ________________________________

Date Name and Signature of Supervisor

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019

This is to declare that the project work which is done under the supervision of Instructor Kedir
Yassin and having the title Crime File Management System for Gondar Police Station is the sole
contribution of:

Belaynew Tesfie
Ermias Sisay
Kirubel Chaklu
Michael Mengistu
Tadlo Getaneh
No part of the project work has been reproduced illegally (copy and paste) which can be
considered as Plagiarism. All referenced parts have been used to argue the idea and cited
properly. We will be responsible and liable for any consequence if violation of this declaration
Date: 01/03/2019

Group members:


Belaynew Tesfie _________________

Ermias Sisay _________________

Kirubel Chaklu _________________

Michael Mengistu _________________

Tadlo Getaneh _________________

ii | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019

First of all, we would like to gratitude our grateful Supper nature God and advisor
Mr.Kedir Yassin who advices us what to include and what to exclude in our project
friendly. Thanks, we gratitude Inspector yared Information and security officer who
gave us requirements and some information and also his appreciation concerning the
project importance. Thanks for the Gondar police station staff members, they have
given the required all documents essential for the study and by giving different forms
about the work flows as much as possible by giving their time for us.Finally, I would
like to thank University of Gondar Department of Computer Science project
committee for their contribution to the achievement of our project by loss their time in
order to create a suitable condition to do our project.

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019


This project is a part of the industrial project for the fulfillment of bachelor degree in Computer
Science. The project focuses on developing a web based crime file management system for
Gondar police station. In this paper we try to describe how manual system will be change to the
new computerized system. The current system, which was manual, faced with numerous
problems like missing to record the entire daily task, tedious paper work, huge storage space and
the like. The proposed system will be developed to overcome the problems of the manual system
and to bring a better working environment. It will provide a simple and efficient way of
investigate and prevent the criminal system for in Gondar police station. The project team is
organization of five students; the project lasts almost for 4 months. We will use the iterative
software development methodology and object oriented approachto conduct this project the
programming language is PHP and HTML and the data repository is MySQL server. CSS for

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019


CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................................................ i
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................................................ iii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ v
List of Table ................................................................................................................................. viii
List of Figure.................................................................................................................................. ix
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................ x
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Statement of the problem ...................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Objectives of the project ....................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1 General objectives .......................................................................................................... 3
1.4.2 Specific objective ........................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Scope of the project ............................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Limitation of project.............................................................................................................. 3
1.7 System development methodology ....................................................................................... 3
1.7.1 Investigation (Fact Finding) Methods ............................................................................ 4
1.7.2 System Development Tools ............................................................................................ 4
1.8 Significance of the project..................................................................................................... 5
1.9 Beneficiaries .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.10 Feasibility Study of the new System ................................................................................... 6
1.11 Time Scheduling ................................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 7

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
2 REQURIMENT GATHERING AND ANALYSIS ................................................................ 7
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Current System ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Major function of the current system/ current system description ................................. 7
2.2.2 Problem of Existing System ........................................................................................... 8
2.3 Requirement Gathering ......................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Requirement Gathering Methodologies.......................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Results Found ............................................................................................................... 10
2.3.3 Explanation of the business rule of the organization.................................................... 10
2.3.4 Assumptions and Dependencies ................................................................................... 11
2.4 Proposed system description ............................................................................................... 11
2.4.1 Overview of the proposed system ................................................................................ 11
2.4.2 Purpose of the new system ........................................................................................... 12
2.4.3 Functional Requirement ............................................................................................... 12
2.4.3 Non –functional requirements ...................................................................................... 15 Security Issues ................................................................................................................ 17
2.5 System models..................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.1 Scenario ........................................................................................................................ 17
2.5.2 Use Case model ............................................................................................................ 22
2.5.3 Activity diagram ........................................................................................................... 35
2.5.4 Object Model ................................................................................................................ 46
2.5.5 User interface ................................................................................................................ 62
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 63
3. SYSTEM DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 63
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 63
3.1.1 Design goals ................................................................................................................. 63
3.2 Current software architecture .............................................................................................. 64
3.3 Architecture of the proposed System .................................................................................. 64
3.3.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 64
3.3.2 Subsystem decomposition ............................................................................................ 65
3.3.3. Hardware/Software Mapping ...................................................................................... 66
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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
3.3.4 Persistent data management.......................................................................................... 66
3.3.5 Access control and security .......................................................................................... 68
3.3.6 Subsystem services ....................................................................................................... 69
3.4 Detailed Class Diagram ....................................................................................................... 69
3.5 Packages ......................................................................................................................... 71
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 72
4. IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................................... 72
4.1 Mapping Models to code ..................................................................................................... 72
4.1.1 Mapping associations ................................................................................................... 72 One-to-many associations.......................................................................................... 72 Many-to-many associations ....................................................................................... 72
4.1.2 Source Codes of Major Classes, Packages or Interfaces .................................................. 73
4.1.3 Screen Images .................................................................................................................. 82 Home Page .................................................................................................................... 82
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 84
RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................................ 85
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 86
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................. 87
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 88

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019

List of Table
Table 1: Time scheduling ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 2: Login use case description.................................................................................................................... 25
Table 3: create account use case description ...................................................................................................... 26
Table 4: View post information use case description ......................................................................................... 27
Table 5:post news use case description .............................................................................................................. 28
Table 6: view report use case description .......................................................................................................... 29
Table 7: generate report use case description .................................................................................................... 30
Table 8: provide evidence information use case description ............................................................................. 31
Table 9: register FIR use case description ......................................................................................................... 32
Table 10: update investigation file use case description .................................................................................... 34
Table 11:logout use case description .................................................................................................................. 34
Table 12: Data dictionary ................................................................................................................................... 49
Table 13: access control ...................................................................................................................................... 68

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019

List of Figure

Figure 2-1: Use Case Diagram ...................................................................................................... 23

Figure 2-2: Activity Diagram For Login ...................................................................................... 35
Figure 2-3: Activity Diagram For Create Account ....................................................................... 36
Figure 2-4: Activity Diagram For Deactivate/Activate Account .................................................. 37
Figure 2-5: Activity Diagram For View Post News ..................................................................... 38
Figure 2-6: Activity Diagram For Post Information ..................................................................... 39
Figure 2-7: Activity Diagram For Register FIR ........................................................................... 40
Figure 2-8:Activity Diagram For Provide Evidence Information................................................. 41
Figure 2-9: Activity Diagram For Give Feedback ........................................................................ 42
Figure 2-10፡Activity Diagram Generate Report ......................................................................... 43
Figure:2-11:Activity Digram For Update Criminal Case ............................................................. 44
Figure 2-12: Activity Diagram For Logout From The System ..................................................... 45
Figure 2-13: Activity Diagram For Save Appointment Date........................................................ 46
Figure 2-14: Class Diagram .......................................................................................................... 50
Figure 2-15: Sequence Diagram For Login .................................................................................. 52
Figure 2-16: Sequence Diagram For Send Evidence Information ................................................ 53
Figure 2-17: Sequence Diagram For View Report ....................................................................... 54
Figure 2-18: Sequence Diagram For Create Account ................................................................... 55
Figure 2-19: Sequence Diagram For Change Account ................................................................. 56
Figure 2-20: Sequence Diagram For Add FIR .............................................................................. 57
Figure 2-21: Sequence Diagram For Register FIR ....................................................................... 58
Figure 2-22: Sequence Diagram For Update Progress Case ......................................................... 59
Figure 2-23: Sequence Diagram For Post News ........................................................................... 60
Figure 2-24: Sequence Diagram For Appointment Data .............................................................. 61
Figure 2-25: User Interface ........................................................................................................... 62
Figure 3-1: System Architecture For Proposed System ................................................................ 64
Figure 3-2: Subsystem Decomposition Diagram .......................................................................... 65
Figure 3-3: Deployment Diagram ................................................................................................. 66
Figure 3-4: Persistent Data Management Diagram ....................................................................... 67
Figure 3-5: Detail Class Diagram ................................................................................................. 70
Figure 3-6: Package Diagram ....................................................................................................... 71
Figure 4-1: Home Page…………………………………………………………………………..82
Figure 4-1: Admin Page………………………………………………………………………….83
Figure 4-1: Appendix…………………………………………………………………………….99

