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RIGID BODY DYNAMICS Contents Particular’s Page No. Theory 001 - 046 Exercise 1 047 - 061 Part-I ‘Subjective Question Part-I Only one option correct typo Part-I Match the columa Exercise - 2 062-073 Part-I Only one option correct type Part-I ‘Single and double value integer typo Part-I (One or More than one option correct type Part-IV: Comprehension Exercise - 3 073 ~ 086 Part-I JEE|Advanced) / IIT-JEE Probloms (Previous Years) Part-I JEE(Main) / AIEEE Problems (Previous Years) Answer Key 087 - 088 High Level Problems (HLP) 089 ~ 088 Subjective Question ‘Answer Koy 098 - 099 JEE (ADVANCED) SYLLABUS Figid body, moment of inertia, parallel and perpendicular axes theorems, moment of mera of uniform bodies with simple geometrical shapes; Angular momentum; Torque; Conservation of angular momentum: Dynamics of rigld bodies with fixed axis of rotation; Rolling without slipping of rings, cylinders and spheres; Equilibrium of rigid bodies; Colision of point masses with rigid bodies. JEE (MAIN) SYLLABUS Basie concopis of rotational motion; moment of a force, torque angular momentum conservation of angular momentum and its applications ; moment of inertia, radius of gyration. Values of moments of inertia for simple geometrical objects, parallel and perpendicular axes theorems and their applications. Rigid body rotation, equations of rotational mation 3 coppape eared Rigid Body Dynamics + Tmagination is more important than knowledge. Everything should be made as simple os possible, but not simpler = Albert Einstein RIGID BODY DYNAMICS 4. RIGID BODY Rigid body is defined as a system of particles in which distance between each pair of particles remains constant (with respect to time). Remember, rigid body is a mathematical concept and any system wich satisfies the above condition is said to be rigid as long as it satisfies i A 8 ‘System behaves as 2 rigid body mew [a 8 ‘Systom behaves as a non-rigid body ‘© A& Bare beads which move on a circular fixed ring 4 sy Al © (0,40) A+ Bisa rigid body system but + B + ring is non-rgid system A+ Bis nonvigid system ‘© Ita system is rigid, since there is no change in the distance between any pair of particles of the system, shape and size of system remains constant, Hence we intultely feel that while a stone OF cricket ball are rigid bodies, a balloon or elastic string Is non rigid. But any ofthe above system is rigid as long as relative distance does not change, whether itis a cricket ball or a balloon. But at the moment when the bat hits the cricket ball or if tho balloon Is squeezed, relative distance changes and now the system behaves like a non-tigid system, ‘© For very pair of particles in a rigid body, there is no velocty of separation or approach between the particles, Le, any relative motion of a point B on a rigid body with respect to ‘another point A on the rigid body will be porpandicular to ine joining A to B, hance with respect to any arcle A ofa ig body the motion of any other particle B of tha rigid body is circular motion. Letvelocities of A and B with respect ground be V, and Vg respectively n the figure below. v,sing A, V.c050, vesine, 8 ve Vpcose, I tho above Body is rigid Va cas 61 = Vs cos 62 (velocity of approach / separation is zor0) Vas = relative velocity of B with respect to A Voq= Va sin 0; + Vo sin Ge (which s perpendicular to line AB) 8 will appear to move in a circle to an observer fixed at A yes Resonance? [reser Esheatng beter tomsirow | Torrie TT Hr [GH SORA Rigid Body Dynamics '& Wet. any pont ofthe rigid body the angular velocity of all other points of the that rigid body is same, © Suppose A, B, C is @ rigid system hence during any mation sides AB, BC and CA must rotate through the same angle, Hence all the sides rotate by the same rate, wo w From figure (i) angular velocity of A and B wet Cis o, From figure (i) angular velocity of A and C wrt. Bis 0, Types of Motion of rigid body -— Pure Translational Pure Rotational ‘Combined Translational and Motion Motion Rotational Motion 1 Pure Translational Motion : A body is said to be in puro translational motion, if the displacement of each particle of the system is same during any time interval. During such a motion, all the particles have same displacement (8) velocity (7) and acceleration (@) at an instant Consider a system of n pattcle of mass ms, ms, ms, ... My under going pute translation then from above detintion of translational motion a, A, ~ 4 (say) and Vy =V2=Vg =soy = ¥ (Say) From Newton's laws for a system. Fox = ma + ma +ma, + Poe Where M =Total mass of the body a B= my, + mas + my, + B-Mv Toll Kinetic Energy of boay = 3 mvie+ mews Me JN Resonence” IS Estrin for beter tomorrow [rote Ta00 258 5s [CW VausiIPIPLCOaAE Rigid Body Dynamics Pure Rotational Motion : Figure shows a rigid body of arbitrary shape in rotation about a fixed axis, called the axis of rotation. Evory point of the body moves in a circle whose center lies on the axis of rotation, and evary point moves through the same angle during a particular time interval. Such a motion is called pure rotation. ™ Wo know that each particle has same angular velocity (since ‘ the body i il) 60, Vs = Of Ve = Of, V8 = Of8 on Vo Of x 1 1 sis of rtabon Total Kinetic Energy = Lmivit + Lmove + rms ay= privé + Lov = 2 im? emees Joe «toate Femme. eal rome tina) © = angular speed of body. Combined Translational and Rotational Motion : A body is said to be in combined translation and rotational motion if all point in the body rotates about an axis of rotation and the axis of rotation moves with respect to the ground. Any general motion of a Tigid body can be viewed as a combined translational and rotational motion, Solwed Examples Example 1, A body is moving down into a well through a rope passing over a fixed pulley of radius 10 cm. ‘Assume that there is no slipping between rope & pulley. Calculate the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the pullay at an instant when the body is going down at a speed of 20 cm/s and has an acceleration of 4.0 m/s? espe ey 4.0 mis® 2 Example 2, A disc rotates with a uniform angular accoleration of 2.0 rads® about its axis. Ifthe disc starts from rest, how many revolutions will it make in the first 10 seconds? Solution: The angular displacement inthe frst 10 seconds is given by toe 1 » oat + at? = 2 (2.0 radist) (108)? = 100 rad, poe 3 (10s) ‘As the whoo! tums by 2x radian in each revolution, the number of revolutions in 10s is Example 3. Tho wheel of a motor, accolorated uniformly trom rest, rotatos through 5 radian during the fist second. Calculato the angle rotated during the next second, Solution: As the angular acceleration is constant, we have 1 Thus, Srad= 4 a (15° pal 1oradis? or a= 10 rads? The angle fotated curing he fst two seconds is = 1 « (10 ras) (25) = 20 rad Thus, the angle rotated during the 2” second is 20 rad ~ § rad = 15 rad | Si Tow FRC Wa ns Ron KF a BS Ecucsing or beter tomerton | ProtFreer TaN 2ST SE ON TURIOMORTOT Rigid Body Dynamics Example 4, Solution : Example 5. Solution = ‘Starting from rest, a fan takes four seconds to attain the maximum speed of 400 rpm (revolution per minute), Assuming uniform acceleration, calculate the time taken by the fan in attaining halt the maximum speed. Let the angular acceleration be «. According to the question, 400 revimin = 0.4 04 @ Lott be the time taken in attaining the speed of 200 revimin which is half the maximum. Then, 200 revimin = 0+ at (iy Dividing (i by (i), we get t= 200, The motor ofan engine is ong aout sans with an angular vod of 120 revit. tomes to ral In 10 6, afer bong swiiced off the engine. Assuming union anguar decelerate the number orevottons made by i before coming fest The inal angular velocity - 120 revimirute =) ad's Final angular veloty =o. Tmo ntoval 108 Lottho anger acebraton boa. Using the equation © oe (te/0) rae The angle rotted by he motor cng hs moons 1 gen (44%) (109-1 (4698 ats Lore (45!) (05) - 1 ($512 = 202 rad = 10 rvoltons Hence he motor oats tuough 10 revolutions before coming to rest. op + at, we obtain (rose "B @ MOMENT OF INERTIA (I) ABOUT AN AXIS : of a system of n particles about an axis is defined as Tem t@ mete + more ie / -y whe, Its perpendcularestance of mass mom axis \ of rotaion ub, Suntec Moment of ora i Kr. Moment of ria sa scalar positive cuanty, (ii) Fora continuous system : 1 fein ora dm » mass of a sma lament ‘epepondeulr distance of he mass ela om th axis omen of ert depends on () dans of he mato! of body {shape & zo of boy Wi) a ot otaton Inttly we can say that pends upon cstrbuton of mas lave tax of aon, Note : Moment of inertia does not change if the mass () fs ted parte to thea lhe eatonbecase doesnot change (i) ead abou a of rtaton na eu path because Sos nt change TS sat cation JN Resonsnce” NY Ecicatig tor betertomoron Rigi Body Dynamics —$________—4- Solued Examples Example 6. Two particles having masses m; & me are situated in a plane perpendicular to line AB at a distance of 1 and ts respectively as shown, (i) Find the moment of inertia of the system about axis AB ? (i) Find the moment of inertia of the system about an axis passing through ms and pporpendicular to the line joining ms and mo ? (ii) Find the the moment of inertia of the system about an axis passing through m; and ms? (iv) Find moment of inertia about axis passing through centre of mass and perpendicular to line Joining ms and me Solution: (i) Momento inertia of particle on lefts 1) = mire Moment of Inetia of particle on right is Te = mere Moment of Inertia of the system about AB is I= Iv+ Ie = muta? + mate? (i) Moment of inertia of particle on let is 11 Moment of Inertia of particle on rights Ie = ma{ts + 12) ‘Moment of Inertia ofthe system about AB is 1 (li) Moment of inertia of particle on tot is 1+ Moment of Ineitia of particle on right is Te = 0 Moment of