Arthur Bennett El Bey Termination of All Mortuum Stuprum Contracts 5.3.2022 N.P.T.

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SUA Lovato, Allodium Moorish Argenti Aurun Ante South Carolina a provincial state government under the existing and preexisting treaties of the Moroccan empire. > ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ ~~ moorish divine and national movement of the worl amaru inkba Sourtheast amaru inkha/ northeast amaru inkba/ central and western amaru inkba/ and and all adjoining atlantis amaru inkba islands & ~ islam. ~ o& For the purpose of this document the definition of the words and; the D+U+N+S NUMBER of the United States and its subsidiaries below are as follows: red tape means. the tape used for typing up documents extreme official formality. Anderson 1889 page 865 UNITED STATES (15) United States” means (AJa Federal corporation; (B)an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C)an instrumentality of the United States, DUNS Numbers of the US Service Corporate Government and Most of Its Major Agencies ‘The “federal government” isunder treaty agreement wit the marocan empite and under contrac to the organi States [and as our Fortathers vested] the ENTIRE cl government on the land of kmagherb lags is ested ints abligation tothe amaru kas the natural Beople inhabiting the land each American] sovereign organic state” ofthe union. €achone fous] has moe il power and authority on {he land than the entire “federal government” has ever had reve canave. ‘mnsea r000000327 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, 2ereements, subcontracts parol contracts, verbal contracts, finger print scans, Allonges, retinal/eye scans, facial sooo eC@tnition, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents. ‘rignal people’ documents: sl maghreb alata ‘the north gat’ the meroccan empire / continental on estates empleo ein and moe ur and ‘non _domestic, non resident, non_subject: moors / muurs_ being the rightful heirs and pein i = imogeniture bright ineritersof the land, United Sates Goverment 05271816 pe and under corte pai fan ? its obligation to the amaru khans the natural isin mare ct power an aaron US Department of Defense (DOD) 030421397 US Department of the Treasury 026661067 US Department of Justice (DOJ) 011669674 US Department of State 026276622 Us Department of Health &Human Services (HHS) Office of the Secretary 112463521 US Department of Education 944419592 Us Department of Energy 932010320 US Department of Homeland Security 932394187 Us Department of the interior 020949010 US Department of Labor 029536183, Us Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Office of the Secretary 030945779 US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) 931691211 US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 050297655 US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 056622429 Bureau of Customs & Border Protection (CBP) 796730922 Federal Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) 130221646 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 057944910 National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) 003259074 National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 079933920 Us Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 364281923, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 037751583 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 020303969 US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) 003475175 US Public Health Service (USPHS) 039294216 National Institutes of Health (NIH) 061232000 Us Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) 927645465 US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) 138182175 US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 040539587 Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Fed) 001959410, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 878865674 National Security Agency (NSA) 617395215 US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) 167247027 tmnsea 00000327 universal aida of termination of Corre farporte/ mora siren contrat 2ereemens subcontracts, contrat verbal contracts, finger it cans Alongs reales fll reception, lcrononedfecd vee ee e ohered docmnent ope ain: mga the ners merece conan tengo hun nd mec an ‘non_domestic, nan resident, non_subject; moors / muurs_ being the rightful heirs and primageniture birthright inheritors of the land, Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms &Tobacco (BAFT) 132282310 Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 926038563 Federal Bureau of indian Affairs (BIA) 926038407 DUNS Numbers of Each US Corporate State and Its Largest The “federal government isunder treaty agreement with the maroc Ferefathers vested] the ENTIRE chal government onthe land of amagher® people inhabiting the nd, each [Arercan sa sovereign organi stat” (ofthe ‘teland than the entre “federal government” has ever Mado ever can have, State of Alabama 004027553 City of Birmingham 074239450 State of Alaska 078198983, City of Fairbanks 079261830 State of Arizona 068300170 