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Date: Feb.

10, 2022

Name: Samantha Guo

Essential Question: How can we regulate our ecosystems to keep them healthy/clean from invasive species in water?

Three Points to Prove: #1: How is the introduction of mangroves affecting Hawaii's environment verses mangroves in other

#2: Although mangroves help with erosion, it comes at a cost

#3: Mangroves provide shelter the wrong species

Point that this Source Proves: # Although mangroves help with erosion, it comes at a cost

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove)

“Due to Federal permitting constraints, the roots of the mangrove may not be removed by mechanical
They can only remove the mangroves by hand which is very time consuming and requires a lot of
volunteers to come and assist with the removal of mangroves.

Eradications of invasive species often have striking positive effects on native biota.

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This website supports the point that Although mangroves help with erosion, it comes at a cost
because it tells us the benefits of this amazing species called the mangrove, but this amazing species is
harming Hawaii's ecosystem. In the Heeia District Mangrove Remediation we learn about their plans to
stop the spread of mangroves and the estimated price. The proposal is for the Heeia fishpond which is a
Hawaiian fishpond that is unique and includes advanced forms of aquaculture found nowhere else in the
Mangrove's main purpose in the ecosystem is to help prevent the erosion of shorelines.
Mangroves naturally grows an abundant amount of prop roots and branches that reach deep into the soil.
The complex system of roots help keeps the soil intact during storms and other natural disasters.
Mangroves also provided materials such as firewood and timber which supported the community nearby.
The mangroves also helped contribute to fish nursey. The mangroves would provide shelter for fishes till
they were big enough for fishermen to catch. Because of the benefits the mangroves were introduced to
Hawaii with the good intentions that it will stop Hawaii's shoreline from eroding away. But who would
have expected that these good intentioned plants would cause so much destruction on Hawaii's ecosystem.
Because the mangroves have had such a negative impact on Hawaii's ecosystem, removal of the
mangroves is a must. The removal of mangroves is not a easy thing. “Due to Federal permitting
constraints, the roots of the mangrove may not be removed by mechanical means,” this means that they
can only remove the mangroves by hand which is very time consuming and requires a lot of volunteers to
come and assist with the removal of mangroves.
This species that is destroying Hawaii’s ecosystem must be removes as soon as possible to
prevent any further damage on the ecosystem. With the removal of the mangroves, the ecosystem can
start to recover. Eradications of invasive species often have striking positive effects on native biota.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

20211011 Final RFP Heeia District Mangrove Remediation.

Hansen, Mandy, et al. “Invasive Mangroves Produce Unsuitable Habitat for Endemic Goby and
Burrowing Shrimp Pairs in Kāneʻohe Bay, O'ahu, Hawai'i.” Ciencias Marinas, Universidad
Autónoma De Baja California, Instituto De Investigaciones Oceanológicas.

Zavaleta, Erika S., et al. “Viewing Invasive Species Removal in a Whole-Ecosystem Context.” Trends in
Ecology & Evolution, Elsevier Current Trends, 14 Aug. 2001,

This is a reputable and reliable article because this is a proposal plan that has been submitted to the state
of hawaii.

This is a reputable and reliable article because ScienceDirect is a website which provides access to a large
bibliographic database of scientific and medical publications of the Dutch publisher Elsevier. It hosts
over 18 million pieces of content from more than 4,000 academic journals and 30,000 e-books.

This is a reputable and reliable article because ScienceDirect is a website which provides access to a large
bibliographic database of scientific and medical publications of the Dutch publisher Elsevier. It hosts
over 18 million pieces of content from more than 4,000 academic journals and 30,000 e-books.

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