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SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION Contents Pariculars| Page No, Theory 001 - 020 Handout 021 ~ 026 Exercise -1 027034 Patt-1 Subjective Question Part-II: Only one option correct type Part-I: Malch the column Exercise -2 034-041 Part-I Only one option corect type Part-II: Single and/doube value integer type Part-I: Oneor More than one options cortect type Pat-IV: Comprehension Exercise -3 041 - 049 Part-I JEE(Advanced /IIT-JEE Problems (Previous Years) Part-I: JEE(Main)/ AIEEE Problems (Provious Years) Answer Key 049-050 High Level Problems (HLP) 051 — 054 Subjective Question HLP answers 054 JEE (ADVANCED) SYLLABUS Linear and angular simple harmonic motions JEE (MAIN) SYLLABUS Poriodic Motion - period, frequency, displacement as a function of me. Periodic functions, Simple harmonic functions (S.H.M.) and its equation, phase, oscillations of a spring-restoring force and force constant, energy in SHIM. kinetic & potential energies, simple pendulum derivation of expression for is time period, tree, forced and dumped oscilations, resonance, appa ecaves ‘Argh esaved Ary pooepyg,abahg precise tt ay Fats Sud mali sly rotted Hs Matealbuogsto oye Crete sort RESONANCE. Ary sated fe marc preheat Kat uadeton _Simple Harmonie Motion fi SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION Q 1. PERIODIC MOTION When a body or a moving particle repeats its motion along a definite path after regular interval of time, its motion is said to be Periodic Motion and interval of time is called time period or harmonic motion period (T), The path of periodic motion may be linear, citcular, elliptical or any other curve, For ‘example, rotation of earth about the sun. 2, OSCILLATORY MOTION “To and Fro" type of motion is called an Oscillatory Motion. It need not be periodic and need not have {fixed extreme positions. For example, motion of pendulum of a wall clock. ‘The oscillatory motions in which energy is conserved are also periodic. The force / torque (directed towards equilibrium point) acting in oscillatory motion is called restoring force /torque. Damped oscillations are those in which energy is consumed due to some resistive forces and hence total mechanical energy decreases. 3, SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION If the restoring force’ torque acting on the body in oscillatory motion is ditectly proportional to the displacoment of bodylpartcie and is always directed towards equilibrium position then the motion is ‘called simple Harmonic Motion (SHM).Itis the simplest (easy to analyze) form of oscillatory motion. 3.4 TYPES OF SHM (a) Linear SHM : When a particle undergoes to and fro motion about an equilibrium position, along a straight ling. A and B are extrome postions. Mis mean position. AM = MB = Amplitude — (b) Angular SHM : When a bodyiparticle is free to rotate oscillate about a given axis on a curved path. 3.2 EQUATION OF SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION (SHM) The necessary and sufficient condition for SHM is F = ~ kx where k- positive constant for a SHM ~ Force constant x= displacement from mean position, [differential equation of SHM]) © .ax-0 — wheeo |K af y I's solutions. x=Asin (ot +9) 3.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF SHM Note : In the figure shown, path of the particle is on a straight in. sk Anois te Ampito (a) Displacement - It is defined as the distance of the particle from the mean position at that instant. Displacement in SHM at time tis given by x = A sin (ot + 9) Resonance Educating for better tomorow Simple Harmonie Motion, (b) Amplitude : It is the maximum value of displacement of the particle from its equilibrium position. sate «+ ene xeon extn pots posts] coon oa so (9 Angus Fraqueeyo):0 = 2 «21 and vires (d) Frequency (f) : Number of oscillations completed in unit time interval Is called frequency ot oscillations, f= — = ©, its units is sect or Hz, Toa (e) Time period (7) : Smallest time interval after which the oscillatory motion gels repeated is called 22 _ 5. fm ke timo period, T = 2% Solved Examples x Example 1. Forapattcle performing SHM, equation of motion is given as = 44x = 0, Find the time period, ex Soution: SX ae ° ate Tine period; T= 2 ae a () Phase : Tho physical quantity which represents the state of motion of particle (og. its position and direction of motion at any instant) The argument (ot « ¢) of sinusoidal function js called instantaneous phase of the motion (@) Phase constant (¢) : Constant @ in equation of SHM is called phase constant or initial phase. It depends on initial position and direction of velacty locity at an instant is the rate of change of particle's position wrt time at that Velooity, v Aocos(at+#) or, v [At mean position (x = 0), velocity is maximum, Vina = 0A Atexireme position (x = A), velocity is minimum. Vion = 200 GRAPH OF SPEED (v) VS DISPLACEMENT (x): veoVAP-x v2 <6 (A2—x?) VE + oP = AA Speed (v) JN Resonsnce” BS Eticating for beter tomorrow [Torres 1600258555 [ ON VaSAARIROTPL LION ‘Simple Harmonic Motion, GRAPH WOULD BE AN ELLIPSE (Acceleration : Acceleration at an instant isthe rate of change of particle's velocity w.rt. time at thal instant av at q Acceloration, a Spe costot +4) i Sqlte costo +] a=—oPAsin(ot +) a=- ox Note ‘© Negative sign shiows that acceleration is always directed towards the mean position, [At mean position (x = 0), acceleration is minimum, [At extreme position (x - A), acceleration is maximum. Anes = OFA GRAPH OF ACCELERATION (A) VS DISPLACEMENT (x) Solved Examples Example 2. The equation of particle executing simple harmonic motion is x = (5 m) sin) (=s~")t down the amplitude, time period and maximum speed, Also find the velocity att = 1s, Solution: Comparing with equation x = A sin (ot +3), wo soe that the ampitude = § m, anitne pred = 2 = 25, <2 s The maximum speed = Ap = 5 mx x s-! = Sx mi Trevoectyatunet= 8 - Acs et AL tats, (5 m) (5) cos | x= Resonsnce" Educating for bot tomerow Simple Harmonie Motion, Example 3. Solution : Example 4, Solution : Example 5. Solution : ‘A pariclo éxecuting simplo harmonic motion has angular frequency 6.26 s~! and amplitude Find (a) the te period, (0) the maximum speed, (c) the maximum acceleration, (4) the speed when the displacement Is 6 cm from the mean positon, (2) the speed al t = 1/6 s assuming tha the motion star's from rest att = 0. Qe on (@) Time period = 22 ) Time petiod = <= 828 (©) Maximum speed = A = (0.1 m) (628 5) = 0.628 mis, (@) Maximum acceleration = Ao? (0.1 m) (6.28 5*)°= 4 ms (0 v=0 VA = (6288) (tem)? — (Gam? (©) Att=0, the velocity is zero Le., the particle is at an extrem. The equation for displacement may bo waiten as coset The veloaty is v=~ A o sin at s-1s 0.2 ems. 6.28 == (0.1 m) (6.28 5) sin 1 ated 6 54.4 emis, (-0.628 mis) sin sing ‘A particle starts from mean position and moves towards positive extreme as shown. Find the ‘equation of tne SHM, Ampitude of SHM is A. General equation of SHM can be writton as x Att=0, Asin (ot + 4) = Asing o-0n oe (02: Also; att=0,v=+vo ‘Aw.cos) = ve of, @=0 Hence, i the particle is at mean position at t= 0 and is moving towards 4ve extreme, then the ‘equation of SHM