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019

BR…………………………………………………..Business Rule
CFMS…………………………………….………...Crime file Management System
DBMS……………………………………………....Database Management System
FIR………………………………………………….First Information Report
HRM ……………………………………………….Human Resource Management
HTML…………………………………………….. Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP…………………………………………........Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
MySQL………………………………….………….Structural Query Language
OS………………………………………….…….....Operating System
PHP……………………………………………….. Hypertext Preprocessing
UC…………………………………………….……Use Case
UC-ID ……………………………………………..Use case Identification Number
UI………………………………………………......User Interface
UML………………………………………….….....Unified Model Language
UML……………………………………………….Unified Model Language

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019


1.1 Introduction
Gondar city is one of the most populated and historical towns of Ethiopia cities. In order to
sustain peace and security of citizens living in this city, establishing police station in such cities
is crucial. The modern police station was established in Ethiopia during drug regime in 1974in
order to prevent crimes and sustain peace in the city and around the city. Gondar police station
has enough man power to manage crimes that act on citizens living within it. Crime management
is possible in a city even though it is not web based with current technology like computers. For
their achievement of basic need the peoples need peace and security, Peace and security is the
key concept in the living environment for any work that you help for your life. Governments and
peoples support to peace and security for their sustainable development for their country. The
main purpose of this project is to develop computerized crime file management system for
Gondar police station. This station has mainly two functions. Those are preventing crimes before
happening and investigation on different crimes after happening. Generally the new system will
change the existing manual system in to computerized system. This system will provide better
prospective for the enhancement of organization regarding to quality and transparency [1].

1.2 Background
Crime is an illegal action for which someone can be punished by the government. Crime is
highly increasing in the world and in our country due to development of different technology.
So, this cause serious problem for the world as well as our country growth. Also that fall the
country’s economic, political and social interactions from their development. So, to minimize
these illegal activities the government made the police station in different place of the country.
Gondar police station has been used manual file handling system since it was established. There
were five big departments under the station that are detection department, prevention department,
traffic department , department of HRM and department of information and security service for
all in sustainable way. Each department have its own responsibility detection department have a
responsibility to investigate the crime after happing and if the suspected person commit the crime
then the file send to court and if the suspected person not commit the investigator leave the case.

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
Prevention department have responsibility to prevent against commitment of crime by creating
awareness to society. Department of information and security responsibility to collect
information after happened and give to detection department and prevent crime before happened

The mission of the police station is to struggle against crime and bring about a sustainable
economic development throughout the country by providing peace and security service.

The existing system for Gondar police station activities are done in manual like employee
registration, identify progress of crime, crime report, and to generate reports, give awareness to
the society about consequence of crime . So this manual system faces different type of problems
those takes time loss of data and it occurs data redundancy.

The station has responsible for reporting and storing the nature of the crime, the location details,
the sequence of the crime information on victims. The crime record system of the station
currently investigated with the problem of recording, storing, retrieving and updating of crime
information to generate reports and decision making purpose. Currently the police station
processes tasks in traditional file systems.

1.3 Statement of the problem

In crime file management system in Gondar police station, there is no computerized system. Due
to this reason, all the employee are done manually. Because of this manual work, employee are
unable to retrieval of data easily and their also Data redundancy and inconsistency .because
progress of case done paper based there are some data that register more than two times, lack of
security information. Documents can be maliciously accessed by anyone, there is no evidence of
back-up system in case of lost or damage of files. Because there is no copy of that file.
Another problem is when the preventive officer wants to generate report; they exchange the
report using paper or other file transferring mechanism. When they exchange the report their
may lost or damaged and crime files can be lost or cancelled by someone because files are found
on the shelf and on tables of the office, it has a chance to be lost or cancelled or modified. This
manual work is time consuming and not user friendly to the user.
Therefore, to solve such kind of problems we develop crime file management system for Gondar
police stationwhich can overcome those problems mentioned above.

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019

1.4 Objectives of the project

1.4.1 General objectives

The general objective of this project is to develop web based crime file management system for
Gondar Police Station.

1.4.2 Specific objective

The specific objectives of the Gondar crime file management system development are:
 Identify problem of the current state
 Analyze the current state in order to propose a better and a working solution.

 Design a system that considers the current situation.

 Implement the system based on the current requirements.

 Test and evaluate the developed system.

1.5 Scope of the project

The scope of this project focus only in Crime file management system for Gondar police station
that is preventing crime case before the crime happen and investigate crime case after crime
committed and provide evidence information for suspected person. Send appointment date to
suspected person. The system use only English language.

1.6 Limitation of project

The system not include information happened in traffic department, employee management in
police station, not consider face, speech and finger recognition.

1.7 System development methodology

The basic idea of the system development life cycle is that there is a well-defined process by
which an application is conceived, developed, and implemented.

 This web base crime file management system project is done by iterative model we can
only create a high-level design of the application before we actually begin to build the

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
product and define the design solution for the entire product. Later on we can design and
built a skeleton version of that, and then evolved the design based on what had been built.
 In iterative model we are building and improving the product step by step. Hence we can
track the defects at early stages. This avoids the downward flow of the defects

1.7.1 Investigation (Fact Finding) Methods

The additional data would be gathered through the technique of interview, through this technique
We get different information’s from the current workers of the police station.
Document analysis
There are many written documents beneficial to our work from different website
 Observation
Using this method to get the right information about the institution and also understand by
viewing how the existing system works and used to gather additional data by observing the
actual work being done by the staff and consolidated with what was obtained through Interview.

1.7.2 System Development Tools

Software Requirements
This project team will use the HTML as a front end and the SQL Server as a back and or
Database tool to develop the new computer based system.

 Technology Implemented: Apache Server
 Server side Language Used: PHP
 User Interface Design: HTML, JavaScript, cascading
 Web Browser: Mozilla, Google Chrome, and spark
 Operating System: Windows
 Documentation: Ms Word 2013
 Presentation: Ms Power Point 2013
 Database: wampserver
 Drawing diagram: edraw max, visual paradigm
 Coding : sublime text3

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
Hardware Requirements
Desktop computer and Laptop Computer: for running php code and writing

Flash Disc: for storing and transferring back up files.

1.8 Significance of the project

The significance of the new system includes:
 The System allow people to see news and give FIR at any were.
 This system minimizes the distance between departments of police station.
 It increases the security and efficiency
 To minimize time and efforts needed to perform tasks.
 Providing a well-organized and guaranteed record keeping system with minimum space
and effort need. Because our system have duplicated server to maintain backup.

Benefits to police station

 Avoiding improper resource consumption like paper, pen

 Avoiding data loss because of improper data storage

 Neat investigation files in the station can be transfers from generation to generation

 Enhance security mechanisms to protect crime records

Benefits to Citizens

 Can view posted information’s by the station anywhere at any time

Benefits to Police Department

 Facilitates fast and efficient retrieval of data

 Can post wanted criminals, missing persons and safety tips anywhere at any time

 Centralized crime and criminal information repository

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
1.10 Feasibility Study of the new System
Feasibility study is essential to evaluate the cost and benefits of the new system. On the basis of
The feasibility study decision is taken on whether to proceed or to cancel the project.
1.10.1 Operational Feasibility
The system to be developed will provide accurate, active, secured service and decreases labor of
Workers. And also it is platform Independent i.e. it run’s in all operating system.
1.10.2 Economic Feasibility
The system to be developed is economically feasible and the benefit is outweighing the cost.
Since this project already computerizes the existing system, by now the reduction of cost for
Materials used in manual operation becomes beneficiary to the organization.

