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Essay n° 13 - Valentina Garcia

Topic: Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people
visit museums?

There is no doubt that on a trip, we enjoy doing different types of things. While certain people
prefer touristic tours and going out. Other think that the right way for learning about these
new places is by visiting its museums. In this essay I will explore both sides of the argument
and give my opinion.

For those who think that going to a museum is the worst plan to do on a trip claim that the
right way to enjoy it, is going out with friends and doing touristic activities outside. This type of
people are used to get bored going to quiet places such as museums or art galleries. This is
because some people do not want to appreciate the history and typical art from the places
they visit. For example, most of the young people prefer enjoying the beach or the shopping
center and going out at night. Consequently, there are people who do not consider visiting the
museum as a good plan for a trip.

Turning to the other side of the argument, there are others who think that if you really want to
know about the place you went to you should visit its museums. The reason for this is that
these people enjoy the art and history of places and want to learn about them. To illustrate
this, there are people who knows everything about the countries or cities they visit. Therefore,
visiting the museums of the new places you go to it is a good way to learn about them.

In conclusion, despite there are people who think that visiting museums is a boring activity,
others enjoy it. In my opinion, visiting museums could be boring for some people, but if you
like the history of places it is an interesting way to learn about them.

Time: 30’

Words: 313

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