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Chapter 4: Archetypes

Berserkers are the most common warrior type between members of

barbarian clans. The few ogres that do not followed this path decided
This chapter describes the archetypes that a player may use as a to live in urban areas for many years. Goblin berserkers are rare but
starting point when creating his or her character. Together the not unheard of, mostly in remote areas of Davokar. Very few
Warrior, Hunter, Mystic, and Rogue archetypes cover the most dwarves follow this path, but outcasts may be the case once a guilty
common functions needed for combat and problem-solving in a dwarf (or even a group of guilty dwarves) become forbidden to return
group of explorers, adventurers, or tomb robbers. to their homeland.
Each archetype is exemplified by several professions (or templates).  TYPICAL RACES: Barbarians, Changelings, Goblins, Ogres,
Each profession shows a list of Typical Races that groom these Dwarves.
occupations in their societies. These options are not hard limits, but it
will be extremely rare and bizarre different races not mentioned in
 FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Athletics, Melee Combat,
these lists been trained on those professions. The GM has the final
Defense, Nature.
You will find on each profession, a list of its Favored Attributes  STARTING MONEY: 2D4 x 10gp
and Favored Skills. The favored attribute from your profession
allows the investment of up to 5 attribute points. If this favored
attribute is the same given by the character’s race, they stack, and
you can invest up to six attribute points. You can invest up to 3 skill
points on your Favored Skills and only one skill point on the “By Cold Iron!”
remaining not-favored skills.
The work of the Iron Pact is never done, which places great demands
Each profession was built with at least one required Talent called on its agents, the Iron Sworn. The pact was created by elves at the
Archetype Talent. Every member of that profession has that Talent; time of Symbaroum downfall, and after a long time in the shadows
thus, you receive it for free. More information on Talents can be its members are on the move again, trying to stop the spreading
found on Chapter 6 – Talents. darkness while dealing with the Ambrian expansion and invasion.
Your character starts the game with a Starting Money based on your Nowadays, the Iron Pact recruits new agents from all races and
Profession. Roll the dice to know how much money you have and cultures; anyone sympathetic to the struggle is tested in a series of
refer to Chapter 7 – Equipment to purchase your gear. both physical and moral challenges. Those who make it with both life
The GM may create additional professions, change any described and loyalty intact are invited to swear the Iron Oath over a sacred
here, or simply prohibit any of them. piece of cold iron – painful only to fey creatures, like elves and
changelings, but have been used on barbarian and ogre recruits due to
its symbolic meaning.
Although sympathetic to the cause, goblins short lifespan and erratic
WARRIORS behavior keep them out of the Iron Pact. Ambrians and Dwarves
rarely become interested on ancient elven forest-curses far away from
The barbarian clans of Davokar and the kingdom of Ambria house their homes.
many traditions of war and combat. Some Warriors are professionals
– soldiers with a pragmatic point of view, regarding warfare as a  TYPICAL RACES: Barbarians, Changelings, Elves, Ogres.
vocation. Others stem from noble families and bloodlines and  FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Competence.
consider the glory of battle to be a part of their heritage. To some the  FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Athletics, Ranged Combat,
art of war is nothing more than a method needed to survive, while Defense, Nature.
others use their prowess in battle for a higher purpose, such as  ARCHETYPE TALENT: Bowman.
serving Prios the Sun God or restoring their family honor lost during  STARTING MONEY: 4D4 x 10gp
The Dark War.
Regardless of culture and origins, the Warrior’s main arena is the
battlefield, where he or she often assumes the role of a heavily armed “You are making me angry!”
shock trooper or a brave low-armored fighter.
Filled with the magic of the tribe’s witch, enchanted by powerful fey
creatures, or cursed by hereditary lycanthropy, these fierce warriors
are considered chosen or blessed in times of great danger or war – but
only between barbarian clans.
THE BERSERKER The Skinchanger frequently leaves the tribe and becomes a hermit,
usually finding friendship among wolf packs as their leader or alpha.
“Back off!”
If a threat rises for his or her safety or territory peace, the
Spirits of rage follow you and fill you with uncontrolled ferocity in Skinchanger may decide to act and take part. Usually search for
battle. When you are not in combat you are of a thoughtful and guidance with other humans, mostly witches from his/her barbarian
patient disposition, a contrast that makes you both appreciated and clan.
He/she would enter an explorer company to protect its territory – like
fighting against invaders. Maybe the Skinchanger are looking for a
Forbidden Lands of Symbaroum

