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Define the term below:

a. Human Resource Management
b. Performance management
c. Employee empowerment
d. Job Enrichment
e. Recruiting
f. Aptitude Test
g. Job Posting
h. Personnel Selection
i. Multiple-Hurdle model
j. Total Quality Management (20 mark)

2. “The TQM approach provides guidelines for all the organization’s activities, including
Human Resource Management”.
a) List out the Total Quality Management’s core values: (10 mark)
b) “Human resource professionals need to be aware of trends in the composition
of the external labor market, because these trends affect the organization’s
options for creating a well-skilled, motivated internal labor force. The trends
include the aging workforce, diverse workforce and the skill deficiencies of the

Discuss in detail any three of the Human Resource Management implication of

the aging workforce: (9 mark)

c) List out the Strategic Business Issues affecting Human Resource Management:
(6 mark)
3. “Job Specification: a list of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics
(KSAOs) that an individual must have to perform a particular job.
a) List out and elaborate the KSAOs characteristics:

b) “Job Design: the process of defining how work will be performed and what
tasks will be required in a given job. It is inclusive of a few approaches such as
design for motivation, design for efficiency, design for mental capacity and
design for safety and health”.

Explain in detail on the approach(s) such as design for efficiency and design for
safety and health (8 mark)
c) “The Job Characteristics Model, developed by Richard Hackman and Greg
Oldham, is a model that shows how to make jobs more motivating is. This
model describes jobs in terms of five characteristics”.
Discuss any four characteristics of the model: (8 mark)

4. “The Employment Act 1955, enforced by the Labor Department where it sets minimum
labor standards for workers and seek to protect them from exploitation. It covers
various area. Such as Contracts of service, payment of wages, employment of women,
working hours and holidays, registers, returns, complaints and inquiries and many
a. Discuss in detail the terms given below:
I. Contract of Service
II. Payment Wages
III. Employment of Women (12 mark)
b. “The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 gazetted on the 25 February
1994 by the Malaysian Parliament. And been enforced by the Department of
Occupational Safety and Health.
List out four activities that are carried out under the act, to ensure safety at work
(8 mark)

5. “Recruiting: any activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose
of identifying and attracting potential employees”.
a. List out two goals of recruiting: (3 mark)
b. Discuss in detail three aspects of recruiting such as, Personnel Policies,
Recruitment sources and Recruiter’s traits and behavior: (12 mark)

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