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Project Title:
Wind Power Design 15KW Micro Power Plant
That Will Electrify Rural Area That Has 120
1. Hayat Ebrahim 004330 Power
2. Abdinaol Kebe 003919 Power
3. Lemesa Lebata 003910 Power
4. Habtamu Temesgen 004308 Power
5. Firew Taye 003836 Power
6. Tekach Dina 004279 Power
7. Demlash Teshome 003867 Power
8. Gadisa Sanbato 004590 Power
9. Tola Asefa 004016 Power
10. Dasalew Tadela 003806 Power

Submitted to Mr. Abraha. F

Submission date 25/02/2022
We would like to express our heart left gratitude to our course instructor, Mr. Abreha
F, for providing us this project which will enhance our knowledge in the course. We
would also like to acknowledge Ms Salem M. and our IT laboratory office for their
assistance in variety of ways. Lastly, we would like to appreciate our friends for their
assistance in completing the project.

Exploiting the wind energy at low wind velocities is a major predicament in creating a
sustainable energy resource for a country with inauspicious forthcoming energy crisis.
Thus researching new and innovative systems to improve the efficiency of the wind
turbines is an indispensable pre requisite. This paper concentrates on an approach to
design wind power by 15KW micro power plant that will electrify rural area that has 120
residents. The results of the study reveal that there is a huge potential at the site to develop
a micro hydro power plant, which would meet the energy demand of the tribal settlement
and thereby improving their living condition.

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Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................................ i

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................ii

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 2

1.2 Problem of Statement ....................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 3

1.3.1. General Objective ..................................................................................................... 3

1.3.2 Specific Objective...................................................................................................... 3

2. Literature Review................................................................................................................... 4

3. Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Design Factors for Wind Turbines ................................................................................... 8

3.2 Mathematical Model ...................................................................................................... 11

Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 17

Reference ................................................................................................................................. 18

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1. Introduction
About 85% of the total population of Ethiopia are living in rural areas. Only few of the
rural population have access to the electricity from grid. This is because of scattered way
of settlement; difficult geographical landscape and low population density of the
communities providing grid electricity for the rural population of Ethiopia require huge
budgets for its implementation. Even if there is little introduction of solar photovoltaic to
the rural societies in recent times but still the societies of rural areas use traditional way
of lighting system in both the governmental and non- governmental institutions like
schools, clinics churches and mosques. So in order to wider the electric facility in rural
institutions small wind turbines has great roles. Currently Small wind turbines are used
for a variety of applications including on or off-grid residences, telecom towers, offshore
platforms, rural schools and clinics, remote monitoring and other purposes that require
energy where there is no electric grid, or where the grid is unstable. A small wind electric
system will work for rural area if: There is enough wind where in that place live Tall
towers are allowed in the rural area have enough space You can determine how much
electricity you need or want to produce.

Wind energy
Wind Turbine Design Wind energy represents a mainstream energy source of new power
generation and an important player in the village energy market. Wind power's
technological maturity and speed of deployment, as well as the fact that there is no
practical upper limit to the percentage of wind that can be incorporated into the electrical
grid, are recognized as leading energy technologies. It has been estimated that the total
solar power received by the earth is approximately 15KW of this solar input, only 2% (i.e.
15KW is converted into wind energy and about 35% of wind energy is dissipated within
1000 m of the earth’s surface. Therefore, the available wind power that can be converted
into other forms of energy is approximately 15KW. As this value represents 20 times the
rate of the present global energy consumption, wind energy in principle could meet entire
energy needs of the world. Compared with traditional energy sources, wind energy has a
number of benefits and advantages. Unlike fossil fuels that emit harmful gases and nuclear
power that generates radioactive wastes, wind power is a clean and environmentally
friendly energy source. As an inexhaustible and free energy source, it is available and
plentiful in most regions of the earth. Moreover, more extensive use of wind power would
help reduce the demands for fossil fuels, which may run out sometime in this century,

according to their present consumptions. Furthermore, the cost per kWh of wind power is
much lower than that of solar power. Thus, as the most promising energy source, wind
energy is expected to play a critical role in global power supply in the 21st century.

1.1 Background
As energy needs are continuously changing, the structural elements associated with the
new energy sources need to be developed. An understanding of all the energy,
mechanical, construction, and structural components related to the design, construction,
and operation of wind turbines must be evaluated to develop an understanding for the
design and management of this project.