1.11Time Scheduling

No Task Start End Duration Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019
1 Information 3/12/2018 13/12/2018 10d
2 Project 14/12/2018 04/01/2019 20d
information &
3 Project 05/01/2019 05/02/2019 30d
4 Project design 06/02/2019 06/04/2019 55-60d

5 Project 07/04/2019 07/06/2019 75-80d


Table 1: Time scheduling

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019


2.1 Introduction
Requirements analysis, also called requirements engineering, is the process of determining user
expectations for a new or modified product. In this section the project We will express detail
works that are related to the Function of current system and description of current system,
problems of current system, Requirement gathering methodologies, proposed system, In what
way the FIRs (first information report) are managed? What are techniques being used to handle
investigation files? What are the business rules of the station? And what are the problems in the
existing system? After studying the existing system it is possible to understand that how the
proposed system can solve the existing system problems. Functional and Non-functional
requirements, the detail of UML models such as use case diagram, activity diagram, sequence
diagram and class diagrams. Use case diagram used to represent interaction between real world
entity and system. Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one
activity to another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. Sequence
diagram emphasizes on time sequence of messages and collaboration diagram emphasizes on the
structural organization of the objects that send and receive messages. Class diagram is basically a
graphical representation of the static view of the system and represents different aspects of the
application. A collection of class diagrams represent the whole system. Functional requirement
describes what the system do. . Nonfunctional requirement is describes about what service
provide to user.

2.2 Current System

Gondar police station applies manual way of crimes file management this manual way have different
problem so studding about current system help as to develop better and efficient system

2.2.1 Major function of the current system/ current system description

In the existing system of Gondar police station, the police department accepts FIRs in three ways
that are by phone, by letter and by face to face. For these purpose there are polices placed at the
station for 24 hours. After accepting FIRs, the police identifies whether the FIR is crime or not.
If it is crime, the FIR will send to the police officer and investigation team will be organized.

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
This investigation team list announces to investigative officers with FIRs, and then the
investigation process starts. After completed investigation process, the progress files closed and
recorded by the person who is hired for this purpose. Gondar police station manages all FIRs and
investigation files by writing all information on ledge. In case of this manual system Gondar
police station can’t accomplish its mission in a manner of efficiency.
In Gondar city the current police station management system a lot of operations are
accomplished manually like applying emergency case generating weekly, monthly, yearly
reports of criminals done by preventive officer, recording the details of criminals done by
investigative officer, view status, like collection of information, store, retrieve, control done by
information and security officer. Keeping the security of the citizens, managing the entire police
stations within it, protecting environment from any unlawful movement responsibility of all
police officer in police station and citizen.

2.2.2 Problem of Existing System

As we discussed above Crime File Management system is work manual generally it has a lot of

 The existing system is time consuming and not very user friendly.
 Data redundancy and inconsistency .because progress of case done paper based there are
some data that register more than two times
 There is no evidence of back-up system in case of lost or damage of files.
 The existing system doesn’t have system security
Because of the large number of serious crimes, minor FIRs may be ignored.
 Retrieval of data in a is difficult because of paper based there is many written document
finding data from those document is tedious
 The existing system does not maintain most wanted criminals with respect to area wise
 In the existing system generation of report is bulky activity
 The existing system does not support online case registrations
To avoid all these limitations and make the working more accurately the systems needs to be

Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
2.3 Requirement Gathering
This section describes the steps and procedures that were followed in order to accomplish the
project. The study was conducted as follows:

2.3.1 Requirement Gathering Methodologies

In order to obtain data requirement for the project, the project team used different methods. From
the different methods used includes interviews, observation, and document analysis are among
the different methodologies of collecting the data and information required for the proposed
system [3].

This is one of the methods used for the collection of data. The teams have the chance of asking
different questions to the organization employee for obtaining the required information and data.
Generally by asking appropriate questions the teams have gathered information’s like,

 The date of the institution was established,

 Number of department with their function.
 How they currently perform all activities like how to manage crime.
 Business rule of the institution.
 What are the ways to collect crime information,
 What is the mission of the organization,
 How the organizations currently work,
 How to manage file.

Document Review

This method of collecting a data is analyzing the document prepared in the existing system. The
team analyzed different documents like forms and report samples in the existing system. In form
samples the team used information that the user used to get services from the police station like
criminal registration forms, accused forms. And from the report samples the team gathered
information about the day to day activities of the police station.


Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
The project team uses observation method for collecting the information in which the project
team observed the actual events which happen in the system. In this method, the project team
observed some the activities that the person are suspected the criminal in the police station that
are performed and noted down how they are doing. It helped the project team to get some real
information how the police station performs its function and this helps to strength the data that
gathered through interview and document analysis.

2.3.2 Results Found

Results found while gathering requirements regarding the problem of the current crime file
management system is.

 Preventive officer say that “when registering suspected person it is very

difficult and over load of work due to the number of suspected person
increase time to time”.

 Preventive officer say that “when preventing crime before happened we

must go from place to place to teach the society”.

 Information and security officer say that “when we want to see status of
suspected person it is difficult to identify easily from many document”.

 When someone want to get news of the police station in appropriate place
and time. He is unable to get those news, he must go and read the notice
which is posted in police station.

2.3.3 Explanation of the business rule of the organization

A business rule of existing system is policies that will explain for existing system of Gondar
police station [4].
The existing system has many business rules or principles some of them are:
Br1: every police officer must have identification number
Br2: New crime reports (first information reports) have to received and organized by
preventive police officer
Br3: FIRs should get fast response as much as possible if and only if the FIR is crime case

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
Br4: FIR crimes should be investigated by investigation officer.
Br5: The crime should be happened in Gondar city or around the city, in order to start
investigation process.
Br6: Victims had right to report any crime
Br7: Police staff cannot arrest by suspect without court’s permission
Br8: accused person not give right of bail when the crime is terrorism, when crime murder
someone or crime is related to corruption

Br9: accused person to get right of bail the guaranty person must work in governmental
organization and mortage money according to his crime

2.3.4 Assumptions and Dependencies

Our assumption is by oppose the fact (the current manual system or known facts)
is presence of police officers in police station in 24 hours because police
officersregister, provide evidence information and manage progress of case
online anywhere and reduce the number of employees in the police station.

2.4 Proposed system description

To avoid the problems existing in the police station and make the operations and
activities more accurate, the system needs to be computerized and should perform
activities online. The aim of proposed system is to improve the problems of the
existing system. The system provides proper security and reduces a wide range manual

2.4.1 Overview of the proposed system

The existing system has its own problem and drawbacks. So that, the project team tries to
develop a system which is better than the existing system in terms of time and cost
efficiency. The team tire to make the existing system that improve system performance .The
proposed system is capable of provides high security of data, capability of organizing all
information in a single client-server system, easy way of recording and accessing information
by its well organized user-friendly interface. Generally the proposed system will improve the
performance of the existing system and reduce these problems, time wastage, bring data

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
security, data inconsistency, Poor quality service delivery, and reduces wastage of paper.
This will be described as follows

 Generate FIR report polices can accept first crime report and organizes them to
generate report, can post safety tips and missing persons and can easily search criminals
case. In this case it minimize cost and time
 Manage investigative file and post wanted criminal: Investigative officers can update
and deactivate progress case information’s, can easily retrieve criminal’s case for
investigation purpose and post wanted criminal information.
 Information database: The system handles end-user, nominator and Employee
information in the database. Nominator have add first crime information. They can also
access their post information anywhere through their address.

