Project 2 Reflection

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Project 2: Instructions

How-To Make a Character Sheet


Date: May 3, 2022

The audience for this project is intended to be those who have discovered interest in playing the
Table-Top Role Playing Game: Dungeons and Dragons, but have not researched much info on
how the game works. In other words, the audience should be someone who has never played the
game before, and has interest in the subject. This audience was chosen based on the subject of
the writing, Dungeons and Dragons. I chose this audience as it is a group of individuals I have
experience with, so I considered writing to them to be a simpler task than others.

The purpose of this project was to inform the audience on how to correctly collect and organize a
character sheet for the game. This is a moderately long and confusing process, and so the project
attempts to make sense of mechanics and steps that otherwise would be very difficult to
complete without help.

The medium chosen for this assignment was a Sway presentation. A website offered by
Microsoft that is designed to present steps and instructions to a wide spread audience of the
writer's choice. I chose this medium over a video format due to the subject's complex nature, as I
didn’t believe it would convey well over a video.

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