The majority of the population living in developing countries does not have access to
modern forms of energy and most of these 120 people are poor and live in rural areas.
These rural dwellers rely on wood fuel for their cooking and heating needs and contrary
to what is often thought most of them give priority to modern energy over many other
necessities. Because of the lack of energy, including electricity, social and economic
development is very limited or absent and living conditions remain at the low subsistence
level. To foster rural development and adequate living conditions for the rural population
both traditional and modern forms of energy will be needed.

It is generally accepted that there are well-performing utilities in the developing world,
even in terms of electrification of rural areas. But there are many other developing
countries where efforts to provide electricity to rural areas have only had limited success.
Despite international support, many utilities continue to show substandard performance.
As a result of recent technological advances, various alternative and lower cost options
have emerged involving both traditional and renewable sources. These technological
developments coincide with a growing concern for the ecological health of our planet and,
in particular, the impact of emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. International and
national agreements are forcing utilities to reduce emissions and, as a consequence,
programmers are being implemented to increase the efficiency of the production and use
of energy, and to promote the deployment of renewables.

Other important developments, which are mainly driven by neo-liberal ideology, are the
recent regulatory changes and the introduction of competition into the electricity supply
industry in industrialized countries and in some developing countries. These observations
were conducive to starting the study on electricity supply to rural areas. The objective of

the study was to identify and assess technical developments and institutional trends, to
look ahead to opportunities for electricity supply to rural and remote areas, and to translate
the results into recommendations for decision makers. The study linked existing
theoretical knowledge, practical experience and empirical findings, was approached from
a utility perspective, and was marked by its width and multidisciplinary character.

1.2 Problem of Statement

The development of any country depends on the amount of energy consumed. Energy
consumption is proportional to the level of economic development. In Ethiopia, the
energy consumption per capital is very low and it is almost exclusively generated
from biomass and this has a direct impact for the deforestation. The lighting
system, in rural areas, use kerosene and it produces emission of pollutants.
Furthermore, it has a direct impact on the health of the people. To avoid the electric
energy draught, renewable energy technologies like micro power plant generation of
wind turbine can be used to electrify the rural areas. Accordingly in this study, micro
power plant wind power design for electrify rural area that has 120 residents.

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1. General Objective

The general objectives of this project is to design efficient wind power 15 kW micro
power plant that will electrify rural area that has 120 residents.
1.3.2 Specific Objective

 To contribute to poverty reduction

 To stimulate economic growth
 To enhance the supply of sustainable energy.
 To electrify the rural area for 120 resident as we can.
 To satisfy the demand for rural area based on electricity.
 To improve the quality of life that is hampered by a shortage of power.

2. Literature Review
The availability of required components and their operation is critical for project
implementation. This paper discusses wind turbine theory and categories, which are
fundamental for designing wind turbines.

Fig 2.1 Horizontal Axis wind turbine

How a Small Wind Electric System Works

Wind is caused by the sun's uneven heating of the Earth's surface. Wind turbines harness
the kinetic energy of the wind and transform it into clean power. When the wind rotates
the blades of a wind turbine, a rotor gathers the kinetic energy of the wind and converts it
into rotational motion to drive the generator. A small wind system can be connected to the
electric grid via your power provider or it can operate independently (off-grid). As a result,
modest wind electric systems are a perfect remedy for rural regions that are not yet linked
to the electric grid.

Fig 2.2 Wind turbine working principle

Small Wind Electric System Components

A wind electric system is made up of a wind turbine mounted on a tower to provide
better access to stronger winds. In addition to the turbine and tower, small wind electric
systems also require balanceof-system components.
Most small wind turbines manufactured today are horizontal-axis, upwind machines that
have two or three blades. These blades are usually made of a composite material, such as
fiberglass. The turbine's frame is the structure onto which the rotor, generator, and tail are
attached. The amount of energy a turbine will produce is determined primarily by the
diameter of its rotor. The diameter of the rotor defines its "swept area," or the quantity of
wind intercepted by the turbine. The tail keeps the turbine facing into the wind.
Because wind speeds increase with height, a small wind turbine is mounted on a tower. In
general, the higher the tower, the more power the wind system can produce. Most turbine
manufacturers provide wind energy system packages that include towers. There are two
basic types of towers: self-supporting (free-standing) and guyed (supported with wires).
There are also tilt-down versions of each tower type. While tilt-down towers are more
expensive, they offer an easy way to perform maintenance. Tilt-down towers can also be
lowered to the ground during hazardous weather such as hurricanes.
Balance of System Components
The balance-of-system parts you'll need for a small wind electric system -- those in
addition to the wind turbine and the tower -- will depend on your application. For example,

