Sar 1 Report

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Sanchez 1

Hayven Sanchez

Professor Hugetz

ENGL – 1301.06

29 January 2022

My Writing Space

When I think of the space that I do all my writing, schoolwork, homework, and reflecting I

think of my room. I like for my writing space to be enclosed where I can be alone and not easily

distracted. My room is the furthest room in the house which is why I do all my work in there. My

room is a pretty good size to where I can move around and get my work done if needed. It has

great lighting but can also get very dark, which is the type of lighting I prefer to work in. Since

my room is the furthest in the house, I don’t hear much noise from there which is great thing

when doing homework due to me living in a full house. When I feel the need to relax, I light up a

candle to add some smell and calmness to my room. These are all important parts to my room

because it is the environment, I need to get my work done with no distractions.

Sanchez 2

As of right now when I am in my room I work from my bed or on my dresser. I think one way I

can improve my writing space would get a desk in my room to form a specific section for my

homework. I don’t feel the need to have more space to get my work done just if it is quiet, I am

okay. I also do not feel the need for more light nor the need for less noise due to my room being

the furthest in the house. I strongly believe that working in my room has impacted my

schoolwork and writing tremendously. Working in a safe and comfortable environment where I

am not easily distracted has helped me score better in work and has helped me mentally.

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