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Contribute to the safety personnel and ship

121. Which security levels requires the highest security alert?

A. Security level 3

B. Security level 2

C. Security level 1

D. Security level 4

E. I Don't know

122. which of the following areas may be possible restricted areas? (review all answer)

A. All alternatif

B. The bridge

C. The cargo control room

D. The engine control room

E. I don't know

133. On all UMS operated vessels also on most other vessels The engineers room is equipped with fire
detector. Requirements of testing and checking of the detektor to be observed?

A. Check the detector with head and or smoke in accordance with instructions it's manual

B. Cek dead the actual detektor is giving apa propriate signal to the central control unit elektrik
connections are in good order

C. All the mention alternatif

D. When testing detektor by suitable equipment and heat. Cek that sensor self controlling system e.g.a
flashing kontrol like etc. Is function transmissioning

E. I don't know

124. Which of these are indicators that an individual maybe a drag smuggler?

A. The individual makes small local porchases

B. The individual wars bulky out of seasons clothing

C. The individual spend his or her free time hanging out with others

D. The individual is is interested in the ship cargo

E. I don't know

125. which one of the listed requirements regarding service and maintenance of life saving appliances
correspond to present the regulations?

A. instructions for onboard maintenance of life saving appliances in accordance with the regulations
shell be provided

B. Maintenance and repair of all the life saving equipments will be carried out ashore in work shop only

C. maintenance and repair of life saving equipments sel be carried out by the only

D. At least one member of the ground by Herman sertifikat safety equipment

E. I don't know

126. This device can detectd inside the delivery of ships stores. What is it?

A. Access control system

B. Palet scanner

C. Vapor detector

D. Security kontainer

E. I don't know

127. during test and or maintenance work of the CO2 system affecting the releasing sistem, to ensure
that the gods is not released into the engine room due to mistake are to be ensured. What precautions
should be taken?

A. Demi supply Line to be blanket of prior to the work

B. Cek domain valve for potential leakage

C. No special precautions necessary

D. Arange a watchman in the CO2 central

E. I don't know

128. The best way to identity am IED is to?

A. The object

B. Weight the object

C. Recognize it's componants

D. Measure the size of the object

E. I don't kno

129. What is an IED

A. An eksplosive

B. A type of gun

C. An incendiary device

D. A homemade bomb

E. I don't know

130. Which statement about IEDs is true?

A. All IED's have four common componants

B. IED'S don't cause serious amage

C. IED'S are so difficult to manufacture

D. All IED'S look alike

E. I don't know

131. The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be proportioned as it follows:

A. Length = 380 mm, breadth = 145 mm, depth = 20 mm

B. Length = 480 mm, breadth = 115 mm, depth = 25 mm

C. Length = 280 mm, breadth = 85 mm, depth = 10 mm

D.Length = 580 mm, breadth = 165 mm, depth = 30 mm

E. I don't know

132. Which of these are indications that a parcel is suspicious?

A. The parcel came from Joe in the safety departement and arrived quick than expected

B. The parcel smell like chocolate

C. The parcel is address to no one in particular, arrives unexpectly and Seema heavy for it's size

D. The parcel is wrapped in clean, brown paper and is address to a crewmember from hiswife
E. I don't know

133. The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be spaced apart by a distance of:

A. 20 mm

B. Equally spaced and not less than 30 mm or more than 380 mm

C. 300 mm

D. Equally spaced, not less than 20 mm or more than 280 mm

E. I don't know

134. Which one the listed requirements regarding appliances correspond to present regulations?

A. All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be fitted with the manufacturers name and logo

B. All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be made of non-combustible or fire reterdant material

C. . All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be of a such a colour that they are in contrast to the
surrounding colour

D. All prescribed life-saving appliances shall have marking in red colour

E. I don't know

135. Every inflatable liferaft, inflatable lifejacket and hydrodstatic release units shall be serviced:

A. Every 12 months

B. Every 18 months

C. Every 24 months

D. Every 36 months

E. I don't know

136. Which of these weapons are widely available and commonly used by criminals and terrorist to
further their airms?

A. Gun

B. Liquid explosive

C. Vehicle borne device

D. Incendiary device
E. . I don't know

137. What is the purpose of the ship security plan?

A. Detail the duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities

B. Protect your ship from risks posed by security thrrats or incident

C. Outline the organizational structure for the ship

D. Outline specific measures for your ship to move from security level 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3

E. I don't know

138. What do crew, visitors and contractors all have in common?

A. They all have opportunity to smuggle drugs

B. They're all onboard the ship for the duration of its voyage

C. They're all trained in ship emergency procedures

D. They all have opportunity to smule drugs

E. I don't know

139. "Durring a bomb search, which of the following is an important principle to follow"?

A. Try to reach behind bulkheads to find a bomb

B. Throw any suspicious items overboard

C. Know exactly what a bomb looks like

D. Do not touch any suspicious packages

E. I don't know

140. As per SOLAS regulations, the general emergency alarm system must be tested

A. Every 3 weeks

B. Every month
C. Every week

D. Every 2 weeks

E. I don't know

141. Ship security plans all look the same

A. True

B. False

142. When is a visitor onboard required to present an ID?

A. Only on SECURITY level 3

B. on SECURITY level 2 & 3

C. on SECURITY level 1,2 &3

D. Never

E. I don't know

143. Which type of equipments can be used to detect explosives?

A. Metal detector

B. Particulate detector


D. Water Cannon

E. I don't know

144. How often should the lifeboats wire falls be turned and renewed?

A. Turned at intervals of not more than 30 months and renewed every 5years

B. Turned at every 2 years and renewed every 4 years

C. Turned every 30 months and renewed every if the wire is in poor condition

D. Renewed every three years

E. I don't know

145. Which the following requirements regarding life-buoys correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS
A. All the life-buoys shall be placed in holders with quick-release arangement

B. Not less than half the total number of Lifebuoy shall be provided with self-ignighting lights

C. At least one life-buoys with self-activating smoke shall be placed within the vicinity of the stern

D. At least one life-buoys on each side of the ship shall be fitted with buoyant lifeliness

E. I don't know

146. Which of these questions should crew take if a suspicious object that may be bom is located in
during a search?

A. Please the Jack in the drawer or file cabinet

B. Cover the suspicious object with box or blanket

C. Throw the object overboard

D. Convert with the research partner that the object is suspicious

E. I don't know

147. How often emas the emergency steering gear be tested coma and how is this information in the

A. Every 3 months, details of test with signature of monster and witness

B. Monthly with signature person carrying out tes

C. Fortnigthly with signature of chief engineers and witness

D. Monthly, with signature of chief engineers and witness

E. I don't know

148. Which of these types of information is considered sensitive?

A. We points and training record

B. Planned maintenance schedule and emergency response procedure

C. Voyage itinerary tour and arrival Time

D. Sip schematics and HR policies

E. I don't know

149. When handing drugs...

A. You have of the ventilation in the room where the drug store at to ensure Any vapors parfumes to
don't spread to other parts of the ship

B. Tes out the potency of the drug

C. Brifly inhale powders, summers or vapor to verify the substance is a drug

D. Wear skin protection and a face mask

E. I don't know

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