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Lesson Plan Template

Candidate Name: Mai Boone

Grade Level: 5th
Content Area: Grammar - Linking Verbs
Estimated Lesson Length: 30 minutes
Setting: (x) whole class ( ) small group ( ) Individual- asynchronous
Co-Taught Lesson: ( ) yes (x) no
MAIN CONCEPT/Central Focus
After completing page 67 and their prior grammar book page 66, students will have gained the
knowledge and understanding that linking verbs connect the subject to either a noun or adjective in
the predicate.
It is important for students to understand linking verbs because it further helps them to understand
sentence structure and this can be most helpful when it comes to writing.
● ELA.L.5.1c.Use verb tense to convey various times, sequences, states, and conditions.

● ELD.P1.5.6a.Em.Explain ideas, phenomena, processes, and text relationships (e.g.,
compare/ contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution) based on close reading of a variety of
grade-level texts and viewing of multimedia, grade-level texts and viewing of multi- preting,
analyzing, recounting, explaining, media, with substantial support.

● Students will be able to correctly identify simple subjects and predicate
● Students will be able to identify examples of linking verbs
● Students will be able to acknowledge when a linking verb is needed in a sentence
● Students will be able to explain how a linking verb works to connect a subject to its predicate.
● At the end of the week, there will be a Google Classroom quiz on linking verbs. The quiz will be a
digital version of page 70 from the purple grammar book, part B specifically focuses on linking
verbs. The quiz will ask the students to read the sentence provided and select the correct linking
● During the lesson, the teacher will go over the first few problems with the class, depending on if
the students seem to be grasping the concept, the teacher can either continue with the examples
or allow the students to begin partner work on the rest of the grammar page. The students will
demonstrate their knowledge by underlining the simple subject and circling the predicate that is
Students will be using language to voice their opinions and responses to their peers and their teacher
when working on the workbook page. They will need to use their prior understanding of sentence
structure pertaining to nouns, verbs, and adjectives to identify key parts of the sentences in their
workbook. They will need to have a basic understanding of the key vocabulary to complete their task.
Students will work with elbow partners to complete their assignment which will allow for
collaboration amongst peers.
● linking verb (ex: is, am, are, was, were, will be, appear(s), seem(s), look(s)
● subject
● predicate
● noun
● adjective
● verb
● predicate adjective
● A video will be used with closed captions to help provide a media based approach to their lesson.
The video will provide examples of the content using visuals and plenty of examples.
● Examples can also be done on the whiteboard for students who need to see additional examples
in list form.
● The page has the sentences already written out so no sentence frames are needed to complete
the workbook page.
● Modeling
○ The YouTube video is intended to give students a visual example of the topic as well as a
variety of examples that are approved by the teacher
○ Additionally, examples can be demoed by the teacher on the whiteboard.
● Schema Building
○ connecting the current lesson to prior verb lessons such as active and passive voice and
subject-verb agreement
STRATEGIES FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS(List accommodations and/or modifications
specified in IEPs, 504 Plans, etc.)
IEP / 504
● For the video, closed captions will be turned on. Additionally, students will have access to the
video on google classroom if they would need to view it again.
● Can work with partners to complete the assignment, elbow partners are usually placed in order
to be able to provide assistance in these cases.
● The teacher will go over multiple examples of the lesson topic.
● For the video, closed captions will be turned on. Additionally, students will have access to the
video on google classroom if they would need to view it again.
● Can work with partners to complete the assignment, elbow partners are usually placed in order
to be able to provide assistance in these cases.
● The teacher will go over multiple examples of the lesson topic.
● Before this lesson, students would've learned a variety of verbs and how to construct sentences
using subjects, verbs, and adjectives. Students at this age are able to make connections from their
learning material to other areas of learning as well as their everyday life. Additionally, they are
able to argue their stance on a subject or content matter being presented.
Introduction: The teacher will begin by having students pull out their purple grammar books (open
to page 67), a highlighter, and a pencil. On the overhead projector the teacher will have their grammar
book open to 67. Once all the students are ready, the teacher will either read the headings aloud or
have a student read the headings aloud. The teacher will highlight important features in the heading
such as the definition to an important key word/phrase. The students will also highlight those same
key features.

Lesson Sequence: Before moving on to the problem set on the page, the teacher will show a helpful
video (using the projector) re-establishing what linking verbs are, how they work, and how they are
used correctly. As needed, the teacher will pause the video to point out helpful information and tips.

Once the video is over, the teacher will review the content with the students by calling on a few to
answer their questions in regards to the video. Afterwards, the teacher will read the instructions
aloud to the students. The students will repeat the key instructions to the teacher (Ex: Teacher:“What
part of the sentence should be underlined?” Student: “The simple subject!”). After the instructions the
teacher will go over the first three problems with the class, depending on the students responses, the
teacher can choose whether the students are ready to work or they need more review.

Closure: After examples, the students will work with elbow partners to complete the rest of the
grammar page. When the students are all done, the teacher will go over the problems with the class.
The teacher will again review with the students what linking verbs are and how they are used. The
teacher can also make connections to the prior lessons regarding verb tenses and active and passive
Students who finish early are always encouraged to assist their partners and row buddies with
completing their assignments. It is our hope that they pass their understanding of the content onto
their peers. This helps our struggling learners, ELLs, and IEP/504s to see another technique for
understanding the content involved.
If needed, this grammar lesson could be connected to writing and reading practice. The students
could read a passage from a story and identify linking verbs then come up with examples on their
own. This skill would be valuable for any sort of writing.
● [Mind Blooming]. (2020, July 10). Verbs Part 5: Linking Verbs | English For Kids | Mind Blooming
[Video]. YouYube.
● Purple Grammar Workbook pg. 67
● Collaboration with Cooperating Teacher, and Seminar Teacher
● Laptop
● Projector
● Overhead projector
● Highlighter
● Pen
● Purple Grammar Book pg. 67
● Link to video
I want to make sure that I provide enough examples for the grammar topic and to make sure that I am
attentive to my students who need more assistance than others.

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