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2008 JUNE

be Otaku!?
Gamania View
Why are we talking about Otaku?

Why do we spend time studying those otaku who have a room full of young what are the influences they are bringing us? We would like to take past
girl figurines, who are hanging on the internet non-stop, who can never keep experiences as a reference of future development. We hope you can join
up with the current society and are only focused on their own small world? Gamanian in this journey of discovery.
As part of the PC game industry, do you really know the definition of
Us, being in the PC game industry, haven’t yet come to an agreement “otaku”?
regarding the definition of “otaku;” even though many people think of Is the recent otaku fashion going into a recession?
“otaku culture” as an old cliché. What we want to find out in this issue of Or it is already changed to a new form?
Gamanian is the reason that the “otaku culture” was formed and what
kind of relationship our lives have with the “otaku culture”. Let us take a moment and do some thinking before going into this issue
of Gamanian.
In general, if we take a look at the influences brought by “otaku culture,”
creating a fashion of living goods and oral expressions are not the only two.
Last year, Taipei Fine Arts Museum and KAYODO co-hosted an exhibition of
fine miniatures and various symposiums with topics related to otaku culture.
These events were all aimed at getting closer to the minds of the general
public. So, no matter if you are prominent otaku or a recessive otaku, just
believe us in this: you can never escape from the otaku culture.

With the passing of this generation’s otaku, it is very likely that there will
be a new generation of new otaku in the future. How are they different? And

2008 JUNE Publisher: Albert Liu

Editorial Desk: Eric Chen
CONTENTS Features 06
In-depth guidance to the otaku culture What is Otaku?
The Otaku phenomenon in Asia-Japan, Taiwan, Hongkong,
Directing Supervisor: Jean Chang Korea and China
Project Manager: Yoyo Dai Special 15 Real Otakus always have someone
Creative Desk: Misha Wu, Jason Chyi, Ayo Hsu 24 Otakus are a new force to be reckoned within Asia!
Website Planner: Francis Huang 25 Otaku rating survey
Text Editor: Sisi Chan, Saku Liang 26 Making a fortune in the world of Otaku
Art Editor: Loui Lo People 30 I love, so I am an otaku!
Publishing: Gamania Brand Center Project 34 SPACE 17 Exhibition Report - Only the figuring understands you
Printing: Fundation Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. 36 Gama Class – find out how the creator of C.I. Boys created the legend –
Richard Wong
38 Gama class- international renowned designer speaks of creative

- 02 03
Features Features

From the Internet to the mass media; from a catch phrase to a marketing technique What is Otaku?
otaku originally symbolized the spirit of a specific demographic but now it has gradually evolved into a If you are passionate about staying in and hate nothing more than leaving your doorstep, rather than being described
lifestyle habit. as “home-loving”, you will now be addressed as an “otaku”. Is that what being “otaku” means? Do otakus
Does this mean the next generation of otaku has begun? Or is it transforming into another form? really lead a life that is so radically different from us? Otaku is a hip term that originated in Japan but took on a very
different meaning when it arrived to Taiwan. Do you really understand what it really means to be an Otaku?
Follow Gamanians across five regions in an exciting journey to discover the world of the otaku.

Why be Otaku?
With wave after wave of media exposure on topics related to otaku, the culture of otaku is now officially accepted
(though not very positively) in our society. But does that also mean otaku culture has been condemned to a grim fate
of media manipulation? Prepare to be enlightened in the following series of coverage. While you become initiated to

Target: the world of Otaku

the world of otaku, reflect upon this: what would the next generation of otaku be like after this tide of otaku culture
has ebbed?

- 04 05
Features Features

Animations? Aren’t those for otaku? Comic books? Only otaku would keep a whole collection, don't
they? PC games? Only those fooling around are in for that!If you think of otaku as a shallow group of Only Otaku What is Otaku?
people, you are way far from being right! would collect The term Otaku comes from the pronunciation

In-depth guidance to the

because of
of “御宅” in Japanese. It mainly refers to
“a group of passionate people who are highly
enthusiastic in ACG(Note 1).” They generally

otaku culture
share the following three characteristics:

1. Highly capable of purchasing works or

related products they have a passion
Five misunderstandings about Otaku 2. Enjoy researching, composing and
Is it because the media has been exaggerating too much? Or indeed otaku prefer keeping a lower profile? In general, sharing their knowledge and opinion
the public has a slightly negative image towards otaku. But, do you really understand “otaku”? regarding works they love.
3. H i g h l y c a p a b l e o f s e a r c h i n g a n d
obtaining information related to works
beloved by them.
Otaku≠Autism sufferer 別
With the expansion of the sub culture and
Judging from the definition of Autism — challenged in communicating, speaking 管 the consumer’s model, “Otaku” is no
and interpersonal relationships, otaku, who enjoy sharing and showing their 我 longer limited to ACG lovers but also refers to
passion seem impossible of suffering from the same syndrome.

“those enthusiasts who have the above three
characteristics on any given aspect.” For
example, idol otaku who are crazy about their
idols and any related products, military otaku
Otaku≠lovers of young beauties who can’t stop once they start to talk about
weapons or war history, etc. Furthermore, in
The operational and purchasing capabilities of idol otaku
The variety of an otaku’s passions is wide. “萌系”(passion for under-aged shall not be underestimated! Taiwan, those who stay in for the whole day
girls) is only one of the recent fashions. Others include science fiction, detective- Source of the picture: and play online games nonstop are also called
related works, horror –related works, etc. On the other hand, who doesn’t Source of the picture: “otaku.”
internet, “Suzumiya
appreciate pretty things? Haruhi no Yuutsu”

(Note 1):
ACG is the abbreviation of Animation, Comics and Games.

