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Enzyme activities

Enzymes are among the most remarkable bio- associated in enzyme-substrate complexes,
molecules because they show extraordinary adsorbed to clay minerals or associated with
specificity in catalysing biological reactions. humic colloids. Some of these categories may
They have usually been named by adding the represent various stages in the life of an
suffix "-ase" to the name of the substrate, the enzyme; an intracellular enzyme in a viable
molecule on which the enzyme exerts its cata- cell may still function after the cell dies and
lytic action. For example, urease catalyses the thus it becomes associated with cell debris; it
hydrolysis of urea to ammonia and CO2, phos- may be released in the aqueous phase as cell
phatase catalyses the hydrolysis of phosphate membranes are broken and eventually be
esters to orthophosphate and the correspond- adsorbed by soil colloids that are still active.
ing ester. However, this nomenclature has not Usually enzyme-clay and enzyme-organic
always been practical and therefore a system- polymer complexes show a remarkable resis-
atic classification of enzymes has been tance to proteolytic and thermal denaturation
adopted on the recommendation of an Inter- (Sarkar et al 1980, 1989; Burns 1982, 1986;
national Enzyme Commission. The new sys-
Trasar-Cepeda and Gil-Sotres 1987, 1988;
tem divides enzymes into six major classes,
Nannipieri et al 1988).
which are subdivided further into subclasses,
according to the type of reaction catalysed. A Using current methods, it is impossible to
recommended name, a systematic name and a decide which combination of activities in the
classification number is given to each enzyme. categories above has been determined experi-
For example, the systematic name for phos- mentally (Burns 1982; Nannipieri et al 1990;
phodiesterase is phosphoric diester hydrolase, Nannipieri 1994). Both chemical and physical
while its classification number is EC 3.1.4. bacteriostatic agents have been used to inhibit
enzyme production and assimiliation of reac-
Research into soil enzymes has increased
tion products by growing populations of
steadily over the last 30 years; new theoretical
approaches and methods have been intro- microorganisms. Toluene, one of the most fre-
duced, and a wealth of information on various quently used bacteriostatic agents, can serve
enzyme reactions in soil has been collected. as a carbon source for fungi and bacteria; in
Various activities associated with biotic and addition, it may have a plasmolytic action and
abiotic components contribute to the overall cause the release of intracellular enzymes. The
activity of soil enzymes. According to Burns effect of toluene depends on soil type, assay
(1982), an enzyme may be associated physi- conditions and the enzyme assayed (Ladd
cally with proliferating animal, microbial and 1978). Sterilization of soils by high-energy
plant cells, and it may be located in the cyto- electron beams or gamma irradiation has fre-
plasm, in the periplasm of gram-negative quently been used to inactivate soil micro-
bacteria or attached to the outer surface of organisms in order to determine the level of
cells. The enzyme may be present in non- enzyme activity that is not associated with
proliferating cells (microbial spores or proto- living and active microbial cells (Beck and
zoan cysts), in entirely dead cells or in cell Poschenrider 1963; Powlson and Jenkinson
debris. The enzyme may also be present as 1976; Skujins 1978). However, this approach
an extracellular soluble molecule, temporarily suffers from some of the objections regarding
MethcxJs in Applied Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry Copyright© 1995 Academic Press Ltd
ISBN 0-12-513840-7 Allrightsof reproduction in any form reserved
Enzyme activities
the use of toluene (Ladd 1978; Nannipieri no meaning in ecological and agricultural
1994). terms (Nannipieri 1994). It is noteworthy that
Measurements of soil enzyme activities have other experimental methods in soil micro-
to be interpreted with caution. These measure- biology (for example, the measurement of
ments represent the maximum potential rather actual nitrification in situ) are based on the
than the actual enzyme activity because the use of unrealistic conditions. In addition,
incubation conditions of enzyme assays are enzyme measurements answer qualitative
chosen to ensure optimum rates of catalysis. questions about specific metabolic processes
The concentration of substrate is in excess and, in combination with other measurements
and optimal value of pH and temperature are (ATP, AEC, CO2 evolution, etc.), may increase
selected so as to permit the highest rate of our understanding of the effect of agrochemi-
enzyme activity, and the volume of the reac- cals, cultivation practices, and environmental
tion mixture is such that it allows free diffusion and climatic factors on the microbiological
of substrate. activity of soil (Skujins 1978; Nannipieri 1994).
Problems arising from the interpretation of Current methods for the determination of
measured soil enzyme activity have often led enzyme activities of soil are presented in this
to the conclusion that soil enzyme assays have chapter.

312 Chapter 7
Protease activity

Protease activity K. Alef

(Ladd and Butler 1972) R Nannipieri

Proteins are the most abundant organic mole- induced respiration, heat output, nitrogen
cules in cells, constituting 50% or more of their mineralization and ATP (Beck 1984a, 1984b;
dry weight (Bremner 1967; Alexander 1977; Holz 1986a, 1986b; Schulz-Berendt 1986;
Burns 1978; Warman and rsnor 1989). Pro- Alef et al 1988; Suttner and Alef 1988). It
tease activities, detected in microorganisms, decreased with the depth and increased after
plants and animals, catalyse the hydrolysis of soil treatment with organic compounds such
proteins to polypeptides, and oligopeptides to as straw (Holz 1986a; Kandeler 1986; Loll and
amino acids. Because of the high molecular Bollag 1983). Protease can be extracted from
weight of proteins, the first enzymatic step in soils and the activity estimated in crude
protein d^radation occurs outside microbial extracts (Burns 1978; Ladd 1978; Nannipieri
cells. Compounds with low molecular weight et al 1980, 1982; Loll and Bollag 1983).
such as amino acids can then be transported Casein-hydrolysing enzymes, as any other
into the ceHs by specific transport systems and extracellular enzymes acting on substrates
deaminated there (Burns 1978; Ladd 1978; with high molecular weight, are supposed to
Ladd and Jackson 1982; Warman and Bishop be short lived in soil (Ladd 1978; Nannipieri et
1987; Lahdesmaki and Piispanen 1989). al 1980); indeed any protection of the enzyme
Nearly all microorganisms in soils are cap- against proteolytic degradation by soil colloids
able of protein degradation, which is generally may render it inaccessible to the high molecular
linked to ammonium release (Alexander 1977; weight substrate-
Alef and Kleiner 1986; Morra and Freeborn Several assays differing in the type of sub-
1989). In soil, proteases are present in living strate and procedures used for determining
and active cells, in dead cells, as free products and incubation conditions are avail-
enzymes, and adsorbed to organic, inorganic able to estimate protease activity in soils.
or organomineral particles (Sarkar et al 1980, Casein, azocasein, gelatin, peptides and albu-
1989; Loll and Bollag 1983). The protease mins have been used as substrates, while both
activity of soil has a pH optimum of eight short and long incubation times (between 2
and a temperature optimum of about 55°C. and 16 h) have been employed (Hoffman and
At temperatures above 60°C, the enzyme is Teicher 1957; Ladd and Butler 1972; Beck
denaturated (Hoffmann and Teicher 1957; 1973; Ross etal 1975).
Ladd 1972; Ladd and Butler 1972; Mayaudon The method of Ladd and Butler (1972) is
et al 1975). presented and discussed.
Air drying or storage of different soils at - 8 ,
4 or 22°C significantly decreases the protease
activity (Ladd 1972; Speir and Ross 1975;
Speir et al 1981; Beck 1986). In the field,
protease activity varied with the season; it is
not correlated with changes in microbial popu-
lations (Ladd 1978). Nevertheless, significant
correlations are mostly found t)etween the
protease activity and several microbial para-
meters estimated under laboratory conditions
like the arginine ammonification, the substrate-

Enzyme activities 313

Protease activity

Tyrosine sts^cfeird solution (5C» fig mi^ 1

Materials aiKi appmrntu^
Dii^soh^ m mg tyrosine in Tns buffer
Spectrophotometa' and dilute to 100 ml with Trts tniffen
ShaWng water batti ladjiisted^ja to SffO)
CenWfyge and cenWfuge tubes (25 mi)
Folded Alter papi^
G\^^ tube^ With screw c ^ ^ Plaoe 1 g of moist, sieved soli (2 mm) in a
c^ntriftige tudbe, add 5 ml Tris tniffer and 5
Ci'^iiiioals and aolutton^ ml sodium oa^lnstte solutton, Stoj^er t»^
tub^, mm ttie ocmt^nts and incubate for 2
Tris buffer (50 rroi, pH 8*1) h at SO^C cm a shal^tng water bath. At the
Dissolve 6.05 g Trts piydroxy methyl mid dl Imnibadton, add 5 ml of TCA solution
amino methane in 7(K) mi distiiied water, a i d mix ttie contents thoroughly To
adjust the pH to 8,1 wth HCI and dilute perfomfi the controls, add 5 ml of Na
to 1{K}0 ml With distill€KJ wat^. oesainate solution at the Btid of the
incubiMcm and immedtatety before ^ding
Sodium casemate (2%)
U ^ TCA sduttoa Centrifuge the resulting
Sysf^dTKi 10 Q sodium oa^ein^e in w^rm sc* m;^)H9nstens (10,0C»-12,CX)0 rev min"^\
drstiR^ water (5(rC) an^ i^ng i ^ wMi 10 nrtm). Fif^ttoSml of tli^d^rsiyfjemat^t
dlstiii^ci wat^r to 500 wi (use a sfirn^. If fcito titf)es, mix wrftti 7.5 ml of the alkaline
onl^ cs^^in Is av^iisMe, dl^c^e 10 g in r e a g ^ ^ ami bu^^ulmte fc^ 15 mi n at monri
Ttte buffi^, adjust ttm p^ 1k> &1 iMtti j ^ n p ^ t u i e . After adcfing 5 ml of ttie Folin
NaOH soiutlon and f^^gu^ to sm mi
with Tife buff^ (SO imA, pH 8.1) fflt^ M o ^mss tab€^ and mes^jre t t ^
Trichlopc^au:^*:^ i ^ d (15%) 1 h at 700 nm

IMssotve 75 9 mMmmc^mmM (TCPil tf^ mmmmdMMim becxKnes oM'^feant);

in abmit WQ wi dRsUHed w a ^ imid dMirte
to 500 mt iMtti cBstBed %i^€r.
CaM»riritoi msrve
AB<aBne reagait
Fip^eO^ 1 , It, d,4aiid 5 iri of thet^x^ne
Dilute 60 mt of N ^ ( 1 M) wttfi distnied solution Mto 00^ tob^, ackl 5 wi Na
w t f ^ bafcHe di^KiMi^ 1 ^ g Ns^CK^ cas^r^dle m^ t^lhg lip to 10 mi vMth Tns
(wM^ fte# ki tto sdurii^ mi M ^ up tHiffar. Thw mki 5 n* TCA SCAJBCHI aanri
ps^fONrm tf^ ii^isiiRiments as desc^r^^
Ols^ive 0.5 g O%0[>4^SM^ IniftsHied
wat€r m^ cflfute ^ tCXI nM I K ^ dIsUNed
Dli^ofve 1 9 potas^um acKlhim ^ u ^ t e
(C4H4KNa0e4H20) In disUlied water and CcKiec^ ttie m e a i ^ r ^ absorbam^ for the
diuta to ItX) mt iMfh dnsUfod water. i^34^b Mid oadteu^
Mix 1000 ml of N a O H / r ^ ^ solution
witti 20 ml of CySO4 scMHim a%tl 20 ml
of polba^wf 8CK£um tertnBAd ^AIHGHI. CX15

Dilute 167 ml of Fcrfhi re^^g^t to 500 ml vi^^eiAfi^btt^tiry vi^ightof 1 g of nK>^

with distilted ws&m. scrit, 15 Is tt^^ad ^Dlums of scMtons

314 Chapter 7
Protease activity

md^Smitott^soRftiVm assay mdCh^

to % i ll^wirirt,'^^1^1^^

of TCAi^iiribla l^^t^rte denVatives t ^ tha

nWi^KJ^^ b^icM^ i i ^ ; 1Y»3 diluted Fotin-

C^K^iHi f i s ^ ^ ^KNJd ba s^Hf^ at 4''C.
11^ pH andtempera&imcomiitioits are
ttiose raported ^y Ladd arKt BiMm (1972). It
liiacciiwifi^cbdltti8ritIlia aottM%
nm^s^immm^ iiimM ba carriad out at

c»fid^ to ftid Via i^rnisd t^t^dlttc^is f ^ 1|ia

mM to M ai!^t^S64 Dp^wrt: aolla r r ^
fkmmAfii^mm^t^^ tmt ttub^ te$t^

Enzyme activities 315

Urease activity

Urease K. Alef
activity P. Nannipieri

The enzyme urease catalyses the hydrolysis of Gerber 1988; Perez-Mateos and Gonzalez-
urea to CO2 and NH3 with a reaction mechan- Garcedo 1988) values have been observed.
ism based on the formation of carbamate as Urease in soils is tightly bound to soil
an intermediate (Tabatabai 1982). organic matter and soil minerals and Km
values have been found to range between 1.3
H2NCONH2 + H2O -^ 2NH3 + CO2 (7.2) to 213 mM (Gosewinkel and Broadbent 1984;
Bonmati et al, 1985; Kandeler and Gerber,
This enzyme is very widely distributed in nat- 1988; Gianfreda et al 1992; Lai and Tabatabai
ure, being present in microbial, plant and ani- 1992).
mal cells. It also catalyses the hydrolysis of A temperature optimum as high as 60°C has
hydroxyurea, dihydroxyurea and semicarba- been observed and the urease is usually dena-
zid; it contains nickel and its molecular weight turated at 70°G. The incubation temperature of
may range from 151,000 to 480,000 Da (Brem- assays ranged from 15 to 42°C. However, soils
ner and Mulvaney 1978; Blakeley and Zerner are generally incubated at 30°C (Sumner 1951;
1984). Zantua and Bremner 1977; Bremner and
A variety of methods has been used to assay Mulvaney 1978; Kissel and Cabrera 1988;
the urease activity of soil (Bremner and Moyoet al 1989).
Mulvaney 1978; Gosewinkel and Broadbent Ureases extracted from soil have been found
1984; Simpson et al 1984, 1985; Kandeler to be resistant to thermal and proteolytic dena-
and Gerber 1988; McCarty et al 1989). Most turation (Burns et al 1972; Nannipieri et al
of these methods involve determination of 1974). Enzyme-organomineral complexes
ammonia liberated on the incubation of with high molecular weights have been found
toluene-treated soil with buffered urea solu- to be more resistant than complexes with
tion. Other methods involve the estimation of lower molecular weights (Nannipieri et al
the rate of urea hydrolysis in soils by determin- 1978a). According to Burns et al (1972)
ing the residual urea or the '''^002 liberated urease-organic complexes of high molecular
after incubation (Skujins and McLaren 1969; weight are likely to possess molecular arrange-
Douglas and Bremner 1970, 1971; Bremner ments that permit the movement of substrates
and Mulvaney 1978; Mulvaney and Bremner and products toward the enzyme, but not that
1979). Other commonly adopted methods of large molecules, such as proteases.
have not involved the use of buffer to control The urease activity in soils is very stable and
pH or addition of toluene to inhibit microbial rarely influenced by air drying, irradiation or
proliferation (Hoffman and Schmidt 1953; storage at temperatures between - 6 0 and
Galstyan 1965; Tabatabai and Bremner 1972; 22°C (McLaren 1969; Pancholy and Rice
Zantua and Bremner 1975a, 1975b; Franken- 1973; Zantua and Bremner 1975b; Kandeler
berger and Johanson 1986; Kandeler and and Gerber 1988; Fenn et al 1992).
Gerber 1988). Urease activity was not significantly con^e-
There are controversial reports regarding the lated with microbial biomass and was affected
pH optimum of urease activity in soil: both differently by heavy metals, oxygen concentra-
neutral, pH 6-7 (Hoffman and Schmidt 1953), tions and nitrogen availability in different types
and alkaline, pH 8.8-10 (Tabatabai and Bremner of soils (Tabatabai 1977; Nor 1982; Doelman
1972; May and Douglas 1976; Kandeler and and Haanstra 1986; Cochran et al 1989;