Inertia of the system about AB Is I=Ir+ Is = 0 + 0 p+ b= 0+ me (+n (iv) Contre of mass of system rou = my = Distance of centre mass from mass ms Distance of contre of mass from mass me= m, ‘So moment of inertia about contre of mass = tan = m,| my—" 2). ma| mF) Tow = Me (ty 4 122 my =m Example 7. Four patcles each of mass m are Kept at the four comers of a square of edge a, Find the ‘moment of inertia of the system about a line perpendicular to the plane of the square and passing through the centve ofthe square. ms Solution: The perpendicular distance of every particle trom the given tine is al Y2 . The moment of inertia By \mae of one particle i, therefore, m(a/V2)* = Sma?. The moment of inetia of the system is, therefore, i 4 A mae = ama 2 Resonsnce” BS Ectcating for beter tomorrow | rorFrew: 1a00 2555565 [GIN URIRERIEOTFLCOENOS Rigid Body Dynamics Example 8. Solution : Example 9. Solution : Example 10. Solution Three particles, each of mass m, are situated at the vertices of % ‘an equilateral triangle POR of side a as shown in figure Calculate the moment of inertia ofthe system about ()Thotine PX perpendicular to PQ in the plane of PAR. (il) One ofthe sides ofthe triangle POR (li) About an axis passing through the centroid and perpendicular to plane ofthe triangle POR, pl (0. Perpendicular distance of P trom PX Perpendicular distance of Q from PX = a Porpendicular distance of A trom PX = al2 Thus, the moment of inartia of the particle at P = 0, of the particle at Q - ma, and of the partici at R= m(al2)*. The moment of inertia of the thrae-particle system about PX is, Sma? 4 [Note that the particles on the axis do not contribute to the moment of inertia, (i), Moment of ineria about the side PR = mass of particle Q x square of perpendicular Os ma? + miaz}? = distance of @ from side PR, tra (li) Distance of controid from all the particle is -., so moment of inertia about an axis and ve passing through the centroic perpendicular plane of triangle POR = In 8 Calculate the moment of inertia of a ring having mass M, radius Rand having uniform mass distribution about an axis passing through the centre of ring and perpendicular fo the plane of ring ? fiom @ Because each element is equally distanced from the axis sor = R Fe fam =n? 12 MRE (Note ; Answer wil remain same even if the mass is nonuniformly distributed because Jom=m aways.) CCaleulate the momento inert ofa uniform rod of mass M and length about an axis 1,2, Sand 4 = fiom ti fam =f (Mae 12 (axis 8 passing through the axis of rod) JN Resonsnce®” \ ed Rigid Body Dynamics Example 11. Determined the moment of inertia of a uniform rectangular plate of mass, side 'b’ and 'c" about ‘an axis passing through the edge 'b' and in the plane of plate, | Solution: Each section of dm mass rod in the rectangular plate has moment of inertia about an axis passing through im edge me Jam = a Sot~ fat= 3 Example 12. Find out the moment of Inertia of figures shown each having mass M, radius Rand having Uniform mass distibution about an axis passing through the centre and perpendicular to the © a Solution: MRF (infact MI of any part of mass M of a ring of radius R about axis passing through geometrical centre and perpendicular to the plane of the ring is = M2) Q @ (ii Moment of inertia ofa large object can be calculated by integrating N..of an element ofthe object: Jatcemere Where dt = moment of inertia of a small element. Element chosen should be such that : either perpendicular distance of axis from each point of the element is same or the moment of inertia of the element about the axis of rotation is known, Solued Examples Example 13. Determine the moment of Inertia of a uniform disc having mass M, radius about an axis passing through centre & perpendicular to the plane of dise ? \ sotution: —1- fang amn= Mr (te we have sed he norm mass don mre JN Resonsnce” Educating for beter tomorow Rigid Body Dynamics Example 14. Calculato tho moment of inertia of a uniform hollow cylinder of mass M, radius A and length ¢ about is axis Solution: Moment of inertia of a uniform hollow cylinder is flema? =a °B TWO IMPORTANT THEOREMS ON MOMENT OF INERTIA () Perpendicular Axis Theorem [Only applicable to plane laminar bodies (i. for 2 dimensional objects only] Body isn F2p.an6 lf axis 1 & 2 are in the plano of the body and perpendicular to each other. ‘Axis 9 in perpendicular to plane of 1 & 2 Thon, Ip =1; + Ie ‘= The point of intersection of the three axis need not be center of mass, it can be any point in the plane of body which lies on the body or even outside it, — Solued Examples Example 15. _Calculato the moment of inertia of a uniform disc of mass M and radius R about a diameter. c > al Solution: Lot AB and CD be two mutually perpendicular diameters of the disc. Take them as X and Y-axes and the line perpendicular to the plane of the disc through the centre as the Z-axis. The ‘moment of inertia of the ring about the Z-axis is 1 eke th dei, of darts ot ey From orp ro L=be+h, Hence = = MBE Resonance” Educating for better tomorow Ta Fee 000 FSS TEM WSORTERID Rigid Body Dynamics Example 16. Solution = Example 17. Solution : Example 18. Solution : Two uniform identical rods each of mass M and longtharo joined to form a cross as shown in figure. Find the moment of inertia of the cross about a bisector as shown dotted in the figure, Consider the line perpendicular to the plane of the figure through the centre of the cross, The Me moment of inertia of each rod about this line is Mand hence the moment af inertia of the 12 crests ME theme nat th esos obser ae iby sty and according to the theoram of perpendicular axes, the moment of inertia of the crass about 2 In the figure shown find moment of inertia ofa plate having mass M, length ¢ and width b about axis 1,2,3 and 4, Assume that mass is uniformly distributed 42 el i F ‘Moment of ineitia of the plate about axis 1 (by taking rods perpendicular to axis 1) b= Mbe/3 ‘Moment of inetia of the plate about axis 2 (by taking rods perpendicular to axis 2) e=Meri2 ‘Moment of ineitia of the plato about axis 3 (by taking rods perpendicular to axis 3) = Mbe/ 12 ‘Moment of inertia of the plate about axis 4 (by taking rods perpendicular to axis 4) LeMe/s In the figure shown find the moment of inertia of square plate having mass m and sides a ‘About an axis 2 passing through point C (centre of mass) and inthe plane of plate. 1 re 4 t Using perpendicular axis theorems Ie = Ie + Ie = 21 Using perpendicular theoroms fe = Is +I 2 2 = 21 r 2 2 mat mat 1-2-7 = or 6 12 JN Resonence” NS Ectesiing ter betsrtomoron Rigid Body Dynamics Example 19. Find the moment of Inertia ofa uniform disc of mass M and radius R about a diameter. Solution: Consider x & y two mutually perpendicular diameters of %m the ring hela: 1, =I; (due to symmetry) Q. (i) Parallel Axis Theorem (Applicable to planer as well as 3 dimensional objects): 14s = Moment of Inertia of the object about axts AB ; Jim = Moment of inertia of the object about an axis passing through contro of mass and paral to axis AB M.-Total mass of object yrpondicular distance between axis AB about which 8 ‘moment of inertia is to be calculated & the one passing through the centre of mass and parallel toi Is = lon + MO Solued Examples Example 20. Find out relation botwoon 1) and 1 1s and le moment of inertia ofa rigid body mass m about an axis as shown in figure. Solution: Using parallel axis theorem 1 =Io-+mat (1) To= Ios mbe @) From (1) and (2) ; 1) le = m(a®—b®) Example 21. Find the moment of inertia of a uniform sphere of mass m and radius R about a tangent if the spheres () solid (i) hollow torso soa tan~ 2m =A 7 ne . 5 trtlon spe ar= Be, dR Fog co 0G Tones ASRTE PTR 3 Wa ts Rend Roa Pa Resonence” ECLeaing rbot tomorow _Rlgid Body Dynamics fi- Example 22, Calculate the moment of inertia of a holow eyinder of mass M and radus A. about a tne pal! fo the axis ofthe eyinder and on the surtae of the cylinder Solution : Tho momont of nota of ho cyindr about its axis = MR Using parale axes theorem, I= In+ MRP = MRF + MRF = 2 MRE Similar, the moment of neta ofa hollow sphere about atangentis 2 5 2 wane «in? Sine 3 3 Example 23. Find out the moment of inertia of a semi clular dise about an axis passing through its centro of ‘mass and perpendicular tothe plane? Solution: Moment of inertia of a semi circular disc about an axis passing through centre and MR? 2 Using parallel axis theorem I = Teu + Md®, dis the perpendicular distance between two parallel axis passing through centre C and COM, : : ME ews) porpendicular to plano of disc Example 24. Find the moment of inertia of tho two uniform joint rods having mass m each about point P as shown in figure, Using parallel axis theorem, Solution: Moment of inertia of rod 1 about axis P 1: = 2 2 ta Moment et ine of 042 about ads, ie= ™ 6 m( VEL! goyaf v5.12 ‘So moment of inertia of a system about axis P 2 3412 2 +m 55) I-heke me List of some useful formule = Object Moment of Inertia Solid Sphere Bt ape 2 un? (Uniform) BMA? (Uniform) JN Resonsnce” NY Esicating ter betertomoron Rigid Body Dynamics Hollow Sphere uw Ring. Dise Hollow cylinder 2uaRe MR® (Uniform 5 form) MR® (Uniform or Non Uniform) Mt Nt i MRE (Uniform or Non Uniform) mi Solid cylinder MR? MAR Unitorm) Thin rod cor — ME wnt ME (untrm) so > a Me ent) ° Resonence EcLeain or bet tor orow Rigid Body Dynamics Two thin rod a 20 nt) Rectangular Plate W Ma? +P) nitorm) df r= ME Unitorm) » Square Plate Q Bua = tor = M2 (Unitorm ico = tor = NE (Uniform) w c Square Plate Ma? Ma (Uniorm d 1 (Union) Mat sb? 12 > (Unitorm) 4. RADIUS OF GYRATION As a measure of the way in which the mass of rigid body is distributed with respect to the axis of rotation, we define a new parameter, the radius of gyration (k). Its related to the moment of inertia and total mass ofthe body, MIke where I= Moment of Inertia of a body M.