Need To Study Online But Want To Limit Screen Time

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Need to Study Online but Want to Limit Screen Time?

Here Are Some


1. Establish rules and limits on screen time for kids according to their

Ideal screen time for children varies according to their age groups. Our online tutors in Australia
recommend the following:

 2-5 year-olds – limited to 1 hour per day

 6-11-year-olds – limited to 2 hours per day
 12-17-year-olds – limited to 3 hours per day

And of course, these are just general guidelines. Every child is different and some may need more or
less screen time depending on their learning style and academic needs.

When kids are studying online, you need to factor that in as well and adjust the screen time limits
accordingly. Time students spend studying online should be considered apart from the screen time
you set for them for playing games or watching fun videos.
2. Create a study schedule and stick to it.

One of the best ways to limit screen time is to have a set schedule for when your kids can use
screens and for how long. For example, if you want them to study online for 2 hours every day, then
make sure they do it at the same time every day and for no longer than 2 hours.

Sticking to a schedule will help kids get into a routine and make it easier for them to focus when
they're studying. It will also help you keep track of how much screen time they're actually spending -
and on what.

3. Encourage breaks in between study sessions.

When kids are studying online, it's important to encourage them to take breaks in between their
sessions. Just like with adults, too much screen time can lead to eye strain and headaches.

Taking breaks will help kids relieve some of that tension and come back refreshed and ready to
learn. Our online tutors in Australia recommend taking a 5-10 minute break for every 20-30 minutes
of study time. During those breaks, kids can get up and move around, do an off-screen activity
suggested by their teacher, or make notes of what they have just studied.

4. Make sure they're getting enough exercise and outdoor time

Children love to play. And while it might be tempting to keep them glued to a screen all day, it's
important to make sure they're getting enough exercise and outdoor time.

Exercise is not only good for kids' physical health - but it also helps them focus and concentrate
better. So, make sure your kids are getting at least 60 minutes of exercise every day. And if they can
do it outside, even better!

If they can't, some of the ways to encourage them to move their bodies while boxed inside the home
are by:

 Turning on music and making it a point to dance along whenever a song comes on
 Organising a pillow fight
 Doing yoga or some other form of light stretching together
 Monitor their screen time and activity.

If you're really worried about the amount of time your kids are spending on screens, there are a few
things you can do to monitor their activity.

There are several parental control software programs that allow you to see what sites your kids are
visiting, how much time they're spending on each site, and even set limits on the amount of time
they can spend online.

You can also install extensions on your child's browser that will block certain types of content or limit
the amount of time they can spend on certain sites.

5. Suggest alternative activities that can are fun and interesting

Besides dancing, running, hopping and playing, some quiet indoor activities like Lego, colouring and
painting can also help your kids to use less screen time. You could even try getting the entire family
involved in some of these activities to bond with each other and have some quality time together!

Scrabble is a great way to improve literacy skills and have fun at the same time!

6. Stay positive and supportive - no one wants to feel like they're being
controlled or babysat

It's important to remember that kids are more likely to stick to screen time limits if they feel like
they're in control. So, instead of telling them what they can't do, try suggesting what they can do.

And if they do happen to go over their screen time limit, don't get too upset about it. Just gently
remind them of the limit and help them get back on track.

It's also important to be supportive of your child's online learning. If they're feeling frustrated or
struggling, try to be understanding and offer to help them out. At CrunchGrade, we work with
parents as a team to ensure that your child is getting the most out of their learning experience!

7. Take care of your child's eyes!

Make sure that the room is well-lit, so there is no strain on the eyes. You can also get your kids to
wear computer glasses which have a special filter to protect their eyes from blue light emitted by

Some other things you can do to protect your child's eyes while they are using mobile or other
devices are:
 Encourage them to take breaks often
 Make sure they're sitting at a comfortable distance from the screen
 position the screen so that there is no glare

8. Lead by example - set limits for yourself as well!

If you're finding it hard to get your kids to stick to their screen time limits, it might help to lead by
example and set some limits for yourself as well. If you are working online - and from home, set
some working hours for yourself, explain the situation to your kids, and make sure you stick to them.

This will show your kids that you're also making an effort to limit your screen time and that it's not
just something that they have to do.

9. Reward your child for completing tasks or studying well

It's always a good idea to praise your child when they've done something well. This will help them
feel motivated and encourage them to do more of the same.

You could also try setting up a reward system for your child. Some good rewards for primary school
students can be:

 A special treat like an extra hour of screen time on the weekend

 A trip to the park
 A new toy or book

Budding teens may respond better to rewards like:

 A later curfew
 An extra hour of screen time on weekdays
 Being allowed to go out with friends on the weekend

Online tutors at CrunchGrade can help support your child and offer feedback on their performance.
We also provide progress reports so you can see how your child is progressing and what areas they
need help with.

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