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A p p ro a c h e s t o B i o p s y a n d

R e s e c t i o n Sp e c i m e n s fro m
t h e Am p u l l a
Yue Xue, MD, PhDa, Michelle D. Reid, MD, MSb,*

 Ampulla  Ampullary  Duodenal adenoma  Ampullary carcinoma
 Intra-ampullary papillary-tubular neoplasm  IAPN

Key points
 The ampulla of Vater is a unique saclike transitional zone where multiple anatomic structures of
divergent histology converge.
 Ampullary carcinoma is frequently a tubular-type adenocarcinoma (of intestinal, pancreatobiliary, or
mixed [in 40%] lineage), but nontubular carcinoma may also occur.
 Ampullary carcinoma has a much better prognosis than pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, hence
anatomic distinction is critical.
 Anatomic/site-specific classification of ampullary carcinoma has shown prognostic significance and is
incorporated into the new College of American Pathologists synoptic protocols.
 Prognostic markers in ampullary carcinoma include location (or site-specific classification), histologic
type (pancreatobiliary is worse than intestinal), pathologic stage, and MUC5AC expression.


he ampulla of Vater gives rise to a versatile CARCINOMA OF THE AMPULLA OF VATER
group of cancers of mixed/hybrid histologic
phenotype. Ampullary carcinomas (ACs) are The term ampulla describes a spherical or globular
most frequently intestinal or pancreatobiliary ade- flask with 2 handles that was used by the ancient
nocarcinomas but other subtypes, such as medul- Greeks and Romans to transport ointments or
lary, mucinous, or signet ring/poorly cohesive cell wine. The ampulla of Vater is a complex saclike
carcinoma, may be encountered. Ampullary can- outpouching that represents the convergence of
cer can also be subclassified based on immuno- multiple anatomic and histologic structures. It con-
histochemical features, however these sists of 4 compartments featuring 3 types of lining
classification systems fail to show robust prog- epithelium: (1) the distal common bile duct and
nostic reliability. More recently, the molecular pancreatic duct, which are lined by
landscape of AC has been uncovered, and has pancreatobiliary-type epithelium; (2) the mucosa
been shown to have prognostic and predictive sig- of papilla of Vater (ie, the duodenal protuberance
nificance. In this article, the site-specific, histolog- surrounding the ampullary orifice), which is
ic, and genetic characteristics of ampullary covered by specialized epithelium resembling
carcinoma and its precursor lesions are gastric-foveolar epithelium and has scattered

discussed. goblet cells; (3) the duodenal surface of the papilla,

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Northwestern University, 251 East Huron Street, Room
7332, Chicago, IL 60611, USA; b Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University Hospital,
1364 Clifton Road Northeast, Room H 180A, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Surgical Pathology 13 (2020) 453–467
1875-9181/20/Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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454 Xue & Reid

Fig. 1. The ampulla of Vater is a raised, dome-shaped mucosal elevation. (A) It consists of 4 compartments: (1) a
roof of duodenal mucosa and (2) papilla of Vater, (3) a lateral wall of ductules and sphincter Oddi muscle, and (4)
a floor consisting of distal common bile duct and pancreatic duct (PD) (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification
200). (B) It features 3 types of epithelium: (1) pancreatobiliary, which lines the common bile duct, PD, and duct-
ules of the ampullary wall; (2) specialized gastric foveolar–like epithelium, which covers the papilla of Vater; and
(3) small intestinal epithelium, which covers the duodenal surface of the papilla (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnification 400).

which is lined by small intestinal epithelium; (4) the refined classification and elucidated more specific
wall of the ampulla with Oddi musculature and characteristics of ampullary cancers.3–8
ductules that are lined by pancreatobiliary-type
epithelium (Fig. 1). These compartments have
not only distinctive histology but also functional PREINVASIVE NEOPLASMS
properties, each bringing its own chemical milieu, Adenomas of the Ampullary Duodenum
which makes this small region, and the neoplasms In order to qualify as an ampullary duodenal ade-
that develop within it, highly complex and diagnos- noma (ADA), greater than 75% of the lesion must
tically challenging. Recently, with more standard- involve the duodenal surface. Depending on size
ized grossing protocols,1,2 careful analysis of the and location, patients may have signs of biliary
tumors that arise in this area has led to more obstruction prompting endoscopy and discovery

