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Why Speaking Proper English is Important for your Career

A number of studies have consistently demonstrated that those who have an advanced knowledge of the
English language are much more likely to advance their careers. In addition to this, these studies have
also demonstrated that a strong command of the English language will lead to higher paying jobs, more
social mobility, and a great deal of social success.

No matter what career you choose, whether it is Engineering or History, having a powerful command of
the English language will greatly increase your odds of success. Generally, your vocabulary will need to
be equal to those who are in the same career field.

However, if you want to surpass your colleagues, and make yourself more marketable, you will need to
increase you English skills, and make them superior to the other people who work in your field. While you
may not realize it, people will judge you by the way you speak.

Barriers that you will need to Overcome

Most of us are familiar with how people feel about appearances, but the manner in which you speak is
also important. Even if you are dressed nicely, using poor grammar will show that you are wolf in sheep's
clothing. You might look nice on the outside, but you're not so nice on the inside. To succeed, you must
focus on your appearance as well as your manner of speaking.

Most people underestimate the importance of mastering English. This is especially true for people who
live in English speaking countries such as the United States or Great Britain. Because they are raised
speaking the language, they don't feel that it is all that important. They think they can get by on the basic
language classes they took in school while they were children.

However, only having a basic knowledge of English will not open career doors. If you speak only an
average level of English, people will think you're average. If you speak in a manner that is eloquent, this
will create a powerful impression.

The first barrier you will need to overcome is the belief that Basic English is enough. When I say Basic
English, I'm referring to the English that most Americans speak on a daily basis. While the English
language is comprised of about 700,000 words, the typical American only uses 50,000 in their day to day
conversations. Most educated people who have earned a degree in college, or who read lots of books,
will have a vocabulary that is closer to 100,000, twice the amount of the average American. These people
are much more likely to land high paying jobs. To be successful, it must be your goal to learn 100,000
words or more.
Many people have a poor command of the English language because they don't read. I always laugh
when I hear people say that they hate to read. These people don't realize that they are destroying their
chances of being economically successful. Not only does reading allow you to build up your vocabulary,
but it also allows you to become more informed, learning things about the world around you.

As I've said in previous articles, reading can increase your IQ. Watching television cannot do this, and
some would even argue that it does the opposite. The first step in speaking English property is to learn
more words.

Take Classes, and Read More


When you learn a new word, you should take the time to use it in a sentence. Use it when you speak to
people. By using the word in your everyday speech and writing, the word will be saved in your long term
memory. Studies have shown that you will need to repeat the word at least seven times before it "sticks".

In addition to learning new words, you will want to read everything you can get your hands on. Read
fiction as well as non-fiction. Read things you normally wouldn't read. This will allow you to learn new
words that you normally wouldn't be exposed. Increasing your English skills can become very lucrative.

Despite the fact that English is often referred to as being a global language, most people will never learn
even 35% of the words that comprise the language. However, learning as much as you can will allow you
to stand out from the crowd, and it will open up opportunities that will be closed to others.


When you increase your vocabulary, you will impress people. Depending on who you impress, a number
of doors can open, doors that would be closed to someone who uses a normal vocabulary level. People
will see you as being someone with intelligence, and it will be obvious that you are also a person that is
well informed.
How To Use Proper English When You are Giving a Speech

Author : Exforsys Inc.     Published on: 29th May 2007


How To Use Proper English When You are Giving a Speech

For many of us, giving a speech is one of the most daunting tasks we could ever engage in. You have to
stand up in front of a group of people, and you must speak to them about various concepts or ideas. You
may be nervous, and if the people don't understand what you're trying to say, the experience can be
humiliating. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. Depending on the speech and why you are giving it,
failing to speak properly will not only cause you to be humiliated, but it may also cost you time, money,
and your reputation. It is for this reason that learning how to speak proper English is so important.


At some point in our lives, we will all be required to give a speech about something. Speech classes are a
normal subject for elementary schools, and they will also be offered in high schools as well. More often
than not, the first speech most of us have to give is in front of our classmates. Once you go to college,
you may also take classes where you are required to speak before a group. This training is highly
important, and you should not take it for granted. Even if you don't like public speaking, it is a chance
where you can share your ideas with others. If you have an idea, and you need support for it, public
speaking is one of the best ways to get it.

