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Passage 1

Friendship? You just wanna sneer on this word. It sounded funny and fake. They are so fake, so fucking fake that you wanna
shit on their face. They can't stop criticize you at your back, like you don't know. I can see their lips and listen to their
fucking nonsense rants. Yeah, this is so-called friendship.

Valuable? You evaluate. Which one first? family or friends? No matter how my mom or my sis scolded me, they mean it from
their heart. Unlike those friends who have huge mouth that criticize on whatever shit they like. Maybe of the genes, you are
connected with your family. And here, I mean husband and kids as well, not just parents and sibling. Friends are different.
The sincere is nowhere to be found. Value them? Sorry, I'm not generous enough.

Human are like that, when they meet with someone who is different from them, skin colour, social status, family, school,
country and shit, they repel from each another. The fucking pea-brained mankind, you really don't know about harmony
between people? And friends cannot be excluded from this law. And they are fucking fake.

Even they hate you, they still make friend with you, gross. Especially girls, and especially Chinese. The bit of kiasuness in
them making you two are friends, maybe she foresee that she can get some benefit from you.

From school to the whole society, this is obvious. Who fucking want to make true friend with you? What the fucking wrong
with everyone? It's not how people blend into your world, it's how everyone blend into everyone. Not everyone is perfect,
we're not God. So shut your fucking mouth up! Do you think it's necessary to do so? To your friends? You claim that she/he is
your best friend or whatever shit, then in just a blink of an eye, you dumped her/him. This is friendship. Long-lasting? haha.

They are just some culture-less bitch.


I don't mean to hurt anyone but I'm worn out seriously you bitch.
Dare you be so a fucking bitch to me?!
You know who you are dealing with?
Come at me, BRO!
Yea, it's me and I'm gonna curse you to death.


Despite of all the shit, there's still some gemstone that is worth enough, I mean more than enough, for you to cherish. The
true friends. They are scarcely available so they are valuable. They don't talk shit about you. When you made mistakes, they
consulted you on what to do next, analyse your problem, help you to stand up. When you wore shit-fashion, they teach you
what to wear, not secretly mumble to each other about how horrible you are. We only do that to stranger, not friends.

This is what friends for. They stand by you, support you, in any circumstances. Your gloomy day make them sad, but they try
their best to cheer you up, give you the best hug and do whatever just to see you smile. Your happy day make them excited
"YAY! She's finally happy today, we gonna have fun together!" They treat you on meals, movie tickets even though they are
broke, just because that your smile is so precious to them and they are not afford to lose it.

This real bond is valuable. Though I'm unsure whether it is the most valuable or not, but sincere friendship is definitely the
best and vital part of my life. In their eyes, you are not ugly, you are not dull. They really treat you as a friend, not shit, not
newspaper they poo on.

Friendship is quite equivalent to love. Not everyone can be the one, but when you found them, irreplaceable.

Do you know how much I cherish you? Sorry, I admit that I do criticized on you in the past, but you're my gemstone now.

Do you know how much effort it takes to reveal and see what's behind the masquerade? Like gemstone, some true friends
are found but they are covered by dust, like hiding under their masquerade. You will need to reveal that masquerade before
you judge. It's difficult, but worth it when your "gemstone" shine.

You shine.
Passage 2
The most valuable thing in life is friendship. Do you agree with it? I do. It is one of the most precious thing you could ever have
in your life, not even money can buy true friendship. First I need to say that, there’re good and bad friends. So you need to
judge by yourself, which will ruin your life, and which are lifting up your life, and if you have awesome friends in your life, it
would definitely be one of your most precious things you could ever own in life.

Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Just
walk beside me and be my friend. |  Albert Camus

Spend Most Time With Friends

I need to start off by saying this. Besides spending most time with your family, friends would be the one you spend most time
with (not to compare time you spend with yourself. :p). How many things in your life you would do with your friends? School,
university, watch cinema, sharing dreams, go wild and crazy, games, vacations, chatting, shopping, and many many more. If it is
not important, why you spend so many times with your friends?

This is so true on me, I wonder it would be the same with you. I like to joke around when I don’t need to be serious, and I spent
the most laughter, happiness moments with my friends. With some awesome friends, you just can’t stop laughing, it’s a real
happiness environment that could cheers you up if you are down, and blossom your day with laughter.

