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TEST -1 KINEMATICS M.M 100 (+4, -1) Time 1:00 Hrs Figure shows the graph of acceleration of particle as y ¥ a function of time. The maximum speed of the = & particle is (particle starts from rest) 5 (a) 7 mis o 8 ms & ()4ms (16 ms i x If the displacement (s) and time (t) graph of two s moving particles A and B in straight ine ts shown in A the figure, then which af following Is incorrect. eB {@) As moving with constant velocity {b} Bis moving with increasing speed (6) Ais moving with non-zero constant acceleration t (a) acceleration of B may be constant for some time Two cars A and 8 are traveling in the same direction with velocities vx and vg (va > ws) when the car 4 is al a distance s behind the car B, the driver of the car A applies brakes producing a uniform retardation a and there will be no collision when Wa -ve)" a -ve)! < (b) $= My (a) 8 SAS (by $= SASS only (oy 5» Wa-Wal® (a s (c} P will hit the wall CD if'a< g (a) may be either (a), (b) or (c), depending on the projection speed of P. A particle starts from the origin of coordinates at time f= 0 and moves in the xy plane with a constant acceleration « in the y-direction. Its equation of motion is y = ix". Its velocity component in the x-direction is (@) variable (b) e # f= Co 2p (a V2n ‘Aman who can swim at a speed ¥ relative to the water wants to cross a river of width 0, flowing with a speed u. The point opposite to him across the river is P. Which of the follawing statement is false? (2) The minimum time in which he can cross the river is dv (b) he can reach the point P in time av. (c) he can reach the point Pin time (d) he cannot reach Pif u > v: 10. "1 12. From the velocity-time graph given of a particle moving in a straight line, one can conclude that vinvs) 4mis-—— 4 $2 Time tin {a) its average velocity during the 12 secands interval is 24/7 mis (0) its velocity forthe first 3 seconds is uniform and is equal to 4 nls (c) the body has zero acceleration between t= 3s andt= 8s (4) the body has a uniform velocity from t= 8 sto t= 12.8 ‘A person is standing in a stationary lift drops a coin from a certain height h. It takes time t to reach the floor of the lift. If the lift is rising up with a uniform acceleration a, the time taken by the coin (dropped from the same height A) ta reach the floor will be 1 1 fat we? Oo {1 + 4] : () i" ja)? Vo 9. | Vo Velacity and acceleration of a particle at some instant of time are 7 = (3/ +4j}m/s and 4~ (6i : 8j)mls® respectively. At the same instant particle is at origin. Maximum x-c0-ordinate of particle will be @15m (0) 0.75 m (e) 2.25 m (40m A particle A is projected fram the ground with an Bes mis initial velocity of 10 m/s at an angle of 60° with : horizontal. From what height h should an another Hl patticle B be projected horizontally with velocity 5 py! ms 86 that both the particles collides at point C if both are projected simultaneously (g = 10 m/s?) {a) 10m (b) 30m (c) 15m (a) 25m 43. 14. 15. 16. 17. 48. ‘particle has displacement of 40 m along OX 5 s and 30.m perpendicularto OX (parallel to OY) in the next 5 s. The magnitude of the average velocity in m/s of the particle during the 10 s interval is (a6 (oy7 (8 @s A particle is projected up an inclined as shown in figure. For maximum range over the inclined plane, the value of € should be (ayas" (b) 15° (c} 30° (d) 60° A ball rolls off the top of a staircase with a horizontal velocity w ms '. If the steps are hm high and wm wide the ball will hit the edge of the nth step if ow? a 2hu* au" hou? (a)a= _ ion- @n= (by n= large number of bullets are fired in all directions with the same sped v. The maximum area on the ground on which these bullets will spread is @ 2 @ wy ee g g g When a man moves dawn the fixed inclined plane with a constant speed § m/s which makes an angle of 37° with the horizontal, he finds that the rain is falling vertically downward. When he moves up the same inclined plane with the same speed, he finds that the rain makes an angle @ = tan HF ‘with the horizontal, The speed of the rain is a) VT16 ms (b) 32ms (0) 5mis (@) V73 ms Trajectory af a particle in x-y plane is y = cx -+bx* , where ¢ and b are constants . The particle moves with constant velocity v along x direction . Its acceleration is (eu (by 2x to) -2hu*y (8) 2p 49. A bullet is fired with velocity u making angle ‘ with the horizontal. The angle of elevation of the highest paint of the trajectory is seen ta be « from the point of firing , then (a) tan6 = 2tane (b) 2eang =tane (e) 2sin6 = tane (d) tan@ = 4tana LINKED COMPREHENSION TYPE (20-25) ‘Question no 20 to 22 : Twa particles are: moving on a circle of radius @ with unifarm speed v, one is maving on a peripheral of the circle while other is oscillating on its diameter between the ends of the diameter. Let us suppose that T'is time period of one rotation for first particle and assume both will starts from same point on circle then 20. 24. 22, What is the magnitude af the relative velocity at t= 0 @v (by v2 (Q2v (a) av What will be the magnitude-of the relative velocity at t= TI (a) wW2 What will the magnitude of the relative welocity at t = z : (a) vy2403 (by v/2- 3 (a va— 3 (a) vel2— V2 Question no 23 to 25 : A particle is projected horizontally with speed u from point A, which is 10m above the ground . Ifthe particle hits the inclined plane perpendicularly at point B. [g = 10m/s'] ee 23. The horizental speed in m/s with which the particle was projected is : (203 (6) 20/7 (Cus 19 10, fe 24, Inthe above question the length OB: along the inclined plane in meters is we (8) 203 8 oO 28. —_ Inthe above question the speed of the particle at point 6 (in ms) will be we (B) 20V3 oF (Dy

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