ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Practical Guidelines For Ship Self-Pro-pulsion CFD

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Practical Guidelines for Ship Self-Pro- Effective Date Revision

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ITTC Quality System Manual

Recommended Procedures and Guidelines


Practical Guidelines for Ship Self-Propulsion CFD

7.5 Process Control

7.5-03 CFD

7.5-03-03 Propulsion

7.5-03-03-01 Practical Guidelines for Ship Self-Propulsion CFD

Edited /Updated Approved

Quality Systems Group of the 28th ITTC 27th ITTC 2014

Date 06/2017 Date 09/2014

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Practical Guidelines for Ship Self-Pro- Effective Date Revision

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Table of Contents

1. OVERVIEW .......................................... 3 3. TOWED COMPUTATION .................. 7

2. SELF-PROPULSION 4. OPEN WATER CURVES .................... 7

COMPUTATION .................................. 3
5. POST-PROCESSING ........................... 8
2.1 Propeller Implementation ................. 3
2.1.1 Direct Propeller Computation ...... 3 5.1 Computation of Self-Propulsion
Factors ................................................ 8
2.1.2 Propeller Models .......................... 4
2.2 Self-propulsion Computation ........... 4 6. VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION
2.2.1 Use of a Controller ....................... 6 ................................................................. 9
2.2.2 Interpolation Method .................... 7 7. USEFUL REFRENCES ........................ 9
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Practical Guidelines for Ship Self-Propulsion CFD


These guidelines are written as a comple-
ment to ITTC guidelines 7.5-03-02-03 (2011),
2.1 Propeller Implementation
“Practical Guidelines for Ship CFD Applica-
tions” and procedures recommended herein
2.1.1 Direct Propeller Computation
should then be in accordance to those guidelines.
The self-propulsion computation requires
Computation of the self-propulsion factors
use of a propeller to provide thrust. The propel-
using CFD essentially mimics the ITTC recom-
ler implementation offers several possibilities of
mended procedures and guidelines “Testing and different degrees of complexity and computa-
extrapolation methods, performance propulsion tional cost.
test,” 7.5-02-03-01.1 (2002). CFD evaluation of
self-propulsion factors needs essentially data In general, direct computation of the propel-
from three different tests: resistance, self-pro- ler provides the highest resolution but also the
pulsion and propeller open-water tests. The first highest computational cost and the most com-
two are always performed with CFD, while the plexity in terms of grid generation and code ca-
last can either be performed with CFD or pro- pabilities. The CFD code used has to be capable
peller models based on potential flow theory, for of rotating the propeller grid, which is typically
a full numerical evaluation of self-propulsion done using sliding or overset grids, or employ-
factors, or can use experimental open water ing the less accurate Multiple Reference Frame
curves if available. In addition, computations (MRF) method. Grid regeneration has also been
can be performed at model scale, full scale, or at attempted.
model scale with extrapolation to full scale.
If the propeller will be computed directly,
then the grid has to be designed to properly com-
pute the friction forces. The Reynolds number
used for the grid design is defined using the 70%
radius chord length of the propeller blade and
the local speed at that location
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Re = ρ ω   0.7 / µ
  0.7 Rc (0) 2.1.2 Propeller Models

where ρ and µ are the density and viscosity of The alternative to direct computation is to
the fluid respectively, ω is the propeller rota- model the propeller with some kind coupling be-
tween a propeller code and the CFD code. The
tional speed, R is the propeller radius and c0.7
propeller code receives wake velocities from the
is the blade chord length at 70% radius location. CFD code and returns volume forces on the fluid
Note that the viscosity of water varies with tem- and shaft forces that are taken by the CFD code
perature and salinity and so proper values to accelerate the flow and propel the ship. As ex-
pected, increased complexity in the propeller
should be used. To evaluate Cf , as needed to
code and the coupling strategy will lead to better
compute the wall spacing needed for the desired results but more cost.