316 Chapter 7
Urease activity

McCarty and Bremner 1991; McCarty et al ttie same buffer. Pm^m a fmsh i^rtiittcm
1992). dsBly and stone at 4*tX ; vJi^
Urease inhibitors have been used frequently
to prevent a rapid hydrolysis of urea in agricul-
tural soils (Fillery et al 1984, 1986; Simpson et
al 1984,1985; Haare and White 1985; Cai et al Dissolve 1(K} iTig of r^g^rit gracl^
1989; McCarty et al 1989; Zhengping et al Ag2^4 In 7C» irt of dfettled ni^tan ?
1991;Xiaoyanetal 1992). dissolve 188 g of r^igent §imla Kdi ^
The methods involving the estimation of
ammonia released have been evaluated ttie s»>lutiori and dituta to ItXX) ml i^tti
thoroughly and are therefore presented here. cfefllted visiter; s^; '
Rea^g^ls im detwi^tatton <rf NH4^ f
Indicator solutton
Estimation of urease
Dissoiva 0.66 9 bt>nioari^<ri preen m4
activity QJ3Q g of rr^tt^l n ^ in athmioi ^%)wki
(Tabatabai and Bremner 1972) imt^s tip to 1CXX) ml wItt rthstfibt; ^ ^
8 ^ ac^^fcricMca^
' 'P^patta 40.mj^of h i # c ^ ^

flask f l ft. Mix 4D 9 <* t>&ite^^ ;

fMaksi^m^ anpEUf^ri^

^NsfcjBib to 2tt» irt 1 ^ i ^ ^ ^ L ^,,.^..

i ^ B | K j ; i a j , i a » , 2000 m

W^ fiycN>xy rri6tiiyO mnim m^ane buffer t wafir andiMiJ^ito1^(^Mi%Mi

p j ff^, IKW OJ^ frtl #1

:tyfer, mk ttm.oo«^*^c^^,^ .,.,..„, .^,,^

fejaft SIX. t ^ ^ ttia frK^yft)ilH9ii aldl

Enzyme activities 317

Urease activity

approximately 35 ml of K C I - ^ S 0 4
soiutlcmt swM Vtmflasklor a %w aec^^nctet Estimation of urease
m^ sdfow ti^ flask to stesiiKj mM tha
ccHit^ite iwm celled to roomfmmpmwimm activity
{dkmA 5 mln). fting 145 iBie c^mtoil^ to 50 (Kandeler and Gerber 1988)
ml by addition of KCM^2S04 s«^uton and
mix the contents thortnighiy* To pmfcmn
controls, follow the procedure tks^b&A
for assay of urease activity, bull make Hie Principie of the mettiod
addition of 1 mi of 0.2 M urmsofyticm after CotorimeMc determinaticm of released
the addittofi of 35 ml of Ka*nA^04 amnKmia aft^ ttie inoyibatlo^ of i ^ l
soiutioi. It h reoKiim^^Kted ttiat at least smrif^^ with urea soii^on fw 2 h a t 3 r € .
three replications are caatied out. The
ruction shows a linear time course up to 5
h. Materfate and apparatus
Estimation of released ammonia Inoibator a^lJustaUle to 3 F 0
Pip^e 5 ml of borte acM tadio^or
solution Into m &ienm^^flask ar^ {Kit %ecta^hotom^^
It in M wpmM plac^ ^m C t i a p ^ 3, Afotumetrto ftisks (100^ SOO, 1000,2000 n ^
Bremw afid Bcfe^ards 1^^)* f ^ ^ e 20 Bimmm^Mwsk^ p5,1CK) irt) x f
riM of ftie i^^^iiMrig 1 ^ i y s p ^ f i ^ n M o a
disWIa^m flask (too fi4, m^ 0 ^ g fe^O
m^ i^sgm cK^liAe tt^ oof^mi^ u ^ l 30
irri of ctt^KIa^ are i:^4h3c^6^^^ta^ 1
& ^ m ^ ^ flask. TMiBto tfi^^Metfe^
vritti OJSOS M H y ^ 4 p k ^ p v ^ j ^ ^^ tls^^cri%91;.4 9 urea hi/
Keeney 1 9 ^ ; 1 mt^Mm4pM&^W
ecp^^a*wtt Ip 3tl im N H 4 ^ i} ^

t^#8 ^tjn^4iM^^^^ 'mj^i^ms^

<fert X 5 (7^3)

wtiere C is t i e meamir^ NH4-N Skxfarw'^Beq^fete s d u ^ " ' \ ; '''4;;: ?'?'•'>:'

msi^m^m% dmt is tt^ Ay m^Uis^f 1 ^

mM m^f $ Is tt^ K i ^ ^ g ^ ^ i j ^ 1^1fenthe
lB$t aKi ^ Is Hm toM vcAiKne 1^ tt^ ^ H

wHiv i ^ 13« i^i^KBmJl i l a i ^

318 Chapter 7
Estimation of urease activity

of cB6i»ed Sft^^^E^ ii*^^^tfc^

cbnlitocA^ioy^lde hi 1(K> mi disHHed

^^;m0 the ^urilon ^^icMtly
' d^n^tyatf^-ra^ A ^ ^^^;;JVri:^':^ 4!'
F^rooedura fcr tto biMf^aied mettiod
Dissolve 56.^ Q disodlum t^tralximte, PlaoB S g of n^jst sc* m^p^ to
mISQg disodium iieMbmsie (wat<^ fre^) Grto^T^^^ aa^<1C@ n% add 2Mmi
In li^X) mi wmm distiifed wat^« Aft^ [ mAMon ^md 201
ocM^hi^, iK^u^ to |4^ 10 imtti ftoCM
wiMm ^0%) and bring up to 2(XXiwi d^^bedfa* tNif mm^s^mid i
with distilted waten ^ftfthttie addttionof ao mIKa s«>!utlon at
jteimonriim standard solution ttie errf of IncubatkHi.
CNs^Kriva $.f& QrnnmrniumohkHld^ In
# ^ 1 ^ mAm m\4 Mng up witfi disttfied F%)6tte 1 nil o l t t ^ Isyraiioitfum i^i^rNJteyid
wmt to 106D ml (1000 m NH4-N mi^^). ^^Aitttm Nfcijg^la^ 1iibl«i, «MUb ifMi$ M
1}m scA^lcm is ^^^:^ t r seiii^rai weet^

Sc*Jti<m B
' ' -'' , '.. '>{>'^''',\''* i- a-^fi,,^/ \''V^'^.'^">,f^'^^--'^''^c..'''''" ,
F%»«» 0.0,1A 1*5» 2 A 2*5 mi of ' . ;'••"' "C;: ' /* , I , ','•" V^"'*'^ i""'^"^-. ."'-," M'

sdu^n t Into ^liimeM::flaslos(KX) mQ

«pd l»ft^ lipto1(X} ml ^h KD sduQcm.
'•I: S''


j^^UilQ^ 11N»i^c^^tt¥pfias^ and

di^solbedatove but iiMi 2J ntf ^ " - '-• "•"' •''' ••'"^'-'•• '''-''-'Ipi^^^}"''
Wat€r, ^ acUttiews^ soiiitton at the

iNMfo^ 4(^ is^Wdn. It 1$ iB)(^NmfmK^

idufc:/^,, , .-tS:

: (ISO n^, tiiefi add 9 n^

Enzyme activities 319

Urease activity

The fiRri^on of solJ simpenslor^ should be

carried o^A wRh ntlTc^pfvfiieefitterpaper to
avoid ntfrcHien otmlani^naaon of fh^ flttrate.
T»^KC»-^fea04 si^uftoa must be
{M^^paiBd i ^ tSs^ioMiig KCI into ttie Ag2S04 The ocriour developed In ihe ammonium
sc^utic^ bi^Dause Ag2S04 does not meiy^B (method of Kand^a^ and Gabm*
dissoive m KOI. 1988) is s t ^ i e for at l^aist 8 h at room
Tim i^dHion <rf KCM^S04 stqps the
m^zymid^ t i n ^ hydfOi)^$ aid the TTie methckt itosed on oslprim^c
s^yispi&nsicm am stetKl ft»r2 h befcH'ethe detemndn^Mon of uma m not proposed
d^c^nJnattcNi of ammonium, because no b ^ ^ u ^ it has omtaln defioienol^ mjch as
addMonel e^nmonium is retrased. the inksfeitffy of sckne regents or ttie
diromogen wmrKiunds, tow
The inhibitor Is tmt used in the method of
reproducitHtity, taok of saisiflvfty and tack
Ksmde^ and 6erb^ (1988). Ttie sample
of linearity atio# urea cdhcentratiohs; in
dttutkHi by KCS may oonsiderabty sTow
addition, ttie procedure is ttme ccmsimtlns
dtomi ttie^izymittte ^::tMty mtmi towev^,
(Tabatabai 1982),
ttfues fcr amnmcmium ^K:fractei and
fOlrat^ iMiouhf not dffer mmmg different to
m8^isyD6^tienlB« cstbn^e Hm m^^BB m^si^in s<^ls
fPer^^Maiec^ m$ i3oitzaiez^<]iaiiDedo
| % < ^ m ^ ^ i k i bora^ has b ^ USCKJ as
idfi IrthWto- fw w ^ ^ acBWty to soil
y^ie^4M^^ arkf C^or^srier-^Cat^o
1 ^ . .

320 Chapter 7
Amidase activity in soils

Amidase activity
in soils W.T Frankenberger, Jr
(Frankenberger and Tabatabai 1980a) M.A. Tabatabai

Amidase (acylamide amidohydrolase, EC activity increases ranging from 3 to 16% is the enzyme that catalyses the (average 9%). Heating of field-moist and air-
hydrolysis of amides, and produces ammonia dried samples for 2 h before assaying amidase
and the corresponding carboxylic acid activity showed that this enzyme is inactivated
at temperatures above 50''C.
R:C0NH2 + H2O -^ NH3 + R:COOH (7.5)
Studies of the distribution of amidase in
Amidase acts on C-N bonds other than pep- soils showed that it is concentrated in surface
tide bonds in linear amides. It is specific for soils and decreases with soil depth (Franken-
aliphatic amides, and aryl amides cannot act berger and Tabatabai 1981a). Statistical analy-
as substrates (Kelly and Clarke 1962; Florkin sis indicated that the activity of this enzyme is
and Stotz 1964). This enzyme is widely distri- significantly correlated with organic carbon in
buted in nature. It has been detected in ani- surface soils (r = 0.74***) and in soil profiles
mals and microorganisms (Bray et al 1949a; (r = 0.89**). Amidase activity also was signifi-
Clarke 1970). Amidase is also present in the cantly correlated with total nitrogen (r =
leaves of corn (Zea mays L.), sorghum (Sorghum 0.74***), percentage of clay (r = 0.69***) and
bicolor L. Moench), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) urease activity (r = 0.73***) in the 21 surface
and soybeans {Glycine max L.) (Frankenberger soil samples studied. There was no significant
and Tabatabai 1982). Microorganisms shown relationship between amidase activity and soil
to possess amidase activity include bacteria pH, or percentage sand. Amidase activity and
(Clarke 1970; Frankenberger and Tabatabai microbial counts obtained with acetamide or
1985), yeast (Joshi and Handler 1962) and propionamide as a substrate in the absence
fungi (Hynes 1970. 1975). of toluene indicated that these substrates
Information concerning the distribution, Induced production of this enzyme by soil
specificity and kinetic properties of amidase microorganisms.
in soils is needed because its substrates
(amides) are potential nitrogen fertilizers
(Frankenberger and Tabatabai 1981c). Among
the various nitrogen compounds that can
serve as substrates for amidase, the sparingly This ri^thod involves detemfiinaHon of flia
soluble oxamide and formamide have been NH4-N fBteased by mtmi&SB adHvtty when
tested as nitrogen fertilizers (Beaton et al son is IrtoMbated wWi buffered p.1 M Trts
1967). ^ d t o x y meth]^ ^emifio mettiane (THM^,
Air-drying field-moist samples results in a pH 8-5) amkte ^AJWOH and Wyene art 3 7 X .
decrease of amidase activity ranging from 14 T l ^ imm<Hi{i«?i r e u s e d is cM^ii^bi^ b^ ^
to 33% (average 21%) (Frankenberger and 1 ^ ^ piooedi»B ki\^^in^to^^ftrn^^of llm
Tabatabai 1981a). Freezing of field-moist immtMlmi son ssmf^le ^fth ZJ& u K O
samples at -20°C for 3 months resulted in

P< 0.01; ***P< 0.001.

Enzyme activities 321

Amidase activity in soils

m^Me) and s t ^ m distitiatlon of m eUqmt

Pmt^m m t!iBsa\bmi t>y K^^ay am)
of t t e i^esiM^ suspertsicm mVn M ^ for
3.3 tirin. ITie p t K ^ u r a g i v ^ quantitetive
iBcc^^^ry of NHU-N addad to soite amj d o ^
tmt mum d iwilcal t i ^ m l y ^ of »ie PiiKmfcire
Pt^a 5 g of soit {< 2mm) In a 50 ml
volumetric flask, add 0.2 mt of toluene ^ d
Materials and aiiqiafatiia 9 ml of Tris buffer, swM the flask for a few
TOConds to mix the contents, add 1 ml of
0.5 M amkje solution and swiri the flask
bK^ybalor PFC) or temperatore-controli^
again for a fi^i/ seconds. Tlien sto(^>^ the
ftosk and jf^ace It In 2^ incubatcH* at 37^C.
DfstiiiaBim flask (1(X} mQ
Steam distlltatlon apparatus (see Keaney Hie incubator time vales v^th the $(^oiflc
m^ H^wcm, 1982) substmte ajded. Hydrolysis of fonfnamide
is r^ativeiy rapki ami am be m^tsured
quantttatlv^ aftw 2 h of inort^aticKi. The
Chamicala and aoiiilioi^
rates of hydtolysls of aoetamide and
Toti^f^: BsNr-c^Wed m ^ ^ fisher popionamde dm somev^at skmrn 9ian
SotonMb Co., Ctites^o, HJ ttie nsfte of hydroli^s <rf fomiamide, and
Tite-milj*t^te ?^d iHiWr {OJ M, pH 8-5) they can tm cNtenntined quaitt^ively aft^
24 h of fncut»srtion.
PssoJve 12*2 g <rf Tiia ^ydroxym^^ttr^
mrkm m^imm f^ibh^HcartMed re^^nt) A f t ^ hnc^baUon, i^^nov^ iSrm stopp^» adkl
hn a i K ^ ^ ari crfiAi^m; aj^ist tti^ pH to ipjm>xlmate 35 ml >c* KCI-
8.Sfc^M^sMtm wWh jsAKHit 0.1 M H2SO4 LK}2(C2HaQ^:2H20 sokitton, s>iriri ttie
mni dilulall^eoiytoiviMi water to 11. f i a ^ l w a few s^oorKis, and dtow the flask
to s^ml unfll ttb c ^ n t ^ ^ have cooted to
iMcte scMic^W (0JS «i)
room temp^a&iiB ^jsribmit 5 min}, iim%
AM 2*0 irtl, 2 J 5 8» cr 3.65 Q of dHutettte i^^Ajmato 50 nri t^theadcMJon of
fcmnarMcte CMdMS) o ^ M ^ , ac^tamlde
P p m i ^ M a # t orf^t^hm^mda ttie flask aid h t v ^ tt seveiti ikm^ to mix
(AMrfdh oeMadI, respective, tmo a 1(X} ttieconl^fe.
To detemwi^ HH4-H m tt^ f^^^jMng woM
md pipsm mWttA mo^ ^ ttie
mi^Bpafiskm M o a iQO nA cKsMtaito flask
l^dbk^sMm dtM^ ^M MHHis^yt acetate
p.a»M)aoh^n si^mn disMlt^on of ttiis wjIkg^MSi IAMN 0«2 g
DfescftreUS g <rf reagwt-^fade of MgOft>r3.3 min m dasolbed l ^
UCfetC2H^O^:2H^ in alwit 7{» ml of Bren%n^ (196Sa).

