AGBANLOG CFE 102 1630 M3L1 Missionary Response

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Missionary Response

There is so much confusion and chaos these days that the cry of the world
just like in the past is PEACE! Peace in oneself, in families and in society! Yet how
can this be achieved? One familiar song reminds us of the very answer: Let there be
peace on earth, and let it begin with me. We are then called upon to look into our
very own selves and see what we can personally do or contribute in the attainment
of peace.

Identify two particular problems in your family and in your community where
a specific strength of yours (Refer to the context activity) can be applied. How will it
be made possible? Identify and describe a concrete situation. (20 points)
Problem 1 (10 points)


Understandi Balancing Home and Work life
ng Conflict in Political Stand
1. My response
1. My response
As we get older, we get busier
chasing our goals and dreams. My Conflict in the political stand
parents' work is an office job, here in our country often
wherein they tend to have a hectic occurs when the election is
schedule and heavy workload in near. Some citizens or the
their workplace. Sometimes, we youth tend to get into a
lack family time already because of misunderstanding and
this kind of matter in our family. competition when they
However, as I look on the brighter educate someone who is
side, I try to understand the not aware of their desired
situation and reflect on it. I know candidate's wrongdoings.
that my parents are doing this to When corrected and
secure their children's future. Based educated, these clueless
on this identified problem, being people are likely to be smug
understanding is my strength with their pointless
because it helps me to appreciate arguments about politics
and look on the positive side. that lead to disagreements
with ad hominem attacks.
Furthermore, we cannot
control these people to vote
for the right candidate for

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the betterment of our
country. We can encourage
them, though, but we
cannot force them. As a part
of the youth, they have the
freedom to choose whoever
they want to vote for. Being
an understanding citizen to
people who have a different
political stand takes us
away from doing sinful acts
like cursing and resenting
someone. I will respect their
votes, and I hope they will
learn from their mistakes
because I do not want
people around me fighting
over their political
perspectives, let us help
each other have a better
Problem 2 (10 points)



Different Parenting Styles Arising Suicide Cases

2.My response 2.My response

My father is quite strict, while
Suicide cases in our
my mother allows us to do
community arise due to
whatever we want as long as it
depression, anxiety, or too
would not harm us. In the
many vices. It is highly
Filipino family, we will
alarming because most
encounter different parenting
cases of suicide are among
styles that can either teach us
teenagers. As a friend and
to mature or bring us wrath
sister, I will use my strength
because of some restrictions in
to help these people ease
a family. Founded on this
their suffering in their lives. I
identified problem, having
will have the compassion to
compassion is my strength
be there for them and pray
despite the pressure on the

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other side of the family. Having for their peace of mind and
empathy means apprehending stability. Likewise, I will be
the situation and their helping hand when they
acknowledging your emotions are in need and anxious.
despite how heavy they may Having compassion for
sometimes be. This kind of people around you makes
strength allows us to be them feel seen and heard. It
resilient in tough times and can help them to seek help
gives us the power to handle or vent out when they are
challenging situations in our facing crises in their lives
lives. because they know that
someone is there for them-
someone's presence can
save and make them feel


Description Value
Well written and comprehensive. 10
Clear connection between topic and the life.
Concise in understanding and presentation of the topic.
Writes fairly clear. 8
Good presentation and organization
Sufficient effort and detail.
Minimal effort. 6
Fair presentation.
Few supporting details.
Somewhat unclear. Shows little effort. 4
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
Lacking effort. 2
Very unclear and limited attempt in presentation.
Does not address topic or question.
No answer. 0

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