The Fundamentals of Public Speaking

When it comes to public speaking, learning how to read and write is fairly easy. If you know about 2,000
different words, you will have the key ingredients that will allow you to speak properly. However, the real
challenge comes being able to say things in the right manner. The first thing you will need to do is know
your audience. Even if you have a sizeable vocabulary, if your audience doesn't understand what you are
trying to say, you won't be able to drive home certain points. Your audience may become bored, or they
could become confused. You will want to avoid putting yourself in a situation like this.
Those who are good with public speaking will generally be people that are highly adaptable. They know
what to say, and they know when to say it. Having 70,000 words in your vocabulary won't do you much
good if your audience doesn't understand what you are trying to say. If you are giving a speech at an
industry meeting, it makes a lot of sense to use industry words and jargon. In a situation like this, the
audience will be familiar with these terms. However, if you are speaking to an audience who is not familiar
with your industry jargon, you must avoid using it at all costs.
Why Proper English is so important with Public Speaking

When you give a speech, the things you say, and the ways in which you say it will play an important role
in whether or not people will be receptive to your ideas. Suppose you are giving a speech where you are
trying to raise money. Or perhaps you are trying to convince an investor that your idea will allow them to
become wealthier. In both of these scenarios, you can't afford not to drive home your point. You can't
afford to confuse the people that listen to you. If you do so, you will lose the chance to make money, and
your credibility will be gone. Once you lose you're credibility, you're in a lot of trouble.


Another factor that you will want to pay attention to is the way you say certain words. If you pronounce
words in the wrong way, this will send across a message that you're unintelligent. Many people choose to
type of their speech on paper, and if you do this, you will want to take the time to look up words you have
any doubts about. Make sure you can say them in the proper manner. What good is using a fancy word if
you pronounce it wrong?

Conclusion : Proper English and Speech

Your success lies in your ability to communicate your ideas with others. One of the most common ways to
do this is through public speaking. If you are skilled at public speaking, and you combine this with proper
English, there is no limit to the things you can do.

Group Discussions
As a professional in the working world, there will be times when you will be required to participate in group
discussions. This section offers helpful articles analyzing the rules for success in group discussions. Your
career and status within your field can improve if you learn some guidelines and tactics that refine your
group discussion skills.

If you have trouble speaking out of turn, interrupting others or a lack of confidence about properly
expressing yourself, the techniques about handling yourself in a group discussion can be invaluable. This
is helpful advice for any individual working with other people in any industry. Discussing ideas in a group
is one of the best ways to solve the problem. When a person becomes a burden in group discussions due
to lack of experience, an excess amount of excitement or a general lack of social skills, these factors can
contribute to how you are viewed by your colleagues and superiors in the workplace.

If you are in a managerial position, it is imperative to provide an open forum for discussion where your
subordinates feel comfortable sharing their ideas. If a person participating in a group discussion feels that
their opinion will be ignored then the members within the group will hesitate to share what could be
valuable solutions to business issues in group discussions.

How To Prepare For Group Discussions

Author : Exforsys Inc.     Published on: 2nd Aug 2006    |   Last Updated on: 20th Mar 2011


How To Prepare For Group Discussions

If you are participating in a group discussion, it is important to make sure you're prepared before the
discussion begins. While small groups may not be good for the distribution of information, group
discussions are excellent for situations where members need to learn concepts or solve problems.


To obtain a higher level of thinking, it is important for the group to focus on a specific goal. Being
prepared before the discussion starts will allow you to effectively communicate your ideas to the group.
To make sure you are prepared for group discussions, there are a number of guidelines you will want to

It is important for all the member of a group discussion to use reasoning. It is also important for you to ask
questions that will allow you to determine how much the other members know about a specific topic. This
is called analyzing their knowledge. Asking these questions will allow you to learn more about the other
members of the group. It is also essential to avoid conflicts. Conflicts will kill the group discussion, and will
not allow it to be productive. You should not make a statement which gives your opinion about the
accuracy of a comment that has been made by another member. You should not even make statements
like " I think that is an excellent question." The reason for this is because you may send a message
saying that all other questions are irrelevant.

