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Research Log #6 - Solutionary Project 2022

Date: Mar. 8, 2022

Name: Christopher Ahmed
Essential Question: How can we control invasive species?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Invasive species cause problems for native ones.
#2: Feral pigs cannot be fully removed from Hawaii.
#3: Invasive species lack predators in Hawaii.

Point that this Source Proves: # 1

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Early in the article, the author says

“Here we examine the case of ecologically unconnected invaders in Hawaii across time, investigating both
existing invasions and potential invaders, since monies available for combating damages from both types of
invasions are often expected to come from the same resource pools.”

They reported that

“Under such isolated conditions, adaptive radiation has generated unique biodiversity in the flora and fauna
that is particularly fragile and susceptible to biological invasion
Removing pigs entirely would end up ‘disrupting essential connections between the social values at stake in invasive
species decisions’”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

The first quote in the article summarizes what Kimberly Burnett, Brooks Kaiser, Basharat A. Pitafi, and
James Roumasset are investigating. It is important that teams such as this one do work in the field like this as
invasive species can affect all parts of the state- from its economy to its natural resources. Here, it is
explained that “monies available for combating damages from both types of invasions are often expected to
come from the same resource pools”. In short, money that we have should be used to fight damage caused by
invasive species.
The second excerpt focuses on how fragile Hawaii’s ecosystems are. It also highlights point #2 very well.
Indeed, pigs do have cultural value in Hawaii, and it would not be ideal to remove them. Instead, we could
hunt them more actively and open up more areas to hunting in order to manage the existing populations.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Kimberly Burnett, Brooks Kaiser, Basharat A. Pitafi, and James Roumasset. “Prevention, Eradication, and
Containment of Invasive Species: Illustrations from Hawaii .”, Apr. 2006.

This is a reputable and reliable article because it was published in a credible journal.

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