2.4.2 Purpose of the new system

The proposed system will provide

 Greater efficiency for recording investigation file:Since the proposed system uses
database system, registering investigation files, and updating of progress files from the
database will be easy and also there will not be loose of data.
 Security: since the proposed system requires verification of login form, sensitive
information’s will not be accessed or modified by unauthorized users.
 Better service: since the proposed system allows nominator to register FIR online
without a need of going to police station, there will be fast response for crimes. End-users
will also view all posted information’s from anywhere.
 Efficient retrieval of criminal files: since the proposed system record each and every
criminal file on the data base, retrieval of criminal files from the database at any time will
be a very easy process.

2.4.3 Functional Requirement

Functional requirement is what a system should be able to do, the functions it should perform.
Functional requirements describe what the system should do. The system has the same function
as the manual system, but it must be more effective and efficient to do with the new system.

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The administrator can be do the following Requirements

Req1. The system should allow the Administrator to create employee account

Req2. The system should allow the Administrator to deactivate and activate employee

Req3. The system should allow the Administrator to view post news

Req4. The system should allow the Administrator to post news

Req5. The system should allow the Administrator to view feedback

Investigative officer

The investigative officer can be do the following Requirements

Req1. The system should allow the Investigative officer to view report.

Req2. The system should allow the Investigative officer to post wanted criminal.

Req3. The system should allow the Investigative officer to update progress case.

Req4. The system should allow the Investigative officer to deactivate progress case.

Req5. The system should allow the Investigative officer to change password

Req6. The system should allow the Investigative officer to view registered FIR.

Req7. The system should allow the Investigative officer to print investigated file.

Req8.the system should allow the investigative officer to view evidence information

Req9.The system should allow investigative officer to manage guaranty

Req10.The system should allow investigative officer to save appointment date

Preventive officer

The preventive officer can be do the following Requirements

Req1. The system should allow the Prevention officer to register FIR

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
Req2. The system should allow the Prevention officer to generate report

Req3. The system should allow the Prevention officer to view post.

Req4. The system should allow the Prevention officer to post educated news.

Req5. The system should allow the Prevention officer to change password.


The end user can be do the following Requirements

Req1. The system should allow the end-user view post.

Req2. The system should allow the end-user give feedback.

Req3.The system allow the nominator to add FIR (first information report)

Information and security officer

The information and security can be do the following Requirements

Req1. The system should allow the Information and security officer View post

Req2. The system should allow the Information and security officer to view registered FIR

Req3. The system should allow the information and security officer to view status of
accessed person

Req4. The system should allow the Information and security officer to send evidence

Req5. The system should allow the Information and security officer to view report

Req6. The system should allow the information and security officer to view complaints

Req7. The system should allow the Information and security officer to change password

Suspected person

The suspected person can be do the following Requirements

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Req1. The system should allow the suspected person to view his appointment date

Req2. The system allow the suspected person to give complaints

Req3. The system allow the suspected person to view educated post news

2.4.3 Non –functional requirements

The non-functional requirement of the system deals with how well the system provides service to
the user. This section includes User Interface (UI), documentation, hardware and software
consideration, performance characteristics such as how responsible the system is? How long it
take to respond? And security Issue. User Interface and Human factors

. The interface of the proposed system is very flexible for users. The system use English
Language. The user of this system must have knowledge how to use a computer. Documentation
The documentation shows every process that the system requires. Moreover, it explains the
differences between both systems (current and proposed).And, the documentation tells all about
the proposed system in detail so that everyone can understand it Hardware Considerations

The hardware required to use the system is basically a computer machine that is used one as a
client and the other as a server. The computer machine can be a laptop computer, desktop
computer, the client side is used for accessing the system and the server side is used for storing
the website and receiving and responding requests. Performance Characteristics

 Response Time

The system under normal condition should display results as quickly as possible.

 Processing Time

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
The system under normal condition should `process the request as quickly as possible.

 Concurrent Processing: Because the proposed system is online it should execute

multiple users. Error Handling and Extreme Conditions

The system should handle exceptions listed below:

 Login error (unauthorized login): the system shall handle an attempt to login with
incorrect username and password and display appropriate message.
 Submitting Empty String.
 Attempt to insert duplicated username into the database while registering.
 Inserting alphabetic value in integer text field and vice versa.
 If electric power goes off before committing or submit the transition should keep the data Quality Issues

 Reliability-The new system under normal condition should keep service without any fault.
 Usability-The new system that we develop should be easy to learn and
 User operability-The system will offer simple navigation function so, can be operated by
any user.
 Language support-The proposed system support only English language.
 Portability -The system work with independent of platform like operating
system, browser.
 Availability: The system should be available for all working hours (24 hours). System Modifications

As the world is capable of change from time to time; there will be future change to the system as
a result of new technology invention. Therefore the system can be upgrade to the new technology
by developers.

16 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019 Physical Environment
The proposed system we are going to develop can be affected by the physical environment when
a natural disaster occurs. The new system will be affected by internal physical environment like
attack by viruses, worms and the like. So to overcome this system stores different web server. Security Issues

Security requirements represent the environment in which the system us to operate as well as the
type and degree of security that must be provided. The external security can be provided by
given the login authentication.User information like password should be stored in the database in
encrypted form. Resource Issues

 Server: Minimum hardware requirements for Apache server are:

 CPU: 32 bit or 64bit
 RAM:1GB or higher is recommended

 Client:
 CPU: 32 or64 bit
 RAM: 512 MB or higher

2.5 System models

The system modeling helps the analyst to understand the functionality of the system and models
are used to communicate with customers. Generally, a system model is the conceptual model that
describes and represents a system.

2.5.1 Scenario
This describes a particular sequence of activities within a use case.

Scenario 1

Scenario name: login.

Participating actor: Administrator, Investigator officer, prevention officer, information and

security officer.

Flow of event:

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 User initiates the system.

 User enters user name and password.

 The system validates user name and password.

 If user name and password is valid, access shall be granted.

 If user name and password is invalid access is denied and then the system
display error message.

Scenario 2:

Scenario name: Create account

Participating actor: Administrator

Entry condition: Administrator login to the system by using his account.

Flow of event

 Admin click Create Account link and the system load the new registration form.
 Admin fills the required information (User name, role, Password).
 Admin clicks the submit button system save’s the information to the database.
 The system replies message.

Scenario 3:

Scenario name: Deactivate account

Participating actor: Administrator

Entry condition: Administrator logs in to the system by using his account.
Flow of event
 Admin click Account link and the system load account page.
 Admin click deactivate button
 The system warns the account to Deactivate
 User clicks the ok button system Deactivate the account from the database.

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Scenario 4:

Scenario name: post news

Participating actor: Administrator and prevention officer

Entry condition: Administrator and prevention officer login to the system by using his/her

Flow of event

 Administrator and prevention officer click post link and upload the required file and
the system load the data filling form.
 Administrator and prevention officer fill the required information.
 Administrator and prevention officer clicks the save button then the system sends the
required information to the database and display for the users.

Scenario 5:

Scenario name: Register FIR

Participating actor: preventive officer

Flow of event

 Users Login to the system by entering user name and password.

 System displays the logged account page.
 Users click registration link from preventive officer page
 System displays the registration form.
 Users fill that form.
 Users click on submit button.
 System validates the filled information.
 The System display registration is success.

Scenario 6:

Scenario name: Update progress case

Participating actor: investigator officer.

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Flow of event

 Users login to the system by entering user name and password.

 System display Investigator officer page.
 User’s select update registration option from Investigator officer page.
 System displays update registration page.
 System displays the registration record to be updated.
 Users select record update the registration field and click on update button.
 System updates the registration record.
 System display update message.

Scenario 7:

Scenario name: Deactivate progress case.

Participating actor: Investigator officer.

Flow of event

 Users login to the system by entering user name and password.

 System displays the Investigator officer page.