1 {'Mil mmr ^sM mbc tlK^iy^My.

ttidt ^ ncft danl^^^ft^tmi0 ^ m^&b ttirm^
anrrida^ac^l^. To pmfmmmm^nt

Mfik&se i»:^ih%, te^ make ^m m$M0n^

dmmmi^mt ^t^m^mn oxid^ bote acid 1 iiy of OJ M amkle button i^E^tt^
jtag^)«A^ S(^Ui:io, G.CMI2S «i Ha^4) adcMton of KCHiO^C^H^Q^t^s^

322 Chapter 7
Amidase activity in soils

Enz^irie-oatalysed re^K^ions usually show

tinsayr iBlationships b e t w ^ t t ^ amount of
b^ifona mm HVfi^mntu^m^ dikmmi to l^xKtuct fcm^ m^ tfme of tmnibatiom
j^lMKl i f i M i ^ ^ M ^ , KCI mil prBoiptete Fimnatkm of NM4^ withfoiTr^mlde&& a
^ c ^ mA <3l Itm i^hrttoi) wMi tbrr^. ^ ^ mitetiate follows zmo-ott^ Mnetic^ for at
fHiipio^af adfcftng Hm KCNiiwi^ acetate hBdst 4 h ^ranti^fiberger and Tabatabai
i^iiittcm to the wit sam^0 affc^ iacul>atloti 19%}a). V%^i ac^sMtilde arudi
Is to In^cttva^ anMa^MS^ aiHl to allow (m>picmanide em i^ed as substrates, the
qiiartttative tkimmimikm of the NH4-N ol:^erved r^ationship existed up to 80 and
i#eissedl p ^ d b y ami FredMcks 1954). The 36 h, ie^)ectively. Hydmlyste of aoet^mide
i$(M mj^pm^m mwifs^sS "k^ HH4-H must Mid pro^cmamfcle m oonsider^^ siow^
be mm^ l^^mmj^^ ftimedrat^ befme
than Ihe l i y d r o ^ s of fomiamlde- The
sipfAn^ 1m HH444 mnal^^.
former two substrates have to be incubated
for 24 h to measure diff^ences In amidase
activity quantttatively In sdls. I n t a f ^ ^ c e
TNl ^ t t r m t r i jfM dbmnfed for amtdlase by miorDbM ac&h/lty cfe^s not seem to
mM^ ^ tJ^ frmkmim^ and oc^ur durir^ ttm 24 h inaibatiar) time as
Tst^Edat:^ 1 9 ^ ^ Is^^^^me^n^^ M g f ^ t h ^ emient by ttie lir^sar r^tkmship beta^een
tfiat itepcNtect for )aimA^i$e at^Ml^ of tto artKHint of HH4-H n^^ised m¥i the time
l^^^uidto^K^iiKS^ I t ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ ^ Iscrfat^d 1t<m a erf mc^yibaUon in t t e |:Hfi^enca of toluene.
Tolume ^ould t^e added to soft samites
iW^.%t^ ifeifjitfc^ fe *ie pH o|*nrium for befcre adcHrig 9 mi of biJf^ b^sau^^ tests
diMclgyseacU^ Indicated ttiat it U ^ s effective In

tiie |tf^ is|MfiM df ^mi^tti^ fri j ^ M u l ^ ^ are sTrisl

l A ^ 2 { ^ lyri^ t{wi tti^ sama
gi^s^nia^c^te^Si^ iBSK^ions pticeed at a

sK^ibattdn itfrithlria c^tEdn Mr^parafajre

t a i ^ as k^ mMmm$i:ftm^$^:B^
retaiiis Ite ftri ac^tt^v At a teittp^nsibire
c ^ ^ ^ i ^ f i t t ^ f % l ^ In i ^ pri^s^^K^ of Trte
^bW0 V^ mne§B, itm a ^ l t y faNS^s to
d^^^a^i^ t^ec^tu^^ of mwfi^m ii^a^Vj^km.
Stu^^te of If^ eildot of timiperai^ cHn
4if!fMa^ acUy% In scite^ ^ N ^

Si;aiiii(i^^ftti^<m bnaciyit^ mtMsem £Pd

i^^ifc^ i r f f m m M ^ d e ^ K l fqhmi0
cxmi^MiiMem Mrts^;Mttri|p[the ma^dikm iftBN^^l^i^lf^ ac^\%. iMfiidasels ftrKfii^^ In
ttie pies€Ni<^ of ttie sui:^traft€^ viMiout
toly^e. Among v ^ o u s c h ^ c a l saRs,
N ^ i m l NaAsC^ have jm kitdMory ^ e c t
i0ca^PM » % a « ^ i ^ » ^ ^ Icr ttie rnimi^^^ a c t t ^ . Hie W^lrffidrt tiy F^

mpk^t^Bmm et al fiSS^ *^y»^ « ^

of #iidtese even ilKH^h ttM gfOiiiB ^ € m

1980b). I of tti^ active

Enzyme activities 323

Amidase activity in soils

i»i25^€k Tito eff^?t$ erf i ^ v ^ t^^ancJSO/^0=^raiikeiiber8erand

.^tec^toippvldea'i^^ Tab^s^^:^ 1 ^ ^ * &^z;^iia Mn^tlra

imtiKMh f B ^ 3 ^ to ttia Mai^r^ fofis: IC, wm mm-comfm&SNfB Miibitors

Na% NHU% NOs^, f«^% Na"^, Ct^, CN^, f^ranl^nb^^ i»td Tabatoai 1981 b).

324 Chapter 7
L-Asparaginase activity of soils

L-Asparaginase activity
of soils W.T. Frankenberger, Jr
(Frankenberger and Tabatabai 1991a, 1991b) M.A. Tabatabai

The enzyme, i-asparaginase (L-asparagine and monitoring the NH4"^ released, but the
amidohydrolase, EC has an important actual assay was not tested thoroughly using
role in nitrogen mineralization of soils. The systematic studies of factors affecting the
chemical nature of nitrogen in soils is such release of NH4"^. Frankenberger and Tabatabai
that a large proportion (15-25%) of the total (1991a) developed a simple and sensitive
soil nitrogen is often released as NH4 by acid method for the assay of L-asparaginase activ-
hydrolysis (6 M HCI). Some evidence suggests ity in soils and determined various parameters
that a portion of the released NH4 comes from that affected the observed activity. The method
the hydrolysis of amide (asparagine and gluta- developed involves determination of the NH4"^-
mine) residues in soil organic matter (Sowden N released by L-asparaginase activity when soil
1958). Bremner (1955) reported that after acid is incubated with buffered (0.1 M Tris, pH 10) L-
hydrolysis of humic preparations, 7.3-12.6% asparagine solution and toluene at 37°C. Stu-
of the total nitrogen was in the form of dies on the distribution of L-asparaginase in soil
amide-N. L-Asparaginase activity was first profile samples revealed that its activity gener-
detected in soils by Drobni'k (1956). This ally decreases with sample depth and is
enzyme catalyses the hydrolysis of L-aspara- accompanied by a decrease in organic C con-
gine, producing L-aspartic acid and ammonia tent (Frankenberger and Tabatabai 1991b).
as shown below: Statistical analyses indicated that L-asparagi-
nase activity was significantly correlated (**p
NHo < 0.01) with organic C (r = 0.86**) and total N
L-asparaginase | (r = 0.78**) in 26 surface soil samples exam-
• H — C — COOH + NH«
ined. There was no significant relationship
I ^
CHo between L-asparaginase activity and the
I percentage of clay or sand. There was, how-
I ever, a significant correlation between L-
NHo (7.6)
asparaginase activity and amidase (r =
0.82**) and urease (r = 0.79**) activities in
The enzyme is widely distributed in nature. It the surface samples studied (Frankenberger
has been detected in both plants and micro- and Tabatabai 1991b).
organisms (Wriston 1971). Plants may con-
tribute substantial amounts of L-asparagine
to soils and by the action of soil L-asparagi-
nase, release N H / to the inorganic nitrogen
pool. Soils have been tested for L-asparagi-
nase activity by Beck and Poschenrieder
(1963), simply by adding L-asparagine to soils

p < 0.01

Enzyme activities 325

L-Asparaginase activity of soils

actlvfty in soils, Thte method uses s t ^ m

distiliation to detarniir^ ttie NH4 produced
by t-asparaglnase aotiv^ y^tm% soil Is
ifmxtmt&i wHh buff^Bd (0,2 M Trfe, pH 10) A S g soR ssHfTQrie (< 2 mm) in a ^ rrri
t - a s p ^ ^ i r ^ solution and toluene at 37**C vc^umeWc flask Is treats witti 0J ml
for 2 h. The pt)cedyre dev^oped givas toluene afid 9 mf Tns tnilM Ttm fl^k Is
quantitative mcovery of NH4-^N added to swirled for a few sec^^ds to mix ttte
softs and cto^ not cause diemto^ contents; 1 ml 0,5 M tnaspars^ine solirtion
hydmiysis of t-asp^aglne. is then added a i d tim flask Is swirted again
for a few seconds. The I t e ^ is sto^i^^^ieKl
a i d placed in &n hiaut)ator a t 3 7 ^ f o r 2 h.
Malteriais and aM^^iatiis
Aft^ trK^ubation, the stopper is removed
Volumetrio flasks (50 mQ and approximately 35 ml KCI-^2S04
Incubator {ZT'C) or temperature-controfled solution is added. TheflaskIs swided fc^^ a
w^erbath imff seconds and allowed to ^m^ until the
C^tilfation flask (100 m^ contents have ccK>led to room t^mp^ature
Steam distiiiatlon apparatus (see Ke^ey ^bcNut 5 min). Itmt ttie volume is itfiuted to
and Neison 1982) SO ml by ttie SKiditbn of iCCMg2^4
solution, mui 13m l&a^ is stc^^>ered and
OiKmiicals ami ^ i i t t o i ^ Inverted sevc^ U m ^ to mix ttie cxNfit^^ite.

Toluene To d^ermJTO NH4-NI In the r^5y«*ig soil

sii^pension, the flask is Invated msmsi
Rsh^-oertifled reag^t i f i s h ^ Scientlfto times ^Kl a 20 nri tik|i^ of t r ^ mi^pN^mlcm
Co., CM:^^Pt i^* Is pi(^tted Into a KK) tti dMIMion ftas^
Tris iHifte- 0)J lyi, pH 10)fefsmpm^ tjy a i d tt^ NH4-N n^ic^ised h d^^mnlr^ by
dit^olvir^ 12,2 g of Tris pytkoTsy mettiyl) stesm dB^RMon of thm ^Iquot viMt 0^3! g
amino mettiamie i^ynm<^^W^ r^agmt) In WgO fcr 3 ^ nrtn, as described by Kmm^
about fXXi ml of waten ad|i^ng tt^ pH to
10 by tKration wiljh 0«1 u Ns£>H enti dfluting In tt^ OEHttrols, tti^ pnDcedwe d^NC^ibed for
the scNi^n vwtti wa*^ to 1 1 nm ^^^lay of t-a^^a^^ina^e mol&v^ k
t*Mf^raglrm Glutton (0.5 M) is pn^^ared by laihm^ t^ the 1 ml 0.S M L-^n^gmB^m
dti^soMing U S g trmfmrnsirm p^ma SQfcitkm h adcted afl€r ttm atidMim dfthe
Otmtfk^ 0>.t St Loi^s, **0) into a 25 ml
vctor^M^fti^k. 71^ vohmmm^lmtmi by alcftf^ Urn K : C M 6 J ^ 4 scMsm to#is sdi
mMf^ Tils tHiffer. The ocMiri^ts am rtmBdi s a n f ^ aft€r kicdb^cm U totaK^ivaftet-
yMe ftiming lK>t tap i ^ € r over tt^ fl^k. s^^pssmg^mse mid ^ifciw a tp3^ifeaate%
ctet^tnlni^tort of tlie NH4-JSI i ^ ^ ^ s ^ .
Pdta^iym chloride ^£ M)HsiNver sulfriiiate
(1(K> pat$ 1 0 ^ solution fs prepared by Discai^on
dissolving 100 nng reagent grade AsbS04 In
abmit 700 ml wat^, d l s ^ M i ^ 188 g
i ^ g ^ t p^de KCS In M s sc^utlcm ami
diluMf^ ttie sdiuticm to 1 L 10.0 0^mnkm\mpa&t m^ JdtodS^atm 1 ^ 1 ^ .
MtticHJ^htti^^eh slightly HKS^ lu^Mty at
fto^p^il^ 1:^ the d€timmlnistt^ of
irormiftium < n ^ i ^ k 0 f i oxiNdle, borto add-
^ i ^ Ificw pH 8 to 12,
mdk^aS^ t^uUcm, Q.&3& H S U ^ I M I C maU^ is
pi^m^ m cfe^scrit:^ by Kearney m<i V i ^ r ^ Vie sufa^toBte Ci^i^r^y^gir^)
N^sm (198^. coTK^in&aticm in ttie m(alhod ti^ai^o^

326 Chapter 7
L-Asparaginase activity of soils

^ t o w ^ that ttie com&fitm^cm adopted (50 aizyme t-asparaginase appear to be

nm) Is $atisfaot<^ for ttm ^ $ ^ y of slBUe to freezing and thawif^, mfi to
irm$m^ipmB a^tiv% m isolis stCHage in the ftozim statefi(>rpcrkHJs of up
^rm\kmb&tgs^ and Tabari^d^ 1991^. At to 6 riKinths or ledger ^UBm and Wriston
this ooncento^icm, t-a^i^rs^inasa te 1971). The ei^^igiy of ^::th^tk>n <rf the
I t-aspafj^me and the reaction catalysed by t-^asii^Hragina^ in
nine soils (exi^i^sed in kJ n^l^^) mr^ied
Mr^tlc^ Hie is^p^mmt i^ oonsleyit frmn 20,2 to 34J Cavang^e 26.6 kJ mol""^)
mmB^ BA nm m nine soils f ^ r ^ k m t ^ g ^ and T^^al^A^ 1 ^ 1 ^ . The
fmnkmim^ ami Tal^atgrt:^ 11^1 a). The temp^atum coeffloients for t-^
o - l ^ n i ^ of m^fm^itm U ^so hydroi^s^ activ% in ^ h t SCHIS, for 1
fri Ji^^ biA tt^ aottvtty ^ oriiy i^KHit 16% of betwei^ 1 0 1 ^ 50^C, mr^^ ftiwi 1,12 to
the actMty of ttie t*isomer at a saturating 1*70, virith an average of 1,39
subsfrate coitoc^tratlon. fl^mnkenb^ger and Tatetebad 1991 a).
vA^:^imginas0 m^ify can tie det^tnined S^^mt stmll^tlon is to itmMvtaie
i;^fn^ 1 ^ s d i ¥toMm\fm^ tat tinear relatkNnsliip soft enzr^es, tnit and
b f t w ^ttH^iN^nmintof ^ i a»^ the ^^TKiunt Tat^alD^ ( l ^ l a ) ftniiKl of
^i^^ i^rtiased stowed ttiat S g of t-^aspar^hn^ase acuity tti^lii^dbnent
t-ispaiagbme lEK^Mfy 0=fa5tcaib(^9^ m^
This if¥E^t^i^m mo^Mtjf k\ the
pi^ence of t<^u^^ nky be due to a
, IfUicating eith^ c h a n ^ in Itie p&m^&M^ tif fStm mk^rcbM
a^t ftmnk^me to miriNs^tes wmi enpryme
bec^n*^ ^ HnMk]^ factor cir t i i ^ oie of the
pi^^i^K^f^ or i-ai^p^airiio a : ^ \ (1967)^

of M H (darfv^ fDcrni 1 t ^ e»ec*5 of l-feCabt P"

iu:^ki on i-mf3^ms^fi^smwslS>tM
tttat a firee m^l^rf^r^ im^ety Is i
to niiHiil^n t t o as^ftire missjptm*lim effect

of c ^ m i ^ 1 ^ lamki^m # K M ^ t t ^ solt

vt^lwi tt^ JM iHrfNr 1 ^ ^ ^ f^t^^aed to

o o n ^ n 5 nm yM% r^fmit to flto fc)rih:^ng
ions: r . Nan Mn^\ a % NCJ^^PO/^ ^ i d
8 0 / ^ ^ r m k m b ^ 9 ^ and Tabat£tt:ii^
iWi^. Tr^towit of i^tisuMi MariF ftrMbtts
i^i^:^^f^lna$e ^ l ^ « t l ^ taMMHi^
i^&m^ to be lelated to ttm t M l k ^ o l l ^ ^
lec^ir^ fcH* s^Dth^Mcm of t i ^ ^i2gffim.lBto^
C^^^ and i ^ ^ activate 1^
a^Hvit^ in sc4.
lb 4^Mbr to tti^ iipcited for airricis^^

