DYNAFORM 5.9.4 Training Tutorial

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4 Training Tutorial
Formability Analysis

Descriptions for quick formability analysis

of part by using BSE Mstep.
I. Create and save database
1. Start Dynaform 5.9.4.
2. Click File menu and select Save As … (See Figure 1).
3. Enter MSTEP_model2_(user name)_(date).df as the file name. (See
Figure 2).
4. Click Save to save the database.

Figure 1

Figure 2
II. Import Geometry

1. Click BSE menu and select Preparation (See Figure 3).

2. The New BSE Project interface will display. Click OK to access the
Preparation dialog box (See Figure 4).
3. Click File-> Import option. The format of file is NASTRAN *.dat.
4. Select file location: …/Tutorial2_Formability_analysis.
5. Select file: MSTEP_model2.dat (See Figure 5).
6. Click OK to import the part geometry.
7. Click Exit to exit the Tool Preparation (BSE) dialog box.
8. The imported model is shown in Figure 6. There are two parts in the
database: C001V000 and P2.
II. Import Geometry

Figure 3

Figure 5

Figure 4
II. Import Geometry

Figure 6
III. Rename the Parts
1. Click Parts.
2. Select Edit (See Figure 7).
3. Double click the Name edit box to select the part
name C001V000.
4. Type in the new name: Input BLANK in the edit box.
5. Click Modify.
6. Select part name: P2.
Figure 7
7. Type in the new name: Input HOLDER in the Name
edit box.
8. Click Modify.
9. Click OK to exit Edit Part dialog box.

Figure 8 Figure 9
IV. Check and Repair Mesh
1. Select BSE Preparation -> Mesh menu.
2. Click Boundary Display icon(the third icon in the first row)(See Figure10).
3. Toggle off Elements and Node.
4. Click (free rotation) to rotate the model.
5. Click (clear highlight) to make sure that each part only has one complete
boundary line.
6. Click to display the model in isometric view.
7. Click Auto Normal icon (the first icon in the first row).
9. Move the cursor to select an element on the model (See Figure 11).
10. Select No to reverse the normal direction (See Figure 12). Change the normal
directions of two part mesh to the +Z axis direction.
IV. Check and Repair Mesh

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 10
V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)
1. Click BSE Preparation->Outline to enter the Generate Outline module.
2. The program has automatically added the imported model into Sheet when the
model is imported previously. The green Sheet button indicates the definition
has done (See Figure 13).
3. Click the Material button to pop up the Define Sheet dialog box (See Figure 14)
4. Click Remove Part button to delete the HOLDER part from the list (See Figure
5. Click the MAT0000 button to display the Material window, and click Material
Library to open the material library (See Figure 16 and Figure17).
6. Select DQSK material and click OK to exit the material library (See Figure 18).
Click OK to use the default material parameters (See Figure 19). After clicking
OK to complete the material definition, the word MAT0000 is changed to DQSK,
which indicates that the material parameter definition is completed.
7. Define the sheet Thickness:0.9 mm (See Figure 20).
8. Click OK to return to Generate Outline window.
V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)

Figure 14

Figure 15

Figure 13
V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)

Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18

V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)

Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21

V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)
9. Click Blank Holder button in the Generate Outline window to define the Binder
Holder part (See Figure 22).
10. Click Define Tool button in the displayed Preparation window (See Figure 23).
11. Select HOLDER and click OK to exit (See Figure 24).
12. Click Exit to exit Define Tool window (See Figure 25).
13. Return to Generate Outline window. The color of Blank Holder changes from blue
to green, which indicates that the binder definition is completed (See Figure 26).
Do not close the Generate Outline window.
14. Then, click Constraint button to define constraints (See Figure 26.
15. Click Create button on Constraints dialog box (See Figure 27).
16. Select SymXZ(Yxz) in Type, which means that the part is symmetrical along XZ
plane (See Figure 28).
17. Click New in Nodal constraints window (See Figure 27).
18. Click the second type Drag Window in the displayed Select Node window (See
Figure 29).
19. Switch to the top view and select the top row of nodes (See Figure 30). After
selection, the defined constraint group has been added to the Constraint list box
(See Figure 33). Click OK to exit constraint definition (See Figure 34).
V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)