 Users select the deactivate registration option from investigator officer page.
 System displays the field to be deactivate.
 Users select the data to deactivate item.
 Users click on deactivate button.
 The system deactivate the selected items.
 System display done message.
Scenario 8:

Scenario name: Generate report.

Participating actor: prevention officer.

Flow of event

 Users login to the system by entering user name and password.

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 Users click on generate report link.

 The system display generate report page

 Users view recorded data.

 Users fill crime report and send its report

 The system display report generate successfully.

Scenario 9:

Scenario name: view post news

Participating actor: Administrative, investigation officer, prevention officer, information and

security officer, end-user .

Entry condition: Administrator and prevention officer login to the system by using his account.
And then posts different news

Flow of event

 System display home page

 The User view post news option from the home page.

Scenario 10:

Scenario name: View report.

Participating actor: Investigator officer and information and security officer.

Flow of event

 The user login to the system by using entering username and password.
 The user view report option from owns page.
 System display view report page.
 The user selects different report and display.

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2.5.2 Use Case model
Use case Diagram Describe the functional behavior of the system as seen by the user. It is a
sequence of action that provides a measurable value to an actor another way to look at it is that a
use case describes a way to which a real world to interacts with the system. [5]

The identification of actors and use cases results in the definition of the boundary of the system
that is, in differentiating the tasks accomplished by the system and the tasks accomplished by its
environment. The actors are outside the boundary of the system, whereas the use cases are inside
the boundary of the system Actor Identification

In this system, the interaction of actors with the system is through the interface of the system. In
the proposed system, the following actors are identified.

 Administrator
 Investigative officer.
 Preventive officer.
 Information and security officer.
 End-User.
 Suspected person.

22 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019 Use case Mode Diagram

Figure 2-1: Use case diagram

23 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019 Description of Use-Case Model
The use case model uses actors and use cases. These concepts are simply an aid to defining what
exists outside the system (actors) and what should be performed by the system. The followings
are description about use case model [2].

UC_ID 01
Use case name Login
Actor Administrator, investigator officer, and
preventive officer, information and
security officer
Use case Description This use case is used to ensure security
in system usage.
Precondition: The user must have at least username
and password.
Post condition The user gets access to the system
according to their predefined system
privilege and finally he/she logout or
turn off the page.
Actor action System response
Step1: administrator, Step2: The System responses by
investigator officer, displaying the login interface and allow
preventive officer, the user for the user name and
information and security password.
officer and nominator has Step5: System verifies username and
to activate the system. Password.
Use Case
Step3: fill his or her Step7: System displays its main

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flow username and password. window.
Step4: he/she select login Step8: Use case ends.
Step6: the User get
authentication and access
the system
Alternative course of action If user enters wrong username and / or
7.1: System displays “please reenter your
correct user name and password”.
7.2: system display empty login form
7.3: use case ends
Table 2: Login use case description

UC_ID 02
Use case name Create new user account.
Actor Administrator
This use case is done by the
Use case Description Administrator when they need to add
new user account.
The Administrator have to login to the
Precondition: system to manage staff.
The user information will be managed
Post condition by administrator.
Actor action System response

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Step1: the administrative step2: the system displays form.
click create account button. Step 5 the system validate new user
Step 3 administrator fills detail.
username, and password, role Step 6 the system save user detail to
Step 4 the administrator click the database.
submit button
Step 7 the system displays successful
Use Case Step 8 the administrator tells
flow the username and password
Step 9 end of use case
to the user,
3.1: If the Administrator does not enter
Alternative course of action the username or the password or he/she
entered correctly, the system displays a
message “please enters the user name
and password and role correctly”.
5.1: if not correct the system doesn’t
save the entered information to the
6.1: the system displays a fill again
message and allow him/her to fill again.
6.2: use case ends
Table 3: create account use case description

UC_ID 03
Use case name view posted information’s
Actor administrator, investigator officer, and
preventive officer, end-user,
information and security officer
Use case Description This use case allows the user to see
posted information’s
Precondition: There should be posted information’s
Post condition The user views posted information’s
Actor action System response

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Step 1: The user open Step4: The system displays posted
home page wants to view information’s
the posted information’s
step2: The user gets access
to the system
Step3: Clicks on view
Use Case
post information button
step5: The user view
posted information’s
Step 6: The view process
Table 4: View post information use case description

UC_ID 04
Use case name post news
Actor Administrator and preventive officer
Use case Description In this use case the user can post any
Precondition: the user should have to enter a valid
user name and password to login

Post condition If user entered valid account type, user

name and password then he/she can
post the information.
Actor action System response
Step1: user login in to the Step3: the system displays the news
system form
Step 2: the user wants to Step5: The system checks the filled
post missing persons or form
any news and clicks on Step6: the system stored the posted
post button information on the database

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Use Case Step4: user fills the needed Step7: the system displays successful
flow information message
Step5:click post button
Step8: the post process
Alternative course of action 5.1: the system display an error
5.2: the post process back to fill form

Table 5:post news use case description

UC_ID 05
Use case name View Report
Actor Investigative officer and information
and security officer.
Use case Description This use case is seen investigative
officer and information and security.
To view report
Precondition: The investigative officer and
information and security officer has to
login to the system and the preventive
officer generate reports
Post condition The investigative officer and
information and security officer views a
Actor action System response
Step 1: the investigation Step 4: the system displays the selected
and information and report automatically.
security officer must login Step 5: the view process end.
in their account
Step 2: the investigative
officer and information

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Use Case and security officer wants
flow to view the report and
clicks on view reports
Step 3: The investigative
officer and information
and security officer select a
report type on menu item.

Alternative course of action 3.1: the system does not display the
3.2: the view process ends.

Table 6: view report use case description

UC_ID 06
Use case name generate report
Actor preventive officer
Use case Description This use case Generates report.
Precondition: Preventive officer have login to the
Post condition Users generate report
Actor action System response
Step 1: the user must login Step 4: The system display report
to their account form that contain the following :-
Step 2: the users wants to
generate the report and  Date of report
clicks on generate reports  Type of report
menu  For whom the report is
Use Case
Step 3: The users select a prepares

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report type on menu item.  Report information’s
Step 5: The user fills the Step 6: The system checks the filled
filled form and click form.
submit Step 7: The system generated the
Step 9: use case ends report to the login user.

Step 8: The system displays

successful message.

Alternative course of action 5.1: If the user’s officer enters invalid

information then the system will
generate an error message in order to
fill again the information properly.

Table 7: generate report use case description

UC_ID 07

Use case name send evidence information

Actor Information and security officer
Use case Description This use case is done by the
Information and security officer when
they need to retrieve criminal cases.
Precondition: The Information and security officer
login to the system to search wanted
Post condition The user information will be managed

Actor action System response

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Step 1: The Information Step3:The system requests the user to
and security officer enter Id number
Want to send evidence
information cases and Step 6: the system checks whether the
he/she login to the system. file exist in the database
Step2:the user click on Step7: the system displays the needed
Use Case
provide evidence criminal info.
information button Step 9: the process end
Step4: the user send the
requested information
Step5: the user clicks on
search button
Step 8: the user will see
the displayed information
and send information.
Alternative course of action 6.1: if the file doesn’t exist in the
database the system displays ‘there
is no criminal file record.
6.2: use case ends.