Otaku≠sloppy and badly dressed

Probably some otaku are like that but let’s be honest: when you found Influences from the
something that you love, you can’t help but ignore all the rest. Who can blame Source of the picture:
Official website of
otaku culture
those who are not clothe lovers? Nakagawa Syoko:
shokotan/ Maybe you still hold a prejudiced view on
otaku even after the above introduction. Still,
we cannot deny that the otaku culture is
already surrounding us. From the Gashapon
Otaku≠Collector machines everywhere, the commercials calling
For all collectors, anything that falls into the specific category is a subject of for shopping without leaving the house, to TV
channels that broadcasts animation 24 hours a
collection. For example, stamps, miniatures, etc. For otaku, if they don’t have a
day; the otaku is spirit is all around us. You, who
passion for a work, they can’t feel a passion for its related products! (Editor’s
Source of the picture: are playing with NDSL, who are crazy searching
note: what a “passionate” group of people.)
for new information about you new passion,
who are persuading others to join a pop star’s
fan club; do you still regard yourself as a non-
Otaku≠unemployed kidult otaku?

In order to pursue and collect items related to their beloved works, most otaku
have a stable career and income to be well prepared when the time for showing
their “passion” comes. Source of the picture:
Not only Otaku collects books and DVDs

- 06 07
Features Features

ACG, the first thing that comes to mind is Japan. Densha Otoko, the first thing that comes to mind is Gamania Japan's Otaku Reps Speaks Up!
also Japan. “Moe” , maid, voice actor/actresses, and Bishoujo games, the first thing that comes to
mind is still Japan! Japam Rep : Solan Project Study Room

The Otaku
phenomenon in Japan 2

Characteristics of Japanese Otaku

The initial otakus in Japan were comprised mostly of key players in ACG 圖片來源: 電擊
G's 2007年11月號
production that have helped to consolidate the current ACG market in Japan.
1 3
However, due to the proliferation of ACG technology and techniques, ACG works
1.My p a t h t o w a r ds t h e s t ud y i ng o f J a p a n e s e
gradually deviated towards commercialization and numerous works were created Personally, I think Otakus belong to a particular
language and becoming an Otaku began back
to cater to consumers in the mainstream market. As a result, a significant portion demographic of people who have profound love for in my vocational school days (early 90s) when a
of otakus only cared about satiating their demands for visual entertainment and specific fields and are willing to invest in what they love. friend lent me his original Weekly Shonen Jump in
Japanese .
neglected the spirit of research that has defined what Otakus are. This change in I consider myself an otaku, and I have several shelves 2.Watching (or recording) favorite animations on time
modern otakus has led to Toshio Okada (OtaKing – the king of Otaku) to lament at home loaded with comics and over 300 discs of is part of the daily routine for otakus
3.The biannual Comiket never fails to turn otakus into
that “Otaku is dead!” animations. My researches on coin-related knowledge has big spenders!
long surpassed the scope of a common hobby; you can
Currently, the “moe” appeal became the only goal of pursuit for most otakus. show me any coin you have and I will be able to tell you
Undeniably, this particular group of otaku has led to the birth of different “moe”- what currency it belongs to and all relevant information
centered economies such as maid franchises (maid café, maid hair dresser, maid instantaneously. (Editor’s note: now that’s a coin otaku
internet café and etc), ACG peripherals (figurines, cushions, Cosplay costumes, who knows his stuff! I suppose he must be filthy rich to
character CDs, DVDs and etc.), Comike and so forth. It is also worth noting that cultivate such an interest XD)
this specific group of consumers is capable of spending over 290 billion Japanese  As for the term “moe”, which otakus have been using
Yen per year (note 1), and their preferences and behaviors will in turn affect and profusely as of late, refers to the tingling sensation that
impact Otaku markets across Asia. one would experience in his heart when he/she sees the
character/work of his/her dream. That’s what “moe”
Distribution of dominant Otaku domains in Japan: ACG otaku, idol means. I spend roughly 10,000 to 15,000 Japanese Yen
otaku, electronic otaku, tetsudo otaku (metrophile) gunji otaku (military on ACG products on a monthly basis; but during the
geek) and etc. biannual Comiket, I would spend way more than that on
“doujinshi” products. It is sad that otakus have been
viewed negatively by the general public because some

pathological killers (most notably Tstomu Miyazaki) were
found to be fans of ACG. But I believe if otakus can one
day take on the role of creators and make some significant

Note 1:
figures are cited from the investigative report published by the Nomura Research Institute in 2004. The report indicated that the scale of
consumption for otakus in Japan on animation, comic, games, idol, and PC assembling has reached 290 billion Japanese Yen.
contributions to the society, general public of the “norm”
will refrain from looking down or making fun of otakus. So
let’s work together towards that goal! (smile)
- 08 09
Features Features

Sacred sites for Japanese Otakus Media: “After a three-day online marathon without any rest, an otaku was found ^#$!@#! 」
The general public: “Otaku makes me sick...I think they may have mental problems...”
Physical locations Functions The Otaku Group: “You guys are talking nonsense! We’ve got to make it right!”


Akihabara Best known as the homes of countless stores selling animations, manga, game related products and
peripherals (such as gachapons (lit. capsule toys), Cosplay costumes). In addition, specialty businesses

The Otaku
such as Maid cafes, Maid hairdressers and Maid massage salons can also be found in these areas.
Nakano Akihabara is also particularly known as the major shopping area for electronic products in Tokyo


Tokyo Big Sight

The most renowned market for doujinshi products; the place never fails to become incredibly crowded
during the Summer Comike (held in the middle of August) and Winter Comike (held at the end of

1.Ikebukuro become the most

Phenomenon in Taiwan
famous gathering place for
fujoshi (a pejorative term for
female fans of manga and
novels that feature romantic
relationships between men)
2.Apart from the Comiket,
there are also many stores
whose services centered on
the sales of doujinshi goods
Characteristics of the Otaku Group in Taiwan
1 2
Source of images: Similar to the otakus in Japan, the otakus in Taiwan are featured by their expertise in the ACG area as well.
Comparing with the Japanese otakus who are living in the birthplace of the animation, comic and games, the otakus
in Taiwan, however, are facing more difficulties in obtaining the physical material (such as books, magazines or
original works). They are, as a result, particularly outstanding when compared with the other groups in terms of their
competency in information collection. Being unable to obtain the works and peripheral products they desire in the
Virtual locations Functions Address: local market, the otakus in Taiwan have surprising consumption both through the internet and physical shops of
animations and comics. The demand has stimulated the birth of various service industries who offer “ordering”
A renowned blog in Japan that features detailed record of merchandizes sold
アキバBlog by Akihabara stores and events of all scales held there. The site attracts an or “purchasing” services for the Japanese products on behalf of their customers, as well as “fund transfer”
incredible amount of visitors on a daily basis services to enable their customers to join specific Japanese organizations as members.