Enzyme activities 327

L-Glutaminase activity of soils

L-GlutamJnase activity
of soils WT. Frankenberger, Jr
(Frankenberger and Tabatabai 1991c, 1991d) M.A. Tabatabai
L-Glutaminase is among the amidohydrolases malthousei and Penicillium urticae (Imada et
that supplies available nitrogen to plants. This al 1973).
hydrolase is specific and acts on C-N bonds L-Glutaminase activity in soil profile samples
other than peptides. i-Glutaminase (i-gluta- generally decrease with sample depth (Fran-
mine amidohydrolase, EC activity in kenberger and Tabatabai 1991d). The relation-
soils was first detected by Galstyan and ship between L-glutaminase activity and
Saakyan (1973). The reaction catalysed by this organic C, using pooled data (33 samples)
enzyme involves the hydrolysis of L-glutamine from five soil profiles, was highly correlated
yielding L-glutamic acid and NH3: (r = 0.92**). The soil properties that related to
L-glutaminase activities in 25 surface soils
included organic C (r = 0.79**) and total N
I (r = 0.76**). There was no significant relation-
NHg — C — H COOH ship between L-glutaminase activity and pH,
I L-glutaminase I
percentage of clay or sand. There was, how-
I ^ ever, a significant correlation between L-glu-
I taminase activity and amidase (r = 0.82**),
CO CH, urease (r = 0.78**) and L-asparaginase (r =
0.92**) activities in surface soil samples stu-
{7J) died. In the presence of trace elements (5
|imor^ g"^ soil), the average inhibition of L-
L-Glutaminase is widely distributed in nature glutaminase in three soils showed that Ag(l),
Hg(ll), Sn(ll), Gr(lll), Ti(IV) and W(VI) were the
and has been detected in several animals
most effective inhibitors (average >25%)
(Sayre and Roberts 1958), plants (Bidwell
(Frankenberger and Tabatabai 1991b).
1974) and microorganisms (Imada et al 1973).
Microorganisms that have shown to contain L-
glutaminase activity include bacteria, yeasts
and fungi. Plants and microorganisms are
probable sources of i-glutaminase activity in Prbiciple of the ineltK^d
soils, however, the main source is believed to L^hiteyminase catalyses the hycirolyBis of
be microbial in nature. Among the bacteria, t-ffutamlne to produce ammonra and t-
very high levels of L-glutaminase activity have giutamic mM. A drnpia, precise, mpid and
been reported in Achromobacteraceae soil s^i^iUve mettiod to assa^ttsactivity was
isolates (Roberts et al 1972). Fungal species
that are known to produce L-glutaminase
include Tilachlidium humicola, Verticillium of NK4 feiaasad by t-0iutam)nase a^ivity

p < 0.01

328 Chapter 7
L-Glutaminase activity of soils

ifiAm% f to t-ghitgrtnine, THAM

\ a l 3 r G l o r 2 h The NH4- Prer^Bd as ite^ffi^d t>y K e ^ w ^ d
Nelson (1982).
iv^2J&mkC\ Qontmnmg a
\ ctf m aiiqiiiDt ofttieii^yltfr^ soil A 5 g soil sample <<2 nw) In a 50 ml
volumeMc flask is treats v^^ ^3L ml
toluwe ami 9 ml TrtsterffenThe ftesk Is
^m^i^A for a few seconds to mix ttie
omtents; 1 mi 0.5 M i^lutaminasa ^iution
isiSKlded and ttie flask n mia^ again for a
imi seo^nds. T ! ^fla^kIs stc^pered and
S^MHii MsMiiwi a^^saratus (see Keeney Aft^ incubation, the stopper is removed
a i d ^(m>dmate{y 35 ml KCM^2S04
^hitton Is added* Ottier stei:^ Involved in
ttHs {m)oedure me ctes^bed by
Frankeit^frpr m^ li&^sS^&M (1i^1#. The
I # l 4 ^ r ^ s i s ^ Isctete^nAnedi^sdte^bed
1 ^ Keeney 1 ^ H^simm {19S25. To p^ltmn
controls, tt^ |2«cK::a(!hi^ fcr tN^as^y of
t-gliAamrnase ^ foMc^ed, e x o i ^ t l ^ 1 mt
wmm^ M, pH 10) <tf 0.S M tiilnteniiMi^ soliMcHi is JNided after
ttm acMtlcm ctf tt^ K 0 ^ g ^ ^ 4 r^tgwt A
^1^^^^ 12J2 g df Tflte second o m ^ 1^ bic^uded, but ifirfttKHit soil
fliiadMUt lo acoenint A^ partial c ^ m o d hydtol^s of
r^ a # ^ f t ^ the pH to 10

i.-Qiutamtr)e ^ mM) decxm^^ic^ses iipc^

^ai^icfl^ii^^ 1.t2 g of i^sdHitg ki tiie presence of Trie t^iffi^
i i g ^ i t t p ^ |^gp?m C ^ m k ^ C>>«, St |0«1 Mt { ^ 1(9 The iBte of dNMntk:»9d
l^^tlmty^ feM0^^ an es^x^r^iM^ omre
wNti bK^reasAi^ l€Nnip^^iAuBfe iSMi fanges
l3dW^|04ii^f:M1O^^ iPCNfH 0*5 to WL% itt 30^ and WQ^
ani i t i i ^ ^nMIe ninraig t¥^ lap ^mlm r^^pec^ivcfy ^mrkmc^cmQm laid Tiri^afasri:^!
Il^lc}. Decc^r^xmKton of t-glirtamir^ is
i^>^e^^m d i l c ^ e 0^.5 M H H ^ ^ $uiphate a i ^ concentnaikm cl^>^Kl^it in buffer
(1(» mg imr^) sduHon ^utlons* L-Qlutamine does n^t
dea>mpo$e In wati^, howe^^, in ttie
PNKC^ 1(X) 11^ of raag^t grada
|M'€^ence of Trts^ its cteccmiposltion
^ ^ ^ > 4 luiiKHit 700 irri of watsfy
ino^as^ \Mth mito^^easein concentration
ii»$<ri^ 1 M g <H^ r^i^Bierit g r ^ ^ KCIifi
mNdk time, ^(^roximate^ 2 % <rf t^lu&miine
0 ^ scAM:^ and itfhito tt^ sotutori to 11 (50 xps4 ctocompc^es in2 h in t ) ^ presmce
of Trie boffer, v«^€»Ba^ 18% Is deoMtiposed
Rai^iente for ctefe^tmii^icm of amiT%)filyni in 24 h at 3 r c . "^xvl^ r^uMto "mm
(fra^m^iym oxhto, iaorfc acid Imlicator lepmted by & ^ et at (1949b), wNo found
soluticmp 0.00s M suif^uric acid) ttmt 28% of Li^utamlne {20 mM) wis^s

Enzyme activities 329

L-Glutaminase activity of soils

decomposed in 20 h in the presence of ttie reactk>n r a t ^ deviate Arcnn linearity with

phc^phate buffer but only 6% in a |:»t>longed inoiti^rtlcNr). Maxlm^d
phc^phate-free (veron^ buffet i-glutamlns^e acM\dty ki i^ll ocmirs at 5ff*C
Frs^kenb^er and Tatotabaii ( 1 ^ 1 c) under ttie ccMidltions of ms&jf. The
observed ca. 2% deoon^)csKion of aotivaticm mmg^ c# Vtm m^c^tm catiriysc^
L-gtutamine during th^ 2 h as^iy m\6 t ^ L-glutemlnase of nine ^ I s nsur^ed from
t^tipmBture of 37^0, tnit ttiis was 20.3 to 39.9 kJ mor^ {m^^^ 324)
accounts for by using the proper controls, 0=^rmk^berg(^ and Tabatabsrt 1991c). The
L-Glut^sminase activity in soils exhibite high sut)strate cx>ncentration activity cnirves of
activity within a remarlcably tKoad range of
pH. Jtm optimum pH of t-gluteminase M i ^ ^ i Mnetk^ 1 : ^ ^ . The Mk^a^is
activity In soil t$ 10 ^rank^fc^ger mtd coi^tante (JQ rmiged from 8 ^ to ^ , 6 rm
Tabatabal 1991o), The apparait pH f^rankenb^g^ and Taftsatatidi 1%1^« The
optimum for clay-adsorbed enzj^es Qto values of the reactkm catalysed by
generally i$ disi^aced or^ m two pH units t-gfutamins^e in nine soils ex(K>sed to
to more alkaline values. This shift in pH temperatures of 10-60% rar^ed ffmn 1.19
optimum to higher valu<^ occurs because to 1.85 (av^age 1,49) fl^raikentwg^ and
SK^idity at tto clay surface is significantly Tat)atabsd l l ^ l c ) . Btemn st^ltzaMsn
greats thai in tnitk solution P o ^ and ( l a r c , 1 h) Irmcth^ates t^lutamrtna^ tot
Mortland 1990),
after tti^ tr^rbmerA. ir43Samt^mm acMv^
Frankenbeiigi^ and Tatm^rt^ (1991c) Is g r ^ e r ki %:rfu^r«^tr^dted soHs flian In
showed that 5Q rrm of t-gtutamine is tt^ abs^io@ of tirfu^e. t-Glytaminase in
sa^factory for the ssssay of tigflutemln^^e i^ts Is sbongiy InhMted f ^ severs!
activity in smls. M thm cx>r»san1^tion, sulphydryl group r ^ s ^ t s , Iha dffedts of
t^tutamina^ t)ecomes satoat€ti with tH^Cbf iH<^kKtcmi^^cHjry>6iiBait^ mM, and
t^fuftamtf^ arKi Hm nsfte ^ ^ ^ t l M l y fdbws iodbac^tk^ a€^ i^j^^S^^^ttiafta free
z^o-mic^ Wmtlcs. The I H ^ ^ H ^ of i ^ p f q ^ ^ nK:ri^% n e o e ^ ^ lo n^itein
glutmirine Is ^so hydre^sed in soils but at t i ^ ac^fe «^i^pim. inhii»9^ ite f u M ^
only 7% of ^ e activity of ^tm irmmmr at $»iqi:^piHtod 1:^ ttie ftr^ii^
sabimttng cxmc^Arattons of ttie sutetrate te not <mty kMbited by t ^ ^ l a ^ 1^
^ mM), Ihe activity of t^lu^minase Is rr«EHmmt)€ra[oate, tnit afe^ i^ Ag^, Wb^*^
{:^portior^ to flte ammint of scrii u^ad in a i d Ci^^ at ^EHw^rti^ ti^gitm
the assay. A lin^r r^a&Hiship has b&^ €^ri^:)€^r^^raMc^m |ttartmsgi 1971)* i^rfie^f^ ttie
i^tabli^ed between ttm ^izyme adUvity d^mtoai sattSt mily N ^ tia^ an MM^my
m¥i the aumint of smi i^ed, i^p to S g of ^lect cm sm! t^u^^Hi^^^^^ adlh%*
soil V^rani^nbiergi^ aiKt Tab^teris^ 11^1 c). WitWttcm t^ F^ a^gHifesls I N * t-
The amount of NHi-N i^^ased dteviat^ gliAsMitfimse recptoes U^^m C ^ ^ to t)e
from linearity wh^i greata^ amounite of soil ac^e. At 5 mM, tKitti Ca?^ m^ Mfif*
(>5 g) Bm i^ad, Indic^ng tt^ eitf^r ttie adKfated t-giutemlnase a^:tMty 1 ^ IM1
subsbBte concentration is llmitir^ ttie averse of 4 ami 12%, r^pec^My
r^wotion rate m <me of the fHoducts ^H4 or 0^rg^kenb6»g^ m^ M^iiBk!^ 1991o), fiteo,
t*giutamto add) is InhRHOi^ t^tutiEUfninase
activity, the criss^ved deviation from t-^iutenrrins^^ ^ad^Hy in isxMs Incr^^es. i -
linearity of the ammint of NHI |»oduc^ GlutarMm^e ac^Nrity m iKst ^BiSmA^d H0^m%
Witt) Increasing tim mtmM of $^i afY}e£B^ tt^ Trts toffcr used o^nt^ns S tmn wtti
to t>e due to a substtiarte limitation respect to tt^ frtk»^r^ mm K\ fste^
0Frarri(ent)erE^ mvi IdtmiBfm 1991c). Mn^% C r , NOs^, P O / ^ or S O / ^ ,
AMK>ugh VmfomiatiiKiof NH4 In st^ls
shows zero-order reactions fCH* at les^ 4 h.

