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1. Convert the denary number 43 into an 8 bit binary number.


2. Convert the denary number 104 to hexadecimal.


3. Give the number 55 in binary as an 8-bit unsigned integer.



Convert the binary number 01101111 to a hexadecimal number.


5(a). Convert the unsigned binary number 10000101 to denary.

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Convert the denary number 72 to an unsigned 8-bit integer.


6(a). Convert the denary number −8 to:

i. An 8-bit sign and magnitude binary number.


ii. An 8-bit two's complement binary number.


(b). Convert the unsigned binary number 11110000 to:

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i. Denary:


ii. Hexadecimal:


7. Convert the denary number -52 into an 8-bit binary number using two’s complement.


8. Using two’s complement convert the denary number −43 into an 8 bit binary number. You must show your working.



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Mark scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

1 00101011 1 For 1 mark.

Total 1

1 Examiner’s Comments
2 68 AO1.2
(1) A significant number of candidates achieved
all three available marks across the first three
parts of this question.

Total 1

00110111 Examiner's Comments

3 2
(1 mark per nibble)
This question was well answered, with most
candidates achieving full marks.

Total 2

4 6F
Examiner’s Comment
Very well answered by the majority of

Total 1

5 a 133

b 01001000

Total 2

6 a i 10001000 1

ii 11111000 1

b i 240 1

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ii F0 1

Total 4

7 11001100 2 For 2 marks (award 1 mark per nibble).

Total 2

8 11010101 2 For 2 marks – showing valid method 1 mark.

Total 2

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