Besides, think of this: if you do something crazy alone, you ARE crazy; but if you do it with a whole bunch of friends together, it
IS fun. Do you agree with me? If you’re to shout alone in the World Cup Stadium, people might think you are crazy and it’s
awkward and embarrassing; but if you would to shout like crazy with whole bunch of friends, it’s definitely awesome and fun.
Excitement increase when they are more friends to cheers up the environment and activities.

When you are down, when you having hard time and difficulties in life, friends are there to lend you a hand of support; when
you are happy, when you achieving something great in life, friends are there to share the excitement with you, it multiple the
joy. When you’re bully by others, friends are there to support you up, help you out.

TEAM – Together Everyone Achieve More | John Maxwell

Filling up Your Weakness

TEAM: Together Everyone Achieve More. Nobody is perfect, even if you are very good in many things, there’re still many things
you won’t know about, and how to do it. With friends, the power of team builds up and we can filling up each other’s weakness
and improve our strong points on the same time. Friends fill in the blank in your life. 

Filling up Your Loneliness

When you are boring, lonely, who do you find? You might probably call a friend for a chat, messenger or open up browser for
Facebook and surf through friends’ update and involve in likes and commenting. Friends are there to fill up your loneliness and
keep boredom away from you.

Sharing Emotion
When you are happy, you can share with your friends so everyone is cheer up, when you are down, they’re there to lift you up. I
believe you’ll know that when you express out your emotion to your friends, you will feel better, and they are motivating and
lifting you up when you are down.

A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you
may be. A friend is someone who is always there and will always, always care. A friend
is a feeling of forever in the heart. |  Anonymous

Lifting You Up
Ever heard of “It’s not what you know, but who you know”? Your friends might achieving greater success in something you are
interest in and lend a big hand to you. Friendship is the bridge they’ll share their knowledge, experience to you, and also the
mistakes that they once pass through so that you won’t be stepping down to a same mistakes again and wasting time, money
and energy. With friends support, you can reach where you wish to much faster and easier, and you are able to lend your hands
to those who need your help. Friends enlarge our existence.

It’s great to know that you’re not alone in this world, that there’re people care and acknowledge your existence. Best friends
care about you, and want to be with you no matter it’s on your great time or down time. They know you well based on the time
and activities in daily life they spend with you, so they can give you some genuine opinions on improving yourself and remove
bad habits, attitude and action.

True friends stab you in the front. |  Oscar Wilde

Honest Opinion
True friends will wanting you to be better, make you more awesome than you are. They see your weakness and negative, and
they would telling you about that, so that you could improve, to be a better friend, and better person in life. When you are
looking for suggestion and opinion, friends are there to seek for answer. Perhaps as small as selecting a cloth in shopping mall,
till larger decision of starting a business or travel far for something. Even where you should travel to, you might be surprise on
what friends could suggest you, especially on place they’ve been before.

Power of Social Media

Let’s look at the power of social media. What is it based on? Relationship, friendship and connecting each other. One of the
reason why Facebook, the leading and largest social network of today reach out 600 millions users is because of friendship! The
eager to stay connect with friends, get to know friends latest information, able to play games and interact with friends,
contacting friends from abroad, finding back old school friends. It’s all about interaction between friends that make it a huge
success in the internet. We need friends most of the times, for many different activities, we engage with friends.

On the other hand, the example of Groupon, the fastest growing group buying company that now billion dollar company
achieving such a huge success thanks to people and their friendship too. When someone found a great deal, helpful
information and everything great, they will tell and share with their friends. The product, or company, or website, or article
benefits them, so they are eager to tell their friends about it, Groupon spread wildly and achieving mass success thanks to the
most valuable things in people’s life – Friendship.

It is one of the most saddest thing that when you reach the peak in life, you are there alone, loneliness fills the air.

Imagine if you don’t even have a single friend throughout your life journey, what would it looks like? Loneliness fills in all your
life, happy or sad, nobody even care about it. Everything you do seems to be crazy and insane when doing alone; shouting
goals when watching World Cup alone, drink beers alone; a phone that only use for games and that’s it; won’t even get into any
relationship or love as these start from friendship; attending class without speaking up a word because there are nobody to talk
to except answering teacher’s question and conversation, boring… Lifeless, and will it be much happiness in loneliness? I bet
you’ll laugh less, smile less or even get into depression throughout your life.

“Only a life lived for others is worth living” | Albert Einstein

Awesome friends are rare and priceless, do you appreciate and thanks them enough?

What is friendship mean to you?

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