- Mass of a body K = Radius of gyration = Length K is the geometrical property of the body and axis of rotation S11. Unit of Kis meter. JN Resonsnce” =a \ oe rd — Salued Examples Example 25. Find the radius of gyration ofa solid uniform sphore of radius R about its tangent 2 ap? amp? = ZmA? fr, 2mm? sme? = Zima? =mk? = K~ ER amr ™ Vs Example 26. Find the radius of gyration ofa holow uniform sphore of rads R about Its tangent. Solution : Solwion: omental sper abouta tng. = Sur 5 6 wre. Sure = - {or aN Koa! Q. 5. | MOMENT OF INERTIA OF BODIES WITH CUT : Solued Examples Example 27, A uniform disc of radius R has a round disc of radius R/9 cut as shown in Fig. .The mass of the remaining (shaded) portion of the disc equals M. Find the moment of inertia of such a dise rolative to the axis passing through geometrical contre of original disc and perpendicular to the plane of the disc. Solution: Lot the mass por unit area of the material of disc bo c. Now the emply spac can be considered as having density ~> and o, Now Tom lo4+Le (o sRE)RE2 = ML. of « about o -o7(RV3) (29.3) Mil. of-c about o Ans. Example 28. Find the moment of inertia of a uniform dise of radius Ri having an empty symmetric annular rogion of radius Re in between, about an axis passing through geometrical contro and perpendicular tothe dise. ‘Solution : pe M > (RF -FB) [Ry +R?) Resonance” Educating for bet toorow Rigid Body Dynamics . 6. TORQUE: ‘Torque reprasants the capabily of a force to produce change inthe rotational motion of the body. ina of acon oftoce 6.1 Torque about a point : Torque of force F about apoint ¢ =F Where F force applied P = point of application of force Q-= Point about which we want to calculate the torque. F = position vector of the point of application of force war. the point about which we want to determine the torque, 3| Pa Where © ~ angle between the direction of force and the position vector of P wrt. Q, 1. =F sin @ = perpendicular distance of lina of action of force from point Q tis also called force arm, rFsino F. =F sin 6 = component of F perpendicular to F SST unit of torque is Nm = Torque is a vector quantiy and its direction is determined using right hand thumb rule and its always Perpendicular to the plana of rotation of the body. Solued Examples Example 28. A pariclo of mass Mis leased in vertical plane from a pont Pax = x9 onthe aii fas Vertical along the y-axis ind the tovue + acing onthe parle at atin about ongin? Solution : Torque s produced bythe oreo gravy Fino k NN Resonsnce” Educating for better tomorow Rigid Body Dynamics Example 30. Solution : Example 31. Solution : Example 32. Solution = ‘A parliclo having mass m is projected with a velocity vs trom a point P on a horizontal ground ‘making an angle 6 with horizontal. Find out the torque about the point of projection acting on the particle when itis at its maximum height ? Vy o Binge Yersin2e = 1Fsing = B mg = “ m 2m" "ag vg? sin20 2 Find the torque about point O and A, Torque about point O, #=ixF, g=1+] , F=5v3i+5} 45 (1+) (v8 +5}) = 501-VaIK Torque about point A, #= i xF, =], F=Sva1+5} t= ] x (5V8I+5]) = (VER Find out torque about point A, O and B. Bio * Torque about point A, ta = faxF. ta =3i, F ix101 =0 101 Torque about point. tp =>F . & = 5). 101 = so Torque about point, % = xB, i = al+5}, F = 101 i +5)) 101 =-S0k PIN RESONSNCE” [Wessie:wenrssncsaein eat ek NS Ectesiing tor betertomarrow ‘me Oe Rigid Body Dynamics Q. 6.2 Torque about an axis : ‘The torque of a force F about an axis ABis defined as the component of torque of F about any point O on the axis AB, along the axis AB. Inthe given figure torque of F about Ois == "=F ‘The torque of F about AB, <1a is component of és along ine AB. There are four cases of torque of a force about an axis. Case! : Force is parallel tothe axis of rotation, F|| AB {AB is the axis of rotation about which torque is required FIs perpendicular oF, but Fl AB, hence fF is perpendicular to AB. ‘The component of xF along AB is, therefore, zer0. Case: The line of force intersects the axis of rotation (F intersect AB) 4 F 6 8 F intersects AB along # than F and # are along the samo line. The torque about Ois, ixF Honce component this torque along line AB is also zero, Case i: F porpencculr to AB but F and AB donot intersect A Inthe tree dimensions, Wo nes may be perpendicular without intersecting eachother. “Two nonparalal and nonnfarseting ines are cll skow lines Figure shows the plane tough the pont of application of force P tat fs perpendicular 10 the as of rotation AB. Suppose the plane infereecs the axis a the point ©. Th force FIs im tis plan (sinco Fis porponcieuarto AB). Taking tho origin at ©, Torque = 7«F = OF x F “Thus, torque =F sin 6 = F(OS) aro OS is tho porpondicular from O to tho lino of action of tho force F.. Tho line OS is also perpendicular tothe axis of rotation. itis ths te length ofthe common perpendicular tothe force and the axis of talon The drecton of ¢ = OP » F is along the ais AB bocause ABLOP and AB 4 F. The torque about AB fs, therefore, equal tothe magnitude of ¢ thats FOS) [a Re SG Tome 06 TR We Gy Ron a PN Resonance” [its meses siem omsiees Eeeeng Se eer ere Toll Free ; 1000 258 5555 | GIN ; UBOMZRIEDUTPLODEAOSS as Rigid Body Dynamics '® Thus, the torque of F about AB = magnitude of the force F x length of the common perpendicular fo the force and the axis. The common perpendicular OS is called the lever arm of moment arm ofthis torque. Case IV: F and AB are skew but not perpendicular Hore we rasolve F into two components, one is parallel to axis and other is perpendicular to axis. Torque of the parallel part is zero and that of the perpendicular part may be found, by using the result of ease (il) Solued Examples Example 33. Find tho torque of weight about the axis passing through point P. SS Poff R= matine rand F both are at perpendicular so torque about point P = mgRsine Solution : Example 34. A bob of mass m is suspended at point O by string of length ¢. Bob is moving in a horizontal Circl find out () torque of gravity and tension about point © and O. (i) Net torque about axis 9 z Ft © 20% or (Torque about point © “Torque of tension (T), ras =O (tension is passing through point ©) Torque of gravity. ams = (mgsin 6 ‘Torque about point O° Torque ot gravity t=» =mgr r= (sin @ Solution : Torque of tension tw: = — Na=0 (acusin horizontal 0 as «» = 0 just after release) (vi) Torque = 0 when rod becomes vertical souno Ol Age Using energy conservation BL Lio energy we a o- pa Qi (When rod becomes vrtcal [sa 7. EQUILIBRIUM A systom is in mechanical equilibrium if isin translational as well as rotational oquilbsium. Forthis: Fy =0 Fret =0 (about every point) Y Resonence” Exientng or botr tomorow Rigid Body Dynamics From (6.3). if Fc =0 then yg; is same about every point Hence necessary and sufficient condition for equilibrium is Fx | Ft =0- about any one point, ‘hich we can choose as per our convenience. (yq, will automatically be zero about every point) Unetable sable Neal culo equlbrin equim The equilorium of a body is called stable if the body tries to regain its equilrium position after boing slightly displaced and released. It is called unstable if it gols further displaced after being slightly displaced and released. iit can stay in equilirium even after being slightly displaced and roleased, tis said to bo in neutral equilibrium. Solued Examples Example 39. Two boys weighing 20 kg and 25 kg are trying to balance a seesaw of total length 4m, with the fulcrum atthe centre, If one of the boys is sitting at an end, where should the other sit ? Solution: It is clear that the 20 kg kid should sit at the ond and the 25 kg kid should sit closor to the centre, Suppose his distance from the centre is x. AS the boys are in equilrium, the normal force between a boy and the seesaw equals the weight of that boy. Considering the rotational equilibrium of the seesaw, the torque of the forces acting on it should add to zero, The forces (a) (25 kg) g downward by the 25 kg boy, (©) (20 kg) g downward by the 20 kg boy, (6) woight of tho soosaw and (@ the normal force by the fulerum. Taking torques about the fulcrum, (25 kg)g x = (20 kg)g (2m) or x= 1.6m. Example 40. A uniform rod of mass m = 15 kg loans against a smooth vertical wall making an angle 6 = 37° with horizontal, The other ends rests on a rough Horizontal floor, Calculate the normal force and the friction force that the floor exerts on the rod. [Take g = 10 m/s] Solution: The foroas acting on the rod are shown in figure. They are (a) lis weight W, (©) normal force Ns by the vertical wal, (0) normal force Ne by the floor and (@) Wictional force f by the floor. ‘Taking horizontal and vertical components, Net “0 andNe = mg enon) ‘Taking torque about B. JN Resonsnce® baa cscs oo Ecusning for bet tomorrow eo 1000 58 S55 [GW VOOR Rigid Body Dynamics NAO) = mg(CB) or, Ni(AB) cose AB sing me ine or NS 9B sine or iS 2 N= 2w o o 5 «iy “The normal force by the floor is Ne = W = (15 kg) (10 mis?) The ctonal force fst N= 2 W = 100 15ON. Example 41. The ladder shown in figure has negligible mass and rests on a smooth floor. A crossbar Solution: The forces acting on aitferent parts connects the two lags of the ladder at the centre as shown in figure. The angle between the two legs is 90°. The person siting on the ladder has a mass of 60 kg. Calculate the contact forces ‘oxerted by the floor on each leg and the tension in the crossbar. [Take g = 10m/s?] are snown in fgure. Consider the vertical equilibrium of "the ladder plus the person” system. The forces acting on this system are its weight (60 ka)g and the contact force Ny + Ny = 2Ny due to the floor. Thus. 2N, = (60 kg) 9 or Ny= (80 kg) (10 mis?) = 300 N. Next consider the equilibrium of the left leg of the ladder. Taking torques of the forces acting on itabout the upper ond, Ny (2m)tan 45° =T(1m) or T=Ny2=(Q00N) x2 00 N. Q. 8. at. ANGULAR