330 Chapter 7
L-Histidine ammonia lyase activity

L-Histidine ammonia
lyase activity WT. Frankenberger, Jr
(Frankenberger and Johanson 1982) M.A. Tabatabai

Histidine ammonia-lyase (EC is the (1910). It comprises approximately 10% of

enzyme that catalyses the irreversible non- the total basic amino acids found in soil hydro-
oxidative deamination of L-histidine to urocan- lysates (6 M HCI) (Bremner 1965a). Histidine is
ate and ammonia: unique in that it bears a weakly basic imidazo-
lium group, and it is the only amino acid whose
R group has a pK near 7.0. The imidazole
CH2CH(NH2)CCX>- C=C- CCX)- group of L-histidine can function as a nucleo-

% ^ "
ri ' +NH«
philic group in the binding of substrates in
various enzymatic reactions.
L-Histidine is widely distributed in nature. In
L-histidine Urocanate Ammonia
plants, animals and microorganisms it can
(7.8) account for <1 to 8% of the amino acids
found in proteins (Tabor 1954). Among the
The enzyme, histidase (i-histidine NHa-lyase) microorganisms, L-histidine NHs-lyase pre-
was first discovered in 1926 by Gyorgy and parations have been purified from Aerobacter,
Rothler (1926) and Edibacher (1926) who Bacillus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas and Sal-
observed an increase in NH4"^ when L-histi- monella species (Lessie and Neidhardt 1967).
dine was added to aqueous liver extracts. In The distribution of L-histidine ammonia lyase
1930, Edibacher et al (1930) later observed activity in soils is correlated with organic car-
that glutamic acid, NH3 and a reduced acid bon (r = 0.70***) and total N (r = 0.55*) in the
(formic acid) were the reaction products: topsoil (Frankenberger and Johanson 1983a).
There was no significant correlation between
L-Histidine + 4H2O -^ L-histidine NHs-lyase activity and soil pH,
Glutamic acid + NH3 formic acid (7.9) cation exchange capacity, percentage of
clay and percentage of sand. The activity of
Since then, the enzyme that catalyses the de- this enzyme is concentrated in surface soils
amination of L-histidine to urocanate has been and decreases with profile depth. Air-drying of
studied in both mammalian and microbial sys- field-moist soil samples increased L-histidine
tems and was referred to as "histidase", NHs-lyase activity by an average of 18%.
"histidinase", and "histidine-a-deaminase". ••'.'^=•- ' ' J ^ - ' - <';>'V'','

The International Enzyme Commission has

now named this enzyme "histidine NH3"
lyase" (Florkin and Stotz 1964).
The amino acid, L-histidine, was first
detected in soils by Schreiner and Shorey

*** p _

Enzyme activities 331

L-Histidine ammonia lyase activity

acUvify wi^n sod is incubated with bufferBd Prepare M s solution Immediately t)efore
(0*1 M Tris, pH 9.0) t-histidlne solutjon a i d use.
toluwe at 3Tt), TTie NH4 missed is Reagents for i l ^ determinatton of
dateimln^ by a procedure Involving annrm)nium (magnesium oxkie, borte ^ i d
tn^tment of the Incubated soil sample with indicator solution, QXX&5 M sulphuric aclcQ
23 M KCI containing a i-hlstidine NH3 lyase
inhii:ritpr {umnyl acetate) and steam Prepare as descdt>^ by K^ney and
dtetlHatioi of an sJiquot of the n^sulting Nelson (1982),
suspension with MgO. This proc^uns
gives quantitative recovery of NH4-N
released In soils and does not cause Proc^ure
chemic^ hydrolysis of the $ul:^trate. Place 5 g of soil (< 2 mm) in a a3 ml
volumetric flask, add 0,2 ml of toluene and
Materials amt am^aratiis 9 ml of Tris buffer, swiri the flask for a few
seconds to mix the contents, add 1 ml of
\toiumetrtc flasks (50 mi)
0.5 M t-hlstidir^ sotutbn mxdi swiri ttie flask
Incubator 0TC) or temperature-controlled
again im a few s^>onds. Then stopper the
f l ^ k s^d frface It In €MI Incubator at 3 r C tw
Deflation flasks {100 mi)
48 h.
Ste^sm d^tillatlon apparatus (see Keeney
ma N^son, 1982) Mti&t iiK^bation, remove the stop|)ar^ add
approximately 35 ml of «te KCI-
Chemicals and soiiittons UOaCQaHaO^b aoiutlon, swirt the flask for a
fma sa;x>ncte ar^ji allow the flask to s t a ^
Tolu€^ie until t t e contents have cooled to room
ffeNri:aKtifl^ reagent pii^^HT ^lenlif to tempmature (afcKiyt 5 min). Jtmn cHlute flie
Q>,, Chicago, IL), volume to ^ ml l ^ ttie addition of KCt-
U02(CtHa05fe J^luttoi, stopper «ie flask
TifeH^t|rf«jrte ackl buffer (0.1 M, pH 9-0) and invert it sev^^^ t t m ^ to mix itm
£>i^$$olve 12-2 g of Trie 0iy<feoxy methyl) con^ilB.
amlr^oi rr^haiefl=ish^-<>&rtlfi^reag^^^
To detenniw NH4-N in t i e re^uWt^ soH
In about 8{K> ml of wat^, mij/u^ tto pH to
9.01^ttb^Wcmififlft 0.1 M H2SO4 aid si^^p^ision^ lnv€^ the fli^ sev^id tirn%
dNuteH^ ^lotlofi witti wat^to 1 1 and ppette a 20 ml tilquot of ttve
sust^nsion I r ^ a 1(K} iri (d^sttllatiaii fla^
t-MW*rte twMUon (6.S %^ mtd dmtmtAm ^&m NH^M i ^ e a s ^ t ^
JWd 5 i 2 g of iK+)-histldine ^eam <flstiteon df tfiis aitcpKft wItti 0.2 f
h^tebc^Imldte mon<%dmte (Wdri^^ of M ^ for 3JS fi4n ^ d ^ c ^ t t ] ^ fayKe^fW
tmtWi^ into a $0 ml volumetric flask. a i d N^sw (1982).
Make up t i e volume by s«Jdlng Tris Go^trote ^ o u l d be p^ormed In i^«*
t»jfferfitfidmix the contents. Store the s ^ e s of and]^ses to account f w t i e NH4-N
^s«:^ijion In a refrig^aton not derived Ircra t-hlstldlne thrmigh
l^ot^^um c#*k:»1de (2,5 iyj>Hirany! acetate i-hmtjdine NHa-lyiK^ actwty. To pcrtomi
l^ntn^ls, firilow t i e proc€NJure ctesoribed
for t i ^ as^y of t^hl^Wlne NHs-^^a^se
Ol^olve 2.12 g of reagent gmde UO^- activist biA tmim t i e i^Milton of 1 ml ^ 0.5
(CaMgO^^H^O in about 700 ml of M t-MsMine s c ^ i ^ n Mter ttia mk^m of
waiM, dssolve 188 g of r^Nagent grade KCMJC^^H^Oj^ f B i ^ » ^ Ttw p^pdse of
1051 In this soliition, dilute the solution to acfeTH^ t i e K O N r e ^ ms^^ s^Mkm to
11 wift water and mix tN:m5ugWy. t i e soil sample aftm* IncaibatlcHi ibto

332 Chapter 7
L-Histidine ammonia lyase activity

hmc^ate tti^ enz^e, t-^Mstidbie NH3-

tMmti^k^^^ Urn MHr^ n^^ased. Ttm ff^"»tf^*«9» »id Jcrtiamon iaS2).
wcM mj^i^ksmt mwfysod for NH4-N infist
A»»ar fs^ation^fa^we«nth« amourt of
j^^fYij^iri^ for NH4-'N w ^ sc^i SHKi NH4-N r^£»ied iraJBc^fted t M $ g
of s<« was «*s««a<wy fw i « ^ Q ^
L-WsOcBm NH^ lyaee acjM^
ff«rtcei*^gpM' md ^rfiamcm 19825.
However, theanoimt i^ NH4-N
fmmdm&^ iipMrmii &c^^ of L^hlslicHne <Je^^a«5fr(»nibnesHtiy «rih^.
«nounte of so« a » used, hwBcsWng eWier
iHifl^lFi^^f^rger and Johans(»i 11^2). tt»attt»sutKSbate c»»ic«ii^i^^xr) b a
theirf^ optimym of adi t-Nstldina NH3- KrnWng faaw cr ofte of »e product
Ijf&smWjn SKKid la^pre^erri; ^tti the value released ^ H * * or uiocanate) hWtsits the

Under the stdndard condWons descrtaed,

the «»JiiiiHMbfi of l«lr-N dertved imm

< ^ * 188 hfffai*ef#e»ger«BdJirf^nson

->' as i^^x^akJ t ^ Raohier {1959)* 1 9 ^ Irtorfeienoe ^irtcrobW ac*h%
<to^ 4Krt ;»»«ti1» ooc»r dittftnsttie48 h

amount <rf I#i4-N itfiased »Kl »»e <rf

friaA)attan IntfieI

rioted iille^»iei»»H» i^ P*<1 The ^eay of ^^^Ust^ie te^»e


\'. ^ -^''""''"
|Nw4e»4:^igpM- «rkt ^MiBKKKm 1^1^;

iHi^tirdryl mde^ teiieoe^»^ totnaktMn

Enzyme activities 333

L-Histidine ammonia lyase activity

s ^ s ^€«*adl to fMO^rtcfo a vsBtety of * ^ M t#*s^Bfc# l#fe%€^e A ^ t i ^ 11m

m« v ^ Inspect to tN^ fe^wkig k>ii^: K% t^tlcft^ NNb ^ ^ i ^ a ^ % ^

Na^, a ^ , NOa^. PO/^ and SO/^

334 Chapter 7
Phosphatase activity

Phosphatase K. Alef
R Nannipieri
activity C. Trazar-Cepeda

Phosphatases catalyse the hydrolysis of phos- hydrolysing pyrophosphates, metaphosphates

phate esters and are enzymes with relatively and inorganic polyphosphates.
broad specificity, capable of acting on a num- Phosphomonoesterases have been exten-
ber of different structurally related substrates, sively studied in soil because they catalyse
but at widely different rates. They have the hydrolysis of organic phosphomonoester
received trivial names according to their sub- to inorganic phosphorus which can be taken
strates; phytase, nucleotidases, sugar phos- up by plants. According to their optimum pH,
phatases and glycerophosphatase belong phosphomonoesterases are classified as acid,
to the group of phosphoric monoester neutral and alkaline phosphatases; the first
hydrolases (EC 3.1.3), whose mechanism of two enzymes have been detected in animal,
reaction is reported in microbial and plant cells. On the other hand
alkaline enzymes have been found only in
o microorganisms and animals (Beck 1973;
R - O - P - O® H^ HO - P + R - OH Burns 1978; Chonkar and Tarafdar 1981; Dick
and Tabatabai 1983). Both acid and alkaline
phosphomonoesterases are supposed to play
an important role in plant nutrition because
their activity in the ectorhizosphere is higher
Nucleases, which catalyse hydrolysis of ribo-
than in bulk soil ffarafdar and Jungk 1987),
and deoxyribonucleic acids to their individual while the content of organic phosphorus
nucleotides, and phospholipases, which cata- shows an opposite trend.
lyse the hydrolysis of phospholipids, belong to Both acid (4-6.5 as pH optimum) and alka-
the group of phosphoric diester hydrolases line phosphatase (9-10 as pH optimum) have
(EC 3.1.4), whose mechanism of reaction is been found in soil (Speir and Ross 1978).
reported in According to Eivazi and Tabatabai (1977),
acid phosphatase is predominant in acid
OH OH soils, while alkaline phosphatase prevails in
^n — p
R'O P == O Hp HO - P = O + R^OH alkaline soils. Usually assays are carried out
near neutral pH (6.5-7.0) (Speir and Ross
R^ R%
1978; Nannipieri et al 1988). The optimum
temperature has been found to range from 40
to 60''C and assays are usually carried out at
where R^ and R^ are alcohol, phenol or nucleo-
37**C (Hoffmann 1967; Tabatabai and Bremner
tide groups.
1969; Nannipieri et al 1988; Doelman and
The other three groups of enzymes, phos- Haanstra 1989).
phoric triester hydrolases (EC 3.1.5), enzymes Since the early 1960s, artificial substrates
acting on phosphoryl-containing anhydrides have replaced natural ones in assays for deter-
(EC 3.6.1) and enzymes acting on P-N bonds mining phosphatase activity of soil (Speir and
(EC 3.9), such as phosphoamidases (EC Ross 1978). Artificial substrates such as phe-, are also called phosphatases (Florkin nyl phosphate or p-nitrophenyl phosphate are
and Stotz 1964). According to Malcolm (1983), low molecular weight esters that are more
the temi phosphatases also includes enzymes rapidly hydrolysed than natural substrates.

Enzyme activities 335

Phosphatase activity

and they contain an organic moiety which is studied extensively in soil (Juma and Tabata-
easily determined; methods using natural bai 1977; Mathur and Sanderson 1978; Speir
substrates are based on the determination and Ross 1978; Mathe and Kovacs 1980; Beck
of inorganic P and present the problem that 1984a; Gadkari 1984; Nakas et al 1987; Rastin
phosphate can not be recovered quantita- et al, 1988; Wilke 1988; Cochran et al 1989;
tively from soil (Speir and Ross 1978). Doelman and Haanstra 1989). Usually ortho-
Michaelis constants of phosphomonoes- phosphate inhibits phosphatase activity in soil
terases have been determined in soil (Dick (Kiss et al 1974; Nannipieri et al 1978b; Speir
and Tabatabai 1984; Trasar-Cepeda and and Ross 1978; Spiers and McGill 1979; Appiah
Gil-Sortes 1987, 1988; Juma and Tabatabai et al 1985; Lopez-Hernandez et al 1989).
1988). According to Cervelli et al (1973),
Michaelis-Menten kinetics cannot be applied
without a correction factor that takes into
consideration the adsorption of the substrate
p-nitrophenyl phosphate by soil. Kinetic para-
meters of phosphomonoesterases extracted activity
from soil have also been determined (Nanni-
pieri et al 1988; Kandeler 1990); humus-phos- Assay of
phatase complexes extracted by sodium
pyrophosphate and fractionated by ultrafiltra-
phosphomonoesterase activity
tion and gel chromatography present at least (Hoffman 1967, modified by Beck 1984a)
two enzymes (or two forms of the same
enzyme) catalysing the same reaction and
characterized by markedly different K^ and
Vmax values (Nannipieri et al 1988). Humus- :^lf;''"" /'%'< //'-''•'',',' I"',' '-P", ''''^y' '^'-y'y'''^^^' 'H-'^'ifk^?'^'/.. » '- -'"
phosphomonoesterases complexes with
higher molecular weight are more resistant to
proteolytic and thermal denaturation than com-
plexes with lower molecular weight (Nannipieri
The activity of phosphomonoesterases is
strongly influenced not only by pH and temp-
erature values, but also by the organic matter
content, soil moisture and anaerobiosis. Due
to these effects, phosphomonoesterase activ-
ity in soil varies with the season (Speir and
Ross 1978; Beck 1984a; Sparling et al 1986;
Pulford and Tabatabai 1988; Rastin et al 1988).
Air-drying decreases the phosphomonoes-
terase activity of soil (Speir and Ross 1978;
Sparling et al 1986); enzyme activity increases
after the remoistening of air-dried soil. The
phosphomonoesterase decreases with soil
depth (Speir and Ross 1978; Beck 1984a;
Cochran et al 1989) and does not correlate to
bacterial number (Nannipieri et al 1978b; Speir
and Ross 1978). The influence of pollutants,
soil treatment and cultivation on enzyme activ-
ity and phosphate mineralization has been

336 Chapter 7
Phosphomonoesterase activity


C^mBOt «ia r^^^^Ms for ttie blarrtcs JSMICI

W^rK»{ ^ g g^^ dWt h^')»

, C X 100

;^ m^^^^^^^^fmj ^S^^yi^^^m |«[iPS9^pNr«aa«E^ ^ ^*

%8irrt8ii'^diA" l^it^ll^^ W7B; lBmik li^Mla;


Enzyme activities 337

Phosphatase activity

Phosphomonoesterase activity
CTabatabai and Bremner 1969; Eivazi and
Tabatabai 1977)
W^Mi'4k;-W^^'-}:'t '•
MhiiC^^ Of ttm i i i e i h ^
^l»h%1^^«Htt^Mled ws^to 1000
of |Ghrtbt^:rf^iol rrt^said after 1 ^

338 Chapter 7
Phosphomonoesterase activity

l^ust ttit vc>hinNS^ to S M by adhdWion of

tlie acWWcm of C^fe pcmm^ cS^^erslon

^^^fWM^ ^Mc^isi yt^ui^^ps^tocDdiBct

C^e is mqylredtodhoo^hf^ a iHiff^,

CNrioiMHcKi because $oH i:4K^plm^$0^^N%^
JfiNI:Medl b^ aootate and i^tead^'i:rfic^NA0
c^Ac^tettm;iHdbqf^h^ jm miUHitiB of tHiffais, wMl0 fiud^^se m Mdblteci t^ both

Fk^s 1978). H ^ M4bHim t ^ cifialeh

{3l^c^3Ma lm0mW iirttrit^My n^^ed to the
|H«&pj*«i¥rf g""^ dhart h^^) ^
^ffadt of f^lK^phad^ p^ocrim 1983).
incomplete extraction of p-nitrc^henol was
obj^vadfcisoils yrilh high orp^te rmttar