Based on statistics collected in 2001, 2ch has drawn more than 10 million
users per day Interested Areas of Dominant Otaku Groups in Taiwan: the ACG Group, the Idol Group, the Military
Group and the Travel Group.
Latest official ACG information is updated on a daily basis at the site. The data
on bishoujo games available on the site is also fairly extensive
Gamania Taiwan's Otaku Reps Speaks Up!
Offers functions similar to YouTuBe, but NICONICO Douga allows user to leave
NICONICO comments on featured videos directly. NICONICO currently has more than 2
million registered members Taiwan Rep 1: Huang Ting-Fan, Gamania Funlogy Center
One can obtain the latest official information on animations or latest news/ These can be easily found
Official website
works about specific manga artist through Google search

I can’t afford the 1/6 big dolls, so I

collect Pullips alternatively.

The アキバBlog is the favorite site for Apart from ACG related works, many
many otakus for containing the latest corporations have collaborated with
information on Akibahara NICONICO to host their latest official
clips and trailers on NICONICO Douga

The biannual Comiket never fails

to turn otakus into big spenders!
NDS and comics are my best friends
What I wish to say is: “Otaku creates the economic miracle!” Wow! for bedtime.

- 10 11
Features Features

Taiwan Rep 2:Tsai Li-Yen, Game Planning Department

Um...I would describe myself as someone who is “adamantly
otaku, and Otaku-styled Adamant”. I am more obsessed with
female-oriented works such as BL (note: Boys Love) and Moe
works. It’s hard to find a specific reason for joining the “Otaku You probably don’t believe even I-Robot has its models
Group”. I would attribute it to the “nature” of the individual. What I wish to say is: “It is not the case that you can become an otaku
People may feel interested in the emotional world of the otakus. So Although people are aware of the simply because you wish to be one. The fact is that you would suddenly
find yourself an otaku even before you are aware of it. There is no specific
far, I’m still fancy free. What I desire is someone who is prepared existence of the otakus, they do not motivation to trigger the change. I would say it’s part of the nature, isn’t
to “receive”. I would, however, not define the term “receive” have very positive perception on the it?”
at this stage! (editor’s note: I see, so you are the one to take the otaku. There are often misconceptions
offensive?) about the “Otaku Men” or the
“A-Jai (Otaku Guy)”. In fact, otakus
do not necessarily stay at home all
the time. Just like me – I’m also a
member of the bicycle peak-climbing
club. Anyway, the ACG-related
industries are in fact quite interesting
and creative. The works presented
through the ACG industries are
sometimes even more creative and
imaginative than movies. They are
highly entertaining. In future, we may KERORO regiment is cool!
have even more opportunities to find
A muscled guy – the irresistible Batman funs in these works.

These are the so-called “love”. Good works not only satisfy the
collector's demands, but are also
valuable for repeated reading and

Models can be flamboyant with some accessories.

- 12 13
Features Special

Places for “Otaku Pilgrimage” in Taiwan Love is an important lesson of life.

Do otakus ever find true happiness?
Physical Sites Facilities Observation by the Editor
Millennium Comprehensive range of ACG, idol, The third and fourth floors are absolutely the most frequently visited places

Real Otakus always

Building as well as peripheral products. by the otakus.
Want to see the amazing scene on holidays where dozens of people
Comprehensive range of ACG, idol,
Taipei City Mall holding PSP or NDSL are all sitting around the circles? Do come here to
as well as peripheral products.
experience it in person!

have someone
Moe Point Café, Cosplay costume Though not the pioneer of the Maid Café, the business size of the café is
Moe Moe Center re n tal , an im a tio n a nd c om ic s impressive. Note: Check out the schedule before you come, otherwise you will see
related products nothing but the sports center itself. XD

NTU Sports The said venue for Cosplay. Also

Want to fulfill your dream on the Cosplay stuff? Come and get them here!
Center called “NTU Big Egg”

A place selling all the computer The most frequently visited place for 3C otakus. Take the “little friends”
and ACG peripheral products. along and not miss the fun!

Otakus are thought to spend all of their time chatting online and
never going on dates. In reality, however, things seem to be quite
different. Otakus are passionate about the things they like, and get
involved in all kinds of fan activities. This gives them much better
odds of "striking it lucky" in love compared to "Otaku Men" who
camp out in front of a computer screen and never go out!

Otaku Otoko Love Energy

An anonymous survey produced the following statistics on Otaku
A scene of the Cosplay Gala held The Millennium Building
Men's love life:
in NTU Sports Center is a place mostly referred
to by the otaku.

34% 48% 9% 6% 3%
Virtual Places Facilities Observations by the Editor
Simply observe the MSN nicknames and you will know Married Single Dating Have Met Secret
MSN The best online communication channel with fellows.
what your fellow people are crazy for. Someone Crush

www.gamer. A fantastic website for you to show your great ideas or A “home” for otaku gamers. On-line otaku gamers get the first-hand game information. are now the main contributors.
Can an online relationships become real world love?
Commonly referred to as the “Oh Shit Island”. The
A site for the senior otakus. A lot of people visit the site
Komica website is structured as the 2ch Forum of Japan.
everyday simply to show their new pictures. In the early years, people thought online
Though not fancy, it’s easily accessible.
relationships might develop into something
A BBS site with more than 100,000 online at the same A site where you can find the gathered power of otaku more. Times have changed however. With
time. with diversified strength in different “professions”.
online scams now a fact of life, the online
A place for “preaching” by the otakus. Pay a visit Experience the different “otaku” taste here, “all you Otaku Men and Ladies population tend to
here anytime and deliver the love and happiness. can eat!”
stick to purely platonic relationships.

