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[SOLUTIONS OF ATOMIC STRUCTURE & NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY} EXERCISE #1 22 ‘A-2. Space occupied by the nucleus B x5 10a 1.8% 104 mt (1.510719) Vhucus a losx107) =2.7 «10-4 Vatom A4. (A) R=RoA¥#9=1.3 x 10-8 x (125)" = 6.5 x 10-5 m 6) Z=47 for Silver atom a x10 x3 x 108) b-. Talalenay «Neopian nary cf ne ton = 100» (SABBATH gs10) 200050" 9.937 «10-7 = 9,937 x 10-7 > 16x40 eV = 621.1 oV B-2, Let number of photoelectrons emitted per second ben nx Energy of one photon = Total energy emitted 12400 ay 12400 6200 On solving, n = 1.56 * 40! photoelectrons. nx 1.6 « 10-9 =5 x 107 nx % 1.6 x 10-9 =5 x 104 Ba, 2 po 82 310 t03m Y ” 7968 10 pag = 4.88% 10° 93 Ba, = Meng = SOLS HIOM 910° 6.022410 sing 799.4 Ks a 5000 x 107? Bs. 11x Energy of one photon = Total energy vate gat pn OXI 9010 ge gue 35010 35 * 10° photons Resonsnce” — Eucating for better tomorrow Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty B-6. Let n be the no. of photons emitted by bulbs per second & W be wattage of yellow bulb. For Red bulb no. of photons emitted per second x Energy of one photon = total energy nx 12400 8000 % 1.6 « 10-19 = 100 (ay For yellow bulb, nx 12409 x 45x 40-7 =w (2) “4000 By (1) and (2), W = 200 watts. B-7. For frequency 2.6 * 10° Hz, hy = hve +KEmax (2.5 * 10°) = hve + KErax 1) For frequency 4x 10% Hz, h (4 10") = hvy +2 KEnas 2) Multiply eq” (1) by 2 and subtract eq? (2) from it 2hvs —hvo =h (6.0% 10" —4 x 10%) hyo=h (1* 10%) threshold frequency, vo= 1 * 10% Hz C-1. Radius of ground state of hydrogen atom = 0.529 A 2 So, 0529=0.529« 7 Pe 0.529 = 0,529 x = n=2 4 2, 27% 10F mis nh ©-3, Angular momentum, ¢= myr= 5 ton Radius, ren? For same Z z 1 Velocity, v= 2.18 x 10°2 mis vet n a vetsenx nex + 7 But, vr # 2en* (given) reane Tae: ca lhe Te os. x to 1 (1209 ev) to n=2 (255ev) z to n=3 (0.967 eV) Shortest wavelength => maximum energy => n=3_ ton=1 (12.09 eV) +6. Clearly, Ex Ez = (-0.85)-(-3.4) =255eV > A=2,B=4 QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty C7. (a) 16.52 = (Es— Ea) x Z* 1652=189%22 > -Z2=9 or —Z= (b) (Es— Exje = 12,09 x 2? = 12,09 x 9 = 108,81 oV 12400 _ 12400 o)A= = 12400 = 101.3A= 1.013 x 10 m, On En” Teena (@KE;= 196 270 = 13.649 122.40V cs, 40.8 = (AE) x Z? = fos to2"2 = 24 o 222 IE = 13.6 2?= 13.6 «4 = 54.4 eV 12400. _ 12400 DA. jaws = 5 Bay 189 esa = 12400__ 12400 aE. 255° 1 14 D2, & =replt-4+ Migr (3 al from above 2 equations, ni = 2 & na=4. D3. AES = hy 3.022«1.6x10-9 6.625 x10 This frequency lies in visible spectrum, =7.3« 10% Hz he _ 12400 _ 124 D-4, “eee = e367 3 = MM z136z = 222 [2 4 6 1 3 D5. H-atom —_| Max. {Tine possible 2 gi for 2+ 1 transition ——; Ho"ion Max 4(4-1)/2 = 6 2 line possible for 4.1 transition Li ion Max 6(6-1/2 = 18 line possible for 6— 1 transition But, (Ho)2-+1 = (He*)s-+2 = (Lit*)s-+3 are lines of same energy and so, will overlap each other Total no. of lines observed = (1 +6 + 15) -2= 20lines. E41. Energy absorbed = 1.5 x 13.6 = 20.4 eV. Energy used up in escaping = 13.6 eV Energy left as KE with electron = 20.4 - 13.6 = 6.8 eV 12.27 arta, eB Associated de-Broglie wavelength, WN Gesenecce" SST Eaucatng for better tomorrow | Ye Fee 1800 258 55 Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty E-2. _ Debroglie wavelength associated with particle of mass (m) moving with velocity (v) is. Mes 1936 5 ve= 1836 vp yp Me It means when velocity of electron will be 1836 times velocity of proton, then debroglie wavelength associated with electron would be equal to debroglie wavelength associated with proton. 