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Geographical coverage of 5G from the previous

Ram Prasad Pokhrel Abhinaba Goswami
21MEC1003 21MEC1020

Abstract—The Tremendous growth and popularization of in- or SMS and use the internet, however, the speed is limited
door wireless systems require a suitable design and After the to less than 0.5 Mbps 2G brought important breakthroughs
uprise of 4G wireless mobile technology takes place; researchers, in mobile communication, including the introduction of en-
mobile operator industries representatives, academic institutions
have started to look into the advancement (technological) towards crypted calls (nobody could drop in on your call unwanted
5G communication networks due to some main demands that anymore). While conversing, 2G increased sound quality by
are meliorated data rates, better capacity, minimized latency decreasing static and crackling noises. The download speeds
and better QoS (Quality of Service)[1]. Sophisticated wave of 2G were likewise substantially quicker (although it still
propagation models are required for computing the 5G radio terribly slow by today’s standards) than those of 1G, averaging
coverage as well as for the 5G radio channel analysis. The
scenarios of interest range from large rural or suburban areas to around 0.2 Mbps for its lifetime. The 2G network also allowed
dense urban city centres, and even complex indoor scenarios are us to send bits of data from one phone to another, allowing us
relevant [2]. For detailed network planning the overall signal and to access media material such as ring tones on our phones.
interference situation needs to be computed. In this paper, we 2G gave us some basic smartphone capability because we
are studying about geographical coverage of 5G networks with could now transmit data. In reality, the introduction of text
respect to previous generations.
Index Terms—coverage area of communication, 5G, 4G, 3G. messages (SMS) and multimedia messaging (MMS) as new
means of communication with 2G data transfer significantly
I. I NTRODUCTION transformed the way we communicated. Messages are sent
Today, 5G has received a lot of attention. Since its inception, in packets of data from your cell phone to a tower, then to
5G has been utilised to develop technology in a variety of ar- your friend’s phone, using the same control channels as talk,
eas, including medical, automotive, and entertainment, among SMS, and MMS. The 2G network led to widespread cellphone
others. Before we discuss 5G, it’s important to understand adoption on both the consumer and commercial side as texting,
what each G (Generation) stands for, which starts with 1G. downloading, and talking over the phone grew more popular.
However, as more people began to use cell phones, the demand
A. 1st Generation of communication for data rose. However, that wasn’t the most cutting-edge
Let’s talk about 1st generation of networks where we use benefit offered by this data transfer feature.
a frequency of 150MHz/900MHz and analogue telecommuni-
C. 3rd Generation of communication
cation of 30 kHz data rate capacity is 2kbps Despite being
a revolutionary technology at the time, 1G has significant In the early 1990s, 3G was introduced. With a focus on
flaws by today’s standards. Due to the poor audio quality, highspeed wireless connections, 3G was famous for its speed
listening to anyone over a 1G network was difficult. The and data delivery. As a result, ideal multimedia applications
quality of the coverage was also terrible, with a lot of static can be created. It can also transmit video and audio at high
noise and background cracking. There was also no roaming speeds across a wireless network (20kbps- 42.2Mbps). This
service. There was no security over a 1G connection as there enables a wide range of activities, including voice and video
was no encryption, so anybody with a radio scanner could chatting, gaming, and the creation of a service known as an
hear in during a call. Over 1G, download speeds were also application. NTT DoCoMo launched 3G in Japan in 2001,
exceedingly sluggish, averaging around 2.4kbps. In 1G unable with the goal of standardising vendors’ network protocols. As
to send or receive any data, including text messages or SMS. a result, customers could access data from anywhere, paving
1G began in the 1980s and was mostly used for analogue voice the way for worldwide roaming services. When compared to
communications. 2G, 3G offered four times the data transfer capabilities, with
typical speeds of 2 Mbps. Video streaming, video conferences,
B. 2nd Generation of communication and live video chat (remember good old Skype) became possi-
Following the success of 1G, 2G was launched in Finland ble as a result of this rise. Emails have also become a common
in 1991 on the Global System for Mobile Communications mode of communication on mobile devices. The ability to surf
(GSM). It will concentrate on digital voice communication, the internet (basic HTML pages at the time) and stream music