Computers are fine for fantasies The realities of the virtual world…
about love

Survey of Marital Status in Online Games

Familiar Game Player Website for Whenever you go online, you Game Marriage Rate Remarks
Garmania Supporters in Taiwan can always find nearly 100,000 Lineage 56% Server survey based on number of wedding rings purchased
folks there. The amazing
power of the community! Zodiac 62% Server survey based on number of people who sign up for the Matchmaking System

Maple Story 35% Server survey based on the number of people who purchased wedding scrolls

Otakus in Taiwan have surprising consumption both through Who says otakus don't have a love life? Internet Otaku Men, however, should avoid spending too much
the internet and physical shops of animations and comics. time on online romances so they don't miss out on real-life romance.

- 14 15
Features Features

Hong Kong is famed as a shopping paradise and Asia's trendsetter.

For me, I think I became an otaku not only because
What types of otakus does Hong Kong produce? I loved video games but also because it fulfilled a
psychological/spiritual need. Games and manga are
hobbies that you can spend a lot of time on. There is no
body you need to speak with or answer to. In other words,
once you get into ACG, you can just get right into it. Feel free to look
 I once did a 7-day marathon gaming session for a me up for a game
of Monster Hunter!
single-person PS2 game and beat the game after 84
hours (excluding wipes and parts that weren't saved).

The Otaku Phenomenon

When a person has nothing particular to do on the
weekend, games offer a one-way activity that isn't
particularly mentally taxing. (Editor: I agree with the one-

in Hong Kong
way thing, but some games are hellishly taxing on the
brain) The reason why some otakus decide to immerse
themselves in games and manga may be due to a lack
of faith in the human race. This is an issue well worth
thinking about, though not everyone is like that.

HK Rep's Recommendations
1.Slam Dunk
It's not just a basketball story. It's
HK Otaku Characteristics
also a story about growing up for
It was "Densha Otoko" ("Train Man") that brought otakus into the public spotlight in Hong Kong. This is why Hong several young people. In the story,
Kong people often use the term "Train Man" and "Train Girl" interchangeably with "Otaku". As Hong Kong is one of
you find out about the characters'
Asia's fashion shopping capitals, it's only natural for the city to home to "Fashion Otaku".
background and their motivations.
Dominant HK Otaku Types: Fashion, ACG, Idol. The focus is not just on the main
character either as the inner workings of other
players is covered as well, making their "Hard Work"
feel all the more inspiring.

Gamania HK's Otaku Reps Speaks Up!

50% 2.Monster Hunter

MHP is a game that really demands a lot of skill (when
HK Rep: YI, Ci-Heng,
Product Operations playing offline). When you use your character's skills
and your own ingenuity to defeat a dragon, it's a real
rush (the kind that makes you want to get up and yell
YES UA). While you don't get the same kind of rush
from playing online with other players, it's pretty fun
playing the 4-player co-op mode too. The armor sets
in MHP and the new socket gem system also allows
players to have fun collecting all kinds of different
equipment, then mixing and matching them.

3.Hajime no Ippo.
No particular reason – it's just really fires up the
warrior spirit within!
I would like to say: "My otaku meter didn't improve after I joined Gamania. To Otakus know how to enjoy life too!
be honest with you, overtime is cutting into my otaku time!" They particularly love gourmet food.

- 16 17
Features Features

HK Otaku Pilgrimages Japan's close neighbor, Korea might still not be as influential as Japan when it comes to anime and
manga But when it comes to developing online games and the population density of online gamers
Physical Location Purpose Editor's Observations Korea leaves Japan far behind…
Place to find manga, boutique anime/manga products,
HK otakus all swear by this place for all ACG otaku
Sino Centre toys, models, figures, Japanese idol products and CDs, TV
shopping needs. You can shop your heart out here!
games, computer games and all kinds of ACG products.

Richmond Boutique anime/manga products, toys, models. Figures The Richmond Center is where HK modeling otakus
Shopping Center and TV games. Main focus is on toy figures. go for their regular fix.
Oriental 188 Shopping centers completely dedicated to ACG
Manga, boutique anime/manga products, toys, models,
Shopping peripherals are as rare as hen's teeth in Taiwan…

The Otaku
figures, TV games, computer games
Center, Wan Chai people in HK are really lucky!
Another store selling models! Looks like model
The first large Japanese manga/anime specialty store in
Animate collecting is far more popular in HK compared to

Phenomenon in Korea
Hong Kong Large scale conventions are a must for popularizing
The ACGHK is held at a different time every year. This is
Anime/ otaku culture! I wonder if voice actors are invited to
the ultimate highlight of the year for the ACG community in
Games/Manga attend XD? For readers interested in seeing a major
Convetion otaku event, this is the show to see!