<pariM30va i^eki^o^tB^ r^^isad

, 1 ) ^ ^mettiod^cl l ^ M M : : | n d -ih^^w^

k ^ ^ b ^ f In INal^^^^^^ Mia
fcHM^ ccm^e^rift^^^ lo 7>S iiiM^
1 ^ ^ ba€»i tL^^ 1^: ^sM^ #l#r^3Mi 11^:^.

|pi|Oii^|^iM^. Is. ^

(Browman and Tabatabai 1978)
"••• ^'•'•"' :mmm
Phosphodiesterase has been detected in
microorganisms, plants and animals (Brow-
man and Tabatabai 1978). Usually the activity
of phosphodiesterase is much lower than the
phosphomonoesterase in soils (Eivazi and
Tabatabai 1977). Air-drying did not affect
phosphodiesterase activity, while steam steri-
lization for 20 h at 120°C inactivated it (Eivazi
and tabatabai 1977). On the other hand

Enzyme activities 339

Phosphatase activity

Sparling et al (1986) observed an inactivation

Dis^lve tZ*2 g of Trte fli^ifoxy tneth^)
of the enzyme activity after air-drying. Ortho-
mwm xm^mm In 800 ml of d^fitlM
phosphate inhibited the enzyme activity in a
iimei, miliM ttm pH to 12 v^dth HaOH
competitive way (Browman and Tabatabai
(0*5 ^ and l^r^ up to 1000 m} wtth
1978). The enzyme activity is significantly cor-
related with the organic C content of soils
(Browman and Tabatabai 1978). Phosphodies- Tris BOluMon (0.1 u, pH 10)
terase has been extracted from a forest soil
and chromatographically fractionated into Dissolve 12.2 g of Trts piydroxy methyl
seven fractions (Hayano 1987); 2,4-cyclic- mrAtm m^Hiar^ in 800 mi disttttod water
Bmi difcileto1CXK) mt vifth dmVlled water.
nucleotide-2-phosphodiesterase (EC
or 2,3-cyclic-nucleotide-3-phosphodiesterase Stamta^d p-nftrojrtienol solution
(EC seem to be enzymes of one of
See estlmatkm of
these fractions.

l%lm^rie of ttie iiietfiod
f%ce 1 0 c r f s b i ^ ^ mm), nfK^ist soli in aii
1 1 ^ f i i ^ l ^ based m\ttiet^ksSmrnkwAUm e ^ r m y ^ l l ^ k p } mO, acki Oi! ntf
:i^ i ^ i ^ i i e ^ g ^ p r f M ^ ^ after tt^ \iMmm^AMlM\»MmwA 1 iM socfltim
\ii^rp^^i^im^m^ p N ) 6 p M e mA^^te« Mbc
; i^i^^ far 1 h I t
fn€^yi:Nad^far1 ti aft 37"^). Altir tt^

I M ^ D i ^ a l/Vfi^^ 1 ^ I c M ^ fftt^
y^' -iy^. V-'-^)'''

ttiH^ e i A r ^ i ^ ^ ^ori^i^ ami MnrtocN^^

b€^c»e Ab^ttcm of fiH» sbR »y^&$>^ii^ M

' s ^ esttf^ADii of {tic^NiNmifiQ^

:; f f i f e ^ ^ W S 1 1 0 ^ socftim Ws-p- Cidtetriattmi

; V: f l ^ in 80 ml of Tife
vsse ^%iitfc»i of |:rtio^p4K^^


340 Chapter 7
Phosphodiesterase activity

^^mobk^ im^bation of soH samples

1 ^ inoBase m a decrease in Materials ami apparatus
^ ^ t t % ^itond myd Tabaiabai 1988).
The same materials and apparatus
Htm c^lce of buffer is important because described in the eaill^r sectkin on
ortN:ptosphate, EDTA and cli^te (5 mM) phosphomorK>estera^ activity are required
sipnMcsMy Mttiits the p tosphodiesterase as welf as lOO^-m^h glass beads.
i^vtty of soil 0rowman and TabaM>^
Ch^nieals and solutioi^
J ^ vatii^ betvirec^ 1.3 and 2 mM for the
^^(tfi^rate d^i^nttrc^)henyl (^osphate have
bem foynd prowman and Tabatabai 1978). Modified universal buffer stock solution
Prepare as describe in the section on
phosphomonoesterase activity.
Phosphotriesterase MUBpH10.0
activity Tl^ate 200 ml of MUB stock sofutton to
(Eivazi and Tabatabai 1977) pH 10-0 uniiBr continuous stfning v^th
0.1 M NaOH and then dilute to 1009 ml
Paraoxanase, the enzyme responsible for cat- with distiiied water.
alysing the cleavage of diethyl-p-nitrophenyl &>dlym Trls^p-nitrophenylphosphate In
phosphate (paraoxon) into p-nitrophenol and solid fomi,
diethyl phosphate is indicated as a phospho- CaOia 0.5 M solution
triesterase. However, according to Schmidt
and Laskowski (1961), enzymes like paraoxa- Pr^i^m as d i ^ c ^ b ^ in Vm $ecti<m on
nase should be classified as a phosphoric {[^hosphomonoestera^ s^i^JMty.
anhydride hydrolase rather than phosphatase NaOH 0«S M solution
because of acidic properties of nitro-substi-
tuted phenols. Since the method for assaying See ^tlmatic^ of
the activity of these enzymes in soil is based
on the use of Tris-p-nitrophenyl phosphate, NaOH 0.1 M TOfution
the term "phosphotriesterase" may not be a
suitable name for identifying these enzymes. See ^^htiattc^ of
Phosphotriesterase activity in soil shows an
optimum pH around 10; it is increased by air- S t a n d i p-nftmphmml solutton
drying and inactivated by steam sterilization
(Eivazi and Tabatabai 1977). Pmp^m as Indicted in ttie ^^oHon on
ptosphomorK3estefase adtrvity.

nace 23 mg of scNdium Tris-j>
Mtai&iAft bif fits iiii^tt^id
nttropti^yti^osf^te (nscrfuble In watei) in
a 3Q ml Erfenmeypr flask, mixed wtti 1 g of
r^MspMrptt:^^ feleased rm>ist sieved ^ trnn) mM m^i m^mmd wWi
2 g of lOO-^n^sh gtg^s beacfe. ttimi add
0,2S irri of Ibokmm (added tkas^i^^i^m to ttw
m^ao^ of ttie jg^a^ beaels) a i d 5 rrrt cf
MUB, pH 10.0. l^of^^ theflasics,mbc flie

Enzyme activities 341

Phosphatase activity

orthophophate, but also because the sub-

strate (pyrophosphate) may continue to be
hydrolysed abiotically (for example, at low
pH) and the presence of pyrophosphate may
inhibit the measurement of orthophosphate.
A pH optimum of 8 has been observed in soil
(Dick and Tabatabai 1978) while heating of
moist soils over 60°C inactivates enzyme
activity (Tabatabai and Dick 1979). Toluene
and EDTA have no effect on the pyrophospha-
tase activity, while inhibition is observed when
soil is steam-sterilized or treated with formal-
dehyde, fluoride, oxalate and carbonate (Dick
and Tabatabai 1978). The activity decreased
with depth, and it is positively correlated with
organic C and clay content. The pyrophospha-
tase activity of soil is negatively correlated with
the CaCOs content of soil (Tabatabai and Dick
1979). The best method for preserving enzyme
activity is to store the field-moist soil for 2
months at 5°C (Tabatabai and Dick 1979).

Pyrophosphatase activity
(Dick and Tabatabai 1978)

The enzyme catalysing the hydrolysis of pyro-

phosphate to orthophosphate is the inorganic
pyrophosphatase (pyrophosphate phospho-
hydrolase, EC and has been extracted
from bacteria, animals, and plants (Dick and
Tabatabai 1978). Interest in this enzyme
activity in soils derives from the fact that
polyphosphates are used as fertilizers.
It is difficult to determine pyrophosphatase
activity in soil not only due to problems con-
cerning the extraction and determination of

342 Chapter 7
Pyrophosphatase activity

%&m arKi ad|im tti^ Virfuit^ to.SQO mi

g itf scKiumigBanftain liK^ytiK%f ml of

II^ANKJ W ^ ^ afKi adp^ Ihe voltymo^ fo

MA w^.l)il&^$#ticm^ iin


Enzyme activities 343

Phosphatase activity

;-, '"ii-

^fcp>fe 9I % %0, j S , ^0 aiKl 2$ f^ is^ tfie { ^ r o f ^ i ^ s i ^ ^ oqKWb^aiScm above ^ ii»^

ftitp 106 mt votufii^Mo % i ^ , #€i|ust ttie <^in l^e dh^ t^ t y ^ laictc^^: (i) MtfeMcHm of
tfie pyiic^lio^]fpteise # ^ aft Mgh

acUvattoii of p p o p ^ s f ^ ^ iMiKfing
^iqiiofe of the dliwe s l a r ^ ^ s t ^ tte tf^ substrata to ih# $oU ani^iii^ may not ba
s i i f l k ^ t at hi^h pyrc^hosi>hata

a n ^ ^ of | M ^ c ^ ^ flbc»f:Mod

4i^fcfeitt|^^g^j^^ ViMfi tkfia|ri tlM pra^^nca

l^r!c^:Masi^^ ppwi^it W^ wM

344 Chapter 7
Cellulase activity

Cellulase K. Alef
activity R Nannipieri

Cellulose is the most abundant structural poly- cellulases on the lignocellulosic material has
saccharide of plant cell walls. Microbial degra- been hypothesized. According to Sinsabaugh
dation of cellulose is therefore an important and Linkins (1988), exocellulase is largely
process in the degradation of plant debris associated with the cellulose component,
(Rai and Srivastava 1983; Sinsabaugh and while endocellulase is adsorbed by the lignin
Linkins 1988), Cellulose is a linear polymer of component. Cellulose is the first component
D-glucose with p(1-4) glucosidic linkages. The that is hydrolysed and the ratio of endocellu-
minimum molecular weight of cellulose from
lase to exocellulase activity increases during
different sources has been estimated to vary
the decomposition of deciduous leaf litters.
from about 50,000 to 250,000 in different
species, equivalent to 300-15,000 glucose The cellulase activity of soil generally has
moieties. Although cellulose has a high affinity optimum activity at pH 5-6 and at a tempera-
for water, it is completely insoluble in it. ture ranging from 30 to 50°C (Benefield 1971;
Cellulase catalyses the hydrolysis of cellu- Pancholy and Rice 1973; Hope and Burns
lose to D-glucose and consists of at least three 1987). Air-drying strongly inactivates cellulase
enzymes: endo-p-1,4-glucanases (EC; activity in soil (Speir and Ross 1981). An
exo-p-1,4-glucanases (EC; and p- increase in cellulase activity occurs in rhizo-
glucosidases (EC (Lee and Fan sphere soil, as compared to the activity of
1980; Eriksson and Wood 1985; Sinsabaugh non-rhizosphere soil. The effect of vegeta-
and Linkins 1989). Exocellulases bind to crys- tion, season and type of agricultural manage-
talline cellulose and cleave celluloligosaccha- ments on cellulase activity of soil has been
rides from the non-reducing ends of cellulose studied extensivelly (Kiss et al 1978).
molecules while endocellulases randomly Soil cellulases are mainly produced by fungi
cleave glucosidic linkages along non-crystal- (Clark and Stone 1965; Yamana et al 1970;
line parts of cellulose; p-glucosidases release Hayano 1986; Rhee et al 1987). Only a few
glucose from celluloligosaccharides and aryl-
species of Actinomyces are able to grow on
cellulose as their only carbon source (Stutzen-
The most important properties affecting the
berger 1972). Clostridium seems to be the main
susceptibility of the cellulose to enzymatic
cellulolytic microorganism under anaerobic
hydrolysis are the degree of crystallinity, the
conditions (Gottschalk et al 1981; Joliff et al
nature of the associated substances and the
surface area (Marsden and Gray 1986). 1989).
The degradation of cellulose in soils is a Several methods are available to estimate
slow process and depends on the concentra- cellulase activity of soil. They are based on
tion, location, and mobility of cellulases the determination of either released reducing
(Hayano 1986). Type of litter, substrate con- sugars or evolved ^^C02. Cotton strips, radio-
centrations, pH, temperature and water con- isotope-labelled cellulose and carboxy methyl
tent significantly affect cellulose degradation cellulose (CMC) are used as the substrate for
(Hunt 1977; Schroder and Gewehr 1977; the enzyme (Benefield 1971; Pancholy and
Schroder and Urban 1985; Sinsabaugh and Rice 1973; Latter and Howson 1977; Ibister
Linkins 1988; Tateno 1988; Kshattriya et al et al 1980; Sato 1981; Schinner and von Mersi
1992). A differential adsorption of the various 1990).

Enzyme activities 345

Cellulase activity

to 1(XX) it4 Witt) disliiled water.Store fat

Assay of cellulase activity
(Schinner and Von Mersi 1990)
tX^Nre 1 •§ s of l^ite ammcmhim
^l^haN^, 1 g of sodiuin dodeo^
l%fcic#le of ttie fiieihad m ^ ^ t ^ ^iti 4J2 mi of o<ma^ti#ed
H ^ 4 ^ dtetilled wat^ (StrC), ami bring
The fi^tKKJ Is b^mi <m the ttetwnlnaUon up to 1Q00 ml with distifled watw«
of ff^^sed lediK^ing sugars aft^ the
inoubatfcm of ^ i t ^^ampies witt) C^C for 24 <3ai^c^ rr¥^;K^i^:bBte glutton
h at SO^. Urn acivitics of mdc^lyomiase ^^ mg dCX» irt"^ dfsMII^ wrter.
and p^hiK)C^diase am mt^ be astimaitBd.