3k = ee gg a hig ak “' famq (100) 10 mgs) 9 famqas) 7 (k_k) Ta]. 20 kK | 6 10 E-4, Initial kinetic energy, KE: Increase in KE due to acceleration = q x V = x 2v = 2eV. Final kinetic energy, KE:= 2+ 2=4 eV. Associated de-Broglie wavelength, 2 = “22” =6.15A Ma 34 ES. ———— ‘Ans. = 100 gm 4nAXAV 4x 3.14101 x 5.27 x10 Number of radial nodes = n number of angular nodes = ¢ total nodes =n—1 G+. NiAtomic No :28 Ni: [Ar] 3d8 da? Ni [Ar] 3a 42 Dee 3d 4s No. of unpaireed electron = 2 G2, Atomic No. 56 Electronic configuration : 1s? 2s? 2p® 3s? ap* 4s? 3d" 4p? 5s? 4d" Spt 6s2 G3. (a)n= (an > 5d (on=4 =4d > 3p (o)n= 32s fe)n G-4, oft! angular mamentam = JTT=AE- Fords <0. Angin monentin = TOT. =0 For 3p orbital, ¢= 1 -. Angular momentu nh For 4" orbit, Angular momentum = 5° QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty G5. ()=0>m=0(mr1) diy n= 2) i) se+ Hor 12180) G6. (i) 26Fe* : 1s? 2s? 2p° 3s? 3p® 34> Itcontains § unpaired electrons. n 8 2 2 Magnetic moment = Yaii+2) = ySE=2 = V5 BM. (ii) 28Cu* : 1s? 2s? 2p® 3s? 3p* 3d? It contains 0 unpaired electron Total spin = 0. Spin magnetic Moment = 0. Total spin HA. +: AB=amx931.478 AE = 1725 9.0185 amu 931.478 931.478 07 x 10g. H-5. Nuclear fission is a series reaction 3, 9, 27......neutron and E, 3E, are emitted Hence answer is 3°, 3°-7E, PART - Il ‘Al. Hydrogen atom contains 1 proton, 1 electron and no neutrons. ‘A-2. It constitute of electron. (eim) elm, 3672 AS (elm), "2074x1836 m, 1 Aes. Factual 1393 AS. Volume fraction= Volume.of nucleus _ (4/3) (107) = igas Total vol of atom — (4/3)x_ (10) As. 13% 6409252 im c 108 a4, 2282 321 975m ¥ > 400310 B-2. Violet colour has minimum wavelength so maximum energy. B.3. LE. of one sodium atom = 2& x HC, _ 6.6210 x3x108 x6,02 «10% & LE, of one mole Na atom = “Nx : 494.65 kJ.mol x 24210" 4 80. _ 1x6.62x10% x3 x108 B-4, 700 620%10 x20 x 102 QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty he . he B-5. For photoolectric effect to take place, Eig > W > ork Balmer series (5 -> 2, 4 > 2, 3 > 2), So, 3 lines, D-6. According to energy, Ex.1>Es-s1>E2s1> E302 According to energy, Violet > Blue > Green > Red. Redline 3» 2 transition. D-7. For 1*line of Balmer series < 1 1 (5) =w(9?|—-—, | «9n (3) = Se RHP oP ae | “8 las) For last in of Pachen series < [4 < Ya = RHP oe $0, he h | 6.62510 ea. ne D2 BEBBO 90 «150m ee ae 2 VY 50 1” E-3. 529A 529 x (3)2 A= 9x 2nt _ 2n(9) _ 5 n 3 0.101 E-4, Foran a particle, 4 = E-6. Fora charged particle 2, = = 7. 2 > soca x = BENTO = 5.27 « 10- m. a 4x3.14%1x10 Fa. Factual Ahas 0 nodes as y? is not zero anywhere so i's 1 s (n— Bhas 1 node so, itis 2s as n—1=1 F.4, Dumbell lies at 45° to x & y axis. Factual F6, Spherical node = n Non spherical 7. Factual QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty F-8. (a) Electron density in the XY plane in 3d,2_y2 orbital is not zero (b) Electron density in the XY plane in 34,2 orbital is not zero (c) 2s orbital has one nodal surface (4) For 2pz orbital, XY is the nodal plane. Factual FA0. n,fandm, h G-1. Orbital angular momentum = JF 0. £=0/(s orbital) G2 Cu : 182282p83s3pt3d'%4s! Cur: 152s?2p'3s?3p'3d? or [Ar]3a!. 6-3. Magnetic moment = fn(a>a) = 24 B.M. No. of unpaired electron = 4 Xae : 18? 2872p%3s73p%3d"4s?, To get4 unpaired electrons, outermost configuration will be 3d. No. of electrons lost = 2 (from 4s”) G4. Zn Ar] 34 (0 unpaired electrons) Fee [Ar] 3a! (4 unpaired electrons) maximum, Ne [Ar] 3d! (3 unpaired electrons). cut [Ar] 34"? (0 unpaired electrons), G-5, _d’: 3 unpaired electrons. Total spin = G-6. X20: 15? 