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CIAC 10 February 2022 Colorado Information 22-23593 Analysis Center Department of Public Safety SITUATIONAL AWARENESS BULLETIN (U) Challenges to Roe v. Wade May Inspire Abortion Related Civil Unrest and Violent Incidents (U//FOU0) The Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC) has prepared this Situational Awareness Bulletin to provide information for law enforcement and public safety partners regarding the potential for violence and criminal ‘activity aso result of recent challenges to U.S. Supreme Court landmark Roe v. Wade case. {U) Since approximately September 2021, several states have UNCLASSIFIED. challenged the 1973 landmark case Roe v. Wade, which protects a pregnant woman's choice to have an abortion without excessive government restriction and prohibits states from banning abortion before 23 weeks of pregnancy.* + (U) On01 September 2021, the state of Texas enacted The Texas Heartbeat Act (Senate Bill 8) effectively banning abortions after approximately six weeks of pregnancy in ‘what is largely considered one of the strictest abortion bans inthe U.S. This law is unique in that it allows citizens to bring civil lawsuits against those who aid or abet illegal (U) Figure 1. Protesters and counter: abortions, as well as abortion providers.? Following the protesters during Women’s March Denver, 02 statute, Colorado Planned Parenthood centers experienced October 2021 ‘2.130% increase in patients from Texas for the month of September 2021 compared to August 2021, with one metro area clinic seeing a 520% increase in patients from Texas.” + (U) On01 December 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments regarding Mississippi case Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which challenges the state's abortion ban after 15 weeks of pregnancy. A Supreme Court decision is not expected until June 2022. However, if the Mississippi law is upheld it would overturn Roe v. Wade.* + (U) On09 February 2022, House Bill 1181 was debated in New Hampshire and would allow a man claiming to be the father of an unborn child the ability to pursue an injunction against the mother from seeking an abortion.* + (U) West Virginia and Florida have since followed Mississippi in considering a bill that would ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy.*7 According to the Guttmacher Institute, a research ‘organization in favor of abortion rights, “26 states are certain of likely to ban abortion” if Roe v. Wade is overturned or weakened. An additional six states (Florida, Indiana, Montana, Nebraska, ‘and Wyoming) could follow suit.® ? (U) The abortion-related debate has historically been riddled with violence* and criminal activity, and with a heightened focus on the topic, itis possible there will be increased incidents over the next year, particularly at abortion-related protests and clinics. The National Abortion Federation published statistics on violence and disruptions against abortion providers in 2020, noting an increase in death threats and threats of harm (from 92 incidents in 2019 to 200 in 2020) and a 125% increase in reports of assault and battery outside clinics.” + (U) 0n31 December 2021, a Planned Parenthood in Knowulle, Tennessee, was destroyed by arson. No one was injured as the building was closed for renovations. Following the fire a ‘Telegram meme account associated with the Proud Boys, a far-right white supremacist group, responded to reports of the fire with fire emojis and another private Telegram channel called “Aryan Arsonist” posted a reply, “This could be you. I's so easy it’s laughable. Burn abortionists."! Authorities have not yet identified any suspect(s) in the Knoxville arson. The same clinic was shot atin the early morning hours of 22 January 2021, on the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which also resulted in no injuries.** = (U) On 02 October 2021, a non-violent incident occurred in Denver, Colorado, as the Women’s March Denver held a protest at the State Capitol during which a small group of anti-abortion protesters were surrounded by several pro-choice protesters that blocked visibility of their signs and drowned out their chanting (Figure 1). UNCLASSIFIED = (U) On 29 September 2021, a Catholic church in Boulder, Colorado was vandalized by pro-choice individuals following a demonstration by the parish who had placed white crosses on their lawn to symbolize daily abortions carried out across the U.S. The white crosses were trampled, graffiti was sprayed on the church and a nearby church truck, and there was an attempt to break their stained glass windows (Figure 2)."*% parish in| figure 2. Vandalism to Sacred Heart of Mary nearby Louisville was also reportedly vandalized with ‘Cathe chasch i bader ikea a Sepnae similar pro-abortion graffit.'® 2022, = (U) On 25 September 2021, an Oklahoma man was arrested after making a Reddit post, threatening 101 Texas lawmakers who voted in favor of the six week abortion ban.” = (U) On05 March 2021, an anti-abortion protester accidentally shot himself in the leg outside a Raleigh, North Carolina, abortion clinic and was subsequently charged with possession of a firearm at a protest."* = (U) On 30 January 2021, an abortion clinic in Charlotte, North Carolina, was evacuated after a caller reported a borib was in the building."