y + as required for direct integration to the wall When the propeller is modeled the grid de-
sign may need to accommodate specific require-
or use of wall functions, the blade chord length
ments for the coupling between the propeller
at 70% radius location should also be used.
code and the CFD code. These requirements are
Since the precise propeller rotational speed is
implementation-dependent and thus the best
not known until a self-propulsion computation
practices will depend on the specific software
is performed, the design of the grid may result
package used. As a general guideline, a grid fine
in an iterative process to determine the appropri-
enough to discretize the propeller radius in at
ate wall grid spacing. In most cases this can be
least 10 elements, the circumferential direction
avoided using an estimate of the propeller rota-
in no less than 35 elements per quadrant and the
tional speed at self-propulsion.
axial direction in 10 elements covering the pro-
The time step is selected such that the pro- peller thickness.
peller advances between 0.5 and 2 degrees per
The selection of the time step in this case
time step, with the higher number appropriate
will be typically determined by the ship CFD
for implicit higher-order numerical integration
computation, so the guidelines for ship CFD can
schemes and the lower typical for explicit solv-
be used.
ers. This time step, however, may be restricted
by the CFL condition or by the implementation
of the rotating propeller/moving grid algorithm 2.2 Self-propulsion Computation
and may result in a smaller time step than rec- The grid design for the ship follows the same
ommended herein. guidelines as in 7.5-03-02-03 (2011), as well as
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pulsion CFD 2014 00

all other aspects related to a ship computation.

 1
− 
The computation can be performed in model or = ∆C F 0.044  s WL
( k / L ) 3
− 10 Re 3
 + 1.25 × 10
 
full scale, at even keel or free to sink and trim,
as in experimental procedures, and even free to (0)
roll, yaw and sway for non-symmetric ships,
though this is hardly ever done in experiments. where ks is the surface roughness as obtained

If the computation is performed in model by a Hull Roughness Analyzer. Alternatively

scale and results will be extrapolated to full
the ITTC recommended value = × 0−6  m
k s 150 1
scale, as done in model scale experiments of
self-propulsion, then a skin friction correction
can be used. It is important to note that ks is not
factor has to be added to the thrust to account for
the reduction of the resistance due to friction in the roughness used in CFD computations at full
full scale respect to the model scale results, scale, in most cases based on wall functions. See
Castro et al. (2011) for discussion, and com-
0 {(1 + k )(C FM − CFS ) − ∆CF } ρ SU 2 (0)
ments on surface roughness in 7.5-03-02-03

where the friction factors at model and full scale The self-propulsion computation requires
CFM and CFS are obtained from the ITTC 1957
finding the point at which ship resistance and
model-ship correlation line, CF = , propeller thrust are in equilibrium. Two ap-
(log10 Re − 2)2
proaches are common to achieve this goal. The
U is the reference velocity and S is the static first is to use a controller to change the propeller
wetted area. k is the form factor and corrects for rotational speed to achieve the target speed or
the fact that CF is actually the friction coeffi- the balance between thrust and resistance for
constant advance speed. This requires imple-
cient for a flat plate. Note that the form factor is mentation of a controller and, if direct computa-
highly dependent on the Reynolds number and tion of the propeller is used, a dynamic change
must be computed appropriately, see Practical of the grid position, which precludes the use of
Guidelines 7.5 – 03 – 02 – 04 for Ship Re- CFD implementations that require pre-gener-
sistance CFD. ∆CF is the roughness allowance ated grids at different propeller positions. The
second approach computes the imbalance be-
and depends on the Reynolds number and on the tween resistance and thrust for different propel-
ship hull roughness. This can be estimated from
ler rotational speeds at the target ship speed and
the correlation proposed in the 19th ITTC
use iteration to find the self-propulsion point.
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pulsion CFD 2014 00

A third approach involves performing com- that target speed. All results of the CFD compu-
putations at different ship speeds and propeller tation can be used to obtain self-propulsion fac-
rotational speeds and obtain load and resistance tors.
curves that are used to obtain the self-propulsion
If the CFD code does not have a 6DoF capa-
bility a controller can still be applied using the