If the members of the group are required to gain certain types of information on their own, you will not
want to provide them with it. This will hinder them from being able to conduct their own research. If you
are the one who is planning or leading the group, it is important to make sure every member contributes
something to the discussion. A decision should always be made by the group instead of a single
individual. A simple way to do this is to cast a vote. If the majority agrees on a specific plan of action, this
is the plan that should be taken. If you notice that somone is not participating in the discussion, ask them
what they think about the issue at hand. It is important for everyone to feel like they are a member.

It is important to make sure everyone is talking about the topic. The students should talk and make
statements regarding the topic. Everyone should be able to voice their own opinion. The best way to
approach the topic of discussion is to start with a concept that is simple before moving to one that is
complex. While you don't want the member to become bored, you also don't want the topic to become so
complicated that no one gains anything from it. Whenever people get together in a group, there will be
interpersonal issues among some of the members. Each person will have a different personality type, and
some will not work well with others.

If you see a potential problem, deal with it before it becomes a major issue that disrupts the group
discussion. Whenever you notice that the group or members of the group are straying away from the
topic, it is important for them to avoid this. While you will want to look at the group as a whole, it is also
important to monitor each member as well. If you are the leader of the group, and you notice that some
members are having problems with reasoning or expression, you will want to assist them. To prepare for
a group discussion, it is extremely important to make sure you are prepared beforehand. You should
understand the topic of the discussion, and if necessary, you should research it. Once you have
researched the topic, you should develop your own thoughts or opinions about it.


When the members of a group discussion are prepared, this will allow the discussion to blossom.
However, when they are not prepared, the goals of the discussion will not be easy to achieve. To
successfully participate in group discussion, you must know how to work well with others, and you must
understand the topic or materials that are being discussed. When you are prepared for a group
discussion, you will be able to benefit from it.

What Should Happen During a Group Discussion

In most cases, the goal of a group discussion is to come up with ideas which will allow the group to solve
specific problems or learn a skill. The members must be able to summarize the primary points of the
information they read, and they should also be able to determine their own understanding of the material.

If the group discussion has been held before, members will want to reexamine concepts that were
presented at the previous meetings. It is also important for the members of a group discussion to
brainstorm ideas or concepts that can be applied in the real world.

To be successful, it is important for the members of a group to have interdependence. However, this
should be positive rather than negative. Remember, the group will succeed of fail together. The best way
to create interdependence within a group is to have the members share a task. They may also share
resources as well. All the members of the group should have the same goal when it comes to the topic
that is being discussed. It is important for members to interact with each other. When they do, they can
help each other learn or work towards achieving the goal of the group. In order for group discussion to
work effectively, it is important to make sure everyone is seated in the correct pattern.

In most cases, the best way to seat a group is in a circle where they are able to face each other. Seating
the members in a circular formation will allow them to work together jointly to solve problems through
discussion, statements, or explanations. Many people do not like group discussions. Perhaps this
describes you. People who do not like group discussion are typically those who are shy or individualistic.
While some leaders have attempted to solve this problem by having the group work on problem
individually, it is best for the members to cooperate together. This will teach them the value of teamwork.
As the saying goes, "two heads are better than one," and a group working together is likely to solve
problems faster than allowing members to work on their own.

Once concept that is important for group discussions is accountability. Each member should contribute to
the discussion at hand. No one should be allowed to "free load," or benefit from the hard work of others
without making any contributions. When members don't contribute to the discussion, they will hurt
themselves and the group as a whole. The reason for this is because they won't learn how to work with a
team, and the group will have one less person that is assisting them in achieving a certain goal. One thing
that you can do to enhance the things that are learned from a group discussion is to designate roles for
the members of a group.