25# 2p8 3s? Spf 3° 452. No. of electron with = 2 are 3 (3d). G-7. Cr (2n=24) Electronic configuration is : 1s? 2s? 2p* 3s? 3p 4s’ 34° 50, no of electron in ¢= 1 je. p subshell is 12 and no of electron in 2 Le. d subshellis 5 G-8. Orbital angular momentum = J7(> T= FE = (since ¢= 0fors orbital G9. Cyr: [Ne] 3s? 3p® Last electron enters 3p orbital. é=tandm=1,0,-1 G-10. Number of radial nodes =n 4n=3. r=4 Orbital angular momentum = JTF = V2 2 1 Ha. Yo— ter Se H2 Dod P QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty H-3. [tis the order of penetrating power. H-4, Nucleides having > 1 undergoes fi-emission to decrease © ratio in order to attain belt of stability P P He. Bx > Bx + bn Hs. 2 —> BP +mfHe +n2ye m=6andm=2. Total 8 PART - Ill Was tecua : ; 2. nek, tea : zZ S ene e 5. is fac Number of values of / = total number of subshells = n. Value of €= 0, 1, 2 ssn (N14). => m=-2,-1, 0, +1, +2 (6 values) m =~ to+ ¢ through zero. PART - 1. Factual B=15% 10 and 0=16%10-" m=1.5 x 104% 1.6 x 10-9 m=24 «102g 3. Charge on oil drop = 6.39 x 10-* C 1.602 x 10-19 C is charge on one electron 6.3910" 6.39 « 10~ Cis charge on = = 4 electrons. (1) he : ) from, 6.4, (1) and (2) ¢=0.5 eV Resonsnce” Eucating for better tomorrow Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemistry hems ft how Pp 8 3 s0,T« z ( {T= cs m ny a t 8 Angular momentum J = mvr vee mavere # (Lv?) e 1 LeAnn? or Ke o S or _ Kaa, T 1 KZe® _ 36? 20 Breer 10. 11, (Het) 04 = (LAM a, ony Alsmlm or ( 22224 Zn 3m M3 ne= 3 and na= 6 Transition in Li ion = 3 -> 6 (44) 2 Reza 11)_3 14) 3 pez ee 4 warez (4 A) = trex br- v2 = ws. weReZ (3-5) =Rez, veercz?| 13. Visible lines > Balmer series = 3 lines. (5 > 2,4» 2, 3-» 2). 14. Shortest wave length of Lyman series of H-atom 14 Rox 14 tated 80, ROX QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty 15. Number of lines in Balmer series = 2. 1 =4 (lines will be 4 > 2, 32) 136 KE of ejected photoelectrons = Eptsion— BEn= 13 - SP + 3 — 0,85 = 12.15 0V. 16 = 4%. __m™ 6 . 1 25m,) 75 vz) 3 h 17. x mv te = Mave m= 4mp ha” MpVp hp _ Amma ha pp 14, M digy Me 2 Vp M8 V4 18. Foran electron accelerated with potential difference V voll, 4= P= 128 . fama We 19 then 20. 21. 2nt =n = circumference 22. 's orbital is spherical so non-directional., 23. The lobes of d,2_y2 orbital are alligned along X and Y axis. Therefore the probability of finding the electron is maximum along x and y-axis. 24. Factual 1 25. Ror: [Kr] 5s°. n=5,£=0,m=0,s=45. 26. Magnetic moment = 2.83, 0, no. of unpaired electrons = 2 so, Ni* is the answer, 27. For 4s, 3s, 3d and 2p orbital, # = 0, 0, 2, 1 respectively. Orbital angular momentum = J7(r> DA. QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty 28. After np orbital, (n + 1) s orbital is filled. 28. Total number of electrons in an orbital The value of £ varies from 0 to n — 2 (20 +1) not Total numbers of electrons in any orbit= " 2(2/ +1) 3 30. Spin quantum number does not comes from Schrodinger equation td and have boon assigned arbitrarily. ; i y. 31. Change in mass number Change in proton = 10 8a, moans 8 Hee, 32 mass number, 16 protons Now 6p. =6 neutrons changed to 6 proton. So, net change in proton = 10 Answer is 8a, 68 PART - Il (elm) __eplmy _ 2 (e/m), 2e/4m, 1 2 00 he ~~ 300 3. Heat required for melting 1 mole (18 g) of ice = 330 x 18 = 5940 J Energy