which will improve the clarity of the sound. We can send text on a mobile device was what made 3G revolutionary. Although
2G had the same qualities as 3G in terms of download speed, newer smartphones, need to manage many technologies at
it was not as advanced as 3G. Improvements to the network the same time in the same band-limited spectrum.In the
were made as the 3G era progressed, enhancing speeds and coming years, the demand for capacity and peak bit rates
support. Today, download speeds in Canada are nearly 6 Mbps. in mobile cellular communication networks is expected to
skyrocket.Larger bandwidths, higher order multiple-input
D. 4th Generation of communication multiple-output techniques, and sophisticated antenna systems
4G was first commercially available in Norway near the end are all part of the planned fifth-generation wireless system
of 2009, and it provided today’s typical services. 4G provided (5G), which is designed to meet these expectations. The
high-quality video streaming/chat, rapid mobile web access, required bandwidths are likely to be significantly larger than
HD videos, and online gaming starting at a minimum of 12.5 those currently employed in commercial cellular technology
Mbps. Mobile handsets had to be specifically engineered to and will be available in the region of 10-100 GHz. The
enable 4G, as opposed to a simple SIM card changeover provision of realistic and high-quality wave propagation
from 2G to 3G. When 4G was first introduced, though, it models, which are essential for the effective development
wasn’t genuinely 4G. It wasn’t possible to achieve the needed and optimization of growing radio access networks, is a
minimum speeds for 4G (12.5 Mbps) when the ITU-R set particular issue. Both the computation of channel statistics
them. The ITU-R agreed that LTE (Long-term evolution) may to evaluate MIMO concepts and radio coverage studies at
be labelled as 4G in response to the amount of money that tech different frequencies to appraise different deployment options
firms were pouring into accomplishing this aim. But only if it are required to cope with the predicted unprecedented rise of
was a substantial step forward from 3G. In other words, instead wireless communications traffic.
of 4G, you were seeing 3.9G or 3.95G when it initially came
out. Starting in the 2008s, 4G will be the next generation of
3G, with peak data rates of 100 Mbps (4G LTE), 150 Mbps [1] B. Halvarsson et al., ”5G NR Coverage, Performance and Beam
Management Demonstrated in an Outdoor Urban Environment at 28
(4G LTE Cat.4), and 1000 Mbps (4G LTE Cat.4) (4G LTE GHz,” 2018 IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2018, pp. 416-421, doi:
Advanced).This will aid in the increase of video quality and 10.1109/5GWF.2018.8517035.
various games to full HD, as well as smoother streaming [2] K. Khaled and L. Talbi, ”Case study of radio coverage in complex
indoor environments for 5G communications,” 2019 IEEE International
Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE),
E. 5th Generation of communication 2019, pp. 105-110, doi: 10.1109/WiSEE.2019.8920388.
Starting in the early 2020s, 5G internet connections will be [3] J. Bae, H. Park, S. Lee, Y. S. Choi, J. S. Kim and M. Y. Chung, ”System
coverage of Mm wave based 5G mobile communication system,” The
available that are not confined to mobile phones. All gadgets, 20th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communication (APCC2014), 2014,
however, will be able to access the Internet.Because it’s made pp. 372-375, doi: 10.1109/APCC.2014.7092839.
to work with a wide range of devices. 5G is more efficient [4]
than previous generations in many ways, including: – Faster [6]
reaction due to low latency. - Supports data throughput of up to [7]
50 exabytes per month. - Has a data rate of up to 20 Gigabits
per second. — Has a frequency range of up to 30 GHz. -
Capable of supporting a maximum of 1 million users per
square kilometre. Recently, 6G technology has been developed
in China, where 6G will be the application of satellite network
theory to connect the internet that can transmit data faster
than 5G, improving communication and correcting bugs in
5G technology in the physical matter of waves, which allows
waves to pass through any limitless obstacles. Ready to
address challenges in the field of AI technology, where the
system will learn to learn on its own after a period of time.
Then, because it has to transmit and receive a lot of data
over the Internet, there will be a command system with the
ability to sort data to use in making data judgments. This is
what makes 6G technology so special. The rapid expansion
of mobile data and the widespread usage of smartphones
are presenting wireless service providers with unprecedented
hurdles in overcoming a global bandwidth bottleneck.

For wireless devices, cellular operators strive to
deliver high-quality, low-latency video and multimedia
apps.Customers using older phones, as well as those with

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