2.2.1 Use of a Controller imbalance in resistance 𝐹𝐹𝑥𝑥 and thrust force 𝑇𝑇 to

define the error as
A controller modifies the rotational speed of
the propeller to minimize the error in either =
e Fx − T . (0)
speed or resistance/thrust imbalance. A typical
proportional-integral controller used to this end
The evaluation of the optimal P and I con-
is implemented as
stants requires some computation. If the con-
stants are not properly chosen then overshoots
= e + I ∫e dt
n P    (0) and/or very slow convergence to the self-propul-
0 sion point may result. P and I can be chosen after
simulation of the dynamic system behavior us-
where n is the propeller rotational speed in rev- ing a simple model with an approximate propel-
olutions per second (RPS), e is the error and P ler thrust curve and ship resistance and mass
and I are the proportional and integral con- properties, with the propeller rotational speed
stants. Choice of these constants depends on the controlled by the controller. As an example for
definition of the error as described below. a 6DoF approach, the resistance can be esti-
mated with
If the code has a six degree of freedom
(6DoF) capability, then the error is the differ- 1
Fx = ρ Ct SU 2 (0)
ence between the ship’s speed 𝑉𝑉 and the target 2
speed 𝑉𝑉𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 , and the propeller rotational speed
is changed by the controller to achieve the target where Ct is an estimated resistance coefficient.
The thrust and torque are obtained from

=e Vtarget − V (0)
T = ρ Kt n2 D 4 (0)

When the prescribed target speed is achieved

and stable the ship is in self-propulsion mode at
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performed until the imbalance of forces is ac-

where D is the propeller diameter and K t is an
ceptable. An acceptable force imbalance is less
estimated thrust coefficient for the propeller that 1% of the resistance, consistent with the ac-
near the self-propulsion point. Then the momen- curacy of the best performed self-propulsion ex-
tum equation periments.


A towed computation is needed to obtain the

is solved in conjunction with the controller
towed resistance. The towed computation needs
equation, evaluating different P and I constants
to be performed under the same conditions of
to achieve the fastest convergence time to self
the self-propelled computation, but without the
propeller. The resulting sinkage and trim may
not match those of the self-propelled computa-
2.2.2 Interpolation Method
tions. See ITTC guideline 7.5-03-02-04, “Prac-
In this case the self-propulsion point is ob- tical Guidelines for Ship Resistance CFD ”
tained by trial and error using successive itera- (2014).
tions. A typical method starts by performing a
computation at the target speed with the propel-
ler rotating at fixed RPS. The resulting re-
sistance and thrust (and skin friction correction As mentioned earlier, a complete set of CFD
computations to determine the self-propulsion
F0 if computing in model scale with extrapola-
factors is possible if an open water curve is ob-
tion to full scale) will be in general imbalanced. tained for the propeller. This is easily done if a
Then the RPS is adjusted appropriately to ap- direct simulation of the propeller is performed
proach a better balance and a new run is per- for the self-propulsion test. On the other hand, if
formed. This new computation will result in a a model is used for the propeller, it may be
new imbalance in forces. Using the two imbal- harder to perform computations of the open wa-
ances and propeller rotational speeds an interpo- ter curves since grids are not available, and use
lation (or extrapolation) can be performed to of experimental curves may be preferable, as-
predict the rotational speed that will zero the im- suming these are available. This may introduce
balance. A third computation is performed at errors since propeller open water curves and
this new propeller rotational speed, and if CFD results are not matched. Alternatively,
needed new interpolations and computations are
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open water curves computed from potential flow be placed for the near wall region to resolve the
codes can be used. blade boundary layer flow. The same guidelines
in selection of turbulence model and discretiza-
Direct computation of open water perfor- tion scheme as used for resistance calculations
mance curves involves a series of computations apply for open water computations.
of coefficients KT, KQ and ηO for a propeller
working in a uniform flow at a number of ad- The coefficient KT, KQ and ηO are then cal-
vance coefficients J. Similarly to open water culated at a number of J values. The variation of
tests in a model basin, the propeller is arranged J can be achieved by keeping a constant inlet ve-
in pulling condition. Note that a new domain has locity while changing the rate of propeller revo-
to be defined and a new grid generated for open lution, or by keeping the rotation speed of the
water computations. Due to the homogeneity of propeller and changing the advance velocity. KT
inflow the computation is usually carried out in and KQ are obtained by integration of pressure
steady mode with respect to a cylindrical coor- and viscous forces on propeller blades and the
dinate system that is rotating at the same speed integrated torque along shaft. Note that the force
as propeller. Moreover, there is a blade-to-blade on the hub is normally not included in the inte-
periodicity in the circumferential direction that gration.
can be utilized in defining the computational do-
main. Namely, it is sufficient to define a domain
containing only 1/Z-sector of a full domain
(where Z is the number of blades), using peri-
5.1 Computation of Self-Propulsion Fac-
odic boundary conditions on the azimuthal faces.
The domain boundaries have to be placed suffi-
ciently far away from the blade to avoid any Separate evaluation of the forces and mo-
boundary disturbance. Usually the inlet bound- ments for both the ship and the propeller are
ary is placed at least 2D (D=propeller diameter) needed to obtain the thrust and force imbalance.
upstream, and the outlet boundary at 4D down- Details on this can be found in ITTC Perfor-
stream the propeller center. The outer boundary mance and Propulsion Recommended Proce-
in the radial direction is placed at 4D or larger. dures 7.5-02-03-01.4 (1999). The thrust deduc-
Boundary conditions used for an open water tion factor is obtained from
computation are similar to those for a resistance
T − RT
calculation, see ITTC guidelines 7.5-03-02-03. t= (0)
A hexahedral grid is preferable. If tetrahe-
dral grid has to be used, a layer of prisms should
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which enables computation of the behind the