Fig. 2. Biopsy specimens of ampullary lesions. (A) Adenomatous lesion with tubulovillous architecture, low-grade
dysplasia (lower half of central fragment), and high-grade dysplasia (upper half of central fragment) including
basally located cribriform, basophilic glands (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 200). (B) Fine-needle
aspiration biopsy of ampullary lesion shows adenomatous epithelium with tubulovillous architecture and low-
grade dysplasia. Follow-up resection of this patient (see Fig. 4A) showed an IAPN with low-grade dysplasia (he-
matoxylin-eosin, original magnification 200).

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Approaches to Ampullary Biopsies and Resections 455

of polypoid tubular, villous, or tubulovillous is often pancreatobiliary (rather than intestinal),

masses (Fig. 2). ADAs are either sporadic or immunohistochemical stains can potentially
associated with familial adenomatous polyposis distinguish between the 2, because pancreato-
(FAP) syndrome. The ampulla is a common biliary adenocarcinoma is positive for CK7 and
extracolonic site of involvement in patients with MUC1, whereas intestinal (adenomatous) epithe-
FAP.9–11 Intestinal-type ADAs are histologically lium expresses intestinal markers CK20, MUC2,
similar to their colorectal counterparts and, and CDX2, plus or minus CK7 (see Fig. 3). A
although typically low-grade, they can also show low threshold of suspicion for colonization is
high-grade dysplasia characterized by more sig- required to accurately identify these cases.
nificant cytologic atypia and architectural Other potentially useful immunohistochemical
complexity, including greater nuclear enlarge- markers include p53, MUC5AC, and S100P,
ment, pseudostratification and irregularity, high which can show either abnormal expression
nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear angulation, (p53) or positive staining (MUC5AC and S100P)
prominent nucleoli, increased mitoses and fusion, in pancreatobiliary-type carcinoma/colonization
and/or branching of tubules, with single cell ne- and wild-type expression (p53) or negative stain-
crosis and luminal necrotic debris (see Fig. 2). ing (MUC5AC and S100P) in benign/reactive
Reactive mucosal changes may closely mimic epithelium, whereas SMAD4 is lost in
ADA, and, depending on severity, the 2 may be pancreatobiliary-type carcinoma (if SMAD4 is
impossible to distinguish.12,13 mutated) and retained in reactive epithelium
Adenomas of the ampullary duodenum are (see Fig. 3).5,16,17
more likely to harbor invasive carcinoma than
similarly sized colorectal adenomas. Invasive Intra-ampullary Papillary-Tubular Neoplasm
carcinoma that arises in ADAs is often hidden Unlike ADAs, intra-ampullary papillary-
in the polyp’s base and is difficult to detect in su- tubular neoplasms (IAPNs) are (noninvasive)
perficial biopsies (see Fig. 2). The presence of a adenomatous masses (tumoral intraepithelial
large, firm, or eroded mucosal nodule that con- neoplasms) in which the bulk (at least 75%) of
verges with adjacent duodenal mucosa and is the lesion is located within the ampullary chan-
associated with duct dilatation should prompt nel.7,18–20 IAPNs are considered by some to
careful examination for an invasive component represent the intra-ampullary counterpart of
on limited biopsies. Adenomatous epithelium intraductal papillary (mucinous) neoplasms of
may extend into ductules of the nearby normal the pancreas (IPMN) and biliary tract (IPN-B).
papilla and can thus simulate invasive adenocar- Large papillary or polypoid tumors can fill and
cinoma on biopsy. The presence of paradoxic distend the ampullary channel and may mini-
differentiation with cuboidal, eosinophilic, mally (<25%) extend into the distal common
pancreatobiliary-type epithelium; nonlobular ar- bile duct and main pancreatic duct (Fig. 4).
chitecture and irregularly shaped glands; micro- The mean age of affected patients is 64 years,
papillary tufting; marked cytologic atypia; and and tumors show a male predominance.12,21
loss of polarity are all suggestive of an invasive On gross examination of the ampullary duo-
carcinoma component. In addition, traditional denum, IAPNs typically cause domelike eleva-
architectural markers of invasion (tumor tion of intact mucosa, often with a patent
budding, desmoplasia, perineural and lymph- papilla orifice from which nodules of friable
vascular invasion) are even more helpful but granular material may protrude into the duo-
may not be seen on superficial biopsies.6,7 denum. On bivalving of the pancreatic head
Another diagnostic differential to consider when and ampulla, IAPNs grow as exophytic granular
evaluating duodenal and ampullary biopsies is masses.1,3,7 Ulceration may be evident, but
mucosal basement membrane colonization (so- overt mucinous discharge, characteristic of
called cancerization) by an underlying invasive IPMNs of the pancreatic head, is seldom
carcinoma of the ampulla.14,15 This colonization encountered. Microscopically, IAPNs show
can simulate high-grade dysplasia or even reac- varying degrees of papillary and/or tubular
tive atypia (Fig. 3). Identifying the features growth with a (frequently mixed) spectrum of
described earlier, as well as a 2-cell population, dysplasia. Unlike ADAs, w50% of IAPNs are of
and abrupt transition between benign and atyp- hybrid/mixed phenotype (ie, intestinal, gastric,
ical epithelium/glands, helps with recognition of and/or pancreatobiliary), which is reflected in
this phenomenon. Because invasive carcinoma their immunoprofiles, where they coexpress