MiAerlals ami anpaiatim

B ^ r # fl | a i ^ # or 5 9 (toiBsQ of tnofts*
liii^bafe^ acji^teWe to 1K^ w^i% fki^m^^/^hdSmand IS ml of
€ ^ i^item; 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i s ^ arKil^ioyibate

mim^^ a#^$laA3to to I C ^ ^betoe

,'\f ^,;}'':-:
i f ^ ; 1 f ' I r t of the Pi#0'w»h / ;>


\ -y './

iiti9#ib be i^€»i^ * ^ f 1 ^ ^

:Ji8g|taC¥ariAtt» jn iJhsMM iM^A^igii^ idMMe

346 Chapter 7
Assay of cellulase activity

GfcK:?!^ i^ulv«toit |tg Q^^ dwt 24 h"^^) =

i^etwe^ ttie o^hi^^e i^^^^yi^s Mid other
CX¥Xf fiilaicA:^ pai^amet^B M3C3tfs 9%s ^ at
mfx d^
^ e i B 0 b ttie maamired gliKx^se {[Mspc^^i of ttm qi^tiirideH[^3rit^^rMrig
^liitJcKm o ^ tie perfcmned Ir^ oxMi^on
the vi^iime of t t ^ test ^spenskm^n tfiis wWi H2O2 at ait alteilne pH ^

agrioAij^ mid ^ W f O B ^ solls)» SMT te

Iti^ w ^ h t tif the i t K ^ s(M ii^s^
aid dut ^ tliH^ w i ^ M of 1 9 mol^ soiL Assay of cellulase activity
(Hope and Burns 1987)

ttie ac^^^^lb^

tNi^ if j ^ (Wti^oti^^ Idf IcM'^s^ ^E^« Itie

^a^TO?K««*.'';: A'-'^'": :r;? ^' ,5:;; ^-^^ ^ -

p(]f^^v::;>;;v^-;^j:; <

IjN^'fM'^^ o m l a M ^

Enzyme activities 347

Cellulase activity

03 g A\dlcel. Cap the flasks and incubate

Reagents for mie determination of r^uoing
for 16 h at 4XfC bi a shaking water bath«
sugars: ^
Finally, stc^ the reaction by oentrihigatlon
Coppi^ regent: i2S0Og, 10 min). To prepare thie control,
make the addlHon of Avicei after flie
Solution I
hicubation period and immediately before
Dissotve 15 s Na-K4artamte and 30 g o^ntrifuga^^. All measurements should be
NaaCOa in about 3(K) mi distifled wat^. o a n i ^ out at least in duplicate, Detemiine
Then dissolve 20 g NaHCOs in the ttie reducing sugsrs in the suji^matanls
sdiMon. accxirding to the method of Nelson and
&>mog]^ (in Spiro 1966); pipette 1 ml of the
Glutton II supernatant into test tubes, add 1 mi
Dissolve 180 g Na2S04 in SOO ml solution % cap tiie tubes with glass balls
distilled water, bofl the soltrtion to and boil in a water bath for 20 min. After
remove dJssoiv^ air. Allow the solution cooling, add 1 ml of the diluted arsenate-
to st^^d at room temperature for molybdate solution and mix welL Rnatly
OMling. dilute the mixtiro with 3 ml of distilled
watar arui m^^ure ttie colour opttc^
Glutton III der^i^ at 520 nm-
Mix ^fytions t and II, m^ diiute to 1(XK3
ml witti distilled water.
CalHbraltoii ctinre
Solution W
See assay of cellulase activity.
Dissolve 5 g CUSO4JH2O aid 45 g
Na2i^4 in dlstliled wsri^ ami bring up to
2a) ml with distilled v^t^*
€km&ci the msjEu^r^fnents for tte blank
Solution V
ShorHy befc»B use, mix m ^ volume of
<^^K5C«^ ^ g g^^ dwt 16 h^^) =
j^ytion IN arKi one vcriumeof solutk^n IVl
^senate^noVbdate ^ I U I ^ K I Cx V
Dissolve 2S g ammonlum-HKNybdate In
450 wi distilted wat^, mM 21 ml ttf w h ^ ^ O Is fite m€^tswed s^ucc^^
<K>r»c€aifrated H2SD4 wder oc^nuous icxmc^rtbalkm^ mr^ s^pematSHfi^, y Is
s M r ^ . FInidfy add 25 ml df IN» vtriuHTie of tii^ mM si^p&nslCHfi Qn this
ls^HAs^4.7HaO (3 g 25 wT^ wmm) and t^^s^mn, 5.5 ml) luid dwt ^ Urn dry i i ^ g h t d
mixttiCHmighly*ABow the j^ution to 1 g tmhA mil
staiKl for 2 days at 37X^ aid flit In brown
bottle* ^ o r t ^ before use, dilute tmn
volume of this sK)lution with tim volume
ofH2»34(0J5*«|. Hm ^fizpf^tic reaoticm Is linear for 16 h
(Suoose-monohyck^ate staicteud ^ u t i ( ^ ^^im and Burr^ 1987).
79 mg 1000 mP^ disUMed water. trK:^ti^1lkm of atril suspension with azide
pmm^ ttie asslmiterth>n of glucose by
sc^l mtoocHii^sms. ¥m tt^se re^^^ir^ it h
mm^&sH^ that inhtt^^:^ are u^^d 9*iope
f%5e 1 g of moist soil in an Blwrni^cr Mid & M ^ 11^7). Sinc^ a2:kie ik>m mA
fljs^ {25 mQ, mid S ml of acdbaite buff^ rnidi aiwa>s M i l t ^ miciobtal min^aiizaMon of

348 Chapter 7
Assay of cellulase activity

ji^aM^t ciayfoim pm !effic^eiid^ of the

Enzyme activities 349

p-Glucosidase activity

p-Glucosidase K. Alef
activity R Nannipieri

P-Glucosidase (P-o-glucoside glucohydrolase,

EC is the rate limiting enzyme in the Assay of the p-
microbial degradation of cellulose to glucose. glucosidase activity
The enzyme catalyses the hydrolysis of gluco-
sides according to the following reaction: (Tabatabai 1982; Eivazi and Tabatabai 1988)

Principle of the method

The metN>d i$ based on the deteimination
of the released p-nifropheool after ttie
Incubation of ^ 1 with j>nH:rophenyl
glucosrcte solution for 1 h at 37''C:

It has been detected in microorganisms, plants

7 2
and animals (Bahl and Agrawal 1972; Dey and
Pridham 1972; Wallenfels and Weil 1972). This
enzyme is included in the category of glucosi-
2 OH
dases that hydrolyse disaccharides. a-Gluco-
sidase (called maltase EC, which (7.17)
catalyses the hydrolysis of a-o-glucopyrano-
side, is also included among glucosidases.
Other glucosidases are a-galactosidase (EC and ^-galactosidase (called lactase
EC 3.2.1). p-Glucosidase is more prominent Marlertals aiKl ^ p a r a b i s
in soil than a-giucosidase and a and p galac- S|^^:^bt:f^tomrt^
tosidases fTabatabai 1982). p-Nitrophenyl-p-o-
glucoside has been used as a substrate to Wekm ^hsi^m^ bath adjystable to 3 7 X
estimate p-glucosidase activity in soils. The Rltt^ pai^r (Whatmm 2v)
Km values ranged from 1.3 to 2.4 mM for this
substrate (Eivazi and Tabatabai 1988). The p-
glucosidase was inactivated at 70°C and shows Chemicals and eotutions
a significant correlation with the organic matter
of soil (Eivazi and Tabatabai 1988). Modffied univ^isai b u f f ^ ^ U B ) , pH 8.0
See ^sttimHcHi of

350 Chapter 7
Assay of the p-glucosidase activity

; 1^iip€Hfahiif# ofj r o i^ i^ad lor t i ^ m^

'^:ph^a2j ami T a l ^ ^ ;-"^^'

wa$ii^:^e$say ft>rari4^c^6^t!^^ erf

IHittrc^rtiemit Irtmi sdBs*


Assay of p-glucosidase
(Hoffmann and Dedeken 1965)

Enzyme activities 351

p-Glucosidase activity

9,6 wfth N ^ H (20%) arri dilute wWi scMution. M^isuremente ^ e cs^ed out In
d i a l e d wati^ to 20(X) mL Mplicate wHth one coMrot.
^bromo quhione ohicmmlde sbhition
CaRbraUoii miive
200 mg 100 mF^ ^teiol.
Pipette 0,1» 3« S and 10 ml of ttie standard
^b$t^t0 solution {2305 9 j^-glucc^kte-
soiution into vtHiimetric fla^ C^ ml)^ acfci
20 ml act^te buffer* 2 ml bor^e buff^, 0 ^
Dissolve 2.3C^ g p^iucosicte-satignhi in of dilHon^ qylnone diic^mlde sotutkHi,
lalbo^ 85 m{ of dfetWed wat^ and bring and cMute to £@ mi wMi cKstilied wat^. After
yp to tlK> ml with distilled wat^« ^ mbi/mes^ijre the optica dcNnsity at 578
Saligiiin stamiard solution
0*1 mg mV^ disHBed water.
Ccm^ct for the control idx>A calculate briefly
V^^^o&JS g^^df itipist, alev^ 0 nun) k»l into a
lift^ismtrfc fl0k ( ^ mO, iKli 1 irt toluwe (7,18)
lyid sdlow to stknd tofiS mmwi tts^
ti^f^Htoe* n ^ add tflfWof mibsfeate ^i^ie^ O ^ ttm measured ^Icin
K:mmdtt^^kml^ irt^ ilbate), cM i$ ttia
diy ifi^eN^ <rf 1 0 mofet ^ ^ S9 fe tt^ totti
biNt^jd^on iMMBUm o c ^ e r ^ pfWUml witii voitiitm ofjMe r^e^aiclkm ws^t^ md 5 M ttie
^(ffstHed m^m, f^Mmoi0A^m^ Mm

idtbm^l^i^^ ot]fteiW<teJMifli^;
i i ^ i ^ ofj t t ^ i i ^ ^ ^ ^nains sl^ta
j ^ mto inl^siim V^ 0|^^ at 578
pfiif^i^rf^ iirt of fi^^^i^se o f j ^ shc»t I r i ^ ^
; 'Of 19^ $M^^^ ',:-"/, tbe m^^md^"^^

352 Chapter 7
Saccharase activity

Saccharase K. Alef
activity R Nannipieri

Maltose, lactose and sucrose are the most the ratio saccharase to amylase activity was
common water-soluble disaccharides, which greatest in the less developed soils (Ross
consist of two monosaccharides joined by a 1975).
glycosidic linkage. One of the most abundant
sugars in plants is sucrose, a disaccharide of
glucose and fructose [O-p-o-fructofuranosyl- Assay of saccharase
(2,1)-a-D-glucopyranoside]. Unlike most dis-
accharides and oligosaccharides, sucrose activity
contains no free anomeric carbon atoms. For
(Schinner and Von Mersi 1990)
this reason, sucrose does not undergo mut-
arotation and does not act as a reducing
sugar. It is much more readily hydrolysed
than other disaccharides. IHtiolpte af file iiiettioit
Saccharase or invertase (p-o-fructofurano-
side fructohydrolase EC catalyses of iB^sed riendltidiigi sugars ^ w t ^
the hydrolysis of sucrose to o-glucose and D-
fructose, and is widely distributed in micro-
organisms, animals and plants. In soil it has
optimum activity at pH 5.0-5.6 and tempera-
ture of 50''C (Roberge 1978; Frankenberger
and Johanson 1983c). The Km values of sac- See ^thtiaOoii ts/t i^eMy^g^ acjtf^^
charase in soils have been found to range from
16.3 to 42.1 mM (Frankenberger and Johanson
ChiHTiidk^ts and w/^Okxm :
Air-drying decreases saccharase activity of
soil (Hoffmann 1959; Ross 1965, 1968; Fran-
kenberger and Johanson 1983b), while activity
is very stable at 4°C and decreased with soil
depth (Hoffman and Elias-Azar 1965; Dutzler-
Franz 1977; Holz 1986a, 1986b). Toluene and Dissolve 12 9 i^f ^K^m^ to i ^ s ^ e
sterilization with gamma rays had no influence fadl^« sttr at 45"^ 1 ^ 2 h m^ dtiite to
on the enzyme activity (Voets et al 1965; 1CXJO till with acetate tH4ff^;TMi^utta«i
Roberge 1978). Hoffmann and Pfitscher <aBi t ^ stored fm% w e ^ at 4^*0*
(1982) found significant correlations between
saccharase activity and the organic C in soil. In B^^a^erds fc^ ttie iM^rmf^^
contrast, Dutzler-Franz (1977) found no signif- radudr^ sugars:
icant correlations (n = 54).
Saccharase activity in soil was the only car-
bohydratase activity significantly correlated See ^matlcm of iMMmB adlh%.
with the carbohydrate:lignin ratio of added Ri^entB
plant material (Rice and Mollik 1977). In a
climosequence of soils in tussock grassland. See ^timsAlcHi of cdtuie^ ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ .

Enzyme activities 353

Saccharase activity

mQ, #te tto iniitkm f£^:tor jN^mi 40), S is tf^

w ^ ^ t of tt^im^i^ tised in gr^^f^^^td
See i^fi^Mcm 0f cM* Js^Jte cfcy y ^ h t of 1 9 of mafet acMl

erf actfvOy.
V^ ii^x»wni^ t l ^ method by & ^
m^ Von l^ltersl (1^0) for tt^ cfeb^mlnaUon
of C^Oc^iyiaee ^ : t i \ % In sc^l, beoat^ it
Pl€»^ $Qci nf^iet wme4 ecM j ^ mii$ In an tt^ metiKKt p i ^ ^ Frar4i^rrib€»g^
B^mtm^ f ^ k (icm m^t iK:lkl IS rM ctf
micros^ scdtytiofi iml 15 flit ctf aciN^M^
buffet stor^er the ftestc amifcioytoi*e1m 3
tl at SO^'C. After the iiK^bation Mm the
fie^iWnS aoll $ij^|>^^skm; tii ^ ocKittol, the Assay of saccharase
mri^fin^e <1S M irf siK:^i^ adupoui) is
adti^ at tiia ^ of tfie tF^4:)iti^ activity
tmiwlted^ t><#Dro of (Hoffmann and Pallauf 1965)
tt^ filial^ to ^ frit ^

'.?Vv^^^/^-^ft / ,'^

v*"'"'' ' -' '•• " " • • ' • ' ' '

1 ^ e^Hnf^M df

arKi ca!(^ate ^^ccmilm*^ the l^oiMr^

^3fc«:^^iig S"^^*^ 24:W^'k ;?:^'!'^''5'\' ^

Bxdm " ^^-'".i' '


354 Chapter 7
Assay of saccharase activity

fMiCO^^mim^^ arid 2QQ g ^02804 theflItrsrUcm,A sea)nd ocmferod wthout soil

stouid be chanted out, ft is r^c^c^iimmd^
0mt ^1 mm^mjmtmi^ mm i^^ pvkin
Mplicate. Finite S mlflltiBlBMo a
Iji^w #0^^ oipoitm^ and volumeMo fl^k C1CX) ii#, 1 ^ 4 mi <rf
€^1:^3^ r^gfs^nt arKi bcril bi a waf^ batfn for
25 mln. Aft^ aKrfing, ^iM 2 ml of N%HK>4
;Mb(%^ of BiriySon 1 syiHd 25
solution and 5 ml of mol^^Ktete ^iutfon 3,
mbittioroyghty,ami allow io stafKl for 60
ftm. RnaJiy, dtlute to 100 ml with cSsflried
¥^m ami alter 15 mln ms^amMm the optroari
demlty at 578 nm.
\r^^,^mMMm^ms^mmiwf3^mui Mr^ up \^Mt

Calibratioii mirve
Pipem 0 , 5 , 1 0 , 1 5 BM 20 mt of ttie
standard ^ohittcm into ^umeMc fl^ks
(100 m% adkl 10 ml c^ lEsceMataiflPsraiid
tSkAB to fWm¥^!(MKMm
C^tcHfrntoe ttm i«cl^

ttfiai sugar ocmoantoaaon^ i ^ (^ 1^, 1CK);