1.The Sino Centre is where

otakus regularly go to
spend their hard-earned
2.The ACGHK gives 3C
IT expos a run for their
3.J a p a n e s e A C G
developments have
continued to exert a
1 2
3 strong influence over Korean Otaku Characteristics
php/3751 Asian otaku populations
The report from Gamania's contact in Korea said: "We "Lineage" is still one of the most
Virtual Locations Purpose Editor's Observations have otakus in Korea as well. It tends to be associated popular online games in Korea,
though it was released years ago.
with people who game for several days straight in a net
A lot of file sharing happens under the cover of the
Major ACG These sites bring together otakus from different fields and
membership ranking schemes. These are usually café then collapse and die of exhaustion though." As a
Bulletin Boards allow them to share their views
borderline illegal. result, Koreans don't tend to associate otakus with anime
and manga. On the other hand, Korea is a major market
It's not just otakus that use the portal sites. General
Major Portal Be it Yahoo or Google, a site's good as long as it meets for online games. The "2008 CESA General Population "DAMO" – In a break with the
net users probably use them a lot as well, so they
Sites the otaku's thirst for information! heroic historic drama convention,
shouldn't really be considered a major otaku haunt! Survey and Report: Typical and Atypical Users in Japan this TV show featured a lowly
and Korea) reported that 67% of the Korean population policewoman as the main
This online encyclopedia is compiled and edited by net Anybody can become a Wiki author if they are character" and became a hit.
Wikipedia users. It might not be 100% accurate but it's right now the willing to put a little effort in! Even yours truly are gamers, with 78% of these being online games. The
best search engine for sub-cultures. frequently uses it as a reference~ most representative group for Korean otakus is therefore
probably the fanatical online gaming otaku!
The 3C industry has also become quite well developed in
Korea over the past few years, drawing the attention of
Korean 3C otakus. They collect 3C products then review
Source: Internet
their strengths and weaknesses for other users to refer to.
This kind of behavior matches the 3 basic characteristics Idol otaku will visit the shooting
location or copy the dress of the
of the otaku. Korean culture has also become quite characters in their favorite shows
Another store selling popular throughout Asia recently. The high ratings in order to emulate their idols.
Wikipedia is where the otaku community
models! Looks like can really put their expertise to good use
achieved by Korean TV shows have generated a market
for peripheral products and also led to the rise of their own
model collecting is far idol otaku population.
more popular in HK
compared to Taiwan! Dominant Korean Otaku Types: Online Games, 3C, Source: Internet

Google is probably the most power search

engine in the world today

- 18 19
Features Features

Gamania Korea's Otaku Reps Speaks Up!

Korean Rep 1: Han Duk-ki, GM, Customer Service Korean Rep 2: Lee Min-Su, CS-GM

This is the most treasured classic This is my collection but that

in my collection! doesn't make me an otaku~

I honestly don't think I am an otaku (Editor: That's what a lot of otakus say To my understanding, an otaku takes things to greater lengths than Mania. I
XD~). I am at most a Mania (fanatic) when it comes to baseball. I do like playing consider myself Mania and prefer that term as well. Right now what I love is the
games and watching anime though. The most moe character? Well… my top English Football League and football trivia. I also spend about 50,000~60,000
picks would be Asuka and Rei from Neo-Genesis Evangelion as well as Rin Won (approx. NT$1600) a month collecting ACG related DVD and models. As
Minmei from Super Dimensional Fortress Macross. Just to make it clear, I am I am in the habit of playing online games, I usually meet with other like-minded
not an otaku, but the following works are all highly regarded: people in person or chat with them online. Just to make it clear… I am not an
1.Neo-Genesis Evangelion.
Reason: The series' high production standards and the superb way it handles
the psychological aspects are what really grabs me.

2.Cyber Formula
Reason: The story's simple but I am drawn to how passionate the main
character is about the things he believes in.

3.Ghost in the shell

Reason: Quality needs no other explanation.

If otakus can balance their interests with real life, they may very well become
the top experts in different disciplines and help further the development of the
human race!

5% The Otaku Phenomenon in Korea!?

From the above, it's easy to see that the word "Otaku" has some serious negative
connotations for Koreans. This means that even if they do fit the bill, they are unwilling
to describe themselves as such. Yours truly has the following suggestion for our Korean
audience: Please turn to page 6 and let it help you set aside your prejudices about otakus!

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Features Features

In recent years, China has been focusing its efforts on the development of online games.
With all the rapid advances being made in Internet access and trade,
Otakus appears to be emerging as a force to be reckoned with as well!?

The Otaku
Phenomenon in China

Chinese Otaku Characteristics Gamania China's Otaku Reps Speaks Up!

Due to regional differences in development, Chinese otakus' main sources
Beijing Rep: LIOU, Jiang, R&D
of the latest information are either ACG related channels in the big cities
or online bulletin boards and community forums. These provide a platform Shouldn't anyone who spends most of their time at home be considered an otaku? There are also terms like "Otaku
where they can meet and share their works with other otakus and ACG Ladies" and "Otaku Men". I don't consider myself an otaku but I really love games and anime. I pretty much knock
fans. Though relatively few real-world activities are organized by Chinese
myself out on games and anime in my spare time as well. As for "Moe" characters… well, I think the crown goes to
otakus, their level of online activity may lead the rest of other Asian otaku
populations. Chii from CHOBITS.

Dominant Chinese Otaku Types: ACG, Idol. is a very well known Shanghai Rep: JIN, Shuen-Fa, R&D
Chinese community platform.
I only collect Saint Seiya models from ten or so years ago,
so my otaku meter is probably quite low. I am quite positive
and objective about the entire otaku concept myself. More
specifically, I define an otaku as someone who spends all of
their spare time on ACG. A broader definition of an otaku would
probably be someone who is a fanatic about one particular
thing, be it shopping, politics or something. Otakus are now a
The main types of Chinese otakus are
ACG and Idol.
well established social group but in the future, the next big social
phenomenon may actually be "Himono-Men" and "Himono-
Ladies" (Literally "Dried Fish Guy" and "Dried Fish Girl", refers

to slovenly men and women who may look perfectly normal
at work but becomes absolutely unconcerned with personal
grooming or cleaning when at home).

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Special Special

Are you an otaku that stays-in all day long?

Or a sunny boy/girl that spend the days outdoors?