City of Phoenix 030002236 State of Arkansas 619312569, ity of Little Rock 065303794 State of California 071549000 City of Los Angeles 159166271 State of Colorado 076438621 City of Denver 066985480 State of Connecticut 016167285 Gity of Bridgeport 156280596 State of Delaware 037802962 City of Wilmington 067393900 District of Columbia 949056860 City of Washington 073010550 State of Florida 004078374 Gity of Miami 965299576 State of Georgia 069230183 City of Atlanta 065372500 State of Hawaii 077676997 City of Honolulu 828979612 State of Idaho 071875734 City of Boise 070017017 State of Illinois 065232498 City of Chicago 556057206 State of Indiana 071789435 City of indianapolis 964647155 State of lowa 828089701 ‘mnsea 1000000327 universal affidavit of termination of Coporate/corporate/ mortuum an empire and under contract othe organic States and a our rages fevered ints obligation tothe amaru Khan the natrat eign}. Each one of us has ore cil power and autherity on stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Finger print scans, Allonges,retinal/eye scans, facial recognition, electronic/forged/altered signatures and one lectronifforged/eltered documents. riginal people’ documents: al maghreb a 29a ‘the north gate’ the moroccan empire J continental united states; temple on_domestic, nonresident, non_subject; moors /muurs,elng the right heis and primogentur birtnight. the sun and moon’ / tate stand inheritors ofthe and, OF @ = Davenport 963855494 State of Kansas 827975009 City of Wichita 069862755 State of Kentucky 828008883 City of Louisville 943445093 State of Louisiana 0612389911 City of New Orleans 033692404 State of Maine 061207536 City of Portland, Maine 071747802 State of Maryland 847612442 ity of Baltimore 052340973 State of Massachusetts 138090548 City of Boston 007277284 State of Michigan 054698428 City of Detroit 021733631 State of Minnesota 050375465 City of Minneapolis 009901959 State of Mississippi 008210692 City of Jackson 020864955 State of Missouri 616963596 City of Kansas (City) 832496868 State of Montana 945782027 Gity of Billings 068925759 State of Nebraska 041472307 City of Omaha 926604690 State of Nevada 123259447 City of Las Vegas 019342317 State of New Hampshire 066760232 City of Manchester 045009073 State of New Jersey 067373258 City of Newark 019092531, State of New Mexico 007111818 City of Albuquerque 129962346 State of New York 041002973 ity of New York 021741036 State of North Carolina 830979667 ‘mnsea 000000327 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ contracts, verbal contracts, finger print scans, Allonges, ‘mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol retinal eye scans, facial recognition, electronie/forged/altered signatures and lectronicftorged/aitered documents. ‘olin peoples documents: maghve al aqea ‘the north gate’ the moreccan omy ‘non domestic, nonresident, non_subject; moors muus being th ype continental united states; temple ofthe sun and mon’ "ure sland ul hers and primogentue birthright inheritors ofthe and, City of Charlotte 809275006 State of North Dakota 098564300 Gity of Bismarck 080245640 State of Ohio 034309166 Gity of Columbus 010611869 State of Oklahoma 050411726 City of Oklahoma (City) 073131542 State of Oregon 932534998 City of Portland (Oregon) 054971197 State of Pennsylvania 933882784 City oF PI State of Rhode Istand 008421763 \delphia 929068737 City of Providence 069853752 State of South Carolina 057006072 ‘The “Tera government isunder treaty agreement with the moroccan empire and under contrat tthe organi States [and as our ‘Forefathers vested] the ENTIRE civ government on the land of amar inka ie vsted ints oblgatin tothe amaru khans the natural people ‘nhabling the land, each [American] a sovereign “organic state” fof the union, Each one fo us has more cil power and authortyon the land than the enti “federal government” has eve ha or ever can hav, City of Columbia 878281562 ‘This termination ofall corporate mortuum stuprum contracts is also addressed to the following offices that hhave not been officially dissolved: ‘The office of Lords Propryators Province of carolana and Board of Governors Subjects to the King of England [Political Jurisdiction). ‘The Fundamental Constitutions of carolana 1665, ‘The Office of President Commander and Chief ‘The Unanimous Declaration ofthe Thirteen United States (major) of america 1776 ‘The Sovereign republican state South Carolina Constitution 1776 ‘The Office of President Commander and Chief ‘The Office of Governor ‘The Office of Privy Counsel ‘The Sovercign republican state South Carolina and State of South Carolina Constitution 1778 ‘The Office of Governor Democratic [-] Republican Party ‘The State of South Carolina Constitution 1790 ‘The Office of President Ordinances and Constitution of the State of South Carolina: with the Constitution of the Provisional Government ‘arial peoples’ documents: maghreb alas north gate" the moroccan empire / continental united states; "temple ofthe sun and mon beet; moor murs. being the rightful helts and primagenture birthvigh inher ote toed