is given by x= A sina Similarly for gen ‘equation of SHMis x = A sin(at + =) ‘© If’ mean position is not at the origin, then we can replace x by x ~ x» and the eqn. becomes x — x2 = A sin (at + 4), where x9 is the position co-ordinate of the mean position. A patticle is performing SHM of amplitude “A” and time period “T". Find the time taken by the particle to go from 0 to AV2, Lot equation of SHM bo when x-=0,t=0 whenx=A2; A2=Asin ot ot= 2/6 Te sin ot JIN Resonsnce’ IS Eciaing for beter tomorrow > aa Kata al) SB ‘Simple Harmonic Motion, Example 6, A pariicle of mass 2 kg is moving on a straight line under the action of force F = (8 2K) N. his released at rest from x = 6 m {a) Is the particle moving simple harmonically. (©) Find the equilibrium position of the particle, (6) Write the equation of motion of the particle. (6) Find the time period of SHM, Solution: F=8-2x or F=-2(x~4) = at equilibrium position F = 0 = x=4is equilibrium position Hence the motion of particle is SHM with force constant 2 and equlrium position x = 4 (a) Yes, motion is SHM, (©) Equilibrium position is ° (©) ALx= 6m, particle fs at rest Le. it's one of the extreme position Hence amplitude is A = 2 m and intially particle is atthe extreme position, Equation of SHM can be written as X-4=2c08 ol, where o le. x= 44 2e08t (6) Timo paried, T= 2% SHM AS A PROJECTION OF UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION Consider a particle moving on a circle of radius A with a constant angular speed « as shown in figure ‘Suppose the particle is on the top of the circle (Y-axis) att = 0, The radius OP makes an angle 9 = ot with the Y-axis at time t. Drop a perpendicular PQ on X-axis. The components of position vector, velocity vector and acceleration vector at time ton the X-axis are x()=Asin ot wl) = Ae cos ot ad) = - oA sin ot ‘Above equations show that the foot of perpendicular Q executes a simple harmonic motion on the X-axis. The amplitude is A and angular frequency is o. Similarly the foot of perpendicular on Y-axis will also execute SHM of amplitude A and angular frequency « [y(t) = A cos at). The phases of the two simple harmonic motions differ by 7/2. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF DISPLACEMENT, VELOCITY & ACCELERATION IN SHM Displacement, x= Asin at Veloaty, V=Roeos ot =Aasin(at 5) or Acceleration, a=~ oP Asinot = a?ASin (ot + x) or Note: © v=oVA® = a=- 0% These relations are true for any equation of x. Resonance” ba BS Esucting or peter tomorrow | [ror Fre ian 25 ES [CWT UeIOOERIRRTPLCOAIE Simple Harmonic Motion w- time, t 0 Ta T2 are T displacement, x 0 a 7 =A 0 Velocity, v Ko 0 — Re 0 Ro ‘acceleration, a ° =a 0 oA 0 1. Allthe three quantities displacement, velocity and same period 2, The volocity amplitude is « times the displacement amplitude (vax = of) 3. The acceleration amplitude is a? times the displacement amplitude (2ns 4. In SHM, the velocity is ahead of displacement by a phase angle of 3 2A), 5. In SHM, the acceleration is ahead of velocity by a phase angle of ; ENERGY OF SHM Kinetic Energy (KE) i i 295 inv J mot (AE xt) = 3K (AEE) (a8 function of x) _Simple Harmonie Motion yg —f§- — Solued Examples Exupl 7 prc mae 050k vse a lta mon wd a i F—— (60H =! mee (sks (ome =254 "efoto No Ae i pce =A. sed 20a hence the kinetic energy is zero, The potential energy here is KAP. As there is no loss of onoray, Tha? = 25 J 0 2 The force on the parce is given by (60 Nimx, Thus, the spring constants k = 50 Nim, Equation () gives Sconimaa8s ey Ant 7. SPRING-MASS SYSTEM k (xy fanaseena00 7, a Tara @ 3 Tee (3) It spring has mass ms then meni —— Solued Examples Example 8, A particle of mass 200 g executes a simple harmonic motion. The restoring force is provided by ‘a spring of spring constant 80 Nim. Find the time period Solution: The time period is T = 2 oats. Resonsnce” Educaing for better tomorrow Simple Harmonie Motion, Example 9. Solution : Example 10. Solution : Example 11. The friction coefficient between the two blocks shown in figure is yt and the horizontal plane is ‘smooth, (a) If the system is slightly displaced and released, find the time period. (b) Find the ‘magnitude of the frictional force between the blocks when the displacement from the mean position is x. (c) What can be the maximum amplitude i the upper block does not slip relative to the lower black ? k A oxvoeo— (a) For small amplitude, the two blocks oscilate together. The angular frequency is. = {© and so the time period T= 25, M=™ wom ve (0) The accoleration of the blocks at displacement x from the mean position is kx) un) mk |x| (Ge) (©) Maximum fore of reton required for simple harmonic motion of the upper block is MA al the extrame positions. But the maximum frictional force can only be u mg. Hence mk A uM =+mig Mem K =umg or Thus, the block is subjected to a net force kx by the spring when itis at a distance x from the position of unstretched spring. Hence, its motion in the elovator is simple harmonic with its ‘mean position corresponding to the unstretched spring. Inally, the spring is stretched by x = mgik, where the velocity of the block (with respect to the elevator) is zero. Thus, the amplitude ofthe resulting simple harmonic motion is mark. Tho loft block in figure collides inalastically with the right block and sticks to it, Find the amplitude of the resulting simple harmonic motion. Resonsnce” IS testing or bot tomerow Simple Harmonie Motion, Solution Example 12. Solution : “Assuming the colision to last for a small interval only, we can apply the principle of conservation of "momentum. The common velosty ater he colison is > 4 (am dime Fem (S) = 4 This is also the total energy of vibration as the spring is unstretched at this moment. If the Tho kinatlc energy ampltuda is A, the total enorgy can also be writin as > KA?. Thus, 1 2 Two blocks of mass m: and me are connected with a spring of natural length | and spring constant k. The systom is iying on a smooth horizontal surface. Initially gy, spring is comprossed by xo as shown in figure. ‘Show that the two blocks will perform SHM about their equilibrium postion. Ao (a) find the 'ime perio, (0) find amplitude of each block and () length of spring as a function of ime, 2 = 1 mv, giving A= frm sae J mwonngas [Ev (a) Here both the biocks wil be in equilrium at — the same time when spring is in its natural length. Let EP; and EP: be oquiibrium my 7 posetanaoo im, positions of block A and B as shown in figure. Lot at any time during oscilations, blocks ac con are at a distance of x: and xe from their ete k a equilibrium positions, As no external force I$, mn. acting on the spring block system a am (ims +m)4Xem-=msx1—mexe=0 or max = Moke For 1st particle, force equation can be written as oe, my, Ky +2) =~ my 2% or, Kor + BLyy) = mia ‘ors ot? Orn on ay = KM tM) oe = Hit +m) mma Hence, T= 2% /- Te Kom, +m) mony Which is known as reduced mass Ans (a) Similarly time period of 2nd particle can be found, Both will be having the same time period. Lot the amplitude of blocks be A: and Ae. mia: = maAe ©) by energy consent nhs a= Sic? er, Arsen or, Ar + Aa = xo or, as Soa or, Ay = TeX ‘Similarly, ule im +m, me (©) Consider equilrium position of ist particle as Ry + eR origin, ie. x = 0. x co-ordinate of particles can be k written as m Ypooanso0a00) X1=Arcosol and x2 = (— Azcosat ZB Hence, length of spring al time t can be written as; cad length = x2~ xi= ¢~ (Ar + Ae}cosat JN Resonence” dueaing for beta lomotrow ‘Solved Examples Example 13. The system Is in equilloium and at rest, Now mass my is removed from me. Find the time petiod and amplitude of resultant motion. Spring constant is K. Solution : ial extension inthe spring x = (™*™2}9 Now, if we remove m: equilbrium postion (E.P.) of ma will be #2 below natural length of spring, Equlorium {A the intial position, since velocity is zero Le. iis the extreme position Hence Amplitude ~ Time patod = 25% ime period = 2/72 ‘Since only block of mass me is oscillating 8. COMBINATION OF SPRINGS. 8.1 Series Combination : Total displacoment x =x; + x2 Tension in both springs = ki; = kexe Equivalent spring constant in series combination Kis given by a [na kag = 1k + tke > T=2e Vix Note : + In series combination, tenson Is same in ll the springs & extension willbe diferent. (I kis same then deformation i also same) «In sores combination, extension of springs willbe reciprocal fits spring constant © Sptng constant of spring is reciprocal ofits natura length eo kifreketee kot ‘© Ifa spring is cut inn’ pleces then spring constant of one piece will be nk. Resonsnce" Educating for bot tomerow ‘Simple Harmonie Motion, &2 Parallel combi : Extension is same for both springs but force acting will be diferent Force acting on the system = F Fen(hxekex) > Fen(kieke)x > Fa—kax Keakitke > Tae f™ VKee 9. METHOD'S TO DETERMINE TIME PERIOD, ANGULAR FREQUENCY IN S.H.M. (a) Force / torque method (b) Energy method —— Solued Examples. Example 14. The sting the spring and the pulley shown in igure ar ight Find the time poriod ofthe mass m. m k Solution: (a) Force Metho Lot in equilibrium position of the block, extension in spring is xo. kxo= mg ) Now if we displace the block by x in the downward direction, net force on the block towards moan position is F = K(x 6 x0) mg = kx Using (1) Hence the net force is acting towards mean position and is also proportional to x So, the particle will perform S.H.M. and is ime period would be © Energy Method Let gravitational potential energy isto be zero at the level of the block when spring isin its natural length Now at a distance x below that level, let speed af the block be v. ‘Since total mechanical energy is conserved in S.H.M. sonstant lige. —mgx+ Lie + Lm gx + Skee + J mv Differentiating w-r4. time, we get —mgy + kxv + mva=0 where a is acceleration, Fema--kxk+mg or F-—kix~ 78) ‘This shows that forthe motion, force constant is k and equilorium position is x = mg k ‘So, the particle will perform S.H.M. and its time period would be aati Tone ES PIA Wow NT JN Resonsnce” IY Eciaing for beter tomorrow Simple Harmonic Motion, a 10, SIMPLE PENDULUM Ita heavy point mass is suspended by a weightless, inextensible and perfectly flexible string from a rigid support, then this arrangement is called a simple pendulum fe E V = for making calculation simple) Time period of a simple pendulum T (some times we can take Note : ‘© If angular amplitude of simple pendulum is moro, then time period (Not in JEE, For other exams) whore &o isin radians. ‘© General formula for time period of simple pendulum when ¢ is comparable to radius of Earth R. whore, R= Radius of the earth \olare) ‘¢ Time poriod of simple pendulum of infinite length is maximum and is given by :T = 2x, |. — 64.6 min (Where R is radius of earth) Sil enum porn anger SH. ue srl angular dsplcoment scone ood + tgronaie crt. charg ing tn Eton 200 1 2 «roman constants s9ischangeinassoeaton ten, ST 100-1 28.100 [42419) 100 l2r 20 —— Solued Examples Example 15. simple pendulum of longth 40 cm oscillates with an angular amplitude of 0.04 rad. Find {a) the time period, (b) the linear amplitude of the bob, (c) the speed of tha bob when the string ‘makes 0.02 rad with the vertical and (d) the angular acceleration when the bob is in momentary rest, Take g = 10 ms% at ST 100 T Solution: (a) The angular frequency is » = /a7@ ae the time period is ar 28 1265, 7 Bs (b) Linear ampitude = 40 em x 0.08 = 1.6m (©) Anguiar speed at isplacamont 0.02 rads = (6 5") (0.08)? -(0.02F rad = 0.17 ad's uihere speed ofthe bob at this instant = (40 om) » 0.1754 = 6.8 emis. i) At momentary res, the bod isn extreme poston “Thus, tho angular acceleration « = (0.04 Fa) (25 =) = 1 rad Resonsnce” IY Estcatin or beter tomerow Ss" _ Simple Harmonie Maton $$$ f- QO 10.1 Time Period of Simple Pendulum in accelerating Reference Frame Ta25 | where 7 det = Efecve acceleration in accelerating reference system « (ja, at mean poston a .ccoleration ofthe point of suspension w.4.. ground, Condition for applying this formula: [ja] ~ constant Nattension in string mass of bob Solved Examples Example 16. A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of a car accelerating uniformly on a horizontal road, Ifthe acceleration is ae and the length of the pendulum is, find the time period of small Also gat= at mean position oscillations about the mean positon, Solution: We shall work in the car frame, As it is accelerated with respect to the road, we shall have to apply a pseudo force may on the bob of mass m For mean position, the acceleration of the bob with respect to the car should be zero, I ® be the angle made by the string with the vertical, the tension, weight and the pseudo force will add to 2010 in this position. Hence, resultant of mg and ma (say F = m9 +a = Ma _ Bo mga Now, suppose the string Is further deflected by an ‘angle 6 as shown in figure. Now, restoring torque can be given by sing) ‘Substituting F and using sin 6 ~ 8, for small has to be along the string (me? +8 Joo =— meta or, dai tae =0 so; w= This is an equation of simplo harmonic motion with time period T = 2. 10.2 forces other then m4 acts the Z fF Ta 2n{ whore om = [6+ ‘Gen. ® im F = constant force acting on "Solved Evamles Example 17. A simple pendulum of length‘ and having bob of mass 'm’ is doing angular SHM inside water ‘A constant buoyant force equal to half the weight of the bob is acting on the ball Find the time potiod of oscillations? Sotwion: Hoe -9~ 82 «92 HencoT=2 Resonance” Eduening for better tomorow Simple Harmonie Motion, . 11, COMPOUND PENDULUM / PHYSICAL PENDULUM When a rigid body is suspended fom an axis and made to oscilate about that then itis called compound penduium C-=Pesiton of canter of mass § = Point of suspension = Distance between point of suspension and center of mass {it remains constant during motion) For small angular displacament "6" from mean position “The restoring torque is given by mgsin8 mgia for smalle, sina ~ or Ia= ~mg’@ where, I= Moment of inertia about point of suspension. T Time period, Where fou = moment of inertia relative to the axis which passes from the center of mass & parallel to the axis of oscilation, icy te te na where Jove mite = ytatlon rads (about as passing tom conte of mass i? fe T=2n, = 2z, ma! vo Ns *C + = equivalent length of simple pendulum Tis minimum when — Ton = 2x f&R Ve Graph of Tvs ¢ —— Solued. Evamples $$$ Example 1. A unform fd of nghh 100 ms susponded tough an er and is sot mo osclaon with Smalampitude undo gray. Fd he bm pr cl oslaon. 610 ms" Solution: Far smallamptude the angular melon ls nety simple hamorle an tho time potid I gen Resonance” ducaing for better tomorrow Simple Harmonie Motion, 12, TORSIONAL PENDULUM In torsional pendulum, an extended object is suspended at the centre by a light torsion wire. A torsion wire is essentially inextensible, but is free to twist about is axis. When the lower end of the wire is rotated by a slight amount, the wire applies a restoring torque causing the body to oscilate (rotate) about vertical wira, when released, The restoring torque produced is given by ‘Ca where, C = Torsional constant C8 where, I= Moment of inertia about the vertical ais, c or Ia ora Time Period, T T Solued Examples Example 19. A uniform disc of radius 5.0 cm and mass 200 g is fed at Its centre to a metal wire, the other fend of which is fixed to a celing, The hanging disc is rotated about the wire through an angle and is released. I the disc makes torsional oscillations with time period 0.20 s, tind the torsional constant of the wire Solution: The situation is shown in figure. The moment of inetia of the disc a about the wire is mr? _ (0:200kg(5.0%10%m)? _ 2 2 The time period is given by 1 5 10+ kg- me, 4x°(2.510"*kg-m*) 020 FO 13, SUPERPOSITION OF TWO SHM’S 13.1 In same direction and of same frequency. rasa tant where A= APs A3+2A,A,co80 & 9 = tar If 8 =0, both SHM's are in phase and A = Ai + Ao l=, both SHM's are out of phase and A = Ay ~Aal ‘The resutant amplitude due te superposition of two or more than two SHM's of tis case can also be found by phasor ciagram aso 132 Insame direction but are of different frequencies. = Ar sin ont wo= asin oot then resultant displacement x= x: + x0 = A sin or! + Aesin oat This resultant mation fs not SHM 12.3 Intwo perpendicular directions. X=Asinot: y= Bin (ot -6) Case): It 9=0ortheny == (BA) x. So path willbe straight ne & resutantcsplacemont will bo 1 = 24 ye)" = (APs Be) snot VAP +B hich is equation of SHM having ampitude Case (i): e= 5 then. x= Asin of :y =B sin (ot + 2/2) = B c0s wt 80, resultant will be x + E 1. i8. equation of an ellipse and if A = B, then superposition will be ‘an equation of circle. This resultant motion is not SHM. Resonsnce® a ae TR Eduenting for better tomorow ‘Simple Harmonic Motion, 18.4 Superposition of SHM's along the same direction (using phasor diagram) If two or more SHM's are along the same line, their resultant can be obtained by vector addltion by making phasor diagram. 41. Amplitude of SHM is taken as length (magnitude) of vector. 2. Phase difference between the vectors is taken as the angle between these vectors, The magnitude of resultant vector gives resultant amplitude of SHM and angle of resultant vector gives phase constant of resultant SHM. For example : x:= Ai sin ot xe= Asin (ot +6) Phasor Diagram Phasor diagram Hf equation of resutant SHM i taken as x= Asin (ot + ¢) PERE 2RA,cos = tang ~ -AeS® A005 —— Solved Examples —$ —$$_$_________ Example 20, Find the ampltude of the simple harmonic motion oblained by combining the motions (2.0 on) sino and x= (2.0 om) sin (ot +=). Solution : The two equations given represent simple harmonic motions along X.als with ampitudes ‘i= 2.0 cm and Ae = 2.0 cm. The phaso difeence between tho Wo simple harmonic motions is 29, The resultant simple harmonic mation wil have an ampltude A given by = [AP OAD 2A,Azcoss fe-cem? «(206m +2(2.00m)2cos = =3.5 em Example 21, x= asinot ; x= 4008 ot Find ( amplitude of resuitant SHM. (i) equation of the resultant SHM Solution: Fst write all SHM's in terms of sine functions with postive ampitue. Keep “ot wih postive sign x= 38in ot yon 4 sin (ot + si (ot 2) As \p?+4?< 219.008 = (8216 = JB =s 4sin5 tang = —2— = 50 equation x= 5 sin (ot +53") +4 3+ 40055 Example 22 x; =Ssin ot +90°) re 10.08 (at) Find amplitude of resuitant SHM Solution: x =5sin (ot +30%) xe= 10s (ot + 10 Ax JEEP 251000860" ee _ SAWS - AG - NT Phasor Diagram JIN Resonance” [ase twscaes seman omemenere BS Essig tr beter tomorrow ree TOT 2 5 [ OH RIDA ‘Simple Harmonic Motion, Example 23 A pariicio is subjocted to two simplo harmonic motions x; = Ay sin at and x2 = As sin (ot + 2/9). Find (a) the displacement at t = 0, (o) the maximum speed of the particle and (c) the maximum acceleration of the particle, 5 Solution: (a) Al t Av8 Asin (23) 8 2 (0) The resultant of the two motions is a simple harmonic motion of the same angular frequency @, The amplitude ofthe resultant motion is. othe amp ofthe resulta motions _ A= (APsAg=2A,Apcosia/3) = JAP +AE+A\Ap “Thus, the resultant displacement at t= O18 x= x: 4 x2 = Ae “The maximum speed is Uns = A.0 = 0 JAP TAS TAA [Ev (©) Thomaximum accoeraton is ss RE CRESAA, Example 24. A particle is subjected to two simple harmonic motions in the same direction having equal amplitudes and equal frequency. If the resultant amplitude is equal to the amplitude of the Individual motions, find the phase difference between the individual motions, Solution: Lot the amplitudes of the individual motions be A each. The resultant amplitude is also A. I the phase diference between the two motonsis , A~ (A?=A?=OA Acost & Aare oaSe$ 5 sete —— Solued Misceltancous Problems Problem 1. te equsen of SH orth stun mumbo Ox v A i v a © « 0 “Az A Soliton: @) A= 0.404 x= Asin(ot +9); A= Asin (9) 2 x= Ash ote) = Aes (at A X= Asin(ot + 6); - A= Asin g a 3x F x= Asia(ote A.cos (ot) A ox=4 Asin (ot + ¢) A 1 AL asiniot so): 2 sing = ¢-30° 1 2 ~Asin(ot +4): 5 =sing => $=30° 150 Particle is moving towards the mean postion and in negative direction, velocity v = Ao cos (ot + 6) Al t=0, v=—ve \oC0S hence @ = 150° sin(ot + 1502) Ans. (a) x= A cosat ;(b) x=-A cosot :(¢)x =A sin(ot + 1502) Problem 2. Block A of mass m is performing SHM of amplitude a. Another block B of mass m is gently placed on A when it passes through mean postion and B sticks to A. Find the time period and amplitude of now SHM. om. as Fog en Tome AS 850A Nar iy Wa law oe Koa aD wa aronce in| Ema: eereemerea tn Tl Fre HO 258 ES [CW 7 UENODRIRTPLCOROES Resonsnce* IY cating or beter tomerow Simple Harmonie Motion, Solution : Problem 3. Solution : er Aplus rmpitude =A Time parog of mass m = 2x f° [am Timo patio of mass 2m = 2x JF" [At mean position, Kinetic energy = Total Energy 1 For mass m: Smut= tmorat a) 1 For mass 2m : 1 amv 2 J omae! zamk 2) By Conservation of momentum mu =2mv = 3) 4) ( Divide equation (1) & (9); 4 = = tom (2.2 m (2) = Lamar 2” (2) 2 a fm a Now Amplitude A=-2 Ans, T=2n,/2 ampltudo = " Ra Vig Ampttuae = ip Repeat the above problem assuming Bs placed on At a stance tom mean poston Tees & den a1 Anemos 8 a2, TP By conservation of momentum mi Kinetic Energies at For massm: Lmu? (1) 1 1 Formass 2m: Lamve = 42m ( of mass 2m: 52m? ~ 32m{ 2) tom Bd fam 2 = dam @ New Amplitude Resonance” dentin for better tomorrow Simple Harmonie Motion, Problem Solution = Problem 5. Solution : Problem 6. Solution : Problem 7. The block is allowed to fall, slowly trom the position where spring isin its natural length. Find, ‘maximum extension in the string ‘Since the block falls slowly from rest the maximum extension occurs when mg = Kxo mg mg x0 ™9 is maximum extension Ans, 9 K K In the above probiom if block is released from there, what would be maximum extension Lot x» = maximum extension axon consnaton ot eny mp ut Block of mass me isin equilibrium as shown in figure. Another block of mass m; is kept gontly (on me. Find the time period of oscilation and amplitude. Time period T cs K AM inal postion since velocty Is zero it is the sebum extreme position, postion mg Ampitude. eM Amplitude Block of mass me is in equilibrium and at rest. The mass ms moving with velocity u vorticaly downwards colides with ms and sticks toi. Find the energy of oscilation. Resonance” Educaling for better tomorrow Simple Harmonie Motion, Solution Problem 8. Solution : Problem 9. Solution = Tet he velocity of m: & ma be v after colsion By conservation of momentum miu = (my + ma)v ve i im +mp 1 1m? Hence, KE = 4 (mama)v# = 2 fence, KE = > N= Sy meg = Kx; > (rm + meg = Kr tiene = LK(May = 1 mia? PE = Z Kien = 3K pes mis Thoreoreonergy of citations E = KE + PE 1 mi? még? 1 [_mi Eo Omem, 2|mem K Ans. ‘A box is placed on a smooth inclined plane and itis free to move. A simple pondulum is allached in the block. Find its time period, ~ Let Fp = Pseudo force For equliprium position Ting Jeon Tsina + Fe = mgsine moses Tsina +ma=mgsing since a = gsing Tsing. + mgsing = mgsiné mie Tsina =0 a=0 Hence in equlltxium postion the sting fs perpendicular to incline plane Therefore effective ‘is get = gc0s 8 ais 9 Time period T = 2s Je Tae: gcse x)= Ssin ot x Xi = Ssinot 8 xe = Ssin (ot + 53°) X= = 10008 at \wo can write x3 = 10 sin(ot + 270°) ( Finding the resuttant amplitude by vector Educating for bttr tomorow notation 6 Resuitant Amplitude R |R| - ¥8=8 ~10 Ans. o Resonance” ea HANDOUT SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION DAMPED SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION We know that the motion of a simple pendulum, swinging In air, dies out eventually. Why does it happen ? This is because the air drag and the friction at the support oppose the motion of the Pendulum and dissipate its energy gradually. The pendulum is said to execute damped oscillations. In damped oscillations, the energy of the system is 7 issipated continuously; but, for small damping, the Rigid support oscillations remain approximately periodic. The dissipating forces are generally the frictional forces. To understand Spring the effect of such external forces on the motion of an oscillator. Let us consider a system as shown in figure below, here a block of mass m connected to an elastic 9 Block spring of spring constant k oscillates vertically. I the block eee Is pushed down a litle and released, ts angular frequency Surounding [ke of oscilation is o(@= /*).Mowever, in practice, the Y surrounding medium (aif) wil exert a damping force on Fig :The vero siroig etn rors the motion of the block and the mechanical energy of the seentilyerging host block-spring system will decrease. The energy loss will appear as heat of the surrounding medium (and the block also) ‘The damping force depends on the nature of the surrounding medium. Ifthe block is immersed in a liquid, the magnitude of damping will be much greater and the dissipation of energy much faster. The damping force is generally proportional to velocity of the bob. [Remember Stokes’ Law] and acts opposite to the direction of volocty. I the damping force is denoted by Fs, we have F,-2V here the positive constant b depends on characteristics of the medium (viscosity, for example) and the size and shape of the block, etc. This equation is usually valid only for small velocity. When the mass m is attached to the spring and released, the spring will elongate a litle and the mass will settle at some height. This position, shown by O in Figure 1, is the equllbslum position of the mass. If the mass Is pulled down or pushed up a litle, the restoring force on the block due to the spring is F, =x where is the ciplacement ofthe mass from its equibrium poston. Thus, the toll force acting on the mass at any time ts F=-kt-bd. It is th accoloraton of mass atime t, thon by Newton’ Law of Mation applied along the direction of motion, we have m a(t) = -kx(t)~b vit) Here we have dropped the vector notation because we are dscussing one-dimensional mation, Using tho fst and second derivatives fx (for v() and a(t) respectively, we have moX sp six -0 “ ae at Equation 1 is a second-order linear differential equation and its auxiliary equation is mr? + br + k = 0 The roots are Resonsnce” BS Ebesing for beter tomarrow [ror iee: Tan 5055 | GN UURERIENT _ Simple Harmonie Motion $$$ CASE! b*= 4mk> 0 (overdamping) In this case rs and re are distinct real roots and x =b,e" ~,e"" Since b, m, and k are all positive, we have b*—4mk 4mk means that there is a strong ‘damping force (high-viscosty ol or grease compared with a weak spring or small mass. CASE Il: b? ~ 4mk = 0 (critical damping) This case corresponds to equal roots b and the solution is given by x= (bs + baton It is similar to Case |, and typical graphs resemble these in above figure, but the damping is just sufcient to suppress vibrations. Any decrease in the viscosity of the fluid leads to the vibrations of the folowing case. CASE III: b?~ 4k < 0 (underdamping) Here the roots are complex: P (3) cr “The solution is given by x= @-B2Mt(b; COs ot + be sin ot) = Ae-P2M'cos(o'teg) We see that there aro oscilations the are damped by the factor eB, Since b > 0 and m > 0, we have ~(b’2m) < 0.50 een" +0 as t+ ~, This implies that x > 0 as t +» ; that is, the motion decays to 0 as time increases. A graph is shown in figure Now the mechanical energy of the undamped oscillator is 12 KAS. For a damped oscilator, the amplitude is not constant but depends on time. For small damping, we may use the sama expression but ragard the amplitude as A o-*=n, fk Where ot = | Tazertin E(t) = LkA?0" 4 (= 3) (4) Equation shows that the total energy of the system decreases exponentially with time, Note that small damping means that is | P| much less than o. Of course, as expected, if we put b = 0, all equations am) of a damped oscillator in this section reduce to the corresponding equations of an undamped oscillator. Resonsnce" Eduenting for better tomorow ‘Simple Harmonic Motion, Quality Factor or Q value: Practical applications require consideration of the quality of the oscillator, Q, which specifies the ratio of total energy, E, to the energy lass, AE, over one complete oscilation period, T: = On 258 b where 0 and o,= 2 am mane In tho limit of zero damping, the oscillator experionces no energy loss, and Q -»:«. In the limit of small ‘damping, the quality of the oscilator can be approximated by 20, Combining these two results provides a handy formula for the energy loss during a complete oscillation Period of weakly damped motion: no, 2s Ie] 62 = Example 1, For the damped oscillator shown in Figure the mass m of the block is 200 g, k = 90 Nm and. the damping constant b is 40 g s-, Calculate (a) the period of oscillation, (b) time taken for its amplitude of vibrations to drop to half of is intial value and (c) the time taken for its mechanical ‘energy to drop to half is intial value. Answer: (a) The time period T trom Equation. s given by +. 