cure to his or her supernatural affliction on old ruins of Symbaroum. Work alongside your GM to create a background that allows enough
Elves consider Skinchangers a scar of Symbaroum shadowed freedom to your character from your army’s hierarchic duties. Maybe
corruption, so avoiding them (with a mixed feeling of shame and you were assigned to protect an explorer’s company, help the
pity). foundation of a new settlement, or fight alongside the mysterious
elves against a terrible monster from Davokar.
 TYPICAL RACES: Barbarians, Changelings.
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Potence.  TYPICAL RACES: Ambrians, Elves, Dwarves, Goblins,
 FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Athletics, Melee Combat, Ogres.
Defense, Nature.  FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Potence.
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Skinchanger.  FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Athletics, Crafting
 STARTING MONEY: 2D4 x 10gp (Weapons), Melee or Ranged Combat (choose one), Defense.
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Combat Resilience.
 STARTING MONEY: 4D4 x 10gp
“We are not afraid!” THE CAPTAIN
Militiamen are men-at-arms that received minimal military training “Follow my lead!”
and equipment to fight for their homeland, usually a small village or
a couple of farms. Ambrian colonies are spreading over the new land You are a natural born leader and have built your career on that.
and new settlements are established farther from the cities each Swordplay is only a way to keep yourself alive and maybe gain the
summer. With fewer and fewer soldiers available to protect so many respect of your subordinates at the same time.
new settlements, the militiamen become the only armed force to
protect the settlers and their families. Captains are men-at-arms that received military training and
equipment to fight for their homeland and have exceeded the
Youngsters keen to make difference while their kingdom is rebuilt in expectations of their superiors. You have brought out the best in your
a new and dangerous land consider themselves folk heroes. You are allies, guiding and protecting them in the battlefield so you can
one of them, with few trainings and equipment, but a lot of courage achieve your military goals. That is how you gained your superior’s
and naivety. It is very common the use of trained animals to watch trust, promoting you to Captain. Now you have a platoon of soldiers
the perimeter like dogs and birds of prey. under your command. You still receive orders from the Knights and
Generals of your army, though.
Militiamen are also common in small rural communities of goblins
and ogres. A small group of isolated changelings could have Work alongside your GM to create a background that allows enough
militiamen if they fight to protect their hideout, like a cave or hidden freedom to your character from your army’s hierarchic duties.
cottage in the woods. The barbarian clans also have militiamen, as
not every able-bodied adult human becomes a competent berserker.  TYPICAL RACES: Ambrians, Elves, Dwarves.
 FAVORED SKILLS: Athletics, Melee or Ranged Combat
(choose one), Defense, Insight, Persuasion.
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Natural Leader.
 TYPICAL RACES: Ambrians, Barbarians, Changelings,  STARTING MONEY: 6D4 x 10gp
Goblins, Ogres.
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Potence or Competence (choose
 FAVORED SKILLS: Animal Handling, Athletics, Crafting THE KNIGHT
(weapons), Melee Combat, Defense. “For Honor!”
 STARTING MONEY: 2D4 x 10gp Knights are noblemen who doesn’t have a land to rule, a castle to
protect or a business to manage. They decided (or was decided for
them) that they should serve as members of the Army – as Knight
Cavalry, Knight Commanders, or Lord Generals (depending on their
THE SOLDIER Social Class). A Knight may have hundreds to thousands of men-at-
“Yes, Sir!” arms under his or her command.