And of the Confederate States of America 1861 ‘The Office of governor Constitution of the commonwealth of South Carolina 1868 ‘TOGETHER WITH “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ‘The Governorship of South Carolina 1876 [-] 1877 government of South Carolina ‘The Office of governor 1895 Chief Magistrate Styled “The Governor of the State of South Carolina [1972]” ‘The State of South Carolina Constitution 1895 “The Office of Attorney General State/ state of South Carolina was founded on February 5, 1698 “The South Carolina Attorney General office is far older than the United States itself. Trained at the Inner “Temple of London, in England, the Attomey General was the legal officer representing the Crown. th Carolina’ and its Heritage State of Tennessee 04143882 City of Memphis 051386258 State of Texas 002537595, City of Houston 967421590, State of Utah 009094301 City of Salt Lake City 017096780 ‘State of Vermont 066760240 City of Burlington 037442977 State of Virginia 047850373 Gity of Virginia Beach 074736299 tmnsea 00000327 univers fda of eminstion of orportefnporate/ mer strum contacts, are ets, sbcon contrat, verbal contracts, gr rin scans, Alongs, retaley scans fl ecopuion, clectron/orgedaeredsknauresan8, si sie oan tea “asitbamd Sememtmeeretaremareers euies dae nage a Wernham epee ne sn: Yetta na : ec es / ma. bngibe veh apnea gets elon. ‘tate of Washington 079248936 City of Seattle 009483561 state of West Virginia 828092515 City of Charleston (West Virginia) 197931681 State of Wisconsin 001778349 City of Milwaukee 004779133 State of Wyoming 832826015 ity of Cheyenne 021917273 DUNS Numbers ofthe United Nations Corporation and Some of Its Major Corporate Agencies United Nations (UN) 824777304 LUN Development Program (UNDP) 793511262 LUN Educational Scientific, & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 053317819 UN World Food Program (UNWFP) 054023952 UN international Children's Education Fund (UNICEF) 017698452 LUN World Health Organization (WHO) 618736326 ‘word definitions continue: “Artificial person. Means a person fictitious; decoy in public employment. Anderson 1889 page 771 natural person. as one with god in nature. ‘Authority. power [-] delegated to an agent. Anderson 1889 page 97 ‘Agent. one employed to act for another. Anderson 1889 page 42 ‘Attorney. a person employed by another to attom affairs of law. Anderson 1889 page 91 Atom. twist to one’s advantage. Blacks law 4" edition. Assessor means. an expert. Anderson 1889 page 80 Bank. a bench. A judge's seat. A court for the decision course of the matters of law. Black's law 4" edition Bank. Banker; Banking. One who makes merchandise of money. Black's law 4"" edition MAIL. Mail; Mailing means. a small piece of money. Anderson Dictionary of Law page 644 * ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. Bailment. means contract. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 67 Bond. means. 2 writing under seal. reference TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 102 Bottomry Bond means. hypothecation of the ship TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 104 Board means. a table at which a councilis held; As, a board++ of alderman, of arbitrators, of directors, of examiners; of candidates for admission to the bar, of examiners of patents, of health, of inspectors, of liquidation, of pardons, of property, of public works, of revisers, of supervisors, of trade, of trustees, of Viewers, of visitors, poorsboard, of stock and exchange boards. Anderson 1889 page 127 Commerce means: an exchange of goods. Chairman means. a name given to the presiding officer. Blacks law first edition page 190. Code means. a reduction and revision of law. Anderson dictionary of law 1889 page 190 Comptroller. one who keeps a duplicate register of accounts. Anderson 1889 Law Dictionary Pg. 219 tnsea 00000327 univers sda of ena of Cpr corporate martvom stprum contre gee oi m ents, stbcontat, parol corr, vetal contac, ge in scans, Alongs realy sens foal rection, clecvonfterged/ahere sates ed ies Nes’ de shred at i reel ep acumen map ag‘ rrh gn te nracon emptor ote sae engl hein and or ure an ‘non domestic, nan resident, non_subject; moors / muurs_ being the rightful heirs and primogeniture birthright inheritors of the land, ica ‘Compound. To parts together to form a whole. Convey means, To pass or transmit from one to another. Blacks law 4" edition Confederacy. the same as conspiracy. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 144 Consanguinity means. is kindred by blood. TOMLNS 1838 dictionary page 144 Consent. define express consent. Given directly by with voice or in writing with full disclosure. Black's law 4" edition consul. an officer appointed by government to reside n foreign countries for the purpose of extending gra facilitating commerce and communication between the two countries. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 150 Courts. are places where justice is administered. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 172 County. means 2 civil division ofthe territory of England. Anderson 1889 dictionary page 271 Company. include individuals as well as corporations. Anderson 1889 page 215 Corperation, means a creature ofthe crown. An artifical bein, indivisible, intangible, existing only in the “contemplation” of law. Black's law 4" edition Chief. principal; Blacks law fourth edition page 302 ‘Contact, 2 deliberate engagement between competent parties. Blacks law fourth edition page 826 Debt. means a sum certain upon a specialty contract. Black's taw 4" edition Deposit. means is a bailment TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 180 Discharge means. To cancel or unloose the obligation of a contract. Black's law 4" edition Ebb and Flow. See Navigable. Anderson 1889 page 392 Employed. the act of doing a thing and being under contract or orders. Blacks law first edition page 418. Esquire. A officer of trust under the crown. Anderson 1889 Law Dictionary Pg. 413, Estate. Status. Anderson 1889 Law Dictionary Pg. 415 Escheat. The tenure or dissolution of the bond between lord and tenant. Anderson 1889 page 413 Forger means. is the making, or alteration of any instrument. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 247 Fraud and decett. asthe law impliedly prohibits all dishonest practices, through a fraud be committed by 2 principal or agent. TOMLINS 1838 dictionary page 249 Free. and any variation therof means. unconstrained; enjoying full civic rights. Black’s law 4" edition page 5184519 Foreign vessel means. Any vessel not registered or licensed, in reference to privileges derived from a revenue system, Government means. government de jure: a government of right. Blacks law fourth edition page 825, Governor means: the chief executive official, Blacks law fourth edition page 826 a pene Applies to every species of personal property including inanimate objects. Black's law 4" edition Hypothecate means. to pledge a thing in the absence of the owner. Black’s law 4" edition Hypothecation means. a contract of mortgage in which the subject or matte pledgee or pawnee. Black's law 4” edition not delivered to the Jurisdiction. Governmental authority. Anderson 1889 page 605 lawful money means. nothing is lawful money of the United States treasury notes, or fractional ‘currency. National bank notes are not money. 1.) Hamilton v. State, 60 Ind. 194 (1877). Legal means. implied or imputed in aw ; opposed to actual. Anderson 1889 page 610 Memorandum. Remembered Anderson 1889 page 669 ‘mnsea 000000327 universal affidavit of termination of Corporatefeorporate/ bcontracts, Es ‘mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, sl a contacts vera contracts finger print scans, Allongesretialeye seas, facial recognition, lecroieforged/atredsignatureseed : lectronic/orged/atered documents. ‘ginal people documents: al maghreb lags the north gate the moroccan empe continental united states: terple ofthe non. domes, nn siden, on sect moos / mu, being te gh ele iw un and moon’ turtle sland primogenitur birthright inheritors ofthe ond (es & ‘Mortgage means. An estate created by a conveyance to secure performance of some act. Black’ law 4 edition Navigable. Waters a channel for commerce or intercourse. money means. coined metal gold or silver. Black's aw 4"* edition constitution for the unites states of America(major). navigation means. the science or business of conducting vessels or materials over navigable waters nautical assessor means. one who makes assessments for the purposes of taxation. Note. A statementin writing. Anderson 1889 page 713 Oath, any form of attestation by which a person signifies that he or she is bound in conscience to perform an act faithfully and truthfully. Blacks law fourth edition page 1220 Office. right to exercise public or private. Blacks law fourth edition page 1234 Officer. the power and duty of exercising certain functions. Blacks law fourth edition page 1235 Officer at all times means: “officer de jure”: one who is legally appointed and qualified. Blacks law fourth edition page 1236 Pledge means. A bailment of goods to a creditor as security for some debt of engagement. Black's law 4" edition Pledgee means. The party to whom goods or pledged or delivered. Black’s law 4" edition Pawn means. To be kept by a creditor until a debt is discharged. Black’s law 4" edi Pawmee. The person receiving a pawn or to whom a pawn is made. Black's law 4" e Person. in law are either natural or artificial. Anderson 1889 page 770 President. see agent. Anderson 1889 page 805, Prime Minister. the first lord of the treasury. Blacks law 4" edition. Police. a function of that branch of adi istrative government. Blacks law first edition page 906 Private conveyance. 