For example, you could have team captains, clerks, reflectors, or encouragers. It would be the
responsibility of the team captain to make sure the group stays focused. They would also be responsible
for providing the group with tasks, and they would eliminate conflict among the members and make sure
everything is moving on schedule. The clerk is the person that is responsible for writing down important
points. They will report their information to the rest of the group. The reflector will analyze the function of
the group process and will make statements that are given to the clerk. The reflector will place an
emphasis on the organization and participation of group members. The encourager is responsible for
providing feedback to the members.
It is important for all the members within a group discussion to learn these skills. They should know how
to make decisions, establish trust, and deal with conflict in a decent way. Not only are these skills
important in group discussion, they are helpful for employees.


Many group discussions are held by the departments within companies, and many of them already expect
their employees to have these skills. Another thing that should happen during group discussions is called
group processing. This will occur when the group ends the discussion by having members share what
they have gained or learned with the other members.

Successful Group Discussion Techniques

Author : Exforsys Inc.     Published on: 16th Aug 2006    |   Last Updated on: 20th Mar 2011


Successful Group Discussion Techniques

There are a number of things you can do to help your group become successful. By following the
guidelines that are presented in this article, you will be able to actively participate in group discussions
and help the team achieve a specific goal.


First, there is nothing wrong with being quiet. At the same time, you don't want to be too quiet. However,
speaking too much is not recommended. Before you speak, you will want to think about what you are
going to say. It is important to make sure the statements you make are concise and to the point. You don't
want to give the other members the wrong impression by making statements that are not clear.

It is also important to make sure you fulfill the tasks of any role you've been given. For example, if you are
given the role of a team leader, it is important to make sure you carry it out to the best of your abilities.
Once you agree to a specific role, do not ask to be changed to something else. If you do this, you will
convey a message that you are indecisive. If you don't understand a statment or question that has been
made by someone else, it is important for you to make sure they clarify it. In group discussions, it is
important to avoid conflict as much as possible. You will always want to respect the contributions that are
made by the other members. Even if you don't agree with their views, it is important to look at things from
their perspective.

If you are the leader of a group discussion, it is important to make sure all the members are given equal
amounts of time to voice their views or participate. If you give some members more time than others, you
may convey a message that certain members are more valuable than others, and this can lead to conflict.
In any group discussion, conflicts should be expected. However, it is the method you use to deal with
them that will determine the success or failure of a group. There are certain words and phrases that you
will want to avoid using when you are in a group discussion. For example, responding to a statement
made by another member by saying "that doesn't make any sense" will lead to conflict.

If you don't agree with the statement, instead of saying "that doesn't make any sense," it would be better
to say "I don't know if I agree. Could you elaborate?" When you use this statement, it will not be as
offensive as the other statement. You should never ridicule the idea or statement of another member by
calling it dumb or stupid. Instead, you could simply say you disagree with them, and offer an explanation
of why your feel the way you do. To give another example, instead of using the statement "that is not
what the assignment asked us to do" you could say that "I think it would be better if we refer back to the

To be successful in group discussion, it is important to avoid conflict statements. These statements could
lead to problems between you and other members that can make the group less productive. An example
of a conflict statement is telling another member that they are wrong about something. Instead, you will
want to disagree with them by using phrases such as "it may be better to...." or "have you ever though
about doing it this way?" It should be easy to see the difference between these two phrases and the first

Being able to avoid conflict in a group discussion is crucially important. Once the conflict has started, it is
very difficult to deal with. Everyone is different and will have strong beliefs about a topic that may differ
from others.


However, they should be respectful in how they deal with the differences. Using statements and questions
which avoid conflict will allow you to be respected by the other members, and you can help the group
successfully move forward. Respect the opinions of others, and never try to push your ideas on the other
members. Remember, the purpose of having a group discussion is to solve problems, not create them.
How To Work With Group Members during Group Discussions

Author : Exforsys Inc.     Published on: 29th Aug 2006    |   Last Updated on: 20th Mar 2011


How To Work With Group Members during Group Discussions

When you participate in group discussions, it important to realize that the other members may not share
the same views as you. In fact, they may come from a different cultural or ethnic background. Generally,
the members of the group will have one of two communication styles, and these are introverted and


The members who have an extroverted communication form will be outspoken, and will create their
thoughts quickly. They may not function well in group discussions that are too quiet.

