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Discipline rules for our Kinder classroom

1. Be respectful and follow directions quickly.

2. Share class objects. (Supplies, toys, items, and more)
3. Use inside voices.
4. Clean up after yourself. (Clean as you go)
5. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

What happens if you break a rule?

Minor offenses: (Speaking out of turn, being disrespectful, not following directions, not being safe)
 First time – Verbal warning / Reminder
 Second & Third time - Color changed from green to yellow and yellow to red
(encouraged alone time to reflect)
 Fourth time – Parent teacher call or note home
Major offenses: (Hitting another student, being unsafe, bullying, continually disrupting) Immediate red card,
parent call home (In some instances, the student will be sent to the AP office depending on the severity of the

 Verbal Praise
 Positive calls home or notes
 End of week treasure chest prize (if all green cards or only one yellow and the rest green)
 Free time
 Class movie and pizza party (end of 9 weeks if good overall glass behavior)
 Other random rewards

Sign name in blank

“I, ________________ understand the rules, I have gone over them with my parents and teacher
and will follow them each day. I will respect my teacher, my fellow classmates and myself.”
“I, ________________, parent/guardian of ______________ have gone over the rules with my
student and know what is expected of them.”
“I Ms. Booth promise to be fair and consistently apply the rules to keep my students safe I the
classroom and I will ensure that learning is able to take place in our classroom.” (Any questions
or concerns you may email me at
X__ Melany Booth___

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