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456 Xue & Reid

Fig. 3. (A, B) Duodenal mucosal basement membrane colonization (cancerization) by underlying invasive carci-
noma of ampulla. There is a 2-cell population, with abrupt transition between benign intestinal-type epithe-
lium/glands and atypical, eosinophilic, pancreatobiliary-type epithelium (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnification X 40 [A] and [B] hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification X 200). The colonizing
pancreatobiliary-type adenocarcinoma is positive for MUC1 (C), MUC5AC (D), and p53 (E), and shows loss of
SMAD4 (F). These stains highlight the sharp transition between colonized cancer cells and benign intestinal sur-
face epithelium and glands (arrowheads indicate normal glands with opposite immunoprofile to the carcinoma).

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Approaches to Ampullary Biopsies and Resections 457

Fig. 4. (A) Gross specimen shows growth of IAPN as an exophytic/polypoid lesion that focally extends into the
common bile duct. (B) Whole-mount slide of IAPN with predominant papillae filling the intra-ampullary channel
with occasional luminal debris (inset).

Key Points
the keratins CK7 and CK20 in more than 50% of PREINVASIVE NEOPLASMS
cases, as well as intestinal (MUC2 and CDX2) OF THE AMPULLA
and gastropancreatobiliary (MUC1, MUC5AC,
and MUC6) markers.4,7 ADA IAPN
Approximately 75% of IAPNs are associated Location >75% of lesion >75% of lesion
with invasive carcinoma (intestinal, pancreato- involves is within
biliary, or mixed phenotype).3,7 The invasive duodenal ampullary
component is usually deeply placed, micro- surface channel
scopic (>1.0 cm), and subject to being over- Bile Duct Uncommon Common
looked (or not sampled on superficial biopsies), Obstruction (because of
hence the importance of extensive or total sam- size)
pling of these lesions.7 If completely resected, Architecture Tubular, Papillary or
IAPNs have an excellent prognosis. Recurrence villous, or tubular
is common, particularly when high grade, and tubulovillous
can be seen even years after the initial resec- Morphology Intestinal Intestinal,
tion. Hence, long-term follow-up is critical even pancreato-
when noninvasive.7 Nonetheless, IAPNs with biliary (or
an associated invasive adenocarcinoma compo-
nent have far better survival (perhaps because
of early biliary obstruction) than conventional High-grade Uncommon Common
(invasive) ampullary carcinomas that are unac-
companied by an IAPN (3-year survival of 69% Invasive Uncommon Common
Carcinoma (75%)
vs 44%).7

