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Project 1: Recommendation Report

Crime on the Street


Date: May 3, 2022

My audience for this project is residents in my neighborhood, or more specifically, residents of

Inca Street. This choice was influenced by the suggestion that our project be more focused on a
local issue or situation. The audience is heavily populated by white retirees who are between 60-
90 years old, however there are some exceptions in that regard.

The purpose of the writing is to inform the reader and audience on the growing and consistent
issue of crime in the neighborhood. More specifically, porch pirateering and theft are a prevalent
subject in the writing. This purpose was once again very heavily influenced by the suggestions to
focus on a local issue.

The information is presented through a recommendation report styled medium. While this report
does not follow all of the exact guidelines for this genre/medium, it is close enough to be
considered such for the purpose of the assignment. This medium was selected through the
assignments prompt, and the choice to include multimedia aspects in the writing was included in
this selection.

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