the parts required for a water pumping system will be much different from what you need
for a residential application.
The balance-of-system parts required will also depend on whether your system is grid-
connected, standalone, or hybrid.
Manufacturers and installers can provide you with a system package that includes all the
parts you need for your particular application. For a residential grid-connected application,
the balance-of-system parts may include the following:
• A controller
• Storage batteries
• An inverter (power conditioning unit)
• Wiring
• Electrical disconnect switch
• Grounding system
• Foundation for the tower.

3. Methodology
There are several possibilities to the design factors associated with the site that is chosen
to construct on when designing a wind turbine. As shown in Table 4, multiple possibilities
for each design component were investigated in order to assess the impact of each
alternative on the overall design. Table in the first column, display the specific design
component, the second column offers alternatives to the design component to consider,
and the third column reveals what additional design considerations play a role in
developing that specific section of the turbine.
Design Component Alternatives to Consider Design Factors to
Soil Profile 1. Sandy‐Gravel Strength of Soil
2. Clayey (2000 psf)
3. Rocky (6500 psf)

Foundation Type 1. Spread Soil Profile, Turbine

2. Monopile (Offshore) Size, Number of
Blades, Tower
Wind Speed, Tower
Turbine Size 1. Small Scale Type of Site,
2. Mid‐scale Distribution
3. Large Scale

Number of Blades 1. Two Blades Wind Speed, Tower

2. Three Blades height
Tower Design 1. Width Wind Speed,
2. Height Surrounding Terrain,
3. Shape Turbulence
Distribution 1. Behind the Grid Energy needs of the
2. Sell to the Grid Site

3.1 Design Factors for Wind Turbines
 Number of blades
 Angle of blades
 Shape of blades
 Blade Twist
 Blade Length
 Blade materials
 Generator
 Gear ratios
 Oil/Lubricant used
 Height of tower
 Rotational Speed
Number of blades - The number of blades the wind turbine has. Having more blades
increases weight and mean search blade must be thinner and narrower, making it harder to
build them strong enough. Generally, wind turbines use no more than 3 blades since
aerodynamic efficiency is marginally improved as you increase the number of blades, but
blade stiffness is compromised.

Angle of blades - The blade angle changes the angle of attack the turbine, affecting
rotational speeds. When the blades face directly into the wind, the turbine will stop.
Generally, blades are angled at 12° at the base to maximize speed. Angles greater than 14°
cause stalling.

Shape of blades - The shape of the blades affects the rotational speed of the turbine and
therefore the power output. Generally, the blades become narrower towards the tip to
maintain a constant slowing effect across the swept area. The turbine shape should
maximize lift while minimizing drag. Blade Twist - To maintain the optimum angle of
attack along the blade, the blades must be twisted down their lengths. Generally, blades are
tapered at tip and slightly twisted, creating a greater angle-ofattack near their root where
rotational velocity is slowest. Velocity is higher at the tip of the blade, so the angle-of-
attack there is smaller. Wide tips add drag.
Blade Length - The blade length affects the swept area of the turbine, which affects the

Longer blades increase power since power equals 1/2 the air density times the swept area
times the wind speed cubed. However, longer blades increase weight which decreases a
turbine's ability to increasing winds.

Blade materials - The blade material determine the blade weight and stiffness. Lighter
blades have less inertia and can accelerate rapidly if the winds pick up, providing more
power. Heavier blades have more inertia which buffers changes in wind speed to create a
more stable power output over time. The blade material should be stiff enough to ensure
minimal blade deflection, which reduces aerodynamic efficiency.

Generator - The type of generator used can affect the power output. Some generators rotate
at a constant speed while others turn at whatever speed generates electricity most
Gear ratios - Different sized gears connect the generator to the wind turbine. More power
is produced the faster the generator spins, so different sized gears are used to maximize the
generator rotational speed. To maximize power, a smaller gear should be on the generator
and a much larger gear should be on the turbine, driving the smaller gear.

Oil/Lubricant used - Using lubricant at the joints could minimize friction and maximize
rotational speeds.

