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Hayven Sanchez

Professor Hugetz

English 1301

30 April 2022

Reflective Essay

This semester of taking English one has taught me right from wrong. Coming into this

class in the beginning of the semester was discouraging because I strongly disliked writing and

reading. Now that we are at the end of the semester, I can now say I don’t fully dislike it

anymore. Taking this class has taught me the mistakes I make in grammar and in writings of my

essays. Out of all the essays we have completed this semester I can truly say that the informative

essay has been effective in my knowledge and writing perspective.

The informative essay that I wrote was about sex trafficking but specifically in women.

Around the world there are men and children who also get sex trafficked but the most common

are women. This topic was important to me to talk about because it is a huge crime that happens

often around the world, but not many people talk about it. Sex trafficking numbers have been

going up severely and no one really does anything about it. While writing this essay it was very

informative of things that I didn’t even know. I was knowledge by the rising number cases in

each state. I have learned the background stories of cases and how women I able to coupe with it.

I have also learned the emotional damage that women feel not only mentally but verbally to

where they can’t speak out on it. This essay has also been an eyeopener to things I need to work

on to better my essays.
After the evaluation from my professor, I have now been more knowledge about the

things that needed to be worked on. After reviewing the feedback given to me, I have now

learned to number my pages properly after making the same mistake. I would put “Sanchez 1”

when in reality it would be “Sanchez (1)”. Professor Hugetz has also made feedback comments

saying, “You have drifted away from the assigned focus.” which has been helpful by making me

realize I need to not over type out of the point I’m trying to make. Citation has been a big

struggle from all my essays shown the professor who has continuously stated, “Wrong citation

format.” While speaking of sex trafficking it seems that I have failed to make it clear that I was

focusing more on women due to comments saying “and others” when I would mention women.

Learning from those comments I will be sure to make it clear of whom I’m talking about.

Looking back on all the essays it seems that I am slightly improving but the most I have

improved on are my conclusions. In the informative essay I was only corrected on using the

words “In conclusion” to start my paragraph.

This semester has taught me the significance of writing essays after I was convinced that

I strongly disliked it. I still need a lot of work on my essays, but from this semester I have failed

and learned from my essays. Feedback from my professor has made an impact on my writing. I

plan to take all this feedback in and use it in my future work.

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