Table 8: provide evidence information use case description

UC_ID 08
Use case name Register FIR

Actor preventive officer,

Use case Description This use case allows the user to register
FIR on the system
Precondition: The user should have to login to the
Post condition The user should have to get access to

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the system
Actor action System response
Step 1 preventive officer Step3: The system displays the
login to the system register page
Step2: The user clicks on Step5: The system displays validate the
register button user details
Step4:The user fill the Step7: The system sends to the system
form and displays the successful message
Use Case
Step6: The user clicks Step8: The use case ends
submit button

5.1: If the user does not enter the

Alternative course of action correctly, the system displays a
message “please enters correctly”.
5.2: use case ends

Table 9: register FIR use case description

UC_ID 09

Use case name Update investigation file

Actor investigative officer
Use case Description This use case is done by investigative
officer while the investigation process
wants to update is insured.
Precondition: The investigator officer should have to
login to the system. There must be

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registered file
Post condition If the use case was successful, the user
information is added in the
investigation file database. Otherwise,
the system state is unchanged.
Actor action System response
Step1:the investigative step2: The system will display
officer must login search box
step3: the investigative
officer add the case id step5: The system will check the
step4: click on search case id
Use Case button step6: The system will display
flow step7: The investigative searched result
officer edits the form.
step8: The user clicks on step9: The system checks the
Update button. entered information
step11: the investigative step10: The system sends message”
officer selects the yes does u want to update?”
step14: end of use case step12: The system updates the
information you want,
step13: the system displays
successful message of updating
5.1: displays “try again” message.
5.2: the system will display empty
Alternative course of action search box
11.1: if the investigative officer select
the no option, the system displays
‘updating aborted’ message.

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11.2: use case ends

Table 10: update investigation file use case description

UC_ID 10
Use case name Logout
Actor Administrator, investigative officer,
preventive officer, information and
security officer.
Use case Description This use case allows to logout and
back to the login page
Precondition: Administrator, investigative officer,
preventive officer, information and
security officer and nominator. should
be login to the system and wants to log
Post condition Administrator, investigative officer,
preventive officer, information and
security officer and nominator logged
out from their privileges and go back to
home page.
Actor action System response
Use Case Step 1:The user click Step2: The system returns to login
flow logout button page
Step3: use case end

Table 11:logout use case description

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2.5.3 Activity diagram
Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to another
activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system[6].

Figure 2-2: Activity diagram for login

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Admin Open
Home Page

Displays login

Admin enter username Try again

And password and click
Login button

Valid Display error
Incorrect Message

System Display
Admin page

Admin click create

Account button

Try again

System Display a form

Create account Incorrect

Admin fill data to System display

Create and click Valid? Message create
Create account Success

Figure 2-3: Activity diagram for create account

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Admin open
Home page

Displays page

Admin login

Admin click
Account link

System Incorrect
Displays data
Fill form

Admin fill data Valid?


System displays message

To deactivate/active account

Admin click ok

System displays success
Deactivate/active account

Figure 2-4: Activity diagram for deactivate/activate account

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Actors are: admin, investigator Start

Officer, preventive officer,
End-user, information and security
User open
Home page


Display user

User click view

Post link

Displays post


Figure 2-5: Activity diagram for view post news

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Users Open
Home Page

Actors are: admin and System

Preventive officer Displays Home

Users Login to
The System

Display own

User Click Post


Display Post Incorrect

Users Fill The Valid

Form and Click ?

System Save
Post news


Figure 2-6: Activity Diagram for Post information

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Users Open
Home Page

Actor are: System

Preventive officer Displays Home

Users Login to
The System

Display own

User Click
Register Button

System Incorrect
Register Form

Users Fill the Form Valid

And Click Submit ?

System Save
Register case Correct

System Displays
Success register

Figure 2-7: Activity Diagram for Register FIR

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Users Open
Home Page

Actor are information and System

Security officer Displays Home

Users Login to
The System

Display own

User Click
Search Button

Display Search

Users Fill the Form Valid

And Click Submit

System check the fill form

Have/have not in database


End Correct
information and System Displays
Search Case
Figure 2-8:Activity Diagram for send evidence information

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Figure 2-9: Activity Diagram for Give feedback

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Users Open
Home Page

Actor are System

Preventive officer Displays Home

Users Login to
The System

Display own

User Click
Generated report

Display report

User selects the report


User fills the required

Information and click Valid


System generate
The report End

Figure 2-10፡Activity Diagram Generate report

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Users Open
Home Page

Actor are, investigator Displays Home
officer Page

Users Login to
The System

Display own

Users enter case id
And click search

System Valid
Check the case id ?

System display
Updated information

Users fill the updated

Information and click


Incorrect Correct

System Displays End

Message updated

Figure:2-11:Activity Digram for Update criminal case

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Users Open
Home Page

Actors are, admin, investigator System

Officer, preventive officer Displays Home
, information and security Page

Users Login to
The System

Display own

User click logout


Displays login form

Figure 2-12: Activity Diagram for Logout from the System

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Figure 2-13: activity diagram for save appointment date

2.5.4 Object Model
We draw a class diagram depicting the inheritance relationships and associations that exist
between the entity objects that we identified earlier. The class diagram focuses mainly on the
relationship among application domain concepts.

46 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019 Dictionary

Admin First_ name Describes first name of admin

Middle_name Describes middle name of admin
Last_name Describes last name of admin
Admin_Id Describes identification number of admin
Email Describes email account of admin
User name Describes user name of admin
Password Describes security number of admin
Describes address of admin

Entity objects Attributes Description

Investigative officer First_name Describes first name of investigative officer

Middle_name Describes middle name of investigative
Describes last name of investigative officer
Describes id of investigative officer
Describes sex of investigative officer
Describes age of investigative officer
Describes email account of investigative
User name
Describes user name of investigative officer
Describes security number of investigative
Address Describe address of investigative officer
Phone Describe phone number of investigative

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Entity objects Attribute Description

Preventive officer First_name Describes first name of preventive officer

Middle_name Describes middle name of preventive officer
Last_name Describes last name of preventive officer
prev_Id Describes id of preventive officer
Sex Describes sex of preventive officer
Age Describes age of preventive officer
Email Describes email account of preventive officer
User name Describes user name of preventive officer
Password Describes security number of preventive

Describe address of preventive officer
Describe phone number of preventive officer
Entity objects Attribute Description

Entity objects Attribute Description

User First_name Describes first name of user

Middle_name Describes middle name of user
Last_name Describes last name of user
user_Id Describes id of user
Sex Describes sex of user
Age Describes age of user
Email Describes email account of user
Address Describe address of user
Phone Describe phone number of user

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news id Describes identification number of news
Describes short idea of news
Describes the message posted in news
Describes date when news posted

Feedback Feedback- id Describes identification number of feedback

Name Describes sender name
comment body Describes message(body) of feedback
Describes the sender id number

Post wanted criminal postwant- id Describes identification number of criminal

Name Describes criminal name
Date Describes date
Describes the photo of criminal

Entity objects Attribute Description

Crime suspected First_name Describes first name of crime suspected

Middle_name Describes middle name of crime suspected
Last_name Describes last name of crime suspected
sesp_Id Describes id of crime suspected
Sex Describes sex of crime suspected
Age Describes age of crime suspected
Address Describe address of crime suspected
Phone Describe phone number of crime suspected
photo Describe photo of crime suspected

Crime crime_id Describes identification number of crime

crime_type Describes type of crime
crime_date Describes date crime happened
crime_place Describes place crime happened
Table 12: Data dictionary
49 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019 Class Modeling
The relationships between the objects that we have identified are defined as follows using class

Figure 2-14: Class diagram

50 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019 Dynamic Modeling
We have identified number of entity, boundary and control objects, along the way we have also
identified some of their attributes and associations, we represent t this object sequence diagrams. Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram describe behavior as a sequence of messages exchanged among a set of
objects. Sequence diagram which is also known as interaction diagrams are one of the diagrams
seed in UML, for modeling the dynamic aspects of the system. It shows an interaction consisting
of a set of objects and their relationship including message that may be dispatched among them.
It emphasizes the time ordering of messages. A sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged
in time sequence.