Figure 24

Figure 22
Figure 23
V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)

Figure 27
Figure 25

Figure 26
V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)

Figure 30

Figure 28 Figure 29 Figure 31

V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)

Figure 32
Figure 34

Figure 33
V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)
20. Click Advanced button, and select the Analysis Method as Accurate (See
Figure 34).
Note: In Generate Outline module, two solver options are provided: Accurate and Fast.
The Accurate option allows advanced simulation which considers blank holder pressure,
pad pressure and drawbead infection, together with material parameter and plasticity
behavior of material. It leads to more accurate calculation result. The Fast option
facilitates quick and effectively blank unfolding. There is no consideration of the effect of
the above mentioned parameters. Accurate is the default option.
21. Type in the Binder Hold Force: 500000 Newton (50 Ton).
22. Select restraint condition: Free.
23. Click Exit to exit the Advanced window.
24. Click Run button to run MSTEP solver (See Figure 35).
25. MSTEP solver starts to run (See Figure 36).
V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)

Figure 36
Figure 35
V. Formability Quick Analysis(Mstep setup)

Figure 37
VI. Start up Post-process and Analyze
Simulation Result
After the MSTEP calculation is completed, DYNAFORM will automatically read in
the computed sheet blank unfold outline and add it to a new part, as shown in
Figure 37.

Figure 38
VI. Start up Post-process and Analyze
Simulation Result
Select PostProcess -> eta/Post to start up ETA/Post-Processor 2.0.0. Open the
dynain file just generated by the MSTEP solver and click FLD. Select the Middle
Layer and click PLOT. There is a large gray region on part as shown in Figure 38,
which indicates insufficient deformation, so the drawbead is required to be added.

Figure 39
VII. Quick Formability Analysis after
Adding Drawbead
1. Close ETA/Post-Processor 2.0.0 and return to Dynaform.
2. Click File  Import to import drawbead model MSTEP_model2_beadline.igs
(See Figure 40).
3. Select BSE  Generate Outline.
4. Click Bead to define drawbead (See Figure 41).
5. Click Import button in the displayed drawbead window to select the Drawbead
line (See Figure 42 and Figure 43).
6. Click Apply to create the new drawbead (See Figure 44).
7. Click the Select button next to Part in Lock tool and select Holder (See Figure 45
and Figure 46). Confirm the drawbead project onto the rigid body. The program
automatically calculates the Full Lock to be 478.314 Newton according to the
material parameters (See Figure 47).
8. The Drawbd 1 and Drawbd 2 have been added to the Drawbead list box (See
Figure 48).
9. Modify the percentage for Drawbd 1 and Drawbd 2 to 70% (See Figure 48).
VII. Quick Formability Analysis after
Adding Drawbead

Figure 40
VII. Quick Formability Analysis after
Adding Drawbead

Figure 41 Figure 42
VII. Quick Formability Analysis after
Adding Drawbead

Figure 43
VII. Quick Formability Analysis after
Adding Drawbead

Figure 44 Figure 45
VII. Quick Formability Analysis after
Adding Drawbead

Figure 46 Figure 47
VII. Quick Formability Analysis after
Adding Drawbead
10. Click Exit to exit Drawbead definition window.
11. Click Run to start up Mstep solver.
VIII. Start up Post-process and Analyze
Simulation Result
After the MSTEP calculation is completed, DYNAFORM will automatically read in
the computed sheet blank unfold outline and add it to a new part, as shown in
Figure 48. The brown closed line indicates the sheet blank unfold outline after
adding the drawbead. Compared with the unfold line (blue) with binder hold force
considered only, the blank size is smaller.

Figure 48
VIII. Start up Post-process and Analyze
Simulation Result
Select PostProcess menu to start up ETA/Post-Processor 2.0.0. Open the dynain
file just generated by the MSTEP solver and click FLD. Select the Middle Layer and
click PLOT. As shown in Figure 48, the part after adding the drawbead is deformed
sufficiently and basically meets the forming requirements.

Figure 49

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