Soldiers are men-at-arms that received military training and Heavily armored on the outside and with a deep sense of duty inside,
equipment to fight for their homeland or their lord. All cultural races you fight for the favor of your lord, your kingdom, your god, the
have their own kind of soldier. Humans usually employ many low- lives of your allies or your own glory. A mixture of all these is the
armored footman with long weapons supported by cavalry. Dwarves most common.
are much more armored, disciplined and supported by gunpowder Knights have more resources than their army members, a privilege
kegs and large war machinery. Elves rely on speed and ranged resulting in custom-made heavy plate armor, trained war mount,
attacks supported by their powerful magic. Goblins and Ogres can be high-quality weapons, heraldic shields and even a squire or
found mixed on these armies, rarely developing a unified military apprentice to help keep your weaponry, feed your mount, carry your
force of their own. lad, and cook your meals.
Whatever your race and origin, you have a superior, usually a Almost all knights have a reliable war mount at their disposal. While
captain, that gives you orders and assignments, like guard an outpost, humans domesticated horses for millennia, elves usually ride
watch for thieves in the market, capture a fugitive at the woods, majestic moose and dwarves (when on the surface) ride large boars
patrol the kingdom borders, or protect a noble chariot traveling the

Forbidden Lands of Symbaroum

Work alongside with your GM to create a background that allows  ARCHETYPE TALENT: Exotic Weaponry.
enough freedom to your character from your army’s hierarchic  STARTING MONEY: 6D4 x 10gp
 TYPICAL RACES: Ambrians, Elves, Dwarves.
 FAVORED SKILLS: Animal Handling, Athletics, Melee
Combat, Defense, Persuasion.
 STARTING MONEY: 8D4 x 10gp
“May The Light guide my hand!”
THE MERCENARY Templars are highly disciplined knights that wield heavy armor,
“Where is my payment?” martial weaponry, and the religious power of the Sun God Prios.
They are the private army of the church, protecting temples and
Mercenaries are men-at-arms that received military training and leading crusades.
equipment to fight for a cause they left behind. Now you fight for
money, entertainment, and excitement. Templars once were priest apprentices that could not develop their
full magical potential but were physically capable to wield heavy
Lonely mercenaries are rare, they usually band together forming weapons and armor. Maybe they showed combat prowess or maybe
mercenary companies for mutual protection and to improve renown. they could not stand the long hours in fasting, meditation and
The higher the reputation the higher the payment, is their saying. celibacy. Whatever the case, these “failed apprentices” were
relocated to the armed branch of the church, a respectful and needed
Ambrian colonies have a small contingent of official soldiers and are
profession in the eyes of the clergy.
frequently in need of reinforcements. Trade companies and their
caravans are common employers of mercenaries’ companies. Noble Templars are trained and educated by the church of Prios, the
houses are always in need of more men-at-arms to impress, threaten Ambrian Sun God. They receive warrior training along with their
or blackmail other noble houses. weaponry, and mystical instruction along with church dogma’s
Non-humans with unorthodox behaviors often leave their homelands
and become mercenaries, offering their battle skills in exchange of There are no records of a single non-human becoming a Templar.
gold and entertainment. Only mentioning this possibility would be considered a blasphemy.
 TYPICAL RACES: Any.  TYPICAL RACES: Ambrians only.
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Potence or Competence (choose  FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Potence.
one).  FAVORED SKILLS: Athletics, Melee Combat, Defense,
 FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Athletics, Crafting Religion, Insight.
(Weapon), Melee or Ranged Combat (choose one), Defense.  ARCHETYPE TALENT: Higher Purpose
 STARTING MONEY: 6D4 x 10gp


“Are you prepared to die?” The hunters and their toil are of great importance, both for the
Ambrians and among the clans of the forest. To commoners in
Gladiators are a broad range of trained or untrained warriors, from Ambria, they may not appear to be any different from your average
any social background – as any prisoners, or slave can (unwillingly) rogue, but for many (especially among those living close to Davokar)
become gladiators. they are on par with true heroes. Covered in the dirt of the wilds, eyes
Gladiators who survive their first fights may receive military training shining with the light of the future, the hunters are vital in the project
with different weapons and hand-to-hand combat techniques. The of cultivating and taming the great forest.
latter is the most common type of arena: the Pit Fighting. However, Among both Ambrians and barbarians, the hunters are often signified
some places may have sponsored arenas with gladiators fighting even by their skillful use of ranged weapons and techniques. Exactly how
beast and monsters (the latter considered a major event). they fight is primarily decided based on what they are hunting:
Any free citizen, male, or female can apply as a gladiator. It is a treasure, criminals, monsters, or dark-minded sorcerers. Some
profession doomed to the grave but for the desperate immigrant it can hunters are less combat-oriented, focusing on taming animals
be the only option for subsistence. Some gladiators that are not slaves (Beastmaster), patrol areas (Rangers) or guide travelers and explorers
may take "vacations" for private services, such as bodyguards of (Pathfinders).
nobles and rich merchants.
Common cases of non-humans thrown into the arena include, large
ogres, supposed elven spies, usury-guilted dwarves, lazy goblins, and
wandering changelings.
 FAVORED SKILLS: Athletics, Crafting (Weapon), Melee
Combat and Ranged Combat (choose both), Defense.