2 vessel belonging to and used by a private individual. Anderson 1889 page 254 Privateer means. a vessel owned and officered by private persons, acting under commission from a hostile belligerent STATE/ State/ state. Anderson 1889 page 811 Realtor means. informat. Anderson 1889 page 870 Representative means. one who occupies the position of another. redress means. reliof against wrong. Anderson 1889 page 865, Sea. All waters within the ebb and flow of the tide. Anderson 1889 law dictionary Pg. 924 ‘Status. standing. ones lawful position at all points in time. Blacks taw 4"* edition. Sheriff. the chief executive and admi ative officer of a county. Blacks law first edition page 1090 State means. a corporation. State. means a true disclosure of the facts. nation ee von Law, anything which is floated upon the waters and is an accessory to commerce (b.) executorship (c.) guardianship (a) heirship (e.) judgeship (f,) mastership (¢.) membership (h.) partnership (i) receivership (,) solicitorship ot wine nn oan orn or pom eo U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. > AES AMERICAN EDUCATION SERVICES. > NAVIENT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION LOAN SERVICING CORPORATION. » ASCENDIUM EDUCATION SOLUTIONS, FARMERS TELEPHONE COMPANY fraudulently issued * PHONE NUMBER: 803+481+2492+3 quod nunc imperium resurg6. * under ACCOUNT NUMBER 0005992000 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgd, VERIZON WIRELESS fraudulently issued * PHONE NUMBER: 803.305.8981 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. under ACCOUNT NUMBER 0925547587+00001 quod nune 4 imperium resurgd, serial number g6tf3sj50d46 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgd ‘model number me9}3lV/a quod nune a imperium resurg6. imei number 35 014178493103 0 quod nune 4 imperium resurgs. tecid number 89148000006756716245 quod nunc a imperium resurgo. meid number 35014178493103 quod nune a imperium resurgo. serial number 58k3 femx! quod nunc a imperium resurgo. empire / continental united tats; "emple of the sun and moon’ ‘turtle tan height hes ad primogestrebithrght inheritors of te land device id 891480000003904726028 quod nunc & imperium resurgo international mobile equipment identity [imei] « 357725087093747 quod nunc imperium resurg®. a ervices have already been prepaid forall moorish amaru khan nationals and ‘at no time is any unauthorized surveillance or tracking allowed. «ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES including but not limited to: Tenovo laptop+munfbih2 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. ethernet adaptor physical address 8+ 16+45+a6+ bff wireless lan adaptor #1 physical address 62+Sbrc2+e5+2e+eb wireless lan adaptor #2 physical address 52+Sb+c2+e5+2e+cb ‘ethernet bluetooth physical address 50+Sbtc2+e5+2e+ee alienware dell tower+eqlde6s quod nunc a imperium resurg6. ethernet adaptor physical address a4+bb+6d+44+62+b6 «wireless lan adaptor #1 physical address letbf+c0+2c+4e+ 6f «wireless lan adaptor #2 physical address 2e+bf+c0+2c+4e+6F ethernet bluetooth physical address 1e+b4+c0-+2c+4e+70 all services have already been prepaid for all moorish american nationals and at no time is any unauthorized surveillance or tracking allowed. ¢ ALL HEALTH SERVICE CORPORATIONS and all agents, assigns, and derivatives, thereof fraudulently issued. All healthcare services including but not limited to “+ account all healthcare services have already been prepaid for all moorish nationals. ¢ DRIVERS LICENSES and all TRANSPORTATION CONTRACTS fraudulently issued by ALL CORPORATIONS to include the ‘THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES CORPORATION # #008238563 quod nune imperium resurg6. © TERMANATION OF CONTRACTS UPS tracking number 1Z0YF364P229395415 ‘THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, The State of South Carolina. y toto tr TO bay {STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CORPORATION] adele ssignes principals agentes ande dervativs thereov Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) # 067006072 [Hfenry McMaster dba GOVERNOR] aud all hrs assignes pinipalls agentes andedervatvsthercov [205 Pendleton Siret [Columbia, SC 29201] "Phone: 03734-2100, Fax: 803/734-5167 governor@ “» CHECKING, SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS AND ALL ATM AND eee fraudulently issued by all BANK CORPORATIONS to include but not limited > NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION: accti#21 10549702 quod nune & imperium resurg6. acet#2110549009 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. aceti#43001504833717 quod nune & imperium resurgo. credit card #9720 LAST 4 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgd. * UNITED SERVICES AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION BANK [USAA| © acct# 0157594737 quod nune 4 imperium resurgo. ‘mnsea 1000000327 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, contracts, verbal contracts, fingerprint scans, Allonges, retinal on i : ones eae cans acl ecopton,setonifoge/aheredsiatures and a elt dm: tongs evan enum coeaned q amr sna a rr pe eral ied sates Yep ofthe sn ad nce rte in »_subject; moors / murs, ‘ein the ales and pmogentare righ lero of elon, si and any and all others using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known a5 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above: ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. + Bank of America 35°13°37.92 N -80°50°35.098" W ‘© cin 248390982 quod nune & imperium resurg6. + United States Parcel Service 33°56°36.59 N -84°21°34.21" W ‘© cin 248390982 quod nune a imperium resurg6. 4 United States Postal Service 38°53°2.786 N -77°1°33.505" W ‘© ein 248390982 quod nune 4 imperium resurgo. > The Corporation of London 51°30°46.916 N -0°5°22.1" W ein 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurg6. 4 The State of South Carolina (DUNS) # 067006072. 34°0°34.823 N.-81°2°23.019" W ‘© ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgd. > The County of Sumter South Carolina 33°55°21.196 N -80°20'26.196" W © ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. Metropolitan Statistical Area Privateer South Carolina 33°49°11 N -80°20°26.196" W_ © ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. + Charleston County South Carolina 32°46°34.301 N -79°55°52.74" W « cin 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurg6. % City of Charleston, South Carolina 32°46°36.676 N -79°55°56.352" W ein 248390982 quod nune 4 imperium resurgo. Infernal Revenue Service (DNS) # 040539587 38°53°36.246 N -77°1°37.277" W © ein 248390982 quod nune a imperium resurg6. ¢ FIDELITY INVESTMENTS 42°20°57.063 N -71°2°52.499" W CONTINENTAL TIRE of THE AMERICAS LLC 34°S9°56.759 N -80°52°58.866" W * cin 341417030 quod nunc imperium resurg6. ‘© ein 248390982 quod nune d imperium resurg6, * VOYA FINANCIAL 40°45°15.793 N -73°58°34.334" W ‘Mercedes Benz Vans LLC 32°S7°48.432 N -80°6°27.622" W © ein 248390982 quod nune a imperium resurgo. © Daimler id 811299 ‘CASHAPP 37°46°33.37 N -122°25'4.576" W * ein 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurgd. elle 33°34" 44.887 N -111°53°11.675" W * cin 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurg6. PAYPAL 37°22'33.955 N -121°SS"16.604" W * cin 248390982 quod nune 4 imperium resurgs. Depository Trust Company 40°42°11.612 N -74°0°32.641" W ‘mnsea r000000327 universal affidavit of termination of a Corporat corporate mortum stprom contracts, agreements, subcontracts, ‘contracts, verbal contracts, finger print scans, llonges,retinal/eye scans fail recognition, electronie/fogadfatteredsignetones coat rr peoles documents! lags "heer ta va le dun nage sags “hart pe encom ene ned it Yel ole nano ue ‘ et ose armas beg he ih ee ad pean hig aeesl en, = & “The Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication S.W-LF.T de $0°4-4°6.255 N -4°28°55.077" E © cin 248390982 quod nunc imperium resurg6. ‘© ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. <> Microsoft Corporation 47°63°96.30 N -122°12°1 1.852" W # cin 248390982 quod nune a imperium resurgs. Amazon 47°37°20.382 N -122°20°11.492" Wo © cin 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurg6. + Ebay 37°17°35.888 N -121°54°18.781" W cin 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurg6. + Facebook 37°2774.506 N -122°10°12.653" W © ein 248390982 quod nunc imperium resurgo. + Eyeque 37°30°35.268 N -121°59°46.208" W ein 248390982 quod nune & imperium resurgs. “> REALPARS 51°54°44.274 N 4°25°46.658" E ‘¢ ein 248390982 quod nune 4 imperium resurg6. +> UBER 37°46°33.295 N -122°25°4.746" W ‘© ein 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurg6. + Leadee 48°46'0.12 N -9°10°59,879" E # cin 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurgo. Netflix 37°15°34.641 N -121°57°45.644" W # ein 248390982 quod nunc imperium resurg6. + GlassesUSA 32°4°0 N 34°47°0" E © cin 248390982 quod nune a imperium resurgo. ‘% Patreon 37°25°31.106 N -122°8'22.223" W. ‘* ein 248390982 quod nunc a imperium resurgo. Steel City Pizza 32°55"15.539 N -80°7°6.693" W * ein 248390982 quod nunc 4 imperium resurgo. ALL INSURANCE CONTRACTS issued fraudulently to include all AUTO INSURANCE CONTRACTS: ALL HEALTH INSURANCE CONTRACTS. PROPERTY INSURANCE CONTRACTS ALL LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACTS ‘o include fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. ALL BONDS, CITATIONS, TICKETS, CORPORATE CASES established fi is wdulently using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN| s SE seats Loves | [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY ‘Temple of the sun and moon’ turtle sland ‘birthright inheritors ofthe land + allallodial conveyances with fraudulently issued vin numbers. © conveyance 2014 maxima IndaaSap7ec443655 quod nune 4 imperium resurgo. i = conveyance 1991 chevy Silverado 1500 Igcdc14k9me103176 quod nune 4 imperium resurgd. the said conveyance is in the national trust of the people who are the moorish national republic federal government at all times and is imperium property along in the imperium trust of moorish amaru khan abnine trust. the declaration of trust is under record number macse 000000327. (Reference Exhibit A civil orders June 10, 2014 line 49, 76, and 151+152+153+154+155+ 156+1574157+159) 4. These semantic cis ave gen it endless confusions, wrpatons, nd cimiaity. 76. Fraud has no Sates of titaton. SB Because these Sate and Feder” ents ave al ncined unde conions of on 352 dsclsue an Terme decet soning promulgate fraud pon the organ ates and the 183, mootsh nauonas and American people they area to be ‘Setter rnin! specates tote extent tat the ave 14, ben aware of tetas and have aed to correct ther operations and terrecetton ht 35 cons held by these oration or esumed tobe held by these organizations ae rll and 156 voi fot ad {hese coma nce but re ot mie a contac rae. rb, for 157. ade, “tenahip" contacts, powers of attorney, hens, srortengen ep nd 158 ppeatin apeement ln Asigntues of American State xen acting under the 82 nfuence of semant deze and no-dscdosureae rescinded. ‘ ALL BONDS, CITATIONS, TICKETS, CORPORATE CASES ‘ THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SUMTER COUNTY QUITCLAIM DEED ‘© mailing location: nac 8921p nm2n ‘3450 HWY 15 So. near. corporate [South Carolina Federal Republic] “ MANNING MUNICIPAL COURT 33°41°43.054 N 80°12°42.395" W Traffic Ticket# 2019166000255 M.O, 26037504641 RN# 9733226 COUNTY OF BERKLEY TRAFFIC COURT 33°11°57.264 N 80°0°23.472" W Traffic Ticket# 8102P 0840259 | 8102P 0840260 | 8102P 0840261 ‘+ ALL LOAN SERVICING COMPANIES fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. “ ALL MORTGAGE AND RENTAL SERVICES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO * HE HUNT ABBERLY CROSSING 37°13°3.003 N -80°27°10.127" W © APT #0726 * RESIDENT ID 10082414 quod nune d imperium resurg6, all services have already been prepaid for all moorish amaru khan nationals fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS OR THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE NUMBERS listed above. % Fidelity National Financial 30°19°9.197 N -81°40°26.839" W “Fidelity National Financial Orion Realty Group * Domicile moroceo. Estate nac 8921p nm2np * mailing location: 3450 HWY 15 So. near. corporate [South Carolina Federal Republic] ALL THIRD-PARTY COLLECTION AGENCIES ACCOUNTS fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] k SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. alia ** ALL CABLE CORPORATIONS included but not limited to WOW! 39°37'26.585 N -104°59°3.613" W * ACCOUNT NUMBER 2855851 quod nune a imperium resurg6 * wireless lan adapter wi-fi: phisical address Ict bf+c0+2c+4e+6f all services have already been prepaid for all moorish amaru khan nationals and at no time is any unauthorized surveillance or tracking allowed. fraudulently issued ‘minse. r000000327 universal affidavit of termination of Corporate/corporate/ mortuum stuprum contracts, subcont ams era enacting int san, Alongs aloe cans age eh a lectronc/forgedltered documents. : ‘ta arg mere emp contrac er te st: tg hun nd mot’ ar a pect / muurs_being the rightful heirs and primogensture birthright inheritors of the tnd, . ‘orginal peoples’ documents sl maghreb al "on domesti, non resident using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. ‘DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION 33°13'26.328 N 80°50°54.456" W ‘ © acct, #224+139+0001 quod nune 4 imperium resurgé. all services have already been repaid for all moorish amur khan nationals. fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. * DOMINION ENERGY CORPORATION 37°32'2.338 N -77°27°13.196" W acct. #6+210142034+8925 quod nune 4 imperium resurga. all services have already been prepaid for all moorish amur khan nationals. fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed. CREDIT COLLECTION SERVICES ACCOUNTS fraudulently issued using the EMPLOYEE IDENTICATION NUMBERS [EIN] known as SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS listed above. all other CORPORATE, Corporate, mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Allonges, finger print scans, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents that exist in the name of Arthur Bennett Gaymon/ Arthur B. Gaymon/ Arthur Gaymon and any and all of the aforementioned derivatives whether public, private, known or unknown are hereby terminated. (Reference CIVIL ORDERS JUNE 10, 2014 line 49, 76, and 151+152+153+154+155+ 156+157+157+159) 49, mes semantic decets have given se to endless confusions, usupatons, ‘nd criminality. 76. Feudhasno statute of itso. 14. Because these “State” and "Federa” entities have a functioned under conaltions lof non- 152, dscosure and semantic decet serving to promt fraud upon Ue Organic states and the 153. moorish nationals and American peopl, they ae ll to be considered criminal syndeates tothe extent that they have 154. been aware of ther status and have fled to corect ‘heir operations and representation. Al 185. contacts held thee organization or assumed tobe held by thezeerganitations ae nal nd 156. oid for fraud. These convince bu ate not ited to contract forsale, for labor, fr 157. ade, “elzenshis" contracts, powers of amorney, lenses, mortgages, reisratins, and 188 sppication agreements of al kinds. Allsignaturesof American State Czens acting under ‘the 258 infuene of semantic det and non dlosure ae rescinded. % all CORPORATE, Corporate, mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, and electronic/forged/altered signatures electronie/forged/altered documents with any SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS to include 1248,039.0982}, [2480390982], [248 039 0982] and any derivatives thereof are hereby terminated and all CORPORATIONS established with these EMPLOYEE IDENTIFCATION NUMBERS listed under GMEI Utility website: [https:/ % all of the fraudulent contracts issued by the said CORPORATIONS, Corporate, mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contraets, Allonges, finger print scans, retinal/eye scans, facial recognition, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronie/forged/altered documents in the name of ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON, Arthur B.Gaymon, Arthur Gaymon, and any and all derivatives thereof have been terminated {, author bennett el bey, am not a UNITED STATES CORPORATION CITIZEN, nor a United States Citizen nor a citizen of the United States of America nor a citizen at all. i am the original natural divine imperium authority on this land of amaru khan and i possess lawful national, international and universal titles, charters, trusts and identification documents that are original, imperium, de jure xi olmec catawaba yamasee amaru khan moorish national republic federal government titles, charters, trusts and identification documents of which i am part and parcel. all other foreign, CORPORATE, Corporate, and corporate contracts, trusts and documents are not withstanding. All CORPORATIONS, Corporate, mortuum stuprum contracts, agreements, subcontracts, parol contracts, verbal contracts, Allonges, finger print scans, retinaVeye ‘iia people’ do cuments:almaphve alagsa ‘the north ite’ the morocean empire / eon te CS ate’ th ire / continental unite states; "ample of the sun and moon’ “url sland’ femestic nonresident non_subject;mocrs muus being the rightful eis andprimogeniture bright lahernors ofthe en, ‘scans, facial recognition, electronic/forged/altered signatures and electronic/forged/altered documents are the trustees of their own debt at all times and at all points in time. proper notification was given repeatedly of your unlawful acts against the de jure amaru khan nationals ‘on our land, writs of discovery have been sent and stand as law on the record unrebutted. affidavits of averments of jurisdiction stand as law on the record unrebutted. this is a universal default judgement. { hereby claim, proclaim, fully access and declare my full, rightful, lawful estate of all land, all natural resurgG, all hereditaments corpors ct intellectualis possessionem, and all commercial contracts, nunc pro tunc. No UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CITIZEN, UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY, UNITED STATES SERVICE CORPORATION, United States, The United States Service ‘Trading Corporation Registration number 321823, The Depository Trust Company [DTC], Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation [DTCC], Cede and Company, Federal Reserve Association, and all TRIBUNALS, Tribunals, PROVINCES, Provinces, STATES, States, COUNTIES, Counties, PARISHES, Parishes, MUNICIPALITIES, ‘Municipalities, TOWNSHIPS, Townships, and SUBSIDIARIES, Subsidiaries, Custodians, Custodial nominee, Transfer agents, Fund Managers, and Partnerships nor Ui Citizen has personam jurisdiction over my body, nor my possessionem all of which is in the national trust of the people who are the moorish national republic federal ‘government. All CITIZENS, Citizens and citizens are subject to me and are commanded to honor my imperium and to obey immediately each and all of my imperium commands at all times. i am in propria persona, in proprio solo and in proprio heredes at this time and at all points in time. yxO1E OMMW 5782 Shevat 02 nunc pro tune chronos: 05. 12 amaru ‘itl rng the yan econ ned ste: ohn mee ‘rand being the rightful heirs and primogeniture birthright inheritors of the land. — non domestic on eden, non subject, a provincial state government under existing and preexi the moroccan empire. upon my inherited status, i arthur bennett el bey, being a descendant of the ancient olmec catawaba yamasee amaru khan Moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the ‘five points of light’ — love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest to this affidavit upon which i place my imperium manibus; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose. = at, uadt arthur bennett el bey ( ) rune pro tune {uri privat. Juris et de jure. ex. rel, ARTHUR BENNETT GAYMON] ‘moorish amaru khan national, southeast amaru kha/amexenvithe north gate autograph — omnia iura reservantis Domicile moroceo. Lat. 33.818096 Long. -80.364927 estate nac 8921p nm2np nae 89p9c ngr4p Political organization currently in operating area: Sumter South Carolina c/o 3450 highway 15 south hear. corporate [Privateer, South Carolina 29150] al maghreb al aqsa ego sum minora regalia repletion BOP IOP WYTwyPT Pros ‘tga! peoples’ documents: almaghreb lagi “the north en domes hone aa rt st te moran emp / continental ued states ofthe sun an moon‘ lan ‘moors | murs being the rightful heirs and primogenture bitwight ies ofthe les.

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