* + (U) Colorado experienced ane ofthe most lethal abortion related acts of violence in US. history. On27 November 2015, 2 Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood was attacked by a man armed with sx rifles, five handguns, more than 500 rounds of ‘ammunition, and propane tanks. Nearly 200 round were fred during the five hour standoff with law enforcement. A police officer and two others were killed and nine were injured. (U) In addition to attacks and criminal activity by abortion-related violent extremists, the increase in abortion-related protests and women's marches could attract the attention of other violent extremists or mass attackers with motives unrelated to abortion, including groups or individuals interested in attacking large crowds® and those with grievances against women, such as involuntary celibate (Ince!) violent extremists‘ (U) Lawenforcement and public safety officials should anticipate an increase in abortion-related events, rallies, and protests with the potential for violence and criminal activity, particularly leading up to and directly following the Supreme Court's decision in the Mississippi case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, expected by June 2022. (U) Source Summary Statement (U//FOUO) Information utilized in this Situational Awareness Bulletin was derived from open source reporting and law ‘enforcement sources. When possible, pen source information has been corroborates through other law enforcement and government sources. Information inthis bulletin s not considered fully evaluated or finished intelligence. (U) Consumer: CO Law Enforcement CO Fire/EMS CO Emergency Managers CO State Agencies Private Sector Partners Fusion Centers Federal Partners (U) For questions or comments regarding this Situational Awareness Bulletin, please contact the Colorado Information Analysis Center by email at or at 877-509-2422. (U) Please take a moment to complete this survey and help evaluate the quality, value, and relevance of our intelligence product. Your response will help us serve you more effectively and efficiently in the future. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Click here to take survey (U) This report addresses the following CIAC Standing Information Needs: CIAC SIN-01, CIAC SIN-09, CIAC SIN-12, and HSEC-8, » (U) Large public gatherings are soft targets as they are typically in large open areas that are dificult to secure and are attractive targets for extremists (homegrown violent extremists (HVE), domestic terrorists, and now ideological individuals) because they are easly accessible and have the potential to impact a large group of victims.** (U) In January 2019, a Denver man posted atheeat on his Facebook page to “kill as many girls ashe could” along with ince! \eclogy hours before several planned Women’s Marches around the country. Incels, of “involuntary eelibates” are men who hate women and blame them and society for their lack of romantic success = {U) Endnotes *(U); Adam Uptak; The New York Times; “Supreme Court Appears Open to Upholding Mississippi Abortion Restrction;” 01 DEC 2021; https://www times. comive/2021/12/01/us/abortion-mississippi-supreme-court Accessed 10 FEB 2022; Overall {document cazsifcation is (U); News media 2 (U}; Sarah McCammon; NPR; "What the Texas abortion ban does — and what it means for other states” 01 SEP 2021; ntps://wwww. npr org/2021/08/01/1033202132/texas-abortion-ban-what-happens-next; Accessed 10 FEB 2022; Overall document classification is (U); News media 3 (U}; Carly Moore; Fox 31; "Colorado Planned Parenthood clinics see spike in Texas patients after state nearly bans abortions” (96 OCT 2021; https: /advrcom/news/local/colorade planned parenthood clinics see-spikein-texas-patients-afterstate-nearly- bbans-abortions/; Accessed 10 FEB 2022; Overall document classification is (U); News media *(U); Op Gt, endnote 1 5 (Ul; WMUR Manchester; New Hampshire House bill woud allow men to sue, prevent women seeking abortion; 09 FEB 2022; ttps//; Accessed 10 FEB 2022; Overall document classification is (U); News media ' (U}; MetroNews; “Proposal to ban abortions after 15 weeks goes to full House of Delegates 09 FEB 2022; hnttps// goes-to-fullhouse-of-delegates/; Accessed 10 FEB 2022; Overall document clasiiation is (Uj News media °(U); Kellie Cowan; Fox 13 News; “Florida bill banning abortion after 15 weeks advances without exclusions for ape, incest" 03 FEB 2022; http://www. ‘rape-incest; Accessed 10 FEB 2022; Overall dacument classification is (U); News media 5 (U); Elzabeth Nash and Lauren Cross; Guttmacher Institute; 26 States Are Certain or Likely to Ban Abortion Without Roe: Mere’ Which Ones and Why, 28 OCT 2021; https://waw abortion without-roe-heres-which-ones-and-why; Accessed 10 FEB 2022; Overall document classification is (Uj; News media 9 (U}; Becky Sullivan; NPR; 21 states poised to ban or severly restrict abortion if'Roe v. Wade' is overturned’; 02 DEC 2021; tps: ww npr-org/2021/12/02/1061015753/abortion-oe-v-wade-trigger-laws-missssipprjacksons-womens-health- ‘organization; Aecessed 10 FEB 2022; Overall dacument classfication is (U); News media °° (U}; National Abortion Federation; "National Abortion Federation Releases 2020 Violence & Disruption Statistics” 16 DEC 2021; htps:// federation-releases-2020-vilence-

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