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458 Xue & Reid

Differential Diagnosis
PREINVASIVE NEOPLASMS Invasive ampullary carcinomas (ACs) are rare and
OF THE AMPULLA comprise 0.5% of all gastrointestinal cancers
and 6% to 9% of all periampullary cancers.3,19
ADA and IAPN Although usually sporadic, they can also arise in
Entity Associations FAP.9–11 Based on their gross appearance and
Reactive Inflammation, location, ACs are divided into site-specific cate-
changes Low nuclear to gories that are now incorporated into the College
cytoplasmic ratio, of American Pathologists (CAP) synoptic reporting
Smooth nuclear cancer protocols.22 Detailed description of the
contours, bivalving grossing technique for pancreatoduode-
Increased mitoses but nectomy specimens, which ensures identification
no atypical mitoses of even minute ACs, exceeds the limits of this
Extension of Glands with smooth article but is outlined in detail in Adsay and col-
adenomatous regular contours, leagues. “Whipple Made Simple for Surgical
epithelium Lack of stromal Pathologists,”.1
to ductules response, single cell
necrosis, or confluent
No evidence of
differentiation, gland
Based on location, invasive AC can be divided into
fusion, or complexity
3 main categories, which have been incorporated
Invasive Large, firm, eroded
into the CAP cancer protocols.22 These categories
carcinoma mucosal nodule,
Convergence with are (1) intra-ampullary, (2) periampullary-duodenal,
duodenal mucosa, and (3) ampullary carcinoma, not otherwise spec-
Bile duct obstruction ified (NOS) (mixed).3,8,13,22,23
and dilatation,
Marked cytologic 1. Intra-ampullary:
atypia, loss of polarity, A. IAPN-associated ACs are associated with a
paradoxic large preinvasive (IAPN) component (75% of
differentiation with which must be within the ampulla).3,6–8,13
pancreatobiliary-type From the duodenal surface, they dilate and
epithelium, may protrude from the ampullary orifice.
nonlobular On bivalving of the pancreatic head, com-
arrangement of mon bile duct, and pancreatic ducts, the
glands, irregularly bulk of the tumor appears as a tan, friable,
shaped glands, or
noninvasive mass (see Fig. 4) (discussed
glands with
micropapillary tufting earlier in relation to IAPN) with only a limited
(often microscopic) invasive component.
Surface colonization May mimic high-grade
This subtype often has a relatively good
by underlying dysplasia
invasive Frequently prognosis if completely resected (median
carcinoma pancreatobiliary survival >10 years).
(rather than B. Ampullary-ductal AC is the other intra-
intestinal) type, ampullary tumor, but it is biologically
2-cell population, different from IAPN-associated AC and is
Abrupt transition considered the ampullary counterpart of
between benign and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)
carcinomatous or distal common bile duct carcinoma. Un-
like IAPN-associated AC, ampullary-ductal
Pancreatobiliary: 1 for
AC does not have a significant adenoma-
S100P, SMAD4 loss, tous/preinvasive component but instead
abnormal p53 forms small scirrhous (often circumferential)
expression infiltrating tumors that may extend into and
Intestinal: 1 for CK20, constrict the pancreatic and distal common
MUC2, CDX2, CK7, bile ducts, while preserving (or minimally
abnormal p53 altering) the papilla of Vater and ampullary-

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Approaches to Ampullary Biopsies and Resections 459

Fig. 5. (A) Gross view of ampullary-ductal ampullary carcinoma showing volcanic crater–like lesion on the ampul-
lary orifice. (B) Whole-mount slide showing the lesion (indicated by stars) involving the distal segments of main
PD and common bile duct.

