Discipline Rules For Our Kinder Classroom Summary

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Discipline rules for our Kindergarten classroom summary

For my students, I wanted to keep rules short concise and straightforward. To be fair with my students I
will also be following the same rules they are. I respect my students and I would hope for the same
respect back. I have sharing as a rule because in my kindergarten class we are like a family. We share
and care for one another. We are not the only class in the building learning, so we have a rule to remind
students to use inside voices while in our classroom. We want to not only be distraction free in our
Kinder but also not cause any disruptions in our neighboring classrooms. If we make a mess, it is
important, we clean it up. It can become a safety hazard when we have many obstacles and items all
over the place. Things become lost and misplaced, to ensure we have a clean and organized
environment, we ask from our lovely students that they clean up after themselves. There are no
problems when students make a mess from exploring and experimenting, we just ask that they clean up.
Our last rule is especially important in the safety of the classroom and safety of all our students. It is
important for students to keep their hands, feet, and other objects to themselves. With this rule we do
not want students hitting one another. Our classroom is like a family and there is no tolerance for
hitting one another. We also respect ourselves in this class, so we do not hit ourselves either. By
following all the rules the students and teacher can create and organized and safe environment. We
want to ensure that in our classroom, learning takes place.
If a student happens to break a rule, there are different offenses and different repercussions for each
case. If a student is misbehaving in a minor way, a simple verbal warning is issued to the student to
help keep them on track. If students are constantly misbehaving and they are repetitively being told to
stay on track, the student will have to change their card from green to yellow. If the student is already
on yellow, they must move it down to red. If a student is persistent in their unruly behavior, a parent
call home or letter home will be issued discussing the child’s behavior and how we can all help the
student improve their behavior. For major offenses, an immediate change from green to red card will
occur. Depending on the severity of the instance, the student can be sent to the AP office if the teacher
finds it necessary. Along with sending the student to the AP office, a call home will occur to discuss
serious student behavior.
For good student behavior there will be positive rewards students can earn. Verbal praise will be given
randomly to any student seen behavior good and following rules as well as positive notes or phone calls
home. For students who keep their cards on green for most of the week students can receive a prize
from our classroom treasure chest. (one day of a yellow card and the rest green will be accepted)
Students are able to earn free time if they have caught up on all the work and have had good behavior.
At the end of the 9 weeks students can collectively earn a pizza party with a movie if the class has
behavior exceptionally throughout the semester. Other random rewards will be given at random.
There is an agreement at the bottom for the student, parent, and teacher to acknowledge the rules and to
be held accountable for any rules that are broken. For any questions, concerns, or comments I have
given out my email for parents.

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