Forbidden Lands of Symbaroum

THE BEASTMASTER you back home. Lesser nobles and settlers also hire pathfinders to
help them locate the best spot for a new colony.
“They are my friends.”
Any cultural race can have pathfinders. They may have slightly
You were born with a special affinity with animals, from the most variations in methods, but their purpose is the same.
domestic and harmless cat to the wildest and most dangerous beast.
You understand their intentions and they follow your lead, usually.  TYPICAL RACES: Any.
As companions, you roam the land familiar to your animal. Together  FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Athletics, Melee or Ranged
you may protect settlements against beasts and monsters, or guard Combat (choose one), Defense, Nature.
caravans that need to cross your land. Your animal may help you  ARCHETYPE TALENT: Direction Senses.
tracking fugitive slaves, hunt threating beasts or perform tricks in the  STARTING MONEY: 4D4 x 10gp
local town in exchange of a good night sleep and a hot meal.
Beastmaster are valued by nobles who bet on gladiatorial arenas and
pit fighting rings – becoming acquainted with several slaves and
Beastmaster can be found in any society as any race can develop this THE BOUNTY HUNTER
affinity with animals and train them.
“You come with me!”
Hunting people is the occupation of a Bounty Hunter. In most cases,
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Potence or Competence (choose
these people are prisoners or slaves that scape captivity. However,
sometimes a bounty hunter is hired to track, find, and bring back
 FAVORED SKILLS: Animal Handling, Awareness, Athletics,
home a spouse on the run, a missing child, a soldier defector, or a
Melee or Ranged Combat (choose one), Defense. famous and perilous outlaw.
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Animal Companion.
 STARTING MONEY: 4D4 x 10gp Bring back the prey alive is paramount to a bounty hunter’s
contractor, so they specialized on non-lethal combat and weapons
designed to immobilize, like nets, bolas, lasso, and even whips. After
successfully captured, the prey is taken back to the contractor tied in
THE RANGER a good rope or bounded with shackles.
“May you have a peaceful watch.” Ambrian Bounty Hunters are, by far, the most common race that
A ranger is a scout, lookout and the first to inform the militia or local takes up this profession. However, technically any cultural race can
guard of approaching threats such as a goblinoid horde, a pirate ship, have Bounty Hunters. They may have slightly variations in methods,
a bandit gang, or a monster. but their purposes are the same.

Rangers are very dear to any rural settler, as they are the first to warn  TYPICAL RACES: Any.
a community of the dangers that lie in the woods of this unknown  FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Potence.
land. Every village has at least one ranger to look for the outskirts.  FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Athletics, Melee Combat,
Eventually, they bring hunt game to trade and tales of wild beasts to Defense, Nature or Streetwise (choose one).
tell. Towns and cities create ranger companies with several official  ARCHETYPE TALENT: Exotic Weaponry.
members to watch the countryside and its borders. Every explorer  STARTING MONEY: 6D4 x 10gp
company have at least one Ranger or Pathfinder in its ranks.
Any cultural race can have rangers, although few examples are
known from goblins and ogres’ societies. They may have slightly
variations in methods, but their purpose is the same. Some employ
hunting animals to help their scouting and patrolling duties, in THE WITCH HUNTER
addition to helping watch the camp.
“Why are you so nervous?”
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Competence. You have dedicated your life to fighting blight beasts, maybe as a
 FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Athletics, Melee or Ranged consequence of having your own life torn apart by the growing and
Combat (choose one), Defense, Nature. infectious darkness: a farm burned to the ground, the grave of your
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Sixth Sense. family, a friend’s horrendous transformation – something that
reminds you of what will happen if the power of the blighted ones is
 STARTING MONEY: 4D4 x 10gp
not broken in time.
You will stop at nothing in your fight against evil: you wield steel,
THE PATHFINDER fire and even elixirs stolen from defeated mystics. You realize that
the use of elixirs may ultimately corrupt you too, but you turn a blind
“Follow me!” eye to that and instead fight on with the fervor of the fanatic.
Similar to a ranger, the Pathfinder is also a scout. However, their Each cultural race has specialized Which Hunters to deal with
purposes differ as the pathfinder look for the unknown paths and undesired mystics, mostly aberrations to be. Some are more prepared
trails, hidden sanctuaries and forgotten ruins. They are guides that and trained than others.
explore the uncharted lands, mostly hidden below Davokar shadows.
Pathfinder can be found in any adventure group, explorer company or  FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Presence.
trade caravan. They are sought and well paid by treasure hunters as
venturing deep into Davokar Forest requires a professional to lead