of one photon = hv = 6.6 x 10-™ x 5 x 101 = 33 x 10-21 J Total numberof phetns equred = — 240 — 49 x yom 33x10 4 Wot K=hy «10™ x 3x doxtextqn= 882 102 3x10 2231 am 3 3 13.6 138 | f1 41) 5. Energy ofthe photon = 0.6975 eV= 2 xo.esev= 2x 188 = 186/41) 'Bxe + Bsr +x! Equating mass number 235+ 1= 139+ 94 +x x23 QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty PART - Ill 4. No.of neutrons in 38Ge = A-Z=76-32=44 No. of neutrons in Z2As No. of neutrons in Z8Se 2. Ne contains 10 electrons (O® and F- contain 10 electrons 3. Since most part of atom Is empty space, so, when « particles are sent towards a thin metal foll, most of them go straight through the foi. 4. From a particle scattering experiment, distance of closest approach of «particle with nucleus came out to be of the order of 10-" m, 2 5. ©, 8x10 5.101 s0c 7” Sooxt0 12400 1200 07 6000 ee 6. Lm Hand He arsine secon pein Zz 2 fi 2 1. velootye 2; Froqumey 2; Radu Face 2 Ye req y ri Z nf 8. texcttonpotontal= 192224 Z=a4n02 le = 13.622 = 198:8%24 _ 99 oy, 0a Bing energy of" exe stats =0.8522= 285224 «yy 2 exon pena of sane = 12.0972 1209224 , 2258 10.2 9 9. alt gh ose Sty one unin of onary sete lice ot one lactic trantin occurs. 10. Transition is taking place from 5 > 2 = an=3 3(3+1) 2 (5 > 24> 2,32) as shown in figure. Hence maximum number of spectral line observed (C) number of lines belonging to the Balmer series n=4 Number of lines belonging to Paschen series = 2 (5 -» 3, 4 > 3). WN Gesenecce" SST ST as Eaucatng for better tomorrow | Toi Fee 1800 258 55 Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty 11. Change in anglar momentum for» 2transon= (22) Chengehn angi momentum or 4+ 2taston = (2) 12 n famav When v, KE and V are same, as m increasing, 4. decreases, hx > tp > ha (if v, KE and V are same). 13. 4,m=2 Value of £ = 0 to (n— 1) but m = 2, #=2or3 only Value of s may be +1/2 or — 1/2. 14, fan) = 1.732 Number of unpaired electrons, n = 1 25X : [AN] 45230 For having one unpaired electron, 6 electrons are to be removed (2 from 4s & 4 from 34). Y=6. h 45. Spin angutarmomentum s = (SETH 1 s- 8h z 2 16. (A) Cr : [Ar]3d°4s* (B) m=—f to + £ through zero, (C) «Ag: 1s#2s#2p"3s*aptastaa''4piss'ad'® Since only one unpaired electron is present. 23 electrons have spin of one type and 24 of the opposite type. 17.20: [He] 2s%2p* : 18S : [Ne] 38?3p* 18. 7- rays are uncharged 19. 1 neutron added increases mass number. PART -IV 1. As the frequency of incident radiations increases, the kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons Decreasing order of v => Violet > Blue > Orange > Red. Decreasing order of KE of photoelectrons = Violet > Blue > Orange > Red The interaction between photon and electron is always one to one for ejection of photoelectrons, Frequency of incident radiations > threshold frequency 5.16 x 10" > 6,15 x 10% 3. The number of photoslectrons emitted depend on the intensity or brightness of incident radiation 4, Lastline of Bracket series for H-atom 1 14 lara] so, Lay Resonsnce” _— Ecucating for better tomorrow Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty 2° line of Lyman series or, 4, Spectral lines of H atom only belonging to Balmer series are in visible range. 2. In the Balmer series of H-atom, first 4 lines are in visible region and rest all are in ultra violet region. 