Height of tower - Wind speeds increase with height, so the height of the wind turbine will
affect the wind speeds present and therefore the potential power generated by the turbine.
however taller towers are expensive, heavier, and harder to install.

Rotational Speed - Some generators rotate a selected constant speed to match the electric
grid while others can adjust to the rotational speed of the turbines. A rotational speed of
seven to ten times the wind speed is selected for certain turbines.

Fig 3.1 Horizontal axis Wind turbine parts

How a Small Wind Electric System Works

Wind is created by the unequal heating of Earth's surface by the sun. Wind turbines convert
the kinetic energy in wind into clean electricity. When the wind spins the wind turbine's
blades, a rotor captures the kinetic energy of the wind and converts it into rotary motion
to drive the generator A small wind system can be connected to the electric grid through
your power provider or it can stand alone (off-grid). This makes small wind electric
systems a good choice for rural areas that are not already connected to the electric grid.

Fig 3.2 schematic diagram of wind turbine

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3.2 Mathematical Model
With the knowledge that it is of critical economic importance to know the power and
therefore energy produced by different types of wind turbine in different conditions, in this
exemplar we will calculate the rotational kinetic power produced in a wind turbine at its
rated wind speed. This is the minimum wind speed at which a wind turbine produces its
rated power.

The following table shows the definition of various variables used in this model: E =
Kinetic Energy (J ρ = Density (kg/m3 ) m = Mass (kg) A = Swept Area (m2 ) v = Wind
Speed (m/s)

Cp = Power Coefficient

P = Power (W)

r = Radius (m)

= Mass flow rate (kg/s)

x = distance (m)

= Energy Flow Rate (J/s) t = time (s)

The kinetic energy of an object with mass m and velocity v under constant acceleration is
equal to the work done W in displacing that object from rest to a distance s under.

Parameters obtained from the datasheet of 15KW wind turbine

Rated power 15 kW
Rated wind Speed 8.15m/s

Switch-on speed 6.5 m/s

Switch-off speed None
Rotor diameter 11.5 m
Area swept 103.9 m²

Number of rotor blades 3

Rated Speed 83 1/min

Rotor blade material GRP/CFRP

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Hub material Steel/aluminum
Inner workings / control system
Permanently excited
Generator synchronous generator,
direct drive
Grid connection By frequency inverter

Output voltage 400 V (3 ph.)

Power limitation passive pitch control

Wind direction tracking Active, downwind

passive pitch control,
Main brake
Tower Steel tower, foldable

Hub height of tower 1 about 20 m

Weight of nacelle incl. rotor 1200 kg

Tower weight 4560 kg

Total weight 5760 kg

Max. 40 dB at 60 m
Sound level
Inverter ABB
Rotor blades 40% (peak efficiency)
The revolutionary pitch mechanism of the 15 kW wind turbine allows for complete
mechanical control of the wind turbine. The angle of attack of the rotor blades is repeatedly
modified to the prevailing wind conditions using attacking wind and generator loads, as
well as centrifugal forces. In the event of a malfunction, the rotor blades may be
individually shifted out of the wind, forming a redundant safety system.
Design requirements to estimate annual energy gain
The annual energy output of the turbine using a tower of 90 m, is assessed for a site at
which a wind speed measurement at 50 m height has been given with a characterization of

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the wind distribution by the Weibull parameters 𝑎 = 7 m𝑠 −1 , 𝑘 = 1.7, the roughness length
of the site is 0.25 m .

Configuration of the wind turbine

Power output of the wind turbine

Some of the procedures considered to estimate the output power from the wind is illustrated

1. Swept area of the turbine:- In order to obtain the wind power first we must
determine the swept area.
For HAWT: A = π * L²
For VAWT: A = D *H
L is the blade length - the radius of the horizontal-axis turbine
D is the diameter
H is the turbine height
2. Air density: The air density is other key parameters, which affects considerably
energy production estimates; pressure and temperature are the main parameters
which affects the air density. Its value is calculated with a transformation of the
ideal gas law.
 (Kg / m 3 )

3. Wind power density: - wind power density indicates the available wind power per
unit area at a specific site. Based on the Weibull probability distribution, average
wind power is estimated through
  1/ 2c3T(1  3 / k)
4. Wind Power:- Following the aforementioned steps the wind power can be
Pwind  1 / 2AV 3

Where, A is the swept area,  is the air density assumed 1.225 kg /m³ and V 3 is the
wind speed, which according to the parameters from the data sheet is given as

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5. Output power: - This power can be obtained by multiplying the wind power with
the power coefficient or with the efficiency of the wind turbine.
Pwind  1/ 2AV3Cp

In order to find the output power it is required to find the power coefficient, which is
shown in the procedures below.
 power coefficient ((𝝀) curve for pitch angle (𝜷) = 𝟏 0
𝐶𝑝 = 𝐶1(𝐶2 − 𝐶3𝛽 2 − 𝐶4)𝑒 𝐶5
𝐶𝑝 = 0.5 ( / 𝜆 − 0.022. 𝑋 1 2 − 5.6) −0.17 𝑅/ 𝜆
𝑅 = 40 M
 Finding the efficiency of the turbine
μ = (1 - kₘ) * (1 - kₑ) * (1 - kout) *(1 – k) * (1 - kw) * Cₚ

 Cₚ is the turbine efficiency. It must be lower than the Betz limit (59.3%),
and is typically between 30-40%
 Kw are the wake losses due to neighboring turbines and the terrain
topography, typically 3-10%
 kₘ are the mechanical losses of the blades and gearbox, typically 0-0.3%
 kₑ are the electrical losses of the turbine, typically 1-1.5%
 ke,t are the electrical losses of transmission to grid, typically 3-10%
 kt is the percentage of time out of order due to failure or maintenance,
typically 2-3%
 μ is the real efficiency

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 Efficiency is usually expressed as a percentage, but you input it into the formula
as a fraction (for example, 30% = 0.3).

Calculating the output power

Appliance Quantity used Power rating

Blub 1 40W

Radio 1 55W

Charger 2 2*15=30W

Since we have been granted 15KW for 120 residents, we may verify the output power
Pout = 40W +55W+30W=125W for one resident. The total used power for 120
residents is =125W*120 residents=15000W=15KW. As a result, our project objectives
were met.

To calculate the wind turbine power, simply multiply the efficiency by the available
wind power:

Pout = μ*Pwind

Assume we reside in a region slightly above sea level with an air density of
1.225Kg/m3 and a 40 percent efficient wind turbine with a rotor blade radius of six

We calculate the turbine's output power at a wind speed of 8.15 meters per second
(8.15m/s) which is the rated speed.
To find the wind turbine power, simply multiply the efficiency by the wind power
Pwind=0.5*  * V 3 *A
=0.5*1.225 Kg/𝑚3*3.14*62*(8.15𝑚/𝑠3)*0.4

Product Description

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 15kw wind turbine work in low average wind speed place than 6.5m/s_8.15m/s;
15kw wind turbine work in normal average wind speed place 6.5m/s-
 New designed 15kw wind turbine, pitch controlled, auto electric controlled by
controller, tailless new model work in rich wind speed place. Collection the
We gathering the above information from
 Google
 You tube,
 Library electrical ‘s generations books
 Form lecturers that obtained from ASTU and WCU

16 | P a g e
Wind energy is the utilization of wind power to create electricity via the use of wind turbines.
It is preferred since it is renewable, inexpensive, and environmentally beneficial. A 15kw wind
turbine for 120 households has been built for this project. The electricity consumed by 120
inhabitants has also been demonstrated to be equivalent to the 15kw generated by the wind
turbine. As a result, it is concluded that the wind turbine is sufficient to power 120 inhabitants
without fail.

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1. Jechoutek, Karl, R ural Energy and Development- An Action Plan, World Bank
Renewable Energy Roundtable, March 25, 1997.
2. Serageldin, Ismail, Village Power, Environmentally Sustainable Development, the
World Bank; presentation to the Solar Energy Forum, April 28, 1993.
3. Sesto, E., Village Power, Environmentally Sustainable Development, the World
Bank; presentation to the Solar Energy Forum, April 28, 1993.
4. Jechoutek, Karl, R ural Energy and Development- An Action Plan, World Bank
Renewable Energy Roundtable March 25, 1997.
5. Dyrbye C., Hansen S., 1997, Wind loads on structures, John Wiley & Sons Ltd
6. Park J., 1981, The wind power book, Cheshire books
7. Gipe, Paul,2004, Wind Power- Renewable Energy for Home, Farm, and Business,
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, VT
8. Juvinall, Marshek, 2006, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd
9. McGowan, Rogers, 2003, Wind Energy Explained- Theory, Design and
Application, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, West Sussex

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