Forbidden Lands of Symbaroum

 FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Ranged Combat, Defense,  ARCHETYPE TALENT: Forbidden Knowledge (Legend
Insight, Mysticism, Persuasion. Lore).
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Forbidden Knowledge (Alchemy).  STARTING MONEY: 4D4 x 10gp
 STARTING MONEY: 6D4 x 10gp

THE MONSTER HUNTER There are many sources of mystical power in the world. These can be
tapped by one who understands the underlying laws of nature or
“Come on, show up you filthy piece of shit!” through alliances with either the light of the heavens, the spirits of
the forest or the desperate corruption and madness of the darkness.
Monster Hunters are individuals who dedicated themselves to
exterminating life-threatening creatures of unnatural origin. There are Mystics are individuals who born with “The Gift”, the ability to alter
monster hunters in all societies and humanoid cultures. the fabric of existence. Their souls are intimately connected to the
energies of the cosmos and therefore can mold reality with sufficient
Monster hunters can emerge from among the peasants when beasts or willpower and self-control. However, by plunging his body and mind
terrors threaten the peace of the community. Some monster hunters into a sea of chaotic forces, the mystic risks to taint his own soul with
focus their hunt on a specific kind of supernatural creature such as forces he or she are not always ready to meet and understand.
vampires living in overcrowded cities.
Some Mystics consider themselves to be scholars of reality and
The Church has its Templars while The Order has Monster Hunters. existence; others would claim they are part of a pact that offers them
Although the latter do not serve the wizards, both works closely with an intimate relationship with the source of their power.
mutual interests like information about monsters in exchange of their
body parts for experiments. Inspired by some practices of The
Church, The Order has begun to recover their once discarded failed
apprentices and giving them proper training in monster hunting. THE THEURGE
Armed with simple but effective spells, these hunters have had an
advantage over their non-magical professional colleagues. They are “Repent! Our lord is the only savior!”
called Venators. Priests and Nuns of The Church are called Father Lightbringer and
 TYPICAL RACES: Any, Venator (Ambrian Only). Sister Lightbearer, respectively. However, collectively they are called
Heliocentric Clerics, Prios Chosen or Sun Preachers.
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Potence or Competence (choose
one). While priests run the churches, where the masses take place (The
 FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Athletics, Melee or Ranged Solarium); the nuns look after the monasteries, which function as
Combat (choose one), Defense, Nature or Streetwise (choose orphanages, nursing homes and hospitals. Boys and girls born with
one). “The Gift” (called “The Blessing” by members of the church) are
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Monster Lore (Any) or Failed quickly identified by priests or nuns, always aware of everything
Apprentice (Venator). happening with their flock. They immediately persuade parents to
 STARTING MONEY: 6D4 x 10gp hand over their children to its guardianship. After a period of 10
years of much mental and spiritual training, the teenager is ready to
be a new Prios Chosen, whatever function is reversed for them.
There are many priestly orders within the Church of Prios. They
direct students with some specific talent to specialized training: such
THE TREASURE HUNTER as defending temples (Templars), investigation (Inquisitors),
“We will be rich!” evangelism and religious studies (Theurges). You are the last case,
not responsible for a parish or monastery, and free to search answers
Treasure hunters are the most common stereotype of explorers. from metaphysical questions concerning your Faith, your God or
Individuals who venture into unknown lands, looking for forbidden even other faiths. You can also be looking for holy relics and
ruins and invading tombs sealed with traps and ancient curses. sanctuaries, understand tales of miracles and divine interventions
However, treasure hunters have a very specific goal when they decide (maybe not related to your God!). You spread the word of The True
to venture this way: to get rich. God during your travels, blessing the desperate, healing the sick and
wounded, in exchange of a sermon.
Explorers may have several motivations, noble or not, such as
mapping regions, founding new settlements, creating new trade  TYPICAL RACES: Ambrians Only.
routes, searching for natural resources, hunting monsters, etc.  FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Presence.
Treasure hunters, on the other hand, look only for an opportunity to  FAVORED SKILLS: Mysticism, Religion, Insight, Discipline,
find riches left behind, whether in haunted tombs, ruined castles, or Persuasion.
shipwrecks in archipelagos infested with sea monsters.  ARCHETYPE TALENT: Theurgy.
Regardless of the reason, treasure hunters are natural adventurers,  STARTING MONEY: 6D4 x 10gp
looking for legends, rumors, and historical or otherwise for clues that
might lead them to a chest full of gold coins or magic items valuable
enough to return home rich and famous.
 FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Agility, Ranged Combat, “Finally! It is done!”
Defense, Thievery.