where RT is the towed resistance. The advance
hull efficiency, ηB = ηRηO , and the propulsive
velocity is usually obtained using the thrust
identity method or the torque identity method.
efficiency ηD = ηHηB .
In the thrust identity method the thrust at self-
propulsion is equaled with the thrust of the open
Finally, the total efficiency can then be com-
water curve and the operating advance coeffi-
puted if the shafting efficiency ηS is known
cient is obtained, J T = VA / ( nD ) , from which
(typically dependent on lubrication and align-
the advance velocity is obtained knowing the
self-propulsion RPS. In the torque identity
method the torque at self-propulsion is equaled
with the open water curve torque and the ad- ηP = ηDηS (0)

vance coefficient J Q is obtained. Notice the use

of subscripts T and Q for quantities obtained 6. VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION

with the thrust or torque identity methods, re- No specific guidelines exist for verification
spectively. The wake fraction is then computed and validation of ship self-propulsion computa-
as tions. The V&V methodologies presented in the
ITTC Recommended Procedures and Guide-
J D  n J Q D  n
wT ,T =
1− T or wT ,Q =
1− (0) lines, Practical Guidelines for Ship CFD Appli-
cations, 7.5-03-02-03, can be applied to integral
The relative rotative efficiency of the ship quantities such as propeller RPS, propeller
propeller respect to the open water propeller is thrust and torque and in general to all self-pro-
computed from pulsion factors.

ηR = or ηR (0) 7. USEFUL REFRENCES

19th ITTC Report of the Powering Performance

and the hull efficiency, relating resistance power
Committee. 19th International Towing Tank
to power at the advance velocity, is
Conference, Madrid, Spain (1990).
 1 − t
= = (0)
 1A − WT
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Practical Guidelines for Ship Self-Pro- Effective Date Revision

pulsion CFD 2014 00

ITTC Recommended Procedures and Guide- Hino T, Editor. CFD Workshop Tokyo 2005,
lines. Practical Guidelines for Ship Re- National Maritime Research Institute, Japan
sistance CFD. Report 7.5-03-02-04 (2014). (2005)

ITTC Recommended Procedures and Guide-

lines. Testing and extrapolation methods,
performance propulsion test. Report 7.5-02-
03-01.1 (2002).

ITTC Recommended Procedures and Guide-

lines. Performance, Propulsion 1978 ITTC
Performance Prediction Method. Report 7.5-
02-03-01.4 (1999).

ITTC Recommended Procedures and Guide-

lines. Practical Guidelines for Ship CFD Ap-
plications. Report 7.5-03-02-03 (2014).

Castro, A., Carrica, P.M., Stern F. “Full scale

self-propulsion computations using discre-
tized propeller for the KRISO container ship
KCS,” Comput. Fluids, Vol. 51, pp. 35-47

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