A member who has an introverted communication form will think quietly. They will often listen to what the
other members have to say before making a statement. They enjoy being in group discussions where
silent periods are allowed. It is important for all the members of the group discussion to understand these
two communication styles, and it is also important for the leader to understand them as well. Both sides
need to be properly balanced. It may also be helpful for those with a set style to move out of their comfort
zones and try using the opposite communication style. To do this, introverted people will want to be more
vocal about their thoughts, and members who are extroverted will want to silently formulate thoughts
within their minds.

In many group discussions, the members will designate tasks to other members based on their gender.
However, it may be helpful to experiment. Most people choose to use the communication style that they
are most comfortable with. Taking on a role that you don't have experience in will allow you to learn.
Because the members of a group discussion may come from different cultures, communication can be
challenging. People who live in other countries will use a communicate in a way that may be different from
your own country. Some of the differences in communication that you will see among cultures are varying
levels of bluntness, assertiveness, and direct or indirect conversation.

A discussion group will work well when all the members understand the differences that will exist in
communication for different cultures. These differences should be valued, and the members should be
able to effectively communicate with each other even if they have cultural differences in their
communication style. If you work hard to get across your point of view without taking the time to listen to
others, you may become frustrated. At the same time, you will not help your group if you just quickly go
with the flow without stating your own opinion or suggestions. You must find a balance between the two.
The best way for a group to communicate is to hold a discussion that will allow them to share all the views
of the members. Once they do this, they will move towards reaching their goal, and they will also learn
things about each other. As you read this article, you may wander if you are participating in group
discussions correctly. To find the answer to this question, I will present a number of questions to you. Did
you contribute knowledge to the discussion? Did you ask open-ended questions? Did you assist the
group in a creating a summary of its progression? The answers that you give to these questions will
determine how well you did.

If you find that you are answering most of these questions with a "no," this is a sign that you will need
improve in some areas. The best way to improve your participation in group discussion is to do all the
things that were asked in the questions. Ask open-ended questions, assist the group in progressing
towards a goal, and add information to the discussion as much as you can. When all the members of a
group do these things, the group discussion will be successful. It is always important to make sure you
recognize the cultural and communication differences of other members. Instead of alienating people who
are different from you, take the time to view things from their perspective. In order for group discussion to
be useful, everyone must have an open mind.


It is also important to learn how to deal with or avoid conflict. Conflict is something that is best to avoid
before it occurs, because dealing with it is more difficult. If conflict and a lack of communication exists
within a group, the group discussion will not be successful.

Group Discussion Challenges

If you are the leader of a group discussion, there are a number of challenges you will have to face. Being
able to successfully overcome these challenges will mean the difference between the success and failure
of your group.


In this article, I will go over these challenges, and I will present strategies that can allow you to overcome
them. The biggest challenges that you will face in group discussions are avoiding put-downs, connecting
solutions, listening for data, and summarizing ideas. Being able to overcome these challenges will bring
about successful group discussions.
Avoding put-downs are extremely important. Put-downs occur when members of the group ridicule the
ideas that are presented by other members. When this happens, it can slow down the productivity of the
group, and can stop other members for voicing their own ideas or solutions. One way to solve this
problem is to make it clear at the beginning of the discussion that no put-downs are allowed. Let the
members know that if they do not agree with an idea that has been presented, come up with a better idea
and present it in a way that does not humiliate the person that they are in disagreement with.

Another way to avoid put-downs is to let members know that you appreciate their hard work. This will
make the confident, and will encourage them to work harder. The next challenge that you will want to
overcome is the connecting solutions or ideas. The goal of most group discussion is to solve a problem.
This is especially true for companies that are trying to develop marketing strategies. In order for them to
succeed, it is important for members to make connections regarding the information that is discussed.
One common problem that is seen in group discussion is members who create new ideas instead of
adding to an idea that has been presented by another member.

Often, these ideas will not be related to the other ideas that were raised. This is problematic, because a
group will not be able to come up with a relevant solution to a problem if the members keep generating
new ideas without building on them. In the best group discussions, a few members will come up with
some good ideas,and other members will contribute to it instead of producing new ideas. When this
happens, a powerful solution to a problem can be developed. To solve this problem, the leader can ask
one member to give their opinion on an idea or solution that can be used to solve the problem. Once they
have presented their idea or solution, the leader can call on all the other members to respond to the idea
without creating something new.