Otakus are a
new force to Otaku rating survey
be reckoned Being surrounded by PCs and PC games, when was the last time you went out to have fun with friends? Or maybe,
you are becoming a member of the otaku family? Come and check how close you are to becoming an otaku!

within Asia!
1.How often do you completely clean up your room? Super otaku with an extremely boring
a. When there is no place to put things in the room. (→ Level life
Question 2)
b. Every year before the New Year’s Holidays.(→ Question
A Your life is totally restrained within a fixed
area. Besides interacting with colleagues at
3) rate work, you spend the whole time off work inside

your room with your PC and computer games.
You hate social events and dinner plans and you
2.During the weekends, when you are all alone in the house, don’t even know how to be at ease within a
what do you usually wear? group of people. You have a dull and boring life.
a. Spend the whole day in my pajamas.(→ Question 4)
b. Something comfortable and casual.(→ Question 3)
A pre-otaku who is showing his/her
Level potentials
3.What do you usually do on Friday nights?
a. Prepare loads of snacks and drinks and keep my eyes B Beware; you are slowly becoming an otaku!
You vastly reduced the amount of social events
fixed on the TV for the whole day.(→ Question 6) to attend and the only thing you think about is to
b. Schedule movies and dinner plans till midnight and sleep stay at home and chat online or play computer
Apart from the general otaku population in Asia, there are also "Otaku Men" and "Otaku Ladies" This particular all the way to the next afternoon.(→ Question 5) 70 games. It would be understandable if you are
recovering from an overwhelming schedule, but
group stays at home playing games, surfing the net, sleeping, reading books, watching movies and looking up being lazy and closed-up from nothing indicates
4.During weekends and holidays when you don’t have to you are getting closer to being an otaku.
information related to their interests or work. As their obsessive interest in certain things often lead to poor health or get up early, what time do you usually wake up?
a. Definitely before lunch time.(→ Level D)
a lack of social skills, the general public has always had a very negative impression of the "Otaku" population. Level A happy working person who has his/
b. Till I am too hungry to keep laying in bed.(→Level C)
her life all properly arranged
5.Home alone, what do you usually have for lunch?
C You are pretty good at arranging your life.
Older generations feel that "Otaku Men/Ladies" are made up of social outsiders who spend all of their time on the a. Snacks and cookies or anything I can get from my fridge You meet friends regularly and you are willing to
rate expand your social life. Although you might stay
Internet and do little real world socializing. They hide in their rooms, ignoring their real world roles/responsibilities. (→ Level C)
b. There are lots of diners and food stands on the streets, 50 in and rest for a few days, you would never allow
yourself to disconnect with the outside world.
They lack initiative and stare at computer screens all day. For younger generations however, they feel that being any one would do(→ Level B)
"otaku" is merely a personality trait. They are used to spending time alone but socialize through MSN or e-mail.
6.There is an excellent new movie coming up, you will;
They pass the time listening to their iPod, playing gaming consoles and visiting their favorite websites everyday a. Check on the theaters and the time slots and then see if A lively outgoing person without a
anyone else is interested(→ Level A) hint of otaku
to stay up to date. In a lot of people, their "otaku" tendencies have actually ended up making them an expert in
b. Check whether there is anyone interested and then fix the D Otaku is a term far from your part of the
their field. They are very sensitive to graphics, information and are always ready to study their objects of interest in right time(→ Level B) world. You are the kind who can’t bear a single
rate moment of bore. You do not prefer chatting with
microscopic detail. They are often quite willing to show off or share their findings with other people.
10 friends through tools such as the internet or cell
phones and you cannot sustain a day without
going out.

From the above, we can see that "Otaku Men/Ladies" are derived from the basic otaku. The otaku however spends
time studying, collecting and sharing information about their hobby because of "Love". "Otaku Men/Ladies " however
do it to pass the time and to socialize. Though their outward behavior can be quite similar, their motivation is quite Test provided by Miss Antares
different. Can you tell the difference? Blog:

- 24 25
Special Special

Business in the Otaku world is good business!

You may have noticed that the term otaku is popping up everywhere; be it on the Internet, TV commercials or physical stores.
It seems that otaku has already become the latest fad in the world of marketing. Let’s now examine these success stories and see how others have succeeded.

Making a fortune in the

world of Otaku

Network communication—Even if a true otaku never leaves his house, he can know about everything in the world
Convenient services such as online ordering, Internet ATM payment, Not only that, also offered a convenient service
home delivery and so forth have dramatically changed consumer for customers to pick up the books they have ordered at
behavior; actions that used to be a hassle and time consuming can the nearest convenience store. has enjoyed an
now be easily performed with a PC with Internet access. average annual growth rate of 50% ever since 2000 and it
has certainly taken a big chunk out of the internet business
The incredibly popular Yahoo Auction – offering more pie.
than 4 million pieces of merchandise for consumers
With over 400 items available and comprehensive services that cover Online videos of real estate, couples engaging
dining, recreation and entertainment, Yahoo Auction is truly a godsend in virtual relationships… what’s next?
for otakus who wish to try out the latest products without having to part Many real estate businesses are making the task of house
the comfort of their own home. Needless to say, Yahoo’s convenience searching as painless and convenient as possible by offering
has offered them a better excuse for not leaving their house. online house viewing services for potential buyers to search
their ideal homes right in the comfort of their own home.
Overcoming the odds to reap the fruits of success; Not only that, there are also websites dedicated to all sorts enjoys an average annual growth rate of of social networking and matchmaking services. The most
50% notable one has to be “iPartment” – a website that offers
The impressive results achieved by for the last couple of a paper doll system for users to create their own virtual
years were not without reasons; in just the category of foreign books Yahoo Auction – offering more than apartments and allows user to live together as couples in
4 million pieces of merchandise for
alone, offers up to 800,000 titles for readers to choose consumers the Internet world. As you can imagine, “iPartment” has
from. tremendous appeal for many lonely otakus of both sexes.
Along with all the new books in Chinese and various old titles, Books.
com boasts an incredible selection of over 1 million books in store.