duodenal mucosa (Fig. 5).3,6,13 Ampullary- (>4.0 cm) of the invasive ACs. It forms ulcer-
ductal AC typically may produce a subtle ovegetative masses that are easily identifi-
buttonlike duodenal mucosal elevation, able from the mucosal surface, with the
and, if the bivalving grossing technique is ampullary orifice located eccentrically within
not used, it can easily be missed. Some tu- the tumor.3,13 Although large, these typically
mors can significantly undermine the have a better prognosis than the other site-
duodenal mucosa, leading to ulceration specific subtypes.3,4,8,13
(see Fig. 5). Although frequently small 3. Ampullary, NOS:
(<2.0 cm), ampullary-ductal ACs are A. Ampullary carcinoma, NOS is presumed to
frequently high T stage, metastatic to lymph arise from the papilla of Vater (the duodenal
nodes (57%), and have the shortest median mucosal edge where the main pancreatic
survival (38 months) of all (site-specific) AC duct and common bile duct merge into the
subtypes (discussed later), but significantly duodenal mucosa; Fig. 6) and thus is neither
better survival than PDAC.3,4,6,8,13 Micro- truly intra-ampullary nor periampullary/
scopically, ampullary-ductal AC often duodenal but a combination of both
proves to be of pancreatobiliary phenotype. because it cannot be confidently placed
2. Periampullary: into any of the categories discussed
A. Periampullary-duodenal AC arises from the earlier.3,6,8,13,22
ampullary duodenum and is the largest

Fig. 6. Ampullary carcinoma, NOS.

The infiltrating glands form an ill-
defined mass that involves the papilla
of Vater and extends to the duodenal
mucosa (hematoxylin-eosin).

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460 Xue & Reid

Fig. 7. Invasive carcinoma of intestinal type (A), pancreatobiliary type (B), and mixed intestinal (right) and pan-
creatobiliary (left) phenotype (C). (D) Medullary carcinoma of ampulla with syncytial growth of tumor cells with
numerous lymphocytes interspersed.

HISTOLOGIC CLASSIFICATION OF INVASIVE morphologic and immunophenotypic (CK20,

ADENOCARCINOMA MUC2, and CDX2 positive; CK7 and MUC1
negative) kinship to conventional colonic adeno-
The ampulla is lined by 3 distinct types of glandular carcinomas (Fig. 7A). These types are commonly
epithelium (intestinal, biliary, and gastric-foveolar), associated with intestinal-type adenomas.3,4,7,13
reflecting the transitional nature of this landmark Periampullary-duodenal ACs are often of intesti-
where multiple tributaries converge. As a result, nal phenotype and have an associated intestinal-
the invasive cancers that develop therein are type adenomatous component from which they
morphologically disparate. AC is most frequently are thought to arise. IAPN-associated ACs also
tubular/glandular, and is divided into 3 main frequently have an intestinal component, which
morphologic phenotypes: intestinal, pancreatobili- may or may not predominate.7 Intestinal-
ary, and mixed pancreatobiliary-intestinal (or predominant (or pure) phenotype AC is the
gastric-foveolar).4,24,25 Despite their frequent largest (mean size 4.5 cm), compared with pure
mixed phenotype, an attempt at morphologic clas- pancreatobiliary-type (2.2 cm) or mixed
sification is always warranted because of the pancreatobiliary-intestinal (2.7 cm) AC, and has
proven correlation between histologic subtype a longer median (although not significant) sur-
and prognosis (discussed later).2–4,23 vival than the pure pancreatobiliary or mixed
pancreatobiliary-intestinal AC (80 vs 40 vs
Intestinal Phenotype 56 months).4,26–28 All other clinicopathologic
Most invasive ACs are characterized by glan- characteristics (nodal status, T stage, as well
dular units that are lined by variably differenti- as 3-year and 5-year survival rates) are not
ated intestinal-type epithelium with significantly different.4

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Approaches to Ampullary Biopsies and Resections 461