Forbidden Lands of Symbaroum

Between the barbarian clans and goblinoid tribes they are called Perhaps the witch was expelled from her tribe and are wandering the
Tattooed Warriors, while elves have their Faerie Singers, and lands on a pilgrimage. Maybe all her tribe was enslaved or
dwarves their Rune Smiths or Artifact Crafters. However, as a decimated, and she wants revenge!
Mystic they are all enchanters, imbuing magical power on their
creations, tattoos or runes.
One similarity between them is the fact they are always looking for  TYPICAL RACES: Barbarians, Changelings, Goblins, Ogres.
components for their creations. Wood for musical instruments, inks,  FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Intelligence.
chisels, rocks, leaves and blood. They carefully touch, smell and taste  FAVORED SKILLS: Awareness, Medicine, Mysticism,
those ingredients to be certain that no corrupt material will be taken Insight, Nature.
to their workshop.  ARCHETYPE TALENT: Witchcraft.
 STARTING MONEY: 2D4 x 10gp

Tattooed warriors are highly respected, while tattooed goblinoids are

feared and usually become the leaders of a tribe. Rune Smiths rarely “Step aside, I am a member of Ordo Magica!”
leave their homeland due to their endless toil under the eyes of
demanding females. Faerie Singers are highly admired and called To avoid being persecuted and extinct, Ambrian magicians convinced
The Elven High Mages due to their powerful and devastating choirs the nobles to welcome their disciples as royal advisers and arcane
during times of war. allies in battlefield. In exchange, the nobility would end a reinless
inquisition at the time. They agreed, under hard protests from The
Enchantment is not a formal Mystical Tradition. There are no schools Church. From that moment, Ambrian magicians should be enrolled
with teachers and libraries. Its secrets are passed on by each into a hermetic society of peers. The so-called Ordo Magica would
individual to whatever gifted person the enchanter deems worthy. find and teach gifted younglings in how to harness their powers and
avoid corruption and becoming abominations (the main target of the
 TYPICAL RACES: Barbarians, Changelings, Elves, Dwarves,
Goblins and Ogres.
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Presence. Church emissaries, inquisitors and parish priests constantly accuse
 FAVORED SKILLS: Crafting (Tools or Magical Instrument, any magician (from different traditions) of transgressions concerning
choose one), Mysticism, Insight, Discipline, Performance dangerous magical practices. But, in the case of Ordo Magica
(Painting, Singing or Carving, choose one). Wizards, they must deal with their political back up from the
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Enchantment. nobility. Even so, abominations still sprout in Ambrian lands, as not
 STARTING MONEY: 6D4 x 10gp all gifted individuals are properly trained in how to harness their
powers. Also, witches, enchanters, sorcerers and cultists of all sorts
are not protected by royal decree. So, for that reason, Church
Inquisition remained until these days.
You are a gifted person, capable to shape the fabric of existence, to
THE WITCH bend other’s mind to your will, or to challenge the forces of nature
“Nature is my ally, and you, OUR enemy!” and fate. However, you must obey Ordo Magica’s Code of Conduct.
A set of rules, that theoretically, was created to prevent abuses of
Your home is the wilds; to balance your own needs with the ones of power and consequently generating abominations. All members of
nature is your calling. As a witch you have a strong connection to the The Order must abide by this code or been expelled and consequently
land itself and can add its primal powers to your inner strength. You delivered to The Church Inquisition.
negotiate with the spirits of nature, understand the flow and needs of
the land, and your powers are derived from the circle of life and After 10 years of boring and tedious teachings, you can finally leave
death. Arcane College and explore the world. You are hungry for practical
knowledge and experiences.
You are an important figure in any Barbarian Clan. Sought out as a
healer, spiritual guide, sage, and holder of supernatural powers  TYPICAL RACES: Ambrians Only.
allowing to contact ancestral and natural spirits. Tribe members  FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Intelligence.
respect and fear you, usually becoming the second on clan hierarchy.  FAVORED SKILLS: Mysticism, Religion, Society, Insight,
You have been trained since childhood for a task that is obscure,  ARCHETYPE TALENT: Wizardry.
without well-established rules of conduct and procedures. A  STARTING MONEY: 8D4 x 10gp
dangerous, lonely and often short path.
If you were born a boy, your Gift probably drove you away from the
tribe, forcing you to live as a hermit in the wilderness. Even so,
members of different tribes may come to you for help and guidance.
On the other hand, gifted girls are respected and, if there are more
than one in the same clan or tribe, they may (or may not) work
together to form a Coven, strengthening the power and respect of
their tribe. “Behold my power, you fool!”
A witch can join a group of explorers for a specific mission that Sorcerers doesn’t have a formal school like wizards, but they can be
benefits her tribe, such as killing a monster, find an old witch lost in ex-wizards that leave The Order of were formally expelled becoming
the woods, or recover a stolen memento of personal importance. Apostates. They can be practitioners of other magical traditions that