3, 2"! line of Lyman series of He" ion has energy = (Ess) x 2? = 12.1 x 4 = 48.4 eV, 6 v=Rap a R Lay’ (ay 9 hosget 0.004 no xt Ave vx 2901 390 x 10-5 mi *” GeMe * BV 100 ™ ax=5.8x10x —1 _- = 1.92 102m 30010" ‘The maximum KE of potoelectron is corresponding to maximum stopping = 22 eV. Erncident = Eiisate + KEmaxi = 40 eV + 220V = 62 eV 12400 A ao = 200A Inelars = 9. Circumference = 2ar= ni. de-brogiie-a = 28 = Sum n 3 KE of electron in third orbit = 1.51 eV = binding energy of third orbit in this atom 1240 eVA T5teV of photon required to fonis = 821 nm 10. Multiply Angular part and Radial part of 1s orbital and square this. 11. Fors-orbital probability of finding an electron is same at all angles at specific radius. 12. Two unpaired electrons present in carbon atom are in different orbitals. So they have different magnetic quantum number. 13. Electronic configuration of Zn2* jon is 1s? 2s? 2p8 3s? 3p? 3d" so no electron in 4s orbital 4 eae 15. Cu’ —> 15?, 2s?, 2p, 3s?, 3p, 3a"? Fee + 1%, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 3a Gr 152, 252, 2p, 38%, 3p, 30° Co! —> 15#, 254, 2p8, 3st, Sp%, 3a Cu" ion have maximum number of full filed orbital Number of electrons related to / = 2 are 10 Number of electrons related to / +m=0 are 12 WN Gesenecce" SE STR ST a Eaucatng for better tomorrow | Toi Fee 1800 258 55 Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty 16. Cr'9 + 158, 282, 2p°, 3%, 3p®, 3c? Number of electrons related ton + # = S are 3 Magnetic moment u = /n(n+2) B.M.= /3x6 = Vi5 BM, 17. Co —> 12, 25?, 2p%, 382, 3p®, 3d? Number of unpaired e- Number of electrons related ton + = 6 are 6. EXERCISE #3 PART -I n= 0529. Zz For hydrogen, n= and Z= 1; m= 0.529 For Be, n= 2 andZ ‘ a Geese = 0529 ‘Therefore, (D) is correct option. 22s = probability of finding electron with in 2s orbital stro = 0 (probability of finding an electron is zero at node) For node at So, = r= 2a0 (b) The wavelength can be calculated with the help of de-Broglie's formula ie., 3 34 ah 6626x107 = 8.626x107 g.626%10-%m or 6.626 x 105A mv 400x100%10 — 10,0010 (c) (i) The atomic mass of an element reduces by 4 and atomic number by 2 on emission of an a- particle. (il) The atomic mass of an element remains unchanged and atomic number increses by 1 on emission of a p-particle Thus change in atomic mass on emission of particles will be 8 x 4 = 32 New atomic mass = old atomic mass — 32 = 238 - 32 = 206 Similarly change in atomic number on emission of 8a-particle willbe: 8x 2= 16 i.e., New atomic number = old atomic number - 16 = 92 - 16 = 76 (On emission of 6f-parlicles the atomic mass remains unchanged thus, atomic mass of the new element will be 208, ‘The atomic number increases by 6 unit thus new atomic nubmer will be 76+ 6 = 82 Thus, the equation looks like: «axe# “88 , ,,y2o# = 3. (a) Forhydrogen atom, Z= 1,n=1 210% 10% Zns-12 218% 15 me" 6.626 x10 9.141097 2.18 10 De-broglie wavelength, 2 3.32 * 10 m=3.3A Resonsnce” = Eucating for better tomorrow Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty (b)— For2p, ¢=4 Orbital angular momentum = J7(r=1) 2 , «R22 2 2 4 vy Ke r 2 c, --Kze a so, Mt =-2and Ey 4 i 7 5 yale 1 gt cal “ot — eg +S 458 For lower state (Si) No. of radial node = 1=n-¢—1 Putn=2 and £= 0 (as higher state Sz has n = 3) So, it would be 2s (for St state) (32) 136 |S) eVaton 7. Energy of state S; z BY are ot eno te 2 omy teats gd tate) 8. For state Se No. of radial node = 1 = n- ¢— eeern (01) Energy of Sz state = energy of e in lowest state of H-atom 13.6 eViatom (32) 13.6| > cg) eV/atom n=3, putin equation (1) t= 4 80, orbital => 3p_—_(for Sz state). 12400 3000 Photoelectric effect can take place only if Epraion = 6 Thus, Li, Na, K, Mg can show photoectric effect. 13 eV 9 Eprcion = 3s 3p 3d 1 PLE) AEP So, electrons with spin quantum number 10. willbe 1+3+5=9. QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty Bar OH ao an ly) neutron m0 veel | 50 neg) 4 8 ESI AP, ton SI +E postzon h 12. mv (4a0) = — 80, An amas so, KE 43, BousfHsehnedara}nnx 64=6+442+A = 2o+123020+24242 3 Element X should be iron in group 8. 14, $Be+x > fe +¥ If X is oy® then Y is on’ IfXis :P" then Y is :D? 15. 4, Hence / can be ie Hey 2 orbitals He; 2 orbitals, He: 2 orbitals Hence total of 6 orbitals, and we want ms 5 tion etn sp, S, 6 lates 16. Energy order of orbitals of H is decided by only principle quantum number (n) while energy order of H~ is decided by (n + #) rule Electronic configuration of ‘His - 1s®its Energy order is decided by n+? rule, He = 1s?2802p? Its 2% excited state is 2p and degenery 2p is “ 17. For 1s electron in H-atom, plot of radial probability function (4xr°R2) Vis ris as shown : 4nPR? 7 18. _s-orbital is non directional so wave function will be independent of cos 6. 19. For 2s orbital no, of radial nodes = n -f QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty 20. 2. 22. 24. Baz (F) a For 1s orbital ¥ should be independent of 0, also it does not contain any radial node, E, _3e Xo=p Xi=a 2 ake Z skeen? 7m = PE xn PART -Il Following Aufbau principle for filing electrons. h famKe 1 De-broglie wavelength (for particles) = As temperature is same, KE is same. So, 2. Hence ic (electron) > Ae» (neutron) Resonsence” Ecucating for better tomorrow Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty 10. Possible subshell are > $s, Sp, 5d, Sf, 59 Total number of orbital = 1+3+5+7+9=25 11. NaF: Nat = 1s?2s%2pe F-= 18?28%2p! 12. For shortest'’ of hydrogen net &m=o for longest of He* n 1_4,2f4 1) 1.7 364 A Niap(t A) 4,7 orn = 388 ners) 13. mesa [Fe n=2 Higher orbit ton = 2 > Balmer series 14. 4=250nm=2500 A = he _ 12400 _ 2500 KE = stopping potential = 0.5 eV E=Wo+KE 4.96 =W +05 Wo=4.46=4.5eV 4.96 eV 15. 2nr= na y= 2M = 2xx0.529A, 7 16. _ When temperature is increased, black body emit high energy radiation, from higher wavelength to lower wavelength, 7. WN Gesenecce" SST a Eaucatng for better tomorrow | Toi Fee 1800 268 55 Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty nh 18. mv h According to wave mechanics, the ground stato angular momentum is equal to. KE, of KEnax = hy-hvo Electron 19. tan Intercept = hv Frequency of Light—> 20. 2. 22. 23. ape dng 1091 6 x 1052 2 = (4.97 ~ 1.62) x 10-9 J £3.35 * 10-"J = 2.4 eV 24. 2nt=mk ay 2rap =m Sx ay A 3 018 3.975 Zz a QAResonense” = Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty 25. From + é rule the increasing order of energies of electrons will be IV (4) Electron can be found at any distance from nucleus. Pp 1s t P => Probability function. 7 29. By the graph since Y is not zero at r= 0 it must be s orbital alson-¢—-1=1 n=2 («: £=0) itis 2s orbital 30. Shortest 2. for lyman series Shortest 2 for paschen series R 1 QAResonense” Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemisty 31 » is probability density of an electron and it is maximum at a & c. 32. Energies of the orbitals in the same subshell decrease with increase in the atomic number Ena(H) > Eza(Li) > Eaa(Na) > Ezs(K)SS. 34. Theory based, 35. HH 20) ST) Number of neutrons. 0+1+2=3 36 aon? Z Forti r= a7 Resonsnce” _— Ecucating for better tomorrow

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