Pancreatobiliary Phenotype immunophenotypically) have been classified as

Pancreatobiliary ACs are also characterized by gastric-type AC, they are more closely related to
variably differentiated glands; clusters or singly pancreatobiliary-type AC, and the 2 are often
dispersed nonstratified cuboidal or low columnar regarded as 1.
eosinophilic epithelium containing round to oval,
irregular, hypochromatic or hyperchromatic nuclei
with abundant desmoplastic stroma; as well as Mixed/Hybrid Pancreatobiliary-Intestinal
morphologic and immunophenotypic kinship Phenotype
(CK7 and MUC1 positive; CK20, MUC2, and
A significant proportion of ACs (>40% in our expe-
CDX2 negative) to pancreatic/biliary carcinomas
rience) are of mixed or ambiguous phenotype
(Fig. 7B).4 They rarely have an associated adeno-
(Fig. 7C).3,4,6,8 Mixed/hybrid ACs show poor inter-
matous component. Ampullary-ductal ACs are
observer agreement on morphologic classification
typically purely of pancreatobiliary phenotype.
and are often immunohistochemically mixed as
IAPN-associated ACs can have (pure) pancreato-
well, thus making them difficult to definitively
biliary or (mixed) pancreatobiliary-predominant
categorize.5,7,24,25,29 These ambiguous cases
morphology. Pancreatobiliary-predominant/pure
should be classified as tubular AC with mixed fea-
ACs are the smallest (mean size 2.2 cm) of all
tures, but the predominant pattern should be
site-specific subtypes, but have higher T stage,
noted in the pathology report. Mixed-phenotype
more frequent lymph-vascular and perineural inva-
ACs have clinicopathologic characteristics that
sion, lymph node metastasis, and comparatively
are between their intestinal and pancreatobiliary
shorter survival (40 months) than intestinal (pure/
counterparts, but their median survival (56 months)
mixed predominant) AC, but longer survival than
is closer to that of pure pancreatobiliary
PDAC.3–5,7,8,13,26–28 Although ACs with gastric-
(40 months) than intestinal AC
type mucin (both histologically and
(80 months).4,27,30–36

Key Points
Intra-ampullary Periampullary Ampullary, NOS
(40%) (5%) (55%)
— IAPN-Associated Ampullary-ductal — —
(25%) (15%)
Preinvasive Large preinvasive No/limited Preinvasive  preinvasive
Component (IAPN) preinvasive adenomatous component
component component component
Duodenal Dilated orifice, Buttonlike Large ulcerated, Ulcerated  polypoid
Mucosal protruding elevation, intact vegetative ampullary lesion
Findings polypoid, or minimally duodenal with central AoV
friable lesion, ulcerated mucosal masses,
central AoV mucosa, central peripheral AoV
Size of Invasion Small (1.5 cm) Small (<2.0 cm) Large (3.4 cm) Small (1.8 cm)
Histology Frequently Pure/ Frequently Predominantly
mixed predominantly intestinal (pure/ pancreatobiliary
pancreatobiliary predominant)
Lymph Node 28 41 50 42
Metastasis (%)
T Stage (T1–2/T3– 5.8 0.6 2 1.6
4 Ratio)
5-y Survival (%) 53 29 55 39
Abbreviation: AoV, ampulla of Vater.

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462 Xue & Reid

Gross/Site-Specific Classification of Ampullary Carcinoma

 Intra-ampullary: ampullary- Typically pancreatobiliary, is the most aggressive despite
ductal small size
 Intra-ampullary: intra- Large noninvasive component; small invasive component;
ampullary papillary tubular frequent lymph node metastasis; longest survival of the
neoplasm subtypes
 (Peri)ampullary-duodenal Large size; 50% show lymph node metastasis, but indolent
(duodenal surface of despite large size
 Ampullary, NOS —
Histologic Classification of
Ampullary Carcinoma
 Intestinal Better prognosis than pancreatobiliary
 Pancreatobiliary Worse prognosis than intestinal AC but better than PDAC
 Mixed type (40%) —
Prognostic correlation of histologic typing is not as strong as previously reported.

Other Histologic Phenotypes that these putative lineage markers fail to definitively
Nontubular carcinomas may involve the ampulla, classify a significant percentage (up to 40%) of ACs
but these are far less common. By definition, and have no prognostic significance.5,24,29 These
mucinous adenocarcinoma has greater than 50% ambiguous cases highlight inherent flaws with these
mucinous component with a limited intestinal IHC panels. The authors recently found that positivity
epithelial component that floats within pools of for MUC5AC, a gastric IHC marker that was over-
mucin.19,37 Poorly cohesive cell carcinoma is highly looked in almost all earlier large-scale AC studies, is
aggressive and composed of single (frequently sig- an independent poor prognosticator in AC.5
net ring) cells that invade the surrounding stroma.38
Medullary carcinoma accounts for 3% of ACs
(Fig. 7D) and forms nodular syncytial masses of tu- Key Points
mor cells with an associated lymphocytic infil- IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL CLASSIFICATION
trate.13,19 AC may also show squamous or OF AMPULLARY CARCINOMA
neuroendocrine differentiation or may be undifferen-
tiated with osteoclastlike giant cells, or rhabdoid Histologic Type Positive Stains Other Stains
cells that show SWI/SNF (switch/sucrose non- Intestinal CK20, MUC2, —
fermentable) complex deficiency (with resultant CDX2, CK7
loss of nuclear SMARCB1/INI-1).39–42 Mesenchymal Pancreatobiliary CK7, MUC1, S100P1,
neoplasms have rarely been reported to arise in the MUC5AC SMAD4
ampulla, including ganglioneuroma and rhabdo- loss
myosarcoma. Their pathologic features are similar Mixed May show a combination of
to those that arise in other anatomic locations.13 the above stains


In addition to the site-specific and morphologic clas- Recent development in sequencing technologies
sification of ACs, an immunohistochemistry (IHC)- have provided important advances in the compre-
based classification system is also used (discussed hension of the biology of AC, and have highlighted
earlier) and is endorsed in oncologists’ management that there is significant genetic overlap, even in
protocols.5,24,25,29 Immunohistochemical panels seemingly unambiguous cases.43–46 Sporadic
used in IHC classification are based on observations and FAP-associated ampullary adenomas show
of MUC2, CK20, and CDX2 positivity in intestinal ACs, molecular abnormalities associated with Wnt
and MUC1 and CK7 positivity in pancreatobiliary signaling, including APC and KRAS mutations,
AC.5,24,25,29 However, multiple studies have shown

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Fig. 8. This invasive ampullary carci-
noma invades duodenum (submucosa,
muscularis propria, subserosal adipose
tissue, and superficial pancreatic pa-
renchyma, <0.5 cm), and is consistent
with stage pT3a carcinoma.

and less frequently mutations in BRAF and STAGING OF AMPULLARY CARCINOMA

mismatch repair genes (seen in 15%).47–50 Like
colorectal cancer, intestinal-type ACs show muta- The (2017) eighth edition of the American Joint
tion of APC in greater than 50% of cases, whereas Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Cancer Staging
pancreatobiliary-type ACs show predominant Manual52 and updated CAP Cancer Protocol
KRAS, TP53, and SMAD4 mutations, of similar fre- for Carcinoma of the Ampulla of Vater revealed
quency to PDAC.17,47,48,50,51 In addition, ELF3 has changes to the pathologic T and N classification
been implicated as a novel driver gene in AC17,50 and have added greater complexity to the stag-
and, along with KRAS and TP53, may be mutated ing of an already challenging anatomic site. First,
in all histologic subtypes, suggesting shared bio- subcategories were introduced for the T stage
logical mechanisms in development. Mafficini based on depth of invasion beyond the sphincter
and colleagues49 showed that TP53 and KRAS of Oddi (T1a) into the duodenal submucosa
status were also independent prognostic predic- (T1b), duodenal muscularis propria (T2), superfi-
tors of survival regardless of histologic subtype. cial (0.5 cm) (T3a) or deep pancreas, peri-
This finding provides additional support for recon- pancreatic soft tissue or duodenal serosa (T3b)
sideration of the histologic and IHC classification, (Fig. 8); or involvement of the celiac axis, supe-
because their genetic landscapes show significant rior mesenteric artery, and/or common hepatic
overlap. Molecular profiling also has better prog- artery. In addition, lymph node (pN) staging
nostic reliability than histologic classification and was subdivided into N1 (1–3 positive nodes)
can better select patients that respond to different and N2 (4 positive nodes). This subdivision
chemotherapeutic regimens, regardless of histo- was done because recent studies have shown
logic type. ERBB2 amplification has been shown that the number of positive lymph nodes inde-
in up to 23% of ACs and is mutually exclusive pendently affects survival in AC.53,54 A minimum
with downstream KRAS/NRAS/BRAF mutations of 12 regional lymph nodes is required for
that are responsible for resistance of therapies tar- optimal staging. Lymph node metastases are
geting ERBB2.43,49 more frequent in pancreatobiliary than
intestinal-type AC (55% vs 18%).27 A recent
Key Points analysis of the AJCC classification system
GENOMIC PROFILING OF AMPULLARY showed that the 2-tier reclassification of positive
CARCINOMA lymph nodes was linked to significant differ-
ences in survival (including recurrence-free sur-
 Histologic subtypes show differences in prev- vival) between T3a and T3b tumors (but not
alence for some genes. between T1b and T2 or between lymphatic/
 TP53, KRAS, APC, and ELF3 are often mutated venous invasion/node metastases).55 These re-
in all histologic subtypes. sults raise the question of the need for a size-
related staging of duodenal involvement, when
 ELF3 is also an important driver gene in
a 2-tier system (of duodenal involvement present
ampullary carcinogenesis.
vs absent) may be sufficient.
 ERBB2 amplification is seen in up to 23%.