Forbidden Lands of Symbaroum

do not accepted being regulated by a set of rules. They could be self- When people think of “rogues”, this is the usual archetype that first
tough magicians who develop their powers by themselves and do not comes to mind. Masters of burglary, larceny and banditry, thieves
want to be controlled. and thugs have no qualms cutting purse strings or dipping their
hands into other's pockets to take whatever they want. Ownership, in
Whatever the case, you are a target in human cities. Driven by their minds, is possession, and once they take something into their
desperation or a lust for power, you walk the path of sorcery and will possession, it is theirs to do with what they will. They consider
soon find yourself both touched by Corruption and hunted by themselves to be professional treasure seekers, always on the pursuit
fanatical witch hunters or inquisitors. of the next big score.
For that reason, some Sorcerers form secret small Cabals for mutual In large cities, those outlaws organized themselves in thieves’ guilds,
protection. Their members are called The Unchained. The rules of criminal syndicates or other shadowy organization. What they lose in
membership are very loose, and its members congregate in secret independence, they more than make up for in benefits gained due to
locations like tombs, sewer galleries or forbidden ruins. Their goals their association’s infrastructure. The term guild agent come from all
are so diverse are their methods, races and origins. levels of that organization, from a lowly recruit all the way up to the
 TYPICAL RACES: Any. guildmaster.
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Presence. Bandits are usually Ambrians, Changelings and Goblins but all races
 FAVORED SKILLS: Mysticism, Nature, Religion, Society, can have unscrupulous members inclined to steal what they want
Insight. from their peers.
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Potence or Competence (choose
 FAVORED SKILLS: Thug (Defense, Melee Combat,
Streetwise, Persuasion - Intimidation, Thievery); Thief (Defense,
THE APOSTATE Ranged Combat, Streetwise, Stealth, Thievery).
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Brawler or Combat Reflexes (choose
“I do not abide by your rules!” one).
 STARTING MONEY: 4D4 x 10gp
You were born with the gift and can shape reality to your will.
Usually, a gift is perceived from an early age and the child is taken
by a mystical tradition for training and control of their powers.
However, you were not found by them, or run away from them
during training, or even after completing your studies. Whether you
were a self-taught or rebelled against your teachers and peers, it THE EMISSARY
doesn't matter. To The Church and The Order, you are an Apostate, a “It’s nothing personal.”
rebel outlaw knowing too many secