David Li: Education

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lidavid1773@gmail.com | 1- (646)-321-8655 | GitHub | LinkedIn

Stony Brook University, State University of New York, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Expected Spring 2023
Relevant Coursework: Data Structures & Algorithms, Fundamentals of Software Development, System
Fundamentals/Computer Organization, Programming Abstractions, OOP

Work Experience
Treehouse Strategy & Communications
Web Developer Intern February 2022 - Present
● Collaborated in an agile environment to develop features of an interactive web application.
● Communicated with team members during daily standup meetings to come up with effective solutions
and implementations.
● Contributed to user interface/user experience design.

Knugenx Learning Center New York, NY

Teacher Assistant June 2017 - March 2018
● Mentored and supervised multiple classes of nearly fifteen students.
● Collaborated with multiple teaching staff to prepare curriculum based lesson plans and weekly
homework assignments.
● Coordinated one on one meetings with parents to provide feedback to their child.

Sorting Algorithm Visualizer | JavaScript, ReactJS, HTML, CSS
● An application that visualizes sorting algorithms to help people better understand them.
● Learned how to think in ReactJS to design and build web applications.
● Gained an in-depth understanding of different sorting algorithms.
● Functionality includes Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Bubble Sort.

Maze Solver | Scala, JavaScript

● An application which visualizes the shortest path out of a maze through a GUI.
● Implemented BFS/DFS to determine the path to take.
● Grasped a deeper understanding of how data structures and algorithms are utilized to solve problems.
● Gained a deeper understanding of how event-driven programming works.

Mock Stack Overflow | ReactJS, Node, Express, MongoDB/MySQL

Technical Skills
Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, Python, C
Web Development: HTML, CSS, ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS
Other tools: MySQL, MongoDB, Git, Scrum

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