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/ˌdɪs.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/ Sự bất tài, sự His disability prevents him

ốm yếu tàn from driving.

Disable /dɪˈseɪ.bəl/ Vô hiệu hóa This weapons system will

destroy or disable any incoming

Dispatch /dɪˈspætʃ/ Sự gửi đi Two loads of cloth were

dispatched to the factory on 12

Unable /ʌnˈeɪ.bəl/ Không thể We were unable to contact him

at the time.

Uncap  /ʌnˈkæp/ Mở nắp He uncapped the bottle and

poured out some rum.

Unpack /ʌnˈpæk/ Mở( gói, va I haven't even had time to

li..) unpack (my suitcase/clothes).

Inbox /ˈɪn.bɑːks/ Hộp thư đến Just put it in my inbox and I'll
look at it later.

Incalculabl /ɪnˈkæl.kjə.lə.bəl/ Không đếm The ecological consequences of

e xuể a nuclear war are incalculable.

Inhabit /ɪnˈhæb.ɪt/ Ở, sống ở These remote islands are

inhabited only by birds.

Imbalance /ˌɪmˈbæl.əns/ Sự mất cân There is huge economic

bằng imbalance between the two

Impair /ɪmˈper/ Làm suy yếu A recurring knee injury may

have impaired his chances of
winning the tournament.

Immature /ˌɪm.əˈtʊr/ Non nớt She's rather immature for her

age, don't you think?
Irrelevant /ɪˈrel.ə.vənt/ Không thích These documents are largely
đáng irrelevant to the present

Irrational /ɪˈræʃ.ən.əl/ Không hợp It's totally irrational, but I'm

lý frightened of mice.

Irresolution /ɪˌrez.əlˈuː.ʃən/ Sự do dự "Come here, Johnny!" she said,

after several seconds of

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