25 ___ ose oko Yin” ar? (©) Now, trom equation, the ime, Tye forthe amplitude drop half ofits inital value is givon by Awe on™ Aye amine Aine 5 Ta 8.935 2 wep (© Forcalculating the time, tu, for ts mechanical energy to drop to half its intial value we ‘make use of equation from this equation we have. E10) Eo) Ettys) == = (erm _ 6.93 “> 2 This is just half of the decay period for amplitude. This is not surprising, because, according to Equation 4, energy depends on the square of the amplitude. Notice that there is @ factor of 2 in the exponents of the two exponentas E(oje*" te Enanele 2 sn atten 2. 24 oisuncanpe te nod angie aon soon: met.d= kes Sk F\_ vit <2 | tt oe inane |e JIN Resonance” bas nos a oo IS Ecicsing r beter tomorrow ae T0008 SE [OW ROOT Simple Harmonie Motion, FORCED OSCILLATIONS AND RESONANCE hen ssn (08 8 sine pondiun ofa Bock stacad 1 spingf paced tom enum psn and eased, Wola wih Rs naa exuecy a aeons ae cae oe oso A ee excllators evenly ot Boose he ever ser dang fees. However, extra agency cn man hse esos Tee ae cae are or anon ozone We cna case wen he eno etal pad, wih a eqn cle even tequnsy. Amos tment of led peed setter tt he stom ences ot wh entre eaency st tt feaunny xh etal agony th fo erlons aout duo damping. Amos familar exanpe ete osiaon wena i ina arden avrg petal presses Net duaha te geund (0 sonaone ose Fotealy ie chi pio marta ho xaos Sipps an exe ce F) o ampue Fe al vats prey wih ine apps oa canoes onc Such aac can bs epeered Fi) Foes on The moton oa peice Unde he combined sono ser esting fe, ame ae ara tine epee cving oes oroered by Eaton sien mal) =-kx() bl) «Fos ont suoating at eclraton Ean an eran I. 3 mE nS ca Fcon at © Te tho aqten can oir a mass man wh a pata fot aa) Heaney ot 2oloa. Te oar hy eee wi nal Hequncy. When we ape extra pete oe, the oxo he nial oquny de ou an en bay xa ith tho (ang teany of ever pede ce a depen ental sane ot, ie by ni)=Acos aes) o tet he ine measrd on he moment wen we ani h ported fe The ade Aa tnt ead tequeny vant ua aque a nays stows a hg by A-7-—_t__ @ (0? =08 J =o 6? Kir lo*-o8 ) ) ard tang ai ‘Where m s the mass ofthe particle and ve and xy are the velocity and the cisplacement of the particle at lime t = 0, which Is the moment when we apply the period force. Equation (7) shows that the ampitude of the forced oscillator depends on the (angular) frequancy ofthe driving force. We can soe a diferent behaviour of the oscillator when oes far from « and when itis close to o, We consider these two cases. (a) Small Damping, Driving Frequency far from Natural Frequency : Inthis case, ox b willbe much smaller than m(e?= of), and wo can neglect that term. Then Equation. (7) reduces to —fo _ mie? —8) @) Figure (3) shows the dependence of the displacement amplitude of an oscilator on the angular frequency of the driving force for different amounts of damping present in the system. It may be ‘noted that in all the cases the amplitude is greatest when ca /o = 1. The curves in this figure show that smaller the damping, the taller and narrower is the resonance peak Gora Otion 0S To RAE EPA, Wr Oy Wats Rod Fa wa aronce in| Ema eeresnerea tn To Fee 100 258 S565 [ GM URORERIEDUTICDROS Resonance® ma Educating for better tomerow Simple Harmonie Motion, © Example 3, Solution : Example. 4 Solution : Figure. 3 The graphs iustrate equation (7). ‘The resonant amplitude(w = o,) decreases: ‘wth increasing damping it we go on changing the ériving frequency, the amplitude tends to infinty when it equals the natural frequency. But this isthe ideal case of zero damping, @ case which never arises in a real system as the damping is never perfectly zero. You must have experienced in swing that when the timing of your push exactly matches withthe tie period ofthe swing, your swing 2s the maximum amplitude. This ampitude is lage, but not infty, because there is always some damping in your swing, Ths willbecome clear inthe ease (6) Driving Frequency Close to Natural Frequency : fos vay close to 0, m (o#= of) would be ‘much less than eb, for any reasonable value of b, then Equation, (7) reduces to Fo ob This makes it clear that the maximum possible amplitude for @ von driving froquency is governed by the diving frequency and the damping, and is never itty. The phenomenon ot increase in amplitude when th civing fore is close Yo tho natural requency ofthe osciatoris caled resonance. In our daly ife we encounter phenomena which involve resonance, Your experience with swings isa good example of resonance. You might have realise that he ski in swinging to greater heights is in the synchronization of the ehythm of pushing against the «round wit the natural requency ofthe swing AA particle of mass m is attached to a spring (of spring constant k) and has a natural angular frequency oe. An extemal force F(t) proportional to cos at (« = e) Is applied to the oscillator. The time displacoment of the oscilator willbe proportional to ” i 1 0 @—- @—t.- w ae m (oh) m (oho) eo x(t) = A cos (ast + fo) where A Fo ri (oF 08) sols? toc mal damping : ; Fo Fo fo x= {Fe Jeoslay +60) Ans. (2) ime? -oB [ rbe? ag JP In forced oscilation of a particle, the amplitude is maximum for a trequency «1 of the force, hile the energy is maximum for a frequency «2 of the force, then (er= ee Q)o:> 02 () ©; < ee when damping is small and o; > ee when damping is largo (8) @) <2 Ampltude and energy both are maximum at resonance, when driving frequency is equal to the nalural frequency of oscillation. Honce or = ae = 06 Ans. (1) Resonance venting for batter omrrow ‘Simple Harmonic Motion, Example 5, Solution: Example 6. Solutions : Example 7. Solution : Ta simple pendulum has significant amplitude (up to a factor of 1/e of original) only in the period between t = 0s to t = +s, then + may be called the average life of the pendulum, When the spherical bob of the pendulum sutlers a retardation (due to viscous drag) proportional to its volocity, with 'b’ as the constant of proportionality, the average life time of the pendulum is (assuming damping is small) in seconds 0.693 D A(t) = Aeon 1 2 a ) 4) ) @b Fs we Ao. pyertin e Inthe given question © js gen as, {--a=——py Ans (4) Tho amplitude of a damped oscillator decreases to 0.9 times its original magnitude is Ss. In another 10s it will deorease to a times its original magnitude, where w equals. (07 @)o8t (3)0.729 os A) = Boe 2 Given A (5) = 0.9 Ao A(15)= 0 A a=(099=0.723 Ans (3) Determine whether the systom is underdamped, overdamped or eritically damped, ox, 4d i) TK gs gy, Og ta It b® < dk then the system is underdamped If be > 4mk then the system is overdamped If b® = dmk then the system is critically damped (0 overdamped (i) Criteally damped Resonance” Educating for better tomorrow ‘Simple Harmonie Motion, Exercise-1 13 Marked Questions can be used as Revision Questions, PART - 1: SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS. Section (A) : Equation of SHM ‘Acta The equation of a particle executing SHM is x = (Sm)sin| (x Write down the amplitude, initial phase constant, time period and maximum speed. ‘A2. Aparticlo having mass 10 g oscillates according to the equation x = (2.0 em) sin [(100 s*) t+ x6). Find (a) the amplitude, the time petiod and the force constant (b) the position, the velocity and the acceleration at t A328 A simple harmonic motion has an amplitude A and time period T. Find the time required by it to travel = Assuming al the surfaces to be smooth, if the time period of mation of the balls N x 10-' sec then find IN. Neglect the small effect of bend near the bottom. (g = 10m/s*) ¢ 7. A block of mass m is attached to three springs A, 8 and C having force constants k, k and 2k respectively as shown in figure. If the block is slightly pushed against spring C. Ifthe angular froquency of oscilations is mass m is roleased trom height +57 rom plato. Tho particle steks to the plate, Neglecting the duration of colsion. Starting from the time when the particle sticks to plate to the time when the spring is in maximum K compression forthe rst time is 2x [=P then tnd a 92a For given spring mass systom, If the time period of small oscilations of Block about its mean position is (om KK thon find n. Assume ideal conditions. The system isin vertical plan and take K; iC «a im 40> nthe figure shown the sping is rlaxed and mass m is attached to the spring. The sping is compressed by 2 Aand leased at t= 0. Mass m colides wih the wall and loses two third fs kntc energy and retuns. Starting ftom = 0nd te time taken by It 10 come back to fest aga (stant at m2 Vk which spring is again under maximum compression). Tako A 11. A block of mass 4kg attached with spring of spring constant 100 Nim is executing SHM of amplitude 0.1m on smooth horizontal surface as shown in figure, f another block of mass 5 kg is gently placed on it atthe instant it passes through the mean position and new amplitude of motion is n-* meter then find 1. Assuming that two blocks always move together. mi k 12. The perlod of oscillation of a simple pendulum of langth L suspended trom the roof of a vehicle which colo ‘moves without friction down on inclined plane of inclination « = 60° is given by = & then find X. [UAT. (Ser) 2000, 195) JIN Resonance” [ase tm BY Ectcatng for beter tomorrow eo 1000 59S | GN WOOITRIDAT ‘Simple Harmonic Motion, Be 4, 15.20 16, Figure shows the kinotic energy K of a simple pendulum versus its angle» from the vettical. The pendulum bob has mass 0.2 kg I the length ofthe pendulum is equal to rvg meter, then find n (g = 10 ms, Kim) ie io is v ae + sy ora) ‘The bob of a simple pendulum executes simple harmonic motion in water with a period ‘t, while the period of oscillation of the bob is tein air. Neglecting frictional force of water and given that the density orn eb (40) «100 Fa wes 4 : A solid sphere of radius R is half submerged in a quid of density p. The sphere is slighty pushed down It the angular frequency of smal oscillations of athin uniform vertical rod of mass m and length ¢ hinged 2g at tho point © (Fig) is J, thon find n. Tho forco constant or oach sping is Ki2 and tako K = “The springs are of negligible mass. (g (0 mvs) Foonghynrf PART - Ill : ONE OR MORE THAN ONE OPTIONS CORRECT TYPE A paticle moves on the X-axis according to the equation (A) with ampitude x2 (@) with amplitude 2x0 (C) with time period 2 (Oywatn te period = x0 Sin? ot. The motion is simple harmonic Which ofthe following functions represent SHM? (A) sin 20t (8) sin? ot (©)sin ot «2608 ot (0) sin ot + cos 2at ‘The speed v of a particle moving along a straight line, when itis ata distance (x) from a fixed point of the line is given by v? = 108 ~ 9x? (assuming mean position to have zero phase constanl (all quantities are in ogs units) (A) the motion is uniformly accelerated along the straight line (8) the magnitude of the acceleration ata distance 3cm from the fixed point is 27 mis (C) the motion is simple harmonic about the givan fixed point. (0) the maximum displacement from the fixed point is 4 cm. A horizontal plank has a rectangular block placed on it. The plank starts oscilating vertically and simple harmonically with an amplitude of 40 cm, The block just loses contact with the plank when the latter is at momentary rest. Thon (2x (A) th period of oscitation is { 2 ) seconds (6) the biock weighs doubie its weight, when the plank is at one of the positions of momentary rest (C) the block weighs 0.5 times its weight on the plank halfway up (0) the block weighs 1 5 times its weight on the plank halfway down (E) the biock weights its true weight on the plank when the latter moves fastest W Resonsnce” ducaing for better tomorrow Simple Harmonie Motion, 5. As shown in igure horizontal platform with a mass m placed on it is executing SHM along y-axis, It the amplitude of osciation is25 cm, the minimum period of the motion for the mass not to be (Unav2) (©) for v= (vnav), y > (N2) (C) Fort = (Ti), y> (8/2) (0) Fory= (8/2), < (778) Tox The potential energy of a particle of mass 0.1 kg, moving along the x-axis, is given by U = 5x (x4) J ‘ore xs in meters. Itcan be concluded that (A) the parico is acted ypon by a constant force (B) the speed ofthe partic is maximum atx = 2m (©) the particle executes SHM (0) the period of ositaton ofthe particle is (x5) see 8. A particle free to move along the x-axis has potential energy given by U(x) = K[1—e* J fore 0) for ix] near the origin and becomes a constant equal to Vo for |x| = Xo (see figure) [VEE 2010, 33/160, -1] 9. Ifthe total eneray ofthe particles , it wll perform periaic mation ony i (WE <0 Eso ()Vo>E>0 (D)E> Vo 10, For periodic mation of smal amplitude A, tho time period T of tis partic is proportional to wale @ 1 /e © al= o 1 fe ONG OMe Yn O—ANm 11. The acceleration of this particle fore» Xots 1) poparionl (© propa Me Te (0) proportional to | Ye (0) zero (©) pros tiie t S| SR ROG Toe SR eC Pa FoF RESONSNCE” [erie mmc vena ones IY cating or botortomerrow To Fee 000 2 5 TW OERTRTPLCOROET ‘Simple Harmonie Motion, 12" A metal rod of length 'L’ and mass ‘m’ is pivoted at one end. A thin disk of mass ‘Mand radius ‘R' ( Angular frequency for case 8, (©) Angular frequency for case A < Angular trequency for case 8. ‘Comprehension-3 13, 14, Phase space diagrams are useful tools in analyzing all kinds of dynamical problems. They are especially Useful in studying the changes in motion as initial postion and momentum are changed, Here we consider somo simple dynamical systems in ane-dimansion. For such systams, phase space is a plane in which Position is plated along horizontal axis and momentum is plotted along Vertical axis, The phase space diagram Is il) vs. p() curve in this plane. The arrow on the cutve indicates the time flow. For example, the phase space diagram for a particle moving with constant velocity is a straight line as shown in the figure. We use the sign convention in which position or momentum. Upwards (or to right) is positive and downwards (or to lft) is negative. [JEE 2011, 353/160, —1] Posten “The phase space diagram for a ball thrown vertically up from ground is Momentum ® Position Momeetum Momentum © o) Postion ‘The phase space diagram for simple harmonic motion is a circle centered at the origin, In the figure, the two circles represent the same oscillator but for diferent intial conditions, and E+ and Es are the total mechanical energies respectively. Then (A) E, = V2E, (8) E, JN Resonance” BY Ecicatng for beter tomorrow eo 1000 2585s | GN LOOITAIDT ‘Simple Harmonic Motion, 18. 