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Figure 2-15: Sequence diagram for login

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Figure 2-16: Sequence Diagram for provide evidence information

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Figure 2-17: Sequence Diagram for view report

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Figure 2-18: Sequence diagram for create account

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Figure 2-19: Sequence Diagram for change password

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Figure 2-20: Sequence diagram for add FIR

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Figure 2-21: Sequence diagram for register FIR

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Figure 2-22: Sequence diagram for update progress case

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Figure 2-23: Sequence diagram for post news

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Figure 2-24: Sequence diagram for appointment data

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2.5.5 User interface

Home page user interface

Figure 2-25: User interface

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3.1 Introduction

System design is the transformation of the analysis model into a system design model. System
design is the first part to get into the solution domain in a software development. This chapter
focuses on transforming the analysis model into the design model that takes into account the
non-functional requirements and constraints described in the problem of the statement and
requirement analysis sections discussed earlier.
The purpose of designing is to show the direction how the system is built and to obtain clear and
enough information needed to drive the actual implementation of the system. It is based on
understanding of the model the software built on. The objectives of design are to model the
system with high quality. Implementing of high quality system depend on the nature of design
created by the designer. If one wants to change to the system after it has been put in to operation
depends on the quality of the system design. So if the system is design clearly, it will be easy to
make changes to it.

3.1.1 Design goals

The objectives of design are to model the system with high quality. The design goals are derived
from non-functional requirements that means non-functional requirement is the description of the
feature characteristics and attribute of the system as well as any constraints that may limit the
boundary of the proposed solution.

Design goals describe the qualities of the system should consider.

 Reliability: the proposed system should be reliable.

 Fault Tolerance: Gondar police station crime file management system should be fault
tolerant to loss of connectivity with the service.
 Security: the proposed system should be secured, i.e., not allow other users or unauthorized
users to access data that has no the right to access it.

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
 Performance: Gondar police station crime file management system should respond fast
with high throughput, i.e. It should perform retrieving crime case, registering progress
crime case, updating progress files and generating report as quickly as possible.
 User Interface: As the system is expected to be user friendly the user interface of the
system should be easy and used by users without difficulties since the users may have
less experience in using computer.
 Modifiability: the proposed system should be modifiable for further modification and
enhancement of the application

3.2 Current software architecture

The existing system is performed manually. So, there is no any type of software architecture.

3.3 Architecture of the proposed System

3.3.1 Overview
The purpose of designing is to show the direction as to how application is developed and to
obtain clear and enough information needed to derive the actual implementation of the
application. The architecture used for the system is a 3 tier means client tier, middle/web tier and
the data tier ,Such an architecture is one of the most commonly used types of architecture for
web-based applications as it provides greater application scalability, high flexibility, high
efficiency and better reusability of components.

Figure 3-1: System architecture for proposed system

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3.3.2 Subsystem decomposition
To reduce the complexity of the solution domain, we decompose a system into simpler parts,
called subsystems, which are made of a number of solution domain classes. In the case of
complex subsystems, we recursively apply this principle and decompose a sub- system into
simpler subsystems. Decomposition Results large systems in to a set of loosely dependent parts
which make up the system. Sub-System Decomposition is the way that helps us to distinguish the
part of the operations that takes place under the organization. In this system, there are six sub
system decompositions. These are

Figure 3-2: Subsystem decomposition diagram

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3.3.3. Hardware/Software Mapping
CFMS is inherently a distributed system .We distinguish between three types of nodes: the
UserMachine (computer) to provide a user interface, the ServerMachine to run the application
logic and more generally to give response for the requests made by CFMS Client running on the
UserMachine, and the StorageMachine for persistent data storage.

Figure 3-3: Deployment diagram

3.3.4 Persistent data management
Persistent data management deals with how the persistent data are stored and managed.
Information related to admin, preventive officer, case, news and feedback and others.
Information is persistent data and hence stored on a database management system. Moreover,
Storing data in a database enables the system to perform complex queries on large data sets. In
Order to store data persistently in a database those class objects identified in the class diagram of
CFMS is mapped into tables and the attributes into fields to the respective tables. The Tables of
the system with their respective fields and the relationships that exist between the tables are
expressed in this portion of project.

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Figure 3-4: Persistent data management diagram

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3.3.5 Access control and security

Access control and security describes user model of the system in terms of an access privilege. It
involves managing who has access to specific system and resources at a given time. But in our
case the system can be access by police officers and administrator privilege but user can visit
web page for the Gondar police station system without any privilege at anywhere and anytime.

Admin Preventive Investigative Information user suspected

officer officer and security


register manage send Add

evidence FIR
Crime case information
report view
view post

Post Post view View view

save View

Appointment date

account manage login login login

complaints check

Table 13: access control

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3.3.6 Subsystem services

This section describes the service provided by each subsystem.

 Employee subsystem-this subsystem used to

 Administrator- create , deactivate and activate account

 Login operation to checks whether the user is valid or not controls

unauthorized users before entrance of the system. It consists of the
authentication, authorization, and security of the system.
 Preventive officer-used to register FIR and post news
 Information and security officer-used to provide evidence information
 Investigative officer –used to investigate crime file
 Appointment subsystem-this subsystem used to notify appointment date to suspected
 Crime case subsystem –this subsystem used to manage crime case
 News subsystem-this subsystem used to post news by admin and preventive officer and
view post news by investigative officer, information and security officer and user
 Feedback subsystem-this subsystem used to give feedback by user and view the
feedback by administrator
 Complaints subsystem-the subsystem used to give complaint by suspected person and
check compliant by information and security officer

3.4 Detailed Class Diagram

Class diagram depicts the system’s object structure. They show object classes that the system is
composed of as well as the relationships between those object classes. UML class diagram show
the classes of the system, their inter-relationships, and the operations and attributes of the

In this section we use the symbols

 (+) to represent public means accessed by every class.

 (-) to represent private means only accessed by this class only.

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Figure 3-5: Detail class diagram

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3.5 Packages
Package diagram a kind of structural diagram, show the arrangement and organization of
model elements in middle to large scale project. Package diagram can show both structure
and dependencies between sub-systems.

Figure 3-6: Package diagram

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4.1 Mapping Models to code

4.1.1 Mapping associations One-to-many associations

The Administrator class can manage several police officer information. In this case the
Administrator object has one-to-many association with the police officer.

Employee_ID Employee_Name Employee_Phone Employee_Address UserName

UserName Password Many-to-many associations

The Investigative officer class can Access several Case information and Case class can Accessed by
several investigative officer. In this case the investigative officer class has many-to-many association
with the Case.

72 | P a g e
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Invofficer_ID Invofficer _Name Invofficer _Phone Invofficer _Address

Case_ID Case _Type Case _Place Case _Date

Invofficer_ID Case_ID

4.1.2 Source Codes of Major Classes, Packages or Interfaces

FIR.php (first information report)

<form action="register.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">


73 | P a g e
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$sql="INSERT INTO `registerfir`(`CrimePlace`, `CrimeDate`, `CrimeType`, `Kebele`,
`Nationality`, `Town`, `FirstName`, `IdNo`, `Job`, `Sex`, `LastName`, `Mobile`,
`Age`,`Photo`) VALUES
echo 'successful register';
echo "<script>window.location='index.php';</script>";}
echo 'unsuccessful ';

echo 'successful register';
echo "<script>window.location='index.php';</script>";}
$msg="there was a problem to register";
<h4>Crime Information</h4>
<div class="co1">
<div class="c3">
<label for="comName" class="label" style="font-size:
18px">Crime Place</label>

74 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
<input type="text" name="crimeName" style="width:
216px;height:30px;" required pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]+">
<label for="comPhone" class="label" style="font-size:
18px">Crime Date</label>
<input type="date" name="crimeDate" style="width:
216px;height:30px;" required>
<div class="c4">
<label for="companyVatId" class="label" style="font-
size: 18px"> Crime Type</label>
<input list="crime" name="crimeType"
<datalist id="crime">
<option value="Crimes Aginst Person">
<option value="Crimes Aginst Property">
<option value="Hate Crimes">
<option value="Crimes Aginst Morality">
<option value="White Collar Crime">
<option value="Organized Crime">