- 26 27
Special Special

Product marketing – Relationship and dating advices for Otaku? Games that are truly fun will conquer the hearts of all gamers, otaku or not

Due to the incredible success and exposure of Densha Otoko, topics such as According to our investigation, the current online gamer demographic is comprised of the hardcore gamers between
otaku’s romantic relationships, otaku’s outfit and various habits became the age of 18 to 22, the casual gamers (spends less than 1 hour on gaming) above the age of 30, and the new group
everyone’s favorite subject of conversation. Many businesses even hoped to attract of 10~13 year-old gamers with promising potentials. These groups are the target demographic that our marketing team
resonance from the otakus by capitalizing related themes. will focus attention on.

Namchow Crystal Skin Care Laundry Soap – the otaku chapter Generally speaking, gamers in the OLG community usually lead a more reclusive lifestyle. This is why we must speak
in the language of the gamers and think from the gamers’ perspective in order to maximize our marketing power.
In this creative commercial, an otaku guy seeks advices from the online community Given such market environment, Gamania’s marketing team has proposed the notion that “all gamers who play our
in preparation for a hot visiting female friend. His online advisors all recommended games deserve our wholehearted service, otaku or not”. The truth is, otaku culture in Taiwan is not as clearly defined
the best laundry soap for his laundry needs and the product eventually helped as its Japanese counterpart; what we have in Taiwan can only be classified as moderate otaku culture by the Japanese
the protagonist to win the girl’s heart. The scenario and the shooting script were standard. And as such, as long as our games can deliver production quality, user-friendly operation and create a
intentionally produced to imitate Densha Otoko, and it was a brilliant technique pleasant atmosphere of fun through strengthened connection among gamers, our games will still be fun and exciting to
to win Otakus’ recognition for the product. Despite being a relatively old brand play regardless of gamers’ gender or gaming orientation.
name, Namcho has successfully demonstrated their creativity in the commercial and
managed to tap the market of the young generation by leaving a deep impression in
the hearts of their target consumers.

An otaku confesses his love at the Taipei International Auto Show

An unknown man attempted a feat of great courage at the Taipei International Auto
Show (held once every two years) – confessing his love to a showgirl who was
working at the event. The brave suitor even assembled a cheering squad in the
hopes of winning the girl’s heart. Although he was rejected in the end, the incident
turned out to be a sensation and fueled the atmosphere at the venue to a climax.

In reality, this is merely a marketing ploy devised by YULON Motor Co., Ltd and an
Internet novelist; the novelist first created a themed novella entitled “The Showgirl
and Her Suitor” on his blog and allowed visitors to vote from different scenarios
before continuing with the story. The ending of the novella would then be fully acted
out at the venue of the auto show. Within two weeks, over 100,000 visitors have
browsed the story and the audiences at the show who witnessed the ending of the
novella began a series of popular discussions. The innovative marketing technique
that took on the topic of otaku really did leave quite a lasting impression for the

- 28 29
People People

Love is the supreme value of otaku!

I love, so I am an otaku!

Jo-Jo Hwang
Current Jobs: Instructor in a university
Convener of the Shuffle Alliance
Jo-Jo has been a fan of animation/comic for more than 35 years, and an expert in the otaku group. He is now devoted to the development of
the “otaku spirit”, having led the Shuffle Alliance to publish a number of books including “Welcome to the World of ACG – A Comprehensive
Guide to the “Moe” System”, “The Five Heavenly Kings of the Japanese Animation/Comic”, and “It is possible to conquer the world, isn't
it?”, etc.

As the convener of the Shuffle Alliance, Jo-Jo does not have a nicely decorated office or a gorgeous background for photo
shooting. Throughout the interview, however, he impressed us with her thorough understanding of otaku culture and his
extremely convincing and penetrating analysis. The world of otaku is, really, very “in-te-re-sting”.

“Otaku is Dead”
Talking about “otaku” Jo-Jo shook his heads and said that people toward the word “otaku”, and the efforts were in vain. Society
in Taiwan had still misconceived the meaning of “otaku”. The word already has had a deep-rooted misconception toward the word,
“otaku” actually implies a long story. It certainly does not mean
The Difference in which is hardly rectifiable.
“the group that stays at home and never goes out” as literally Common Perception
interpreted. The media in Taiwan has misled people, and the word Jo-Jo agrees that some of the people who reckoned themselves
“otaku” has been more and more abused. The Taipei Fine Arts “otaku” are merely “collectors”. They like things that are
Museum and the Kaiyodo Company have organized various Otaku- fashionable, and sometimes make the collection for commercial
related activities last year, trying to correct people’s perception Otaku reasons. They are, however, not at all interested in the stories
Study and purchase behind the collections. These people are complete opposites of
because of love.
the real “otaku” who are “motivated by love”. “In both his
lecture in a seminar held in Shinjuku, as well as in his new book
Collectors published this year, Okada Toshio has pointed out that ‘The otaku
Buy for commercial purpose. is already dead’ (Note 1). Don’t you think this applies to Taiwan
as well?” Jo-Jo commented in a thoughtful way.
Merely stay at home and do

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People People

Because of love, life is continued. A True Otaku Era

Why is the Otaku Group today no longer the Otaku Group we used to know? “Why can the “Neon Genesis In spite of the various misunderstanding on the “Otaku Group” in the society, Jo-Jo still
Evangelion” endure for more than ten years? Why can the animation, comic or games today remain popular wishes to further extend the spirit of the otaku. “This is something we have to strive for
for a short period?” These are because that the commercial-oriented society gradually trivialized ACG culture, in the Shuffle Alliance. Through the activities we organized, we wish to deliver to people
which used to be quite meaningful. Jo-Jo made an example with the on-line games. The game suppliers the passion and spirit of the otaku.”
have been continuously importing new games from Korea. The true value of the games, however, has been
diminishing by and by when fancy-looking yet meaningless games are produced speedily. “Many of my As the successors of the “Early Otaku”, what are the new missions of the “Second
friends are no longer game players. They are game mixers. When they find a new game, they would play for Generation Otaku”?
a while. They would shift to another game immediately once they get bored, and could never get back the
feeling for games they desire for.” Therefore, if we could help the game players to regain the feeling of love In the eyes of Jo-Jo, the revival of the essential otaku culture could only be expected
they used to have for the games, we could expect a longer life of the game. This is not only the responsibility when the true “Discerning Eyes, Analytical Eyes and Penetrating Eyes” (Note 2) are
of the game designers, but also a point for deep thinking by us, the game companies. opened again.