16, aN Consider the spring-mass systom, with the mass submerged in waler, as shown in the figure. The phase space diagram for one cycle of this system is wun Momentum a ® Poston pee TT Momentum Momentun (© oO. A). If the maximum separation between them is (Xo-+ A), the phase difference between tieir motion is: [AIEEE - 2011, 4/120, ~1} (1) na (2) x8 (04 (a) x6 It a simple pendulum has significant amplitude (up to a factor of 1/e of original) only in the period botwoen t = 0s tot = (a, 5) OQ 4 5 oO 7 © & © 1% @ 1 (AD) 13, (0) 14. ® 1% B17. (AD) 19. (BD) (&) > PORT: () PRT (ABD) 22. 2.09 PART-II @ 2 (3) 3 mw 5 4) 6 4 8 4) 8 Q om a) 12 a 14% @) 5, oom @ (ec) (ABCD) (80) (acy (0) @ BB (>), + (c) (0) O) (©) cy ©) +S; (0) +P.ARS; ay (ty a) @ @ Resonsnce” IN Estcatin or beter tomorrow ‘Simple Harmonie Motion, High Level Problems CHLP) SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. What would be the period of the free oscillations of the system shown here if mass Mi is pulled down litle force constant of the spring is k, mass of fixed pulley is negligible and movable pulley is smooth M, Mk 2. A constant force produces maximum velocity V on the block ‘connected to the spring of force constant K as shown in the fig. When k . the force constant of spring becomes 4K, then find maximum velocity | ofthe block, Assume that initially the spring isin relaxed state, 3 Two point massos my and me are fixed to alight rod hinged at ono end. The massos are at distances (; and (2 fespectively from the hinge. Find the time period of oscillation (small amplitude) ofthis system in seconds if m; =me, (= 1m, (@= 8m. am, ' m, 4. A-solid sphere (radius = R) rolls without sipping in a cylindrical vessel sR (at « Sf) Find he argue Fein) of sna oases of be serene Take R= “Levan = 1? nr isd a a) 5. A particle of mass m is suspended at the lowor end of a thin rod of negligible ‘mass, The upper end of the rod is free to rotate in the plane of the page about a horizontal ax's passing through the point . The spring is undeformed when the ‘0d is vertical as shown In tig. If the petiod of osciation ofthe system is 2,| Vo whon itis sight displaced ftom its mean postion ton nd, Take k = SL and g = toms? Resonance” Educating for batter tomorow Yor ree Ta 25 S62 [O= VOOIRIOTT ‘Simple Harmonic Motion, T velocity ofa parlicle moving along a straight line changes sinusoidally with time as shown in the given graph. Find the average speed over time interval t intogor. tot (2n = 1) seconds, n being any positive ‘Two simple pendulums A and B having lengths / and (/4 respectively are released from the postion as. shown in figure. Calculate the time after which the release ofthe two stings become parallel for the frst time. Angle 8 is vory small A A patticle of mass ‘m’ is moving in the xy plane such that its x and y coordinate vary according to the law x=asin otand y~a cos ot where a! and ‘o” are positive constants and is time. Find (a) equation of the path, Name the trajectory (path) (b) whether the particle moves in clockwise or anticlockwise direction (¢) magnitude of the force on the particle at any time t Two non-viscous, incompressible and immiscible liquids of densities p and 1.5 pare poured into the ‘wo limbs of a circular tube of radius Rand small cross-section kept fixed in a vertical plane as shown in ig, Each liquid occupies one-fourth the circumference of the tube, (a) Find the angle 6 thatthe rads to the interface makes with the vertical in equilibrium postion. (b) Ifthe whole liquid column is given a small displacement from its equilibrium position, show that the resulting oscillations are simple harmonic. Find the time period of these oscillations. Resonsnce” ducaing for better tomorrow Simple Harmonie Motion, 70. 1" 12, 13, “Two identical balls A and B, each of mass 0.1 kg, are attached to two identical mass less springs. The spring-mass system is constrained to move inside a rigid smooth pipe bont in the form of a circle as shown in the figure. The pipe is fixed in a horizontal plane. The centres of the balls can move in a circle of radius 0.06 m. Each spring has a natural length of 0.062 metre and spring constant 0.1 Nim. Initially, both the balls are displaced by an angle 6 = 2/6 radian with respect to the lametor PQ of the circle (as shown in fig.) and released trom rest. () Calculate the frequency of oscillation of ball B. (i). Find the speed of ball A when A and B are at the two ends of the diameter PO, (i) What is the total energy of the system ? (1903; 6m) ‘Two light springs of force constant k; and ke and a block of mass m are in one line AB on a smooth horizontal table such that one end of each spring is fixed to rigid supports and the other end is free as shown in the figure. The distance CD between the free ends o the spring is 60 cm. If the block moves along AB with a velocity 120 cmis in between the springs, calculate the period of oscillation of the block, (ks =1.8 Nim, ke = 3.2.Nim, m = 200 9) 11985 64 k-80 cm Ty, Two wheels which are rotated by some external source with constant angular velocity in opposite directions as shown in figure. A uniform plank of mass M is placed on it symmetrically. The friction co-etticient between each wheel and the plank is 1. Find the frequency of oscillations, when plank is. slightly displaced along Is length and released ® @ }-——— 2 ——} ‘The Cubic Potential : Consider particle of mass m moving in one dimension under the intluence of moh a xt 2 3 Here o, and a are real and postive. (a) Sketch typical plots of u(x) and idenity extrema if any potential enoray u(x) = (b) Consider tho case where (in appropriate units) wo have m = 1, o= /B,a=1 ands = 1/2. Skotch the potential energy u(x). I the total energy of the particle moving in this one-dimensional potential is E = 0 (in samo units) discuss the motion of the particle in terms of alowed regions, boundedness ‘and perio, Resonsnce” IS testing or bot tomerow ‘Simple Harmonic Motion, 14 Two blocks of masses m; = 1.0 kg and me = 2.0 kg are connected by a massless elastic spring and are at est on a smooth horizontal surface with the spring at its natural length, Fy] om, A horizontal force of constant magnitude F = 6.0 Nis applied to the block m; fora certain time tin which im; suffers a displacement Axs = 0.1 m and Axe = 0,05 m. Kinetic energy of the system with respect to center of mass is 0.1 J, The force F is then withdrawn, (a) Calculate t (b) Calculate the speed and the kinetic energy of the center of mass after the force is withdrawn, (6) Calculate the energy stored in the system 1 2 ve a 8 5 8 x fe 5 8 6 fms 7. | z 3 Vo 8. (a) x® +? =a®, circle (b) The particle moves in clock wise sense. (c)The magnitude of force = m Ja =a? = moka aa _[e 9 ajtans(t wa 1 fers 1 tet wy (i394 10 1. a ote LES th @y-oocce — yaestosy tH, 808 3-3 1 any 18. (b)between x = 0 and x = Uls He). So, KE. Is wve. ir) 14 (aj026s © (b) 0.52ms,0.40J (@) 0.204 JIN Resonance” [ase voces eer omemeneree IS Ecicaing for beter tomorrow 355 [ ON LOOTRIDOTA

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