MOMENTUM (() Angular momentum of a particle about a point. Cer = L=msing at xP ort Pix Where B = momentum of particle F = position of vector of particle with respect to point © ‘about which angular momentum isto be calculated, 8 ~ angle between vectors F&P = perpendicular distance of line of motion of particle from point ©. Pax component of momentum perpendicular to F Sl unit of angular momentum is kgm2isee, Solued Examples Example 42. A particle of mass m is projected at time t= 0 from a point O with a speed u at an angle of 45° to the horizontal. Calculate the magnitude and the direction of the angular momentum of the particle about the point O at time t = wig Solution: Lot us take the origin at P, X-axis along the | horizontal and Y-axis along the vertically upward direction as shown In figure. For hhotizontal mation during the time 0 tot Ve Ucos 45° = ul V2 and x= vt = Ba" Bs os oration 05 Toes AAG DPI, Woe Oy Wala Roaa Kos RD wa aronce in| Ema: eeresonerea tn Resonence” cea 01 betr tor orow Rigid Body Dynamics For vertical motion, Ay andy = (usin 45%) t= 1 B 2 vow =F Fe -0) fas The angular momentum othe patele al ine Laboutthe cg is L= Fx B = mF = 9 enix Ty (Ive 1) =m (Raey= byw) emi [20-8 a-nS) =k Oe [weg heat) 08 | ho “Thus, the angular momentum of the partite is "in te negative 2-drection Le, perpendicular to 25 the plane of motion, going into the plana. Solued Examples Example 43. A pariclo of mass ‘m* stars moving ftom point ,¢) with @ constant volocty wi. Find out ts angular momentum about origin at tis moment what wil be the answer at the lator ime? y mu (eonstant) Solution: L --mduk Example 44. A particle of mass ‘mis projected on horizontal ground with an inital velocity of u making an ‘angle 6 with horizontal, Find out the angular momentum of particle about the point of projection when (0 itjust starts ts motion (i) itis at highest point of path (i) itjust strikes the ground, Answer: () O: (i) mucose “St ® (i) musin "S028 Solution: (i) Angular momentum about point O is zero. (Angular momentum about point A. ~B x mu cose L=mu cose 8" Ans, 5 . (li) Angular momentum about point B. mu sing usin o = S028 Ans. Resonance’ cueing for bt Rigid Body Dynamics Example 45. A particle of massim’ is projected on horizontal ground with an intial velocity of u making an ‘angle 8 with horizontal, Find out the angular momentum at any time t of particle p about WW yaxis (z-axis Solution: (i) velocity components are parallel to the y-axis. so, L-o using — gt ee jy = 12 mucose. gt =F 9 at. at =mgx = Se mgx d Jos a = Ja ‘angular momentum about the 2-axis is L=-1/2mucos 6. gi? Ans. Q. 8.2 Angular momentum of a rigid body rotating about fixed axis : Angular momentum of rigid body about the fed axis AB is A Lag = Ls Let La tae the rans, Loe my tors, Lew mereore , Le= mses, Lo= ma fa U Lig = mio + Mateos + Ma f908 ss # Me fore Lm, ne nee 7 fi Lea Sim hi xo [Le oF mp { Ls=tno A) m. Lasko Li Angular momentum of object about axis of rotation > axis of tation J= Moment of Inortia.of rigid, body about axis of rotation. mgr ‘© = angular velocity of the object. Example 46. Two patticios balls A and B, each of mass m, are attached rigily tothe ends of alight rod of length (The system rotates about the perpendicular bisector ofthe rod al an angular speed «, Calculate tho angular momentum of the individual particles and of the systom about the axis of rotation. Souton: Corie te stuton shown mtg. The vey sf —— ft be pale Ah respect othe carte Ole v= ‘The angular momentum of the particle with respect to. 4] 6 8 lz ‘same the angular momentum Le of the second particle, The angular momentum of the system is equal fo sum of these two angular momentum Le,, L = 1/2 mor? 1 the axis is Li = mvr = m| = Limo. The t Resonance” Educating for bets tomorow Rigid Body Dynamics Example 47. Two small balls of mass m each are attached toa light rod of length ¢, one atits centre and the other at a free and. The rod is fixed at the other end and is rotated in horizontal plane at an angular speed o. Calculate the angular momentum of the ball atthe end with respect to the ball atthe centre Solution: The situation is shown in figure. The velocity of the ball A with respect to the fixed end 0 is va (0/2) and that of B with respect 10 O is va = of. Hence the velocity of B with respect to A is va~va (0/2) . The angular momentum of B with respect to A is, therefore, mi J mow 1 fmol 2)2 A B SS along the direction perpencicula othe plane of rotation. Example 48. ‘A uniform circular ring of mass 400 g and radius 10 cm is rotated about one of its diameter at an angular speed of 20 radi. Find the kinetic energy of the ring and its angular momentum about the axis of rotation. Solution: The moment of inertia of the circular ring about its diameter is te. 1 r= Line = 1 (0.400 kg) (0.10 m)?=2 x 10 kg-m® Me = 5 (0-400 kg) y 9 The kinetic energy is K = La? = (2 x 10-° kgm) (400 rad?is®) and the angular momentum about the axis of rotation is L= la = (2 « 10 kg-m?) (20 rad/s) = 0.04 kg-mPis = 0.04 J-s, 8.3 Conservation of Angular Momentum, at a where + and L are about the same axis. = Angular momentum of a particle or a system remains constant if ex = O about the axis of rotation, Even if net angular momentum is not constant, one of its component of an angular momentum about an axis remains constant if component of torque about that axis is zero. wt = ad J > Charge in angular momentum, — Solved Example Example 49. A uniform rod of mass m and length ¢ can folate freely on a smooth horizontal plane about @ Vertical axis hinged at point H. A point mass having same mass m coming with an intial speed perpendicular to the rod, sikes the rod in-elastically at its free end, Find out the angular velocity ofthe rod just after collision ? Newton's 2nd law in rotation : ¢ JN Resonsnce’ pa nn Ecueating for bets tomorow Torres Tot 25 Ge | CW; URIDDIRIOT PLETE Rigid Body Dynamics Solution: Angular momentum is conserved about H because no external force is present in horizontal plane which is producing torque about H. mee 3a mul- | ame |o > oF Example 50. A uniform rod of mass ms and length / Hes on a ticionless horizontal plane, A particle of mass ‘me moving at a speed vo perpendicular to the length of the rod strikes it at a distance (/3 from the contre and stops after the collision, Calculate (a) the velocity of the centre of the rod and (©) the angular volocty of the rod about iis cantre just after the collision, Solution: The situation is shown in figure. Consider the rod and the particle together as the system. As Q. there is no external resultant force, the linear momentum of the system will remains constant, Aso there is no resultant external torque on the system and so the angular momentum of the system about the any line will remain constant. Suppose the velocity of the centre of the rod is \V and the angular velocity about the centre iso. (a) The inear momentum before the collision is mv and that after the colsion is MV. nV, or Va 2) vo m (0) Let A be the centre of the rod when it fs at rest. Let AB be the line perpendicular to the plane of the figure. Consider the angular momentum of ‘the rod plus the particle” system about AB, Inlly the rodis at rest, The angular momentum of the particle about AB is L= man (03) Alter the colision, the particle comes to rest. The angular momentum of the rod about A is Cab tm eV As gIlV. gx V=0 Thus, C= Loy Thus, mavo. Hence the angular momentum of the rod about AB is L = To AmVo on COMBINED TRANSLATIONAL AND ROTATIONAL MOTION OF A RIGID BODY : The general motion of a rigid body can be thought of as a sum of two independent motions. A transiation of some point of the body plus a rotation about this point. A most convenient choice of the Point is the contro of mass of the body as it greatly simplifies the calculations. ‘Consider a fan inside a train, and an observer A on the platform, tthe fan is switched olf while the tain moves, the motion of fan is pure translation as each point on the fan undergoes same translation in any time interval Resonence” NS Ectesiing ter betsrtomoron Rigid Body Dynamics Ic fan is switched on while the tain Isat rest the motion of fan ie pure rotation about is axle ; as each point on the axl is tres, while other points revolve about twit equal angular veloc. Ifthe fan is switched on while the tran is moving, the motion of fan tothe observer on the patorm is nether pure ranslation nor pure rotation. This maton is an example of general mation of rigid body. Now thare is an observer B inside the tan, the mation of fan wil appear to him as pure rotation Hence we can seo that the gonoral motion of fan wrt. observer A can be resolved inlo pure rotation of fan as observed by observer B plus pure translation of observer B (w.. observer A) Such a resolution of general motion of @ rig Body inlo pure foation & pure translation Is not restricted 1o just the fan inside the tain but is possible for motion of any rigid system 9.1 Kinematics of general motion of a rigid body : For a rigid body as eater stated value of angular displacement (6), angular velocity (o), angular acceleration (x) is same forall points onthe rigid body about any other point on the rigid body. Hence if we know velocity of any one point (say A) onthe rigid body and angular velocty of any point onthe rigid body about any other point on the rigid body (say a), voocity of each point on the rigid body an be calculated since distance ABs fixed Vax 1 ag so Us Voor Vox we know that o = Yea Vou = Va = ore in voctor form Vag = faq Now from relative velocity: Vaq = Va ~ Va Ve similarly 3g =g + igor any igi systom) — Solued Examples Example 51. Consider the general motion of a wheel (radius 1) which can be view on pure translation ofits Center O (wih the velocity v) and pure rotation about O (wth angular volocty w) Vn Oxhe Vs Vn = Ven = Va= Va 40 Fan Aa body Find oUt Ypo.eo.Veo.Noo #8 Va. Yp.Nentn Solution: Yao = (fio) Ino = (8) 0A) po = (eb) Yao =-ovi or(-) Voo=er(l) + Yoo =er() Ia Vo +10 =vi-ort similarly Yao Similarly Vp = Yo Veo = vi~ or} To = to + Veo Yo = Yo + Yo Resonence” Edlenting for better tomorow To Fee 800 253555 [GW UBOSTRIETOTPLRT Rigid Body Dynamics . 