The next challenge that you will want to focus on is listening for information or data. This is a challenge
that logically follows making connections between ideas. It is important for the members to be able to
summarize the information they have learned. When the members are able to summarize the information,
this can help the group reach a decision on an idea or course of action. Summarizing information can be
difficult if members have not been properly trained. In a nutshell, they will need to go over the central idea
of the discussion and summarize any points that have been brought up.

It is also important for all members to listen for important ideas. This is the last challenge that must be
overcome. When everyone is attentive, they will be able to respond to ideas by adding relevant concepts
that can better allow the group to solve a problem. If the members are not listening to the ideas that are
being presented, they will not be able to respond to them effectively, and this can reduce the ability of the
group to come up with relevant ideas.

A good way to make sure the members are listening to others is to have a person read the text out loud,
and then call on the other members randomly to make sure they understand what is being discussed.
This will ensure that they are paying attention during the discussion.

Once you are able to overcome these challenges, your group discussion will be effective, and you will be
able to develop excellent solutions that can be used to solve a problem.

How To Encourage Members During Group Discussions

Author : Exforsys Inc.     Published on: 12th Sep 2006    |   Last Updated on: 20th Mar 2011


How To Encourage Members During Group Discussions

There are a number of methods you can use to encourage those that participate in group discussions.
One technique is to ask a single question and make a request for all the members to discuss it. The
members can read the question, and they can tell the other members what they think the question means.

It is best to use open-ended questions, because they will allow the members to think about the topics.
Everyone should be allowed to give their thoughts on the question. It is always important to make sure the
group stays on topic.

If you notice that members are getting off topic, politely direct them back to the topic that is being
discussed. It is also important for everyone to listen, even the leader. They should understand the
statements that are being made by members. If they do not, they should ask the member to clarify the
point they are making. It is also important to make comments on statements that have been made by the
other members. When your respond to a statement that has been made, this can create a domino effect
where other members will respond as well, and new ideas or solutions can be formulated.

There are a number of guidelines that you will want to follow at the conclusion of the discussion. You
should always create a summary about the topic that has been discussed. Ask the members to review the
things that have been discussed, as this will allow them to commit the various points to memory. It is
important for the members of the group to keep notepads handy where they can write down important
points that have been made. One of the common goals of group discussions is to brainstorm ideas. When
members of a group are brainstorming an idea, there are a number of things they will do.

First, the topic will be given to the group. Each member will think about the topic for set period of time,
and will begin coming up with a number of different ideas. The other members of the group should build
on the ideas that have already been presented. After the idea creation period has ended, the ideas which
have been developed will be organized and reviewed. The results will be shared with the entire group.
Brainstorming plays an important role in group discussions, and is excellent for a situation where a group
needs to come up with a solution to a complex problem.

When group discussion are held, it is important for them to receive encouragement. This encouragement
can come from the group leader, or it can come from the other members. It will bring about results that
are the exact opposite of what happens when the idea of a member is put-down by others in the group.
The group that participates in discussions should behave like a well oiled machine. Everyone should be
on the same page. The success of the group, not the individuals, is the most important factor. When
members encourage each other, this will build a strong comraderie that will allow the group to function as
one. The biggest problems in group discussions occur when members discourage each other and
promote their own ideas.

Group discussion are successful when all the members respect each other. When someone comes up
with a great idea, they should be thanked for their participation. Members who are quiet should be
allowed to convey their thoughts to the other members, and the participants who are outspoken should
spend more time listening to what the other members have to say. No one member should ever be
allowed to dominate the conversation in group discussion. Every member of the group should be given an
equal amount of time to convey their own thoughts to the group.

It is crucial for everyone to feel like they are contributing to the discussion. Conflicts should be avoided or
reduced at all costs, as they can destroy the ability to the group to move forward and come up with good
ideas or solutions. Encouragement will give members the confidence they need, and this will allow them
to work hard to make sure the group become successful.

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