Note 1: “The Otaku is Dead” by Okada Toshio

Okada Toshio was born in 1958 in Osaka. He is the founder of the Gainax Studio that produces animations and has created a lot of classical
and popular animation works including “The Royal Space Force - Wings of Honneamise”, “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and the
“Neon Genesis Evangelion”, etc. He is also the first scholar who starts to research on the “Otaku Group”. He is the author of the book
“An Introduction to the Otaku” and is conducting courses on various prevailing cultural topics in the University of Tokyo and Rikkyo University,
including “A Review of the Otaku Culture”, etc. He is also addressed as the “Otaking” or “Master of the Otaku Group”.

The topic of “The Otaku is dead” was firstly mentioned in a seminar named “Loft Plus One” held in Shinjuku, and great feedback was
received. He mentioned that if consumption is the only thing remained with the animation culture in Japan, then “the otaku is already dead”.

Note 2:Discerning Eyes, Analytical Eyes and Penetrating Eyes

The terms are created by Okada Toshio, the Otaku King. He believes that a real Otaku should be equipped with three eyes:
-Discerning Eyes that can distinguish the outstanding works from the mediocre works, or to identify a good work among a group of works.
-Analytical Eyes that can analyze the works and find out the good things in them, such as the storyboarding, scripts or the painting skills.
-Penetrating Eyes that can find out the true implications behind the works and read the messages delivered by the author.

- 32 33
Project Project

C.I.Boys profile:

Exhibition Report
A group of joke-playing, destructive little cute monsters is everywhere
demolishing everything they hate with unique Death-ray Cannons. Take a
closer look – they could be right beside you!

Only the figuring understands you

The original idea of C.I. Boys was created during a meeting, not as a part
of the meeting agenda but was born when Richard was doodling out of
boredom. And, even the name of “C.I. Boys” was meant to be comical.
Richard: It would be even more
insulting to the enemy if the Death-
ray came out of the character’s

FOR figuring designer, the figuring is their own incarnation

For figuring collectors, their are collecting a piece of themselves DERI NOMI HIRO

C.I. Boys was featured in the May SPACE 17 exhibition. The purpose was to inspire Gamanian with new creativity by the
creator of C.I. Boys, Richard, keen sense of humor. Through CI Boys’ vibrant character design and marketing tactic, it
brings Gamania different thinking and learning.

A rebel against the world, he savors the He is extremely cruel, violent, moody, and Pretends to be brave but is really fragile, he loves to
destruction process and watching others suffer. harboring long-term anger. bully others – especially Poka.


Pessimistic, insecure and forever bitter about his Infatuated with high-tech gadgets, loathes all Always looking spaced-out and without a care in
misfortunes. things archaic and passé. The typical post- the world.


Naturally loves gaming and always ready to take Introverted and timid, he is very sensitive to all After drinking his Uni-President beverage, he turns
on any challenger. things new. Blushes easily because he’s shy. from his white color to a brilliant orange with a pair
of cutie white angel wings on his back setting him
free to fly in the sky.

- 34 35
Project Project

Gama Class – find out how the creator of C.I. Boys created the legend – Richard Wong

Richard Wong
Founder of Red Magic
Gamanian's figuring
Creator of C.I. Boys
His creation of C.I. Boys has generated in excess of
HK$20,000,000 of revenue in a year and the growth
seems unlimited.

Work Philosophy: Q. How would you describe yourself?

Surprise A. “Big kid” - I am 35 years old with a youthful attitude like a 7
Love years old kid; conducting myself in our society with recklessness.
Creative guideline:
Creative+Function=New market
Profit Formula:
Q. Do you have any trade secrets to share on
Good design+Double promotion=Win win character development?
Achievements: A. The important thing is the soul of a character; if the character
Has a private collection of over 7000 comics
(enough to replace one of his office walls)
only has its physical appearance of a character, it won’t have
Employs 37 internationally renowned designers. longevity.
Have been interviewed over 4000 on different Fundation Sisi BR Betty BR Jason 品牌 Ayo
Designed over 2000 different models of C.I. Boys.
Produced over 20,000,000 C.I. Boys figuring.
Q. Do you consider yourself an introvert?
Promotional event at 7-11 achieve a 99.98% A. I consider an introvert is someone who likes to live in their own
collection rate. world, doing the things they like. But my personality is more
outgoing, interested in trying new things and meeting new
people. Also, I like to offer my opinions to others, so in that
sense, I don’t consider myself an introvert.

BU2 Shian BU2 Shian RD IZUMI

Creative OV Creative Kane HR Athena HR Vinnie

- 36 37

Gamania class- international renowned designer speaks of

creative inspiration.

Finding the creativity source in your life

Under the conservatism and poor design environment in
Sijuan Malaysia, Sijuan breaks through from traditional Asian style
Most famous
designer in Malaysia and created a modern magazine - Territory
Chief Editor of an
International fashion
magazine – Territory Sijuan’s method of creative inspiration: Sing KTV,
Founder of BIGBROS
travel, swim…. Who says we can’t get inspirations
from playing?! As long as you’re willing to
experiment, you’ll find inspirations anywhere.

Creative is all for your smile

Chris Lee
Founder of Asylum Corporation, Singapore
Granted over 50 international awards

Chris who has had great success in Singapore says the

greatest creation has the ability to move people and bring
smiles to their faces.

Chris Lee’s source of creativity: Look

from different angle and viewpoint. It all
depends on what reference point you use.

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