92 Pure Rolling (or rolling without sliding) : Pure roling is a special case of general rotation of a rigid body with circular cross section (e.g. wheel, iso, ring, sphere) moving on some surface. Hore, thera is no relative motion between the roling body and the surface of contact, atthe point of contact Here contact point is A & contact surface is horizontal ground. For pure rolling velocity of A vi. v, From above figure, for pure rolling, velocity of A wart. to plank is zero => Va =V, ~ From above figure for pure roling, velocity of A w.r1. ground is zero. = v-or=0 Similarly a Example 52. A wheol of radius r rolls (roliing without sleeping) on a level road as shown in figure. Solu . Find out voloity of point A and B ton Contact surface is in rest for pure roling velocity of point A is zero. sov=or Velocity of point B = v + or = 2v 93 Dynamics of general motion of a rigid bod: This motion can be viewed as translation of centre of mass and rotation about an axis passing through centro of mass | oy=Moment of inertia about this axis passing through COM ‘om = Nel forque about this axis passing through COM cu = Acceleration of COM eu = Velocity of COM Faq = Not external force acting on the system, Pyptem = Linear momentum of system. Lou = Angular momentum about centre of mass, JIN RESONSNCE” [Wessie:wenrssnncssen eat ck ‘ame Oi NS Ectesiing tor betertomoron - Rigid Body Dynamics ‘eu = Position vactor of COM wr. point A. then) fom =Tem (1) Egg = MB on (i) Payor (W) Total KE. (v Angular momentum about point A= C about C.M. + C of C.M. about A Ug = lem + bn MVem diy _ 4 a at ina goneral motion only and only about an axis through contre of mass. Solued Examples Example 53. A uniform sphere of mass 200 g rolls without slipping on a plane surface so that its centre moves at a speed of 2.00 cmis. Find its Kinetic energy. Solution: As the sphere rolls without slipping on the plane surface, its angular speed about the centre is o M28 (g64 Mg)» IS Nos tote olen an be ped boy o= “2. Thekineic energy is 1 1 wien? = 12 ano? + 1 nit Ka 5 leno? + 5 Mion? = 5.2 MPG» 2 Mle 1 Mts UM? = 7 Mg? = Z Ve'= 56 «105 = E Mat + Mt = Tat = 7 (020049) 0.02 mis? 55 1054 Example 54. A constant force F acts tangentially at the highest point of a uniform disc of mass m kept on a rough horizontal surface as shown in figure. if the disc ros without slipping, calculate the acceleration of the centre (C) and point A and B of the lsc. F ‘A Tough surtace Solution: The situation is shown in figure. As the force F rotates the disc, the point of contact has a tendency to slip towards lef so thatthe static fiction on the disc will act towards right, Letr be the radius of the disc and a be the linear acceleration of the centre of the disc. The angular ‘acceleration about the centre ofthe disc is « = ar, as there is no slipping For the linoar motion of the centr, earn ® {nd fore rtatoral moton about the conte Fr-trsta=(1me|(2} 0, w Fem ()ane (i, “ 2 a ane an Accleration of point Ais zero ae) _/ oF Accleration of point Bis 2a=2{ 4) =(®©) ans lan} ~ an] as oxi Toe RAG EPI, Wr Oy Nala Road Kos RD wa aroance in| Ema erosion Resonance” clean 61 beter tomorow Rigid Body Dynamics Example 55. Solution = ‘A Grcular rigid body of mass m, radius R and radius of gyration (k) rolls without slipping on an inclined plane of a inclination @. Find the linear acceleration of the rigid body and force ot friction on it. What must be the minimum value of coefficient of friction so that rigid body may roll without sliding? itis the acceleration of the centre of mass of the rigid alk body and {the force of friction between sphere and the —— plane, the equation of transiatory and rotatory motion Of the rigid body wil be. img sin 6 = (Translatory motion) Reta (Rotatory motion) mg cos® mk? due to pure roling a = aR la mgsine- 12 — mak 8 R la mg sino ~maR+ mk%a R mgsin6 =m aRs mg sine = ma Me mgsin 6 = a sine Trae P| la R mk’ = m™ ke? sing as ee nN Tir as jsmgcose ret’, , geno R FP) Alon swe > Aeshiciner > Atlow iter (2) Increasing order of required friction force for pure roling. fran cfctee > Nlow pte > Lebo > fkotce (@) Increasing order of required minimum fiction coetticient for pure roling son je > lim sre > Heskdenr > Hi JN Resonsnce” \ ed a 9.4 Instantaneous axis of rotation : Itis the axis about which the combined translational and rotational motion appears as pure rotational motion. The combined effect of translation of centre of mass and rotation about an axis through the centre of mass is equivalent to a pure rotation with the same angular speed about a stationary axis: this axis is called instantaneous axis of rotation. Itis defined for an instant and its position changes with time, 9. In pure rong the point of contact with the surface is the instantaneous axis of rotation Geometrical construction of instantaneous axis of rotation (1.A.R). Draw velocity vector at any two points on the rigid body. The LA.R. Is the point of intersection of the perpendicular drawn on them, var=2v oP Nu SE natantaneous ax Incase ot pure ong the lower pots instantaneouly als of oat, Tho motion of body puro rling can horefore by analysed as pure aon about his as Consequently ‘eee ore iro Ke tab ot \Whete ise moment of neta istataneous asso tation passing trough P — Solued Examples Example 56. — e Prave that kinotic energy = 1/2 Ip «? Lh + 2 Men? = 1 kan? + 1 Met Solution: — KE.= Limo?+ 3M + aM 1 4 (ton + MRF) oF 3! ) 1 2 Bl xin) = Notice that pure roling of uniform objet equation of torque can aso be applied about the contact port Example 57. A uniform bar of length ¢ and mass m slands vertically touching a vercal wal (y-axis). When slightly displaced, its lower end begins to slide along the floor (x-axis). Obtain an expression for the angular velocity (0) ofthe bar as a function of 8. Neglect irction everywhere, Resonsnce” Educating for beter tororow Rigid Body Dynamics Solution: The position of instantaneous axis of rotation (IAOR) is. shown in figure. (t £ c=(Lcose, Lsine ase pane) {half otto eagonal All surfaces are smooth. Therefore, mechanical energy will remain conserved. Dectease in gravitational potential energy of bar = Increase in rotational kinatic onorgy of bar about [AOR 1 f= si Ic? (1 ™95 ‘sin 8) 2 ) Horo, 1= ™° sm (abou iAOR) ot me ro, = 2 cme (about AOR) ne Substtutng na, (1), wo have é 1 {me [3a (i-sina) mg < (1-sine)= — | oF or o=/ of rman 2 (ME) oro f= Ans ‘The nature of friction in the following cases assume body is perfectly rigid v=oR vo ‘Smooth surface No fiction and pure ling (@ v=0R y, Tough surface No friction and pure rolling (Ifthe body is not perfectly rigid, then there is a small friction acting in this case which is called roling fiction), (i) v> oR or veoR e: ‘Smooth surface No ttietion force but not pure roling hero is Relative Motion at point of contact so Kinatic Friction, fx = uN will act in backward direction, This kinetic friction decrease v and increase «, so afler some time v = oR and pure rolling will resume lke in case (li) Resonence” Fe Kaa Edlenting for better tomorow Rigid Body Dynamics () ve0R he we Tough sul There is Relative Motion at point of contact so Kinetic Friction, fx = uN will act in forward direction. This kinetic friction increase v and decrease o, so affer some lime v = oF and pure rolling will resume lke in case (li) (v v= oF (initia) vo vie ‘smooth surlace No ttiction and no pure roling (wi) v= oF (initia) Tough surface Static riction whose value can be lle between zero and paN will act in backward direction. It Coofficiont of tition is sufficiently high, then f. compensais for increasing v due to F by increasing ‘© and body may continue in pure roling with increases v as well as 0. Solued Examples Example 58. A rigid body of mass m and radius + rolls without slipping on @ rough surface. A force is acting (na rigid body x distance from the centre as shown in figure. Find the value of x so that stalic friction is zero. Tough surface Solution: Torque about centre of mass Fix = Lente (1) ma 2) From eqn. (1) & (2) max=Tma (a= Note: For pure roling if any friction is required then friction force will be statics trition. it may be zero, backward direction or forward direction depending on value of x. I F below the point P then friction force will act in backward direction or above the point P friction force will actin forward direction Example 59. A cylindor is given angular velocity es and kept on a horizontal rough surface the initial velocity is 2010. Find out distance travelled by the cylinder before it performs pure rolling and work dane by tition force sonwon: jag n= MESH =~ = a » Sr Oo R o fh Ve= Us + 2as s JN Resonsnce” NS Ectesiing ter betsrtomoron Rigid Body Dynamics as re) fe=Ma Ma = Ma =4H9 8) o=on-at from equation (1) © = a — 219 usat irom equation (@) v= 9t “2 ono = e1-20 trom equation (2) BY (20s) = 21.98 oo? FR (8 us | work done by the feton force w = (fi: Fi + has) amg» 0gRE ~nmg Ago + HMB CFT 7 18 1g 1 48 = 00 xt Lal? = ox 2 ofA _ off Bug ~ Sug 28 949 205R —ymg «RE 4 amg x 7 ug 9 18g Bog? | maga? 8 18 ~amogh® ___mogh? 18 6 Alternative Solution Using work energy theorm w, +W/, +, 2 fa m2 oe 3 Te B06, PR Wey Ws Ron Rta a Resonence” ECLeaing (61 betir tomorow Rigid Body Dynamics Example 60. A hollow sphere is projected horizontally along a rough surtace with speed v and angular volocity 9 find out the ratio. So that the sphere slope moving after some time. Ou Or 4, _ fax 2 re, ving x R= Ema i, = ow scceleraton'a = ug vat ia velocity w gat; te i Tostop the sphor tn at wich v8 w are 20a, shoud bo samo Pea va 9 Sud ao 9.5 Rolling on moving surface ‘sutticiently Rough ‘smooth Friction on the plate backward or on cylinder fiction forward so cylinder move forward. + Because of pure rolling static friction f + fR_ A m F ma F-f=mb F=ma+b) aR 2 eg ee isa Ka eal) aa JN Resonsnce®” NN Estcating tor betrtomoron Rigid Body Dynamics Aconet pant ree be 2 ° am = an _ wart. plate distance is covered = / f_\ and acceleration wrt. plate (b ~ a) 1 co to-ae = pe-8) cod x eatt= 2 Solued Examples Example 61. A sold sphere lease rom rest rom the tp of anne of ncnaton 8 and length he sehere ols without sipping, wha il be ts sped wn teaches the bot ? Solution: Lttho mass ofthe spre be mands radus Suppose the Inear speedo the sphere when ireaches the bolo i. AS the phere ols without siping, is angular speed about ts xs \s 0=WF- The kl energy at ho baton wil be Tyee Lmve= 2 (2m? jot + Lmve= bmves Lmve= 2 are gmn alg amass gmap ™ This shouldbe equal the loss of potential energy mg sino. Thus, 7 sano Tove mg’ sine or v= [12 grin 10 wrens yreene Example 62. There are two cylinders of radii Ry and Re having moments of inertia I; and Ie about theit respective axes as shown in figure, Intaly, the cylinders rotate about their axes with angular speed or and oe as shown in the figure. The cylinders are moved closed to touch each other keeping the axes parallel, The cylinders frst sip over each other at the contact but the slipping finally ceases due to the friction between them. Caleulate the angular speeds of the cylinders after the sipping coases. Solution: When slipping ceases, the linear speeds of the points of contact of the two cylinders will be equal. If o's and «' be the respective angular speeds, we have 1 Pi and o's Re 0 Tho change in the angular speed is brought about by the frictional force which acts as long as the slipping exists. If this force f acts fora time t, the torque on the first cylindor is {Rs and that (nthe second is fe. Assuming «; > ae the corresponding angular impulses aro ~ 1Ryt and tRet, We, there fore, have =1 Ry t= 1h (o's 07) and {Re i (o'2= 02) “i 1, @ Pele © Pip ang o'zn 1% Fe tle % Pip, Solving (and (i) o's = anda 1. Re +, FE Tp RP ot FR Resonsnce” BS Eciesing tr pet tomron Rigid Body Dynamics Example 63. Solution : Example 64. Solution : ‘A hollow cylinder of mass m is suspended through two light strings rapped around it as shown In figure, Calculate (a) the tension T in the string and (b) the speed of the cylinder as it falls through a distance & fig The portion of the strings between the celing and the cylinder is at rest. Hence the points of the cylinder where tho strings leave it are at rest. The cylinder is thus rolling without slipping on the sirings. Suppose the centre ofthe cylinder falls with an acceleration a. The angular acceleration ofthe cylinder about its axis is «= a/R, as the cylinder does not sip over the strings. Tho equation of motion forthe contre of mass ofthe cylindor is Ng~2T =Ma 0 ‘and for the motion about the contre of mass, iis 2Tr= (Mia) =Mra or 2T = Ma From (D and (i), 9 Mg 2 ang = MB 2imt=G [As the centre of the cylinder starts moving from rest, the velocity after it has fallen through @ distance “is alven by =2(2)e a w-2 2) 1 ‘A hollow sphere of mass M and radius Ras shown in figure slips on a rough horizontal plane. At some instant it-has linear velocity vo and angular velocity aA linear velocity after the sphere starts pure rolling, Velocity of the centre = vo and the angular velocity about the contr about the centre “2 as shown in figure, Calculate the 42 Thus vo > oR, The 3. Thus vo> ooR. The sphere slips forward and thus the fiction by the plane on the sphere will act backward. As the friction is kinetic, its value is IN ~ yMg and the sphere will be decelerated by aon = M, Hence, ® This tcton wil also have a torque 1 = fr about ho conto. This torque i clockwise and inthe Giecton of o. Hens the angular acceleration about the cote willbe Rt (2/3)MR? 2MA st he clockwise angular velocity at time t will be ot) = oo + 5 ‘and the clockwise angular velocty at time t willbe oft) TMA Pure roling starts when vit) = Rott) ie., vi) = 22 4 Sh ai ure rolling starts wher Le. wt) = 3% + aay ) Sve 22 or vity= 2 Fue seo w= 2 Thus, the sphere rolls with linear velocity 4ve/S in the forward direction, JN Resonsnce” \ te ed Example 65. A rod AB of mass 2m and length ( is lying on a horizontal frictinless surface. A particle of mass 'm traveling along the surface hits the end ‘A’ of the rod with a velocity vo in a direction perpendicular to AB. The collisn is elastic. After the collision the particle comes to rest. Find out aftr colision {@) Velocity of contre of mass of red __(b) Angular volcit Solution : (a) Lot just after colison ithe sped of COM of rods v and angular velocity about COM is o. mye me a va arldcon com - ov ea 2 Before saisin —_Aterolison Extomal force on the systam (rod + mass) in horizontal plane is zor0 ‘Apply conservation of linear momentum in x direction (1) Not torque on the system about any point is zoro Apply conservation of angular momentum about COM of rod. ve = mo, Mo From eq (1) velocity of centre of mass v = “2. Mp From og (2) anuglar velocity « 10. TOPPLING : In many situations an external force is applied to a body fo cause It to slide along a surface. In certain ‘cases, the body may tip aver before siding ensues. This Is known as topping, (1) There is a no horizontal force so pressure at bottom is unform and normal is colinear with mg t tt (2) Ita force is applied at COM, pressure is not uniform Normal shifts right so that torque of N can counter balance torque of friction. Fina f N=mg f..b2=N.al2—= f,=Nab. Resonence” NS Ectesting tor betsrtomoron Rigid Body Dynamics (@) If surface is not sufficiently rough and the body slides before F is increased to Fx = mg a/b then body will slide before toppling. Once body stars sliding fricton becomes constant and hence no topping, This is the case if Fae > fe a => mgarb>umg mg a'b No butts. < alb, body will not topple any value of F applied a com Example 66. of og por fig Find out minimum value of F for toppling Solution: Never topple Example 67. A uniform cube of side ‘a’ and mass m resis on a rough horizontal table. A horizontal force F is Solution : 2ppled normal o one ofthe faces al a point eretly below the cente ofthe face, at a height & above the base, (i). Whatis the minimum value of F for which the cube begins to tip about an edge? (ii) Whats the minimum valuo of 1 50 that toppling occures, i) j= tne, tind minimum force for topping, (iv) Minimum ye so that Fisn can cause toppling () In the limiting case normal reaction will pass N through ©. The cube wil tip about O if torque of Fabout O exceeds the torque of mg a2 tooo, F (2)-mg (3) or F»2m9 {3} therefore, minimum value of Fis 2mg mg (i) In this case since it is not acting at COM, toppling can occur even after body started slinding because increasing the the torque of F about COM.hence sinin = 0, li) Now body is sliding before toppling, © is not IA... torque equation can not be applied across ‘tt can now be applied about COM. anya Fxdanad “ N=mg 2) from (1) and (2) F-2mg (wy) F>2mg (1) (from sol. (0) 2) (9) from (1) and (2) Resonsnce® Edlenting for better tomorow Rigid Body Dynamics Example 68. Find minimum value of ¢ so that truck can avoid the dead end, without toppling the block kept nit sutcionty —! rough sorecs bmg? b b Solution: ma” =v 2(2 gy 0-212 th au ™ “2g —— Self Practice Problems Problem 1. Four point masses are connected by a massless rod as shown In figure, Find out the moment of inertia of the system about axis OD ? ¢ m 2m j3m Solution: r= mi2a)? le» 2ma* b-0 = 4mae ko=h+k+b+le=10ma® Ans. Problem 2. Three point masses are located al the corners of an equilibrium triangle of side 1 em, Masses are of 1, 2 & 3kg respectively and kept as shown in igure, Calculate the moment of Inertia of systom about an axis passing through 1 kg mass and perpendicular to the plane of trianglo? 2kg tka 1M kg Solution: Moment of inertia of 2 kg mass about an axis passing through 1 kg mass he 2 (14105)? = 2at0* Moment of inertia of 3 kg mass about an axis passing through 1 kg mass x (1210) leh b= 8% 104kgm? JN Resonsnce” NS EcLesiing ter betsrtomoron Rigid Body Dynamics Problem 3. Calculate the moment of Inertia of figure shown each having mass M, radius and having Uniform mass distribution about an axis pependicular tothe plane and passing through centre? t wf © aS Solution : Problem 4. Find the moment of inertia of the uniform square plate of side ‘a’ and mass M about the axis AB. Solution : Problem. Calculate the moment of inertia of a uniform solid cylinder of mass M, radius Rand length ¢ about is axis Solon: Each segment of cyindoris sold die s0 fl MR? MET Ans. 2 Problem 6. Find the moment of inertia of a uniform rectangular plate of mass M, edges of length "and about is axis passing through contre and perpendicular to it. Lith Te B06, PR Wey Ws Reta Pa Resonance” Rigid Body Dynamics Solution Problem 7. Solution : Problem 8. Solution = Problem 9. Solution : Using perpendicular axis theorem Ia = 11 + Iz 3 Me? ne 12 fea Me M2 +b?) 2 OP f Find the moment of inertia of a uniform square plate of mass M, edge of length "¢ about iis axis, passing through P and perpendicular to it Pi Find out the moment of inertia of a ring having uniform mass distribution of mass M & radius. R about an axis which is tangent tothe ring and (i) n the plane ofthe ring (i) perpendicular to the plane ofthe ring. 0 ) 5 (0. Moment of neta about an axis passing through centre of ing and plane of the ring Using parallel axis theorem r= 1s + MR2 = MEE (i) Moment of inertia about an axis passing through centre of ring and perpendicular to palne af the ting Ic = MR? Using parallel ass theorem 1 =f» MR® = 2MRE Cakeulato tho momont of inti ofa rectangular rane termed by untorm rods having mass m each as shown f in igure about an axe passing tvough lis conte and e perpendicular tote plano of rao ? Also find moment | of notin about an axis passing through PO? s a () Moment of neta about an axis passing through fs cente and perpendcua othe plane of trame Ienlishs esl Bini Behe ME mB) > we me 12 2) ~ ©) ML abautads Pooled FO no? MA aboutaxs PO otred PS te ME ML soeutaxs POotresaR 1 BE Mabou PO os08 SR mb leh ebetene 3 JN Resonsnce®” NN Esicating tor betrtomoron Rigid Body Dynamics Problem 10. Solution : Problem 11 Solution : Problem 12. Solution : Problem 13. Solution = in the previous question, during the motion of particle trom P to Q. Torque of gravitational force about Pis (A) incteasing (8) decreasing (C) remains constant (0) first increasing then decreasing Increasing because distance from point P is increasing Determine the point of application of force, when forces are acting on the rod as shown in figure. oN 5N Le sem—-—sem—o4a7e 3N Torque of B about Az; = 3Nx5 = 15Nem (clockwise) 5N ton Torque of C about A x2 = 6N x 10 = 60 N cm (anticlockwise) Rosultant force perpendicular to the rod F = 8 N eee Fx (<= distance trom point A) = 184 60-8 = 45/8 = 5.625 om ‘A uniform rod of mass m and length ( can rotate in vertical plane about a smooth horizontal axis hinged at point H. Find angular acceleration «of the rod just aftr itis released from initial position making an angle (of 37° with horizontal from rest? Find force exerted by the hinge lust after the rod Is released trom rest. Torque about hing mca - n= $ angie vost otros eo In? aN? mg * ne Fane [BEE sins?" = gis mos 5 A uniform rod of length, mass m is hung from two stings of equal length from @ calling as shown in figure, Determine the tensions in the strings ? Lessa vee N B Tas Te=mg w Torque about point Ais zero 30 ing! Tex % i $0,Tax SF =mas “wo From eq, (i) & (i Ta=mg’3, T= 2mg3 Resonance” Cone Oi cles frbetartomerow | Propme— Rigid Body Dynamics Problem 14. Solution : Problem 15. Solution : Problem 16. Solution : A particle of mass m starts moving from origin with a constant velocity ui find out its angular momentum about origin at this moment, What will be the answer later on? What will be the answer if the speed increases. ¥ P LaFp L-ri le ®b=' Obl (0) depends on the values of t andr. B-2, The moment of inertia of a non-uniform semicircular wire having mass m and radius r about a line Perpendicular to the plane of the wire through the centre is 1 1 2 (A) maz (@) Lime (©) Lme (0) 2me (a) z oy )E B-3. Lot I, and I bo the moments of inartia of two solid cylinders of identical geometrical shape and size about their axes, the frst made of aluminium and the second af iron (Ay nete @n=1 (C) Asi (0) relation botweon 14 and 1s depends on the actual shapes ofthe bodies. eg: ce C0 Tomes NN Resonsnce” Educating for better tomorow Rigid Body Dynamics Ba. Bs. B6. Lot ly and le be moments of inertia of a body about two axes 1 and 2 respectively, The axis 1 passes through the contre of mass of the body but axis 2 doas not. (hel (8) I'l; Ne (B) Ni>Ne (C) i= Ne (OD) N: and Ne would be in the vertical directions. Section (E) : Rotation about Fixed axis (:» = Ina) E-1. A uniform circular disc A of radius + is made from a metal plate of thickness t and another uniform circular disc 8 of radius 4r is made trom the same metal plate of thickness V4. If equal torques act on the dises A and B, initially both being at rest. At a later instant, tha angular speeds of a point on the rim of A and another point on the rim of B are «x and os respectively. We hava (A) on> 0 (8) on= on (C) once (0) the relation depends on the actual magnitude of the torques. E-2. body is rotating with constant angular velocity about a vertical axis fixed in an inortal frame. The not force on a particle of the body not on the axis is (A) horizontal and skow with the axis (8) vertical (©) horizontal and intersecting the axis (0) none of these. E-3, One end of a uniform rod having mass m and length « is hinged. The rod is placed on a smooth horizontal surface and rotates on it about the hinged end at a uniform angular velocity «. The force ‘exerted by tha hinge on the rod has a horizontal component mer (20 ome odn E-4, The uniform rod of mass 20 kg and length 1.6 m is pivoted at its end and swings freely in the vertical Plane. Angular acceleration of rod lust after the rod is released rom rest in the horizontal position as shown in figure is Tom 189 1% 169 9 "6 Ore 55 a5 E-5. Two mon support a uniform horizontal rod at its two ends. If ono of them suddenly les go, th force exerted bythe rod onthe other man just ate this moment wil (A) remain unaected (2) increase (©) decrease (0) bocome unequal othe force exerted by him onthe red “ JN Resonsnce” NY Ecicating tor betertomarow Rigid Body Dynamics Section (F) : Rotation about fixed axis (energy conservation) FA. uniform metre stick is held vertically with one end on the floor and is allowed to fall. The speed of the other end when it hits the loor assuming thatthe end atthe floor does nt slip iG ©) (01 55 OG F:2.. A uniform rod is hinged as shown in the figure and is released from a horizontal position, The angular volocity ofthe rod as it passes the vertical postion is: (axsis fixed, smooth and horizontal) hinge CoO) Co fee a (Cc) (p) [29 OV Oar Section (G) : Angular Momentum & its conservation GG. constant orqueactingon a untorm ccuar wheel changes its angular momentum fo Ao 10 4A in 4 sec the magnitude of tis torques (Ayano ms (0) 30/8 (0) 1280 fea S V3e G2. Apatticie moves with a constant velocity parallel to the Y-axis ts angular momentum about the origin, (A)is zer0 (B) remains constant (C) goes on increasing (D) goes on decreasing G3. A particle is projected at time 1 = 0 from a point P on the ground with a speed Vo, at an angle of 45° to the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the angular momentum of the particle about P at ime t = volg mvg mg vg mvj i (@) (c) a (0) oe «“ 22g 2g veg 22g G-4.m A uniform thin circular ring of mass "M’ and radius ‘R'is rotating about its fixed axis passing through its centre perpendicular to its plane of rotation with a constant angular velocity ©. Two objects each of mass m, are attached gently to the opposite ends of a diameter of the ring. The ring now rotates with an angular velocity. HEE - 1963) oM oM ool iM 8m) “) (M+m) ® (M+2m) <) (M-2m) o M G5. A boy siting firmly over @ rotating stool has his aims folded. it he stretches his arms, his angular momentum about the axis of rotation (A) increases (@) decreases (©) remains unchanged (D) doubles Section (H) : Combined Translational + Rotational Motion (Kinematics) Hel, The centre of a disc roling without slipping on a plane surface moves with speed u. A particle, on the: lower half of the rim making an angle 60° with vertical, will be moving at speed (A) zer0 @u (0) 20 (0) 2u H.2m A thin sting Is wrapped several times around a cylinder Kept on a rough horizontal surface. A boy standing at a distance from the cylinder draws the string towards him as shown in figure. The cylinder rolls without sipping. The length of the string passed through the hand of the boy while the cylinder reaches his hand is aye ear ox (oa TS Te RAE EPA ney Wn als Ronda a) — Resonsnce” BS ESLesiTg or bet ton row Rigid Body Dynamics 43. Ha, HS. ‘uniform cyiinder of mass M and radius R rolls without slipping down ap. slope of angle @ to the horizontal, The cylinder is connected to a spring Kk ‘constant K while the other end of the spring is connected to a rigid support at P. The cylinder is released when the spring is unstretched. The maximum displacomant of cylinder is 3Mgsine Mgsine 2uigsine 4 Mgaino 7 8) (o) *gsine 0) SMasine 40K ° K 1K : '3 K A system of uniform cylinders and plates is shown in igure. Al the cylinders are identical and there is no slipping at any contact. Velocity of lower & upper plate is V and 2V respectively as shown in figure ‘Then the rato of angular speed ofthe upper cylinders to lower eynders is «“ v. (ays evs a1 (0) none of these When a person throws @ moter stick It fs found that the centre of the stick is moving with a spoed of 10 mis vertically upwards & loft end of stick with a speed of 20 m/s vertically upwards. Then the angular speed ofthe stick is (A) 20 rad sec (8) to radisec (©) 30 radisec (0) none of these Section (1): Combined translational & Rotational Motion (Dynamics) HM. 13. As shown in the figure, a uniform disc of mass m is roling without slipping with a angular velocity o. The portion AB Is rough and BC is smooth. When it crosses point B disc wil be in (A) transiatonal motion only (8) pure rolling motion (C) rotational motion only (D) none of these A solid sphoro, a hollow sphere and a ring, all having equal mass and radius, are placed atthe top of an incline and released. The friction coefficients between the objects and the incline are equal bul not sulficiont io allow pure roling, Tho greastostkinatic energy at the bottom ofthe incine willbe achieved by (A) the solid sphere (8) the hollow sphere (C) the ting (0) all will achieve same kinetic energy. A hollow sphere and a solid sphere having equal mass and equal radi are rolled down without sipping on a_ rough inclined plane. (A) The two spheres reach the bottom simultaneously () The hollow sphere reaches the bottom with lesser speed. (C) The sold sphere reaches the bottom with greater kinetic energy (0) The two sphores wil each the bottom with same linear momentum A solid sphere, a hollow sphere and a solid cylinder, all having equal mass and radius, are placed at the top of an incline and released, The friction coefficients between the objects and the incine are equal but not sufficient to allow pure roling. Greastest time willbe taken in reaching the bottom by (A) the solid sphere (B) the hollow sphere (C) the sold cylinder (D) all will ake same time, JN Resonsnce” \ eed Rigid Body Dynamics 1 16a 1. 18a 1. ‘A rough inclined plane fixed in a car accelerating on a horizontal road is shown in figure. The angle of Incline @is related to the acceleration a of the car as a = g tan®. Ita rigld sphere is set in pure rong on the incline —+a e (A) itwill continue pure rating (8) Friction will act on it (©) ts angular velocity will increase (D) its angular velocity wil decrease. AA sphore $ rolls without slipping, moving with a constant spoed on a Plank P. The friction between the upper surface of P and the sphere is sufficient to prevent slipping, while the lower surface of P is smooth and fosn he round. aly, Peto ound by apn NLIIN SS suddenly removed: (A) Swill begin to sip on P (&) P will bogin to move backwards (C) the speed of $ will decrease and its angular velocity willincrease (0) there will bo no change in the motion of S and P wil stil be at rest Ze A body s given translational velocity and kept on a surface that has sufficient fiction, Then (A) body will mave forward before pure roling (8) body will move backward before pure rolling (©) body wil start pure rolling immediately (0) none of these AA body of mass m and radius r is rotated with angular velocity « as shown in the figure & kopt on a surface that has sufficient friction then the body wil move (A) backward first and then move forward (8) forward first and then move backward (C) will always move forward (D) none of these ‘A body of mass m and radius R rolling horizontally without slipping at a speed v climbs a ramp to a nent 2 he ng ay canbe lm (ashore (© aceessrng (6 aspera! eh (0 soreserae Resonsnce” Educating for beter tororow Rigid Body Dynamics Section (J): J. Joa, onservation of angular momentum (combined translation & rotational motion) A sphere is released on a smooth inclined plane from the top. When it moves down its angular momentum is: (A) conserved about every point (B) conserved about the point of contact only (C) conserved about the centre ofthe sphere only (0) conserved about any point on a fixed line parallel to the inclined plane and passing through the centre of the ball. ‘A circular wooden loop of mass m and radius R rests flat on a horizontal 7 fricionlass surface. A bullet, also of mass m, and moving with a volocity V, strikes the loop and gets embedded in it, The thickness of the loop is much —es smaller than R. The anguler velocity with which the system rotates just after the % bullet strikes the loop is v v om 3v On @ aq OF OF Section (K) : Toppling ka. Kam Kam ‘A.uniform cube of side @ and mass m rests on a rough horizontal table. A horizontal force 'F is applied the base. The minimum value of for which the cube begins to tit about the edge is (assume that the cube does not slide) (WEE - 1924) emg fing Sng Jn (a) mo (©) 3m9 (©) Fmg (0) 51mg AA homogenous block having its cross-section to be a parallelogram of sides ‘a’ and 'b’ (as shown) is lying at rest and is in equilbrium on a smooth horizontal surface, Then for acute angle & (A) cose= (8) cose= (c) cosa <2 (0) cose 2 b (©) cose {An equilateral uniform prism of mass m rests on a rough horizontal surtace with coefficient of fiction y. A horizontal force F is applied on the prism as shown in the figure. If the coefficient of fiction is sufficiently high so that the prism does not slide before toppling, then the minimum force required to topple the prism is, mg (ay 9 ) we ® a Resonance” Educating for better tomorow Rigid Body Dynamics PART - Ill : MATCH THE COLUMN ow In each situation of column.|, a uniform disc of mass m and radlus R rolls on a rough fixed horizontal surface as shown in the figure. Att = 0 (intially) the angular velocity of disc fs o» and velocity of contre of mass of disc is v. (in horizontal direction). The rolation betwoen v- and o. for each situation and also intial sonse of rotation is given for each situation in column-I. Then match the statements in colurnn-I with the corresponding results in column-IL Column-l Column-tt a, a) (o> Ros) (p) Tho angular momentum of dise about point A (as shown in figure) remains conserved. 8 (Wo> Res) (@) The kinetic energy of disc after it starts roling i ‘Ci without slipping i less than its iia kinetic energy. = —o ‘ friction acts on disc towards let (0) Ro) (6) Inthe duration disc ros with sipping, the fiction acts ‘on ise for some time towards right and for some time Towards left ‘A uniform dise rolls without slipping on a rough horizontal surface with uniform angular velocity. Point O is the centre of disc and P is a point on disc as shown in the figure. In each situation of column I a statement is given and the corresponding resulls are given in column.ll. Match the statements in column: withthe results in column: Column 1 Column it (A) The velocity of point P on disc (p) Changes in magnitude with time. () The acceleration of point P on disc (@) is always directed trom that point (the point on dise given in column-), Towards contro of disc. (C) The tangential acceleration of point P on disc (1) is always zero. (0) The acceleration of point on disc which is in (8) is non-zero and remains constant contact with rough horizontal surface in magnitude, JN Resonence” BS Estrin for beter tomorrow [rater Tau 258 555 [CM LabsiUPITPL COE ‘= Marked Questions can be used as Revision Questions. PART -I: ONLY ONE OPTION CORRECT TYPE 1. Three rings each of mass m and radius r are so placed that they touch each other. The radius of yration of the system about the axis as shown In the figure is fe gE iB fr ww fer @ [er © fee 0) fer Vs ° Ve ) N7 ° Ve 2. hollow cylinder has mass M, outside radius Fs and inside radius A. ts moment of inertia about an 2s paral to is symmety axis and tangential tothe outer surace is equal fo @Mneeny @Mime-rg Meer (0M GReeRe Mine sre) @) Mer ) Me M ore + 3. Two uniform rods of equal length but diferent masses are rig Joined to form an L-shaped body, which is then pivoted about O as shown in the figure. it in equilibrium the body is in the shown configuration, ratlo Mm wil be: (aye (3 2 08 4. Four forces tangent tothe circle of radius ‘R’are acting on a wheel as shown inthe figure. The resultant equivalent one force systom will bo 200N, -400N 100N 2008 ‘500N 500N ‘S00N 500N a ® (0) 0) Resonance” ECLEaing 6 Bett tom row Rigid Body Dynamics ‘A uniform thin rod of mass 'm’ and length L is held horizontally by two vertical strings attached to the two ends. One of the string is cut. Find the angular acceleration soon after itis cut a @2 ) 28 a (A) a (B) t (Cc) a (0) L A uniform rod hinged at its one end is allowed to rotate in vertical plane, Rod is given an angular velocity « in its vertical postion as shown in figure. The value of « for which the force exerted by the hinge on rod is zero in this position is fo [ag fig wf of o (t o f@ Two points A & B on a disc have volocttes Vv & ve al some moment. Their directions make anglos 60° and 30° respectively withthe line of separation as shown in figure, The angular velocity of disc is Uniform rod AB is hinged at the end A in a horizontal postion as shown in tho figure (the hinge 's titonless that is, it does. not exert any frelon force on the rod). The other end of thé rod is connected to @ block through a massless sting as shown. Tho pulley is smooth and massless, Masses ofthe block and the rad are same and are equal 10 mn". Aczeleration due to gravily is g. The tension in the thread, and angular accoleration of the rod just after reloasa of block from this postion a) 309, 9 5m9, 3a o 59 (0) 29 79 8 BF 8’ Bi 8 8 a In the figure shown a ring A is rolling without sliding with a velocity v on the horizontal surface of the body 8 (of same mass as A). All surfaces aro smooth. B has no initial velocity. What will be the maximum height (from intial position) reached by A on B. ete JN Resonsnce” NS Esicating ter betertomorow Higid Body Lynamics 10:m A.uniform rod of mass m, length is placed over a smooth horizontal surface along y-axis and is at rest " 12, as shown in fg, An impulsive Fis ppd fr a smal ime long x octon a pot A ar trod moves ea Thox-cooanaecl end Ale fo! when e fod bcos pal oan iets te lye cordate tore of masa ad 00) ° ry 2 it T (ay @ fuk co £{1- Nie Y al'*33) (1 3\-3) A uniform rectangular plate of mass m which i free to rotate | «2 —_. about the smooth vertea hinge passing through the centre and perpendicular to the plat, 1s ying on a smooth horizontal 5 Surface. A parle of mass m moving wih speed U colides ‘win tho plato and sticks to as shown in fgure. Tho angular . veloc o he plate afer colision willbe t, ru iu wy Be @ ba e 9a au au ose 0) 32 2a Osa ‘A rod can rotate about a fixed vertical axis. The mass is non-uniformly distributed along the length of the rod. A horizontal force of constant magnitude and always perpendicular to the rod Is applied at the end, Which of the following quantity (after one rotation) will not depend on the information that through hich end the axis passes ? (Assuming inal angular velocity to be zero) (A) angular momentum (B) kinetic energy —_(C) angular velocity _(D) none of these 13: A particle Is attached to the lower end of a uniform rod which is hinged at Its other end as shown in the 14, figure. The minimum speed given to the particle so that the rod performs circular motion in a vertical plane willbe : [length ofthe rod is“, consider masses of both rod and particle to be same } m ww ar ©) Jar (©) asa (0) none of these ‘A paiticle of mass m is moving horizontally at speed v perpendicular to a uniform rod of length d and mass M = 6m. The rod is hinged at centre O and can freely rotate in horizontal plane about a fixed vertical axis passing through its cantra O. The hinge is frictionless. The particle stikes and sticks to the eri of hero. The angular speed ofthe systom stir the colision (a) 2visa (8) avize (0) 2v Resonsnce” Educating for bets tomorow

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