MttiM y g ^ s ^ ^yi^ «%fN^ li^

Enzyme activities 355

Xylanase activity

Xylanase activity^ K. Alef

(Schinner and Von Mersi 1990) R Nannipieri

Xylans, plant homopolysaccharides, consist- iBducin9 sugars

ing of xylose, arabinose, glucose, mannose
and galactose, can be degraded and used as
Recent A
carbon sources by soil microorganisms. Xyla-
nases ( xylan 4-xylanhydrolase) include See ^^tirrmtiofi of celluiai^ acfiv%.
endoxylanases, which catalyse the hydrolysis
Reagent B
of xylans to oligosaccharides, and exoxyla-
nases, which catalyse the hydrolysis of oligo- See i^timatioii of c^Uase activity.
saccharides to reduced monomers. Like the
R^ient C
cellulases, the estimation of xylanase activity
in soils is based on the determination of redu- See astfrmtkm of oeRiiia^ idttvH^.
cing sugars (Hashimoto et al 1971; Schinner
dliK^o^ fiKmc%dlmi0 soltitt^ '
and Von Mersi 1990). The pH optimum of
xylanase activity has been shown to range l^e ^^kimtkm of oMtute^E^ activH^^^
from 5 to 7, while its temperature optimum is
generally around 50°C (Schinner and von Mersi
Pm&^k^m ^ '

bsth t l O O ^ for ^ c i c % | S ^ ^ ^

i!fypsM&A out hi jbf|pflaile«

'^ns n'"^ ';-*,"' •

Soe (KS^tttiiAon of

356 Chapter 7
Xylanase activity

of ^^dchK^r^ m^aiB is
ftcNTttiet^ntt)! ^ IsH of j ^ soiutiG^ )ia^ <o be
l%Nr ttiiai 10.5 ^ a r aiding r^^gfwte A
^THJ B, and Ic^^ar than 2
MM:^:^^^ Q^^ dvirt 2 4 h"^^) ^

w^n #10^1^ a n^giatMi ocmiriteWon w i ^ soR
lycftrpQCNn^^NB^ pnc^l^^i^ and
High ocHfio<^traUcms of Sjsdte» anitKmiuiii

oftha ftic^idie^ dlsbj^ the mdiK^i^ i

0 « | ^ 19^ Iflfl^ ^ ttie

# o h M ^ c^^ be p^HffcM^ t ^ file

Enzyme activities 357

Lipase activity

Lipase activity K. Alef

(Cooper and Morgan 1981, modified by Schinner et al 1991) R Nannipieri

Lipids are a heterogeneous group of com-

pounds, having in common the property of
insolubility in water but solubility in non-polar P^ftiH^le D^flmmetficHl
solvents such as chloroform, hydrocarbons or
alcohols. They rarely exist in an organism in Hm ffimmmmmii of ttie fliK:Nri^sceiit
the "free" state but are typically combined with 4^etti^ ymbeltlfemna (4-MU) i^eased
proteins or carbohydrates as lipoproteins or
Idft^ VhelmiA^m of soN mth 4zff¥^t0
lipopolysaccharides (see Chapter 9). A signifi-
cant proportion of lipids enter soil in the form
of triacylglycerols, the primary storage fat in
plant and animal tissue. Therefore the initial
degradation step involves the enzyme lipase
(triacylglycerol acylhydrolase, EC,
with the liberation of fatty acids and glycerol.
The reaction can also stop at the monoglycer-
ide stage (Desnuelle 1972).
Fatty acids are long chain carboxylic acids.
The parent molecules are the long, straight-
chain saturated acids, but there may be
many modifications or substitutions in the
chain that produce branched, unsaturated,
hydroxy-, keto-, epoxy- or cyclic acids. The 4 ^ " ' " ' ^ '""
most abundant natural fatty acids are the cis-
monounsaturated or polyunsaturated deriva-
tives. Under aerobic conditions, fatty acids
are degraded by a stepwise cleavage of 2-
carbon fragments (p-oxidation) with final pro-
duction of CO2 and H2O; acetyl-CoA produced
by this type of degradation is further metabo-
lized to yield ATP (Mahler and Cordes 1971).
Other oxidation mechanisms (a-oxidation, a-
oxidation) do not completely break down the
fatty acid molecule, but result in the formation
of oxygenated or dicarboxylic acids. Under
anaerobic conditions the fatty acids are often
accumulated in the environment. Several
methods are available to estimate the lipase
activity in soils (Pokorna 1964; Pancholy and ^^^^$y^, 'm^^^
Lynd 1972; Cooper and Morgan 1981).
Because of the short incubation time, the
method of Cooper and Morgan (1981), modi-
fied by Schinner et al (1991), is presented and

358 Chapter 7
Lipase activity

: - . - ; ; ! - F : : - - = . .r- • • ' . • ' • •

dfc '<A^iK ^^IkJi^^S w^te^afedMk ,JahJKdM^.^ik S L l k J ^ "^ . ^

r^N-spilSKiitneiaR •:•


Enzyme activities 359

Chitinase activity

Chitinase activity K. Alef

(Rodriguez-Kabana et al 1983, modified by Rossner 1991) R Nannipieri

Chitin, a homopolymer of N-acetyl-glucosa-

mine in P(1,4) linkages is the major organic
element in the exoskeleton of insects, crus-
taceans, and many species of fungi and other Chith suspar^fon (5% w M
organisms. Enzymatic hydrolysis of chitin to
15 g of chWn me mmea wWi 2 ( » iiil of
acetyl glucosamine is mediated by two hydro-
cono^itrated HCi and sttnrad im 3 h at
lases, chitinase (EC and chitobiase.
mom t^tipemture. T 1 ^ susfwdacl^
Chitinases are common in nature and are
cWBn Is tl^n fHt^Bdl thimish Itisi ;H':
produced by bacteria, fungi, plants and the
digestive glands of animals that consume
chitin-containing materials. In plants this
enzyme is induced and accumulated in
response to microbial infections (Boiler 1985).
Chitinase released by rhizobacteria is believed sypeitialiirit ^ Ifi^fi f i ^ ^
to play an active role in the biological control of
plant pathogenic fungi. Soil chitinase activity
decreases with increasing soil depth. Signifi-
cant correlation between chitinase activity and
nitrogen content has also been found (Veon et
al 1990).

1Y^ m^tiNi m imma mVm kK^ft^cm of

Miflb^is ate ai^ratim

C^trtftiin^ and c^Mft^Mfem tubes
C^^fylost <«a^^ tube

f^^^^jff^^^ t ^ l # ( t m ^ ^CK^ TOium)


360 Chapter 7
Chitinase activity

4-Pfn0tt^ rnnirmybmm ahMiyde stock

sdutkHi ^MW^
G^^oim to g DMBA In a mixtym of B7J& {^pette 0,0«S, 1.0 and 2 ^ ml of the
fi4 of a^oentrntecl aoetto acid m^ 12.5 N - a c ^ l gluoc^amine ^ i ^ i c m Mo
M wm^GT^lmted HOI and ^ a « at 4^C. wlyirii^'c flasl^ p 3 mQ, i^fd 12.5 iM of
{:riK^(Aate i^iff^^ 25 ml of KOI soiuMon and
taing up vi^h di^Hled water to 1 ^ ml.
MHx one ti^iymt of DMBA stodk soiutiCHi PlF^tte 0«5 ml of eadhi aoltjMon Into g l ^ ^
\iMh f o r vcrtymes of ocmo^tr^ed s^^^o taA>i^ and p6ifmm ttie deton^mtfon erf H-
wM. Ptapam a fr€^ scrfiMon daily. m^^ gliicc^^mrrtne las d e s ^ b ^ above.
iN^aoetyl giuco^mlr^ conb^ritratfof^ In ttie
soliitlcm (45 mu) caittH^on curve are 0,50, KX), 150,200
Dlssohro 0 ^ g of l^acet^ ghicosamnino and 250 |jig ml^^
ki ^ ill) of disfltled iiyater afid taing up
to 50 rrt* f^ie^^HTO a

Oofft^ tt^ itefta 1c^ 9ie bl^f^ aiKi c a l o ^ ^

^ ^ 9 ^ ; ^ JO g of imrist ^ In an ^temnN^^
1 ^ PK^ 5 ii4 of {:^K9q[4i^ite tnifl^.
iOl5iWirftt^#Wn 1?^

if4we 0 % tt^ i m ^ g ^ j ^ l^N^^yl

v% 11^ f M ^ w i e iN^

% #¥^ cfcy w ^ g ^ €# 1 f ^mmCw^


1 aft 5 ^ m ^(M^n SO iMfi* M €fc:^iAc ^ a i m c M c a ^ erf tt^ i^solbed

nr^ist \m canted out at i^^t ki 1 ^ Relsas^ M €i|1955). ^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^7

t o i k y ^ W M M : ^ mNm^:^ a d ^ ^

Enzyme activities 361

Catalase activity

Catalase activity K. Alef

(Beck 1971) R Nannipieri

The enzyme catalase (hydrogen peroxidase anaerobic bacteria. Catalase was the first
oxidoreductase, EC has a detoxify- enzyme studied in soil (Konig et al 1906,
ing function in cells by catalysing the following 1907; May and Gile 1909). Its estimation is
reaction: based on the determination of released O2
(Weetall et al 1965; Beck 1971; Kuprevich
H202-^ H2O+JO2 (7.24)
and Shcherbakova 1971a; Trevors 1984; Holz
Induced hydrogen peroxide is poisonous for 1986b). Catalase activity is detected in plant
cells, oxidizing the SH-groups of proteins. and animal ceHs. This interferes with the esti-
Partial reduction products of oxygen like the mation of microbial catalase activity in soil
superoxide anion (62)" and hydrogen peroxide (Beck 1971; Ladd 1978). In addition, Mn and
may be formed during electron transport to Fe, as well as organic substances in soils
molecular oxygen via the aerobic respiration, catalyse the liberation of O2 from H2O2
as well as in various hydroxylation and oxy- (Baeyens and Livens 1936; Beck 1971;
genation reactions. These products are extre- Kuprevich and Shcherbakova 1971b). Cata-
mely reactive and capable of irreversibly lase activity is very stable in soil. It shows
damaging various biomolecules. significant correlation with the content of
Aerobic cells generally contain the enzyme organic carbon and decreases with the soil
superoxide dismutase, which converts super- depth (Beck 1971; Ladd 1978). No relation
oxide into hydrogen peroxide and molecular has been found between the catalase activity
oxygen: and soil fertility (Skujins 1978).

2O2" + 2H^ -> HoOp + O- (7.25)

Enzyme systems like the L- and o-amino-acid
oxidases contain tightly bound FMN or FAD as
prosthetic groups. These enzymes catalyse
the oxidative deamination of amino acids:
L-Amino acid + H2O + E-FMN ->
a-Keto acid + NH3 + E-FMNH2 (7.26)

D-Amino acid + H2O + E-FAD -^

a-Keto acid + NH3 + E-FADH2 (7.27)
The reduced forms of the L- and o-amino
acid oxidases can be reoxidized directly with
molecular oxygen to form hydrogen peroxide:
E-FMNH2 + 0 2 - ^ E-FMN + H2O2 (7.28)

E-FADH2 + 0 2 ^ E-FAD + H2O2 (7.29)

All aerobic and most of the facultative anaero-
bic bacteria contain catalase activity. This
enzyme has not been detected in obligate

362 Chapter 7
Catalase activity

Fcr t i ^ daterminatiori d o x ^ t ^ fwmedt

I^^^D0 OJIg of M i ^ ie»id 20 ml of sodium
cmtom^B BoiiAkm (10%) instead of $cril in
mi Brlmm^y^ flask, i»dd 10 mi ctf H2Q2
(3%) ami i B ^ ttm dNar^0 In Urn gas
voiim^ in ttm Scheibler appa^tus (c^*
a f p M to |M16.8 vritti H a lastd dilule to U^glass tube). The o)q^gan formed Is
1000 rrt with dlstllteci s the 100%.
&)«lhmi cartKmtfte sedation (tO%)

tolCWOml X 100 (7.30)

;\5*¥^|SI^.. wh^e 0^ ^ t t e Oa dev^ped bi t t o
'\,^:: irfbS6^f)€^ of a23de ID mBRtilr^, DA IS tt^ O2
dm^^A^pt^ Iri t t e p^a^^fK^ of aiJcl^ m
i:\u^fes^the O2 c ^ ^ k ^ p ^ to ttie
^of Mn ill miBHttres and cAi^ b ttie


j ^ n ^ i e ^ bean 4 i i ^ to d a k ^ t a jtti^
^ i « 6 ^ jMyO^ t ^ ^ t J M ^ $^K^ 1871;^ UM

i; j ^ 11^ aMI f ^ 2£k ii4 of

,''-'-'-'' ' \."';. / ,''-"' 'IS-'^^-'/'

\ can elttN^ M M t cr a ^ ^ e the

Enzynfie activities 363

Arylsulphatase activity

activity K. Alef
(Tabatabai and Bremner 1970a) P. Nannipieri

Sulphatases catalyse the hydrolysis of organic present in the form of organic sulphates
sulphate esters and have been classified (Tabatabai 1982). However, Jarvis et al (1987)
according to the type of the ester in arylsul- found no correlation between arylsulphatase
phatases: alkylsulphatases, steroid sulpha- activity and sulphur mineralization. Another
tases, glucosulphatases, chondrosulphatases problem may develop because p-nitrophenyl
and myrosulphatases (Tabatabai 1982). sulphate, which was probably used as the sub-
Arylsulphatase (EC catalyses the strate, does not occur in nature.
in'eversible reaction: Fitzgerald et al (1985) expressed doubts
about the importance of the p-nitrophenyl
R.OSOa" + H2O -> R.OH + H^ + (804)^" sulphate dependent-activities in soils and
(7.31) suggested the use of p^SJtyrosine sulphate
and has been detected in microorganisms, as a substrate.
plants and animals (Nicholls and Roy 1971).
The enzyme also catalyses the hydrolysis of
p-nitrophenyl sulphate, potassium phenyl sul-
phate, potassium nitrocatechol sulphate and f^mfrib of fte iiiettiod
potassium phenolphthalein sulphate.
The Km values were found to range from 0.2
of p-rttot$*^Kril mlaasad Bi^isk th^
to 0.95 mM, when p-nitrophenyl sulphate was
used as the substrate, and were dependent on si^^i^iafe fcr 1 h at 37^.
the soil type (Perucci and Scarponi 1984).
Arylsulphatase activity decreased with soil
depth and showed significant congelations Msti^ki aiKi Bi^fmnslw
with the content of soil organic carbon, total ^^h\
S9# esttrm^ttw #f phc^syrticNnrmK^^
nitrogen and cation exchange capacity (Taba-
tabai and Bremner 1970b; King and Klug 1980;
Appiah and Ahenkorah 1989). Inorganic sul- C^tiiNiiik^ls and s<AittDiisi ;v ;
phur [(S04)^~, S(IV) and S(VI)] inhibit arylsupha-
tase activity of soil (Dodgson and Rose 1976;
Fitzgerald 1976; Jarvis et al 1987). Strong
inhibition has also been detected with I3^i^oiy0 ^ 9 of sodltm a ^ t a ^
(P04)^", (As04)^", (Mo04)^" and (^NO^f' but
not with NOsT, NOi" and CI" (Al-Khafaji and
Tabatabai 1979; Tabatabai and Bremner
1970a). The role of arylsulphatase in sulphur
mineralization in soils is not clear. The impor-
tance of this enzyme activity in the sulphur
mineralization is derived from the finding that
most of the total S found in surface soils is

364 Chapter 7
Arylsulphatase activity

buffer and ttm soliAlon to

SO ml wth biiff^«
CaCfe (0-S u) See ^Umation of pho^homcmi^sterase
See asttmaMm of acUvity,

p-Nitro{:rfierK>l stsoidard solution Atr^diyir^ iBudly increased ttie
ay^!|34iatase aottvlty (Tal^at^af ami
Dissolve 1.0 9 p^*ro|]*ienol in «4H>ut 70
Bremn^ 1970a^«
mi dotted w a l ^ mv:i mtM to 1(KX} ml
Stwe at 4^C. it tia^ be^i observed that ac^itate biiff^
gives higher activities than other types of
bAiffms (Tabatabal 1982),
f ^ c e 1 9 of m^i m&>ifed C2 mm) soil m The i^t^sfrate c^mi^cNni^tion In the assay Is
B^tm^^mk (50 m^, add 0.25 ml eqiat to 5 ptm; tHmmm^ in ^ i s wMi higher
t(Ai^r^ 4 ml iMf aoeiHte iHjffeHr, 1 ml of efizyiiM activitt^, NghcH* |>nHiqphefiyi
IM4l^i^^Km^ milfMte solirtlon aiKJ rmc tt^ s i i l r ^ e oom^ntoatk^^ sNKitd be ysed
ocMfMtoMs^ tk^ the IMtshB ami tfioAiate fc^ {Titea^Ai£» i p d & e i m i ^ 197Cltt;
S^naitK^tandm m^ Fenott 1981).
T t ^ iNWWcm of tohiei^ (0*1-^1*0 «3f^
. fiiial<^ ttw ^ ^ M c p of
Mi^Njr §mi R a p ^ i t (197?) a ^

of {:^K^{4KmioiK^ers^e

Enzyme activities 365


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