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The Effect of Spiritualism on Mental Health.

It is known that there are many religions in the world that come in hand with a

specific lifestyle and a way of perceiving life. Spirituality has all these characteristics yet it's

not necessarily a form of religion. According to a study carried out by the specialised website, spiritual people tend to have a particular lifestyle that helps them get

in touch with their inner selves through different activities like quiet reflection and time in

nature. These characteristics have a direct connection with the emotional stability of this

group of people, which overall makes them less vulnerable to mental health issues. In this

essay I will be exploring the effect of spiritualism on health, specifically on how it prevents

mental illnesses such as depression and suicidal behavior. That being said ,can a specific way

of lifestyle, such as spirituality truly affect the stability and overall happiness of an individual

Being involved in spiritual acts has proven that it can impact a person's health on a

positive matter since it improves sleeping habits, decreases the need of smoking and drinking,

it enables you to cope with stressful situations which results in the decrease of blood

pressure, and an overall lower rate of mortality.

“Higher levels of spirituality have also been linked to increased compassion,

strengthened relationships, and improved self-esteem’’,these qualities are extremely

important and are related to the mental stability of a person, therefore it can be argued that

following this lifestyle can lower the probabilities of acquiring a mental illness. Reaserch

finds that individuals who assist and practice some type of religion are significantly less

vulnerable to “deaths of despair” such as suicide, drug abuse, or alcohol poisoning. The
reasons behind this are not clear, yet they could be caused by the sense of greater purpose,

and time spent learning about the value of life and one’s responsibility to care for oneself.

Looking into depression, a disorder that affects “more than 264 million people

worldwide”, it has also been proven that individuals who are spiritually guided have “ lower

eventual prevalence of de

pression”. Studies suggest that it could be caused by the fact that this

lifestyle produces direct changes in the brain, such as an increase in levels of

serotonin (natural mood stabilizer) which reduces depression and regulates


In conclusion it is clear that individuals who practice spiritualism or are

associated with some sort of religion show an overall improvement on their mental

wellbeing {.

Spirituality. (n.d.). Psychology Today. Retrieved November 23, 2021, from

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