75 | P a g e
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<h4>Main Address (Optional)</h4>
<div class="co2">
<label for="Strtname" class="label" style="font-size:
<select name="Kebele"
style="height:30px;width:200px"; >
<option>Kebele 1</option>
<option>Kebele 2</option>
<option>Kebele 3</option>
<option>Kebele 4</option><option>Kebele 5</option>
<option>Kebele 6</option><option>Kebele 7</option>
<option>Kebele 8</option><option>Kebele 9</option>
<option>Kebele 10</option><option>Kebele 11</option>
<option>Kebele 12</option><option>Kebele 13</option>
<option>Kebele 14</option><option>Kebele 15</option>
<option>Kebele 16</option><option>Kebele 17</option>
<option>Kebele 18</option><option>Kebele 19</option>
<option>Kebele 20</option><option>Kebele 21</option><option>Kebele 22</option>

<label for="comCty" class="label" style="font-size:
<input list="Nationality" name="Nationality"
<datalist id="Nationality">
<option value="Algeria">

76 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
<option value="Algeria">
<option value="Belgium">
<option value="Brazil">
<option value="Canada">
<option value="China">
<option value="Djibouti">
<option value="Egypt">
<option value="Ethiopia">
<option value="Fance">
<option value="Germany">
<option value="India">
<option value="Japan">
<option value="Kenya">
<option value="Nigera">
<option value="Sudan">
<option value="USA">
<option value="Zimbabwe">

<label for="comCty" class="label" style="font-size:
<input type="text" name="comCity" maxlength="35"
style="width: 216px;height:30px" value=Gondar readonly>
<h4>Personal Information (Optional)</h4>

77 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
<div class="co3">
<div class="c3">
<label for="frstName" class="label" style="font-size:
18px">First Name&nbsp;*</label>
<input type="text" name="firstName" maxlength="30"
style="width: 216px;height:30px" pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]+" >
<label for="email" class="label" style="font-size:
18px">Id No&nbsp;* </label>
<input type="text" name="IdNo" maxlength="50"
style="width: 216px;height:30px" pattern="[0-9]{4}">
<label for="phone" class="label" style="font-size:
<input list="Job"
name="Job" style="height:30px;width:200px";>
<datalist id="Job">
<option value="Govermental">
<option value="Private">
<option value="Student">
<option value="Farmer">

<label for="Password" class="label" style="font-size:

78 | P a g e
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<select name="Sex" style="height:30px" >

<div class="c4">
<label for="lastName" class="label" style="font-size:
18px">Last Name&nbsp;*</label>
<input type="text" name="lastName" maxlength="30"
style="width: 216px;height:30px" pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]+">
<label for="mobileNumber" class="label" style="font-
size: 18px">Mobile Phone&nbsp;*</label>
<input name="Mobile" style="width:
216px;height:30px" type="text" style="width: 216px;" pattern="[+0-9]{13}">
<label for="reEnterEMail" class="label" style="font-
size: 18px">Age&nbsp;*</label>
<input type="Number" name="Age" max="99"
min="16" style="width: 75px;height:30px" pattern="[0-9]{2}">
<label for="reEnterEMail" class="label" style="font-size:


79 | P a g e
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<input type="file" name="Photo">
<div class="co4">
<div class="c3">
<input type="submit" name="Register"
<div class="c4">
<input type="reset" name="Clear" value="Clear">
Investigate Progress Case

if (isset($_SESSION['ids'])) {



$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `registerfir` where id='$id' ");

80 | P a g e
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if ($numrows == 0)
echo "<p>There is no register FIR</p>";
<div class="table-responsive">
<form action="investigativeprocess.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>" method="post">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">
<th >Crime Place</th>
<th >Crime Date</th>
<th > Crime Type</th>
<th> Yes</th>
<th> No</th>

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo '<tr>';
<td><input type="radio" name="yesno" required="" value="yes"></td>

81 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019
<td><input type="radio" name="yesno" required="" value="no"></td>


echo "</td> </tr>";


4.1.3 Screen Images

This is the design of the new system interface which includes the total layout of the main interface of
the new system. Home Page

The home page can display for the user that searches by using web browser .It contains Home, posted
service, Contact Us ,Sign Up ,Help and Others.

Fig 4.1.Home page

82 | P a g e
Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019 Admin Page
The admin page contains Create Account, Update Account, and Activate and deactivate account, post
news and view feedback and others.

Fig 4.2.Admin Page

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019

Crime File Management System allows police station to store case details, victim details, FIR
Details, etc. this software package allows Police station to store all the details related to the
department and use them whenever necessary. This project will also be able to provide reports of
various departments, and also be able to upload and view wanted criminals and hot news. The
implementation of the system in the organization will considerably reduce manual data entry,
This implementation of a web based solution will not only help the organization but also
promote education for the project team in the field of computer science.
The project team began the project by laying out the foundation that dictates the development
process. This involved identifying and stating the problems of the current manual system, review
of related literatures such as some researches and projects conducted on station describing the
functionalities and scope of the proposed system, defining the system development methodology,
identifying resource requirements, and setting the project schedule.

 The team performed requirements analysis to discover the needs of the new solution to
proposed system. This phase consists of drawing out functional and non-function
requirements of the system. And then the team performed objects oriented analysis and
object oriented design.
 In analysis, the team tried to model the new and proposed system using UML diagrams:
use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, Class diagrams, Activity diagrams. The team gave
a clear preview of what the new system might look and feel with our user interface design
and documentation.
 In design phase, the team extended our work in analysis with more models. The Class
diagrams in analysis were extended in design to step closer to implementation, while
deployment and component diagrams were also drawn.

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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019

The proposed system that we are trying to develop involves web based criminal files that are
managed in police station. But there are still areas that may be considered as a further and
important area to improve on, and our suggestion go thus.
 The development of database stores criminal files
 There is a need for human resource management records in police station to be
 There is a need face detection and finger print for identification.
 There is a need to work for traffic department in police station to be automated
Therefore, others who are interested to develop a new system on police station file management
system or other related systems can get some initial idea about the system. By focusing on the
limitation and functional areas of the system they can also develop a better police station
management system that automates all files managed in police station.

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[1]; accessed on 05/11/2018

[2];accessed on 05/11/2018

[3]Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach, I. Jacobson etal, Addison-
Wesley 1992.

[4] Ethiopia nation and nationality representative, “Ethiopia federal democratic

and republic constitution”, Ethiopia, 1987
[5][Booch99] Booch, G. et al., the Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Chapters 19, 20, 21, 24.

[5]https://en.m.use-case-diagram;accessed on 10/11/2018

[6] diagram.htm; Accessed on


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Crime File Management System For Gondar Police Station 2019

Class Diagram: Class diagram is basically a graphical

representation of the static view of the system
and represents different aspects of the
application. A collection of class diagrams
represent the whole system.

Component Diagram Component diagrams are used to visualize the

organization and relationships among
components in a system. These diagrams are
also used to make executable systems.

Functional requirement Is a requirement that specifies what the system

should do or what the system should perform

Non-functional requirement are requirements which specify criteria that

can be used to judge the operation of a system,
rather than specific behaviors

Sequence Diagram Sequence diagram emphasizes on time

sequence of messages and collaboration
diagram emphasizes on the structural
organization of the objects that send and
receive messages.

Use case diagram Graphical Representation of mark full of step

wise activity and action with support for
choice, iteration and concurrency
Persistent Data Data that exists from session to session.
Persistent data are stored in a database on disk

Are data that will be tracked and stored in the

system permanently

Activity diagram Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to

represent the flow from one activity to another
activity. The activity can be described as an
operation of the system.

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Fig 4.3 Appendix

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