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464 Xue & Reid

AC has a worse prognosis than intestinal-type

Key Points AC.4,19,23,57 Size of invasive carcinoma is also a
CURRENT key prognostic factor, particularly in IAPN-
PATHOLOGIC TUMOR-NODE-METASTASIS associated AC.7,57 Independent prognostic fac-
STAGING OF AMPULLARY CARCINOMA tors in AC include age, number of positive nodes,
(AMERICAN JOINT COMMITTEE perineural/lymph-vascular/venous invasion,
55 margin positivity, and tumor budding.3,4,7,57 Posi-
tive margins occur in less than 5% of ampullary
Definition carcinomas, compared with at least 35% of
Tumor pancreatic tumors.57
Tx Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor Key Points
Tis Carcinoma in situ PROGNOSTIC FACTORS IN
T1 Limited to AoV/Oddi sphincter or invades AMPULLARY CARCINOMA
beyond Oddi sphincter, duodenal
submucosa Anatomic/site-specific classification
T1a Tumor limited to AoV or sphincter of IAPN-associated ampullary carcinomas show
Oddi longer survival than ampullary-ductal AC
T1b Tumor invades beyond sphincter of Oddi,
Ampullary-ductal ampullary carcinoma is
 duodenal submucosa
more aggressive than all other subtypes
T2 Tumor invades duodenal muscularis
propria Histologic subtype
T3 Tumor directly invades pancreas Pancreatobiliary-type ampullary carcinoma
(0.5 cm) or extends >0.5 cm into has a worse prognosis than intestinal-type
pancreas, peripancreatic/periduodenal ampullary carcinoma
tissue, or duodenal serosa, but not
Among nontubular carcinomas, poorly cohe-
celiac axis or superior mesenteric artery
sive cell carcinoma, high-grade neuroendocrine
T3a Tumor directly invades pancreas (up to carcinoma, and undifferentiated carcinoma
0.5 cm) with SWI/SNF proteins have poor prognosis
T3b Tumor extends >0.5 cm into pancreas, or T stage
peripancreatic/periduodenal tissue or
duodenal serosa, but not celiac axis or Size of invasive carcinoma is a prognostic fac-
SMA tor (larger tumors are more aggressive)
T4 Tumor involves celiac axis, SMA, and/or N stage
common hepatic artery, irrespective of Number of positive lymph nodes (N2 tumors
size are more aggressive than N1)
Other factors
Nx Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
Perineural invasion
N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
N1 1–3 positive regional lymph nodes Lymph-vascular invasion
N2 4 positive regional lymph nodes Venous invasion
Abbreviation: SMA, superior mesenteric artery.
Margin positivity
Tumor budding
MUC5AC expression by carcinoma
Overall, AC has far better rates of survival than
pancreatic ductal (PDAC) and distal common bile
duct cancers, and has a 5-year survival of
w45%.3,56,57 Site-specific classification also af- DISCLOSURE
fects survival, with IAPN-associated ACs showing
longer survival than ampullary-ductal AC, which is The authors have nothing to disclose financially.
typically of pancreatobiliary phenotype. Nonethe-
less, ampullary-ductal AC has a much better prog-
nosis than ordinary pancreatic ductal 1. Adsay NV, Basturk O, Saka B, et al. Whipple made sim-
adenocarcinomas.3,4,7,57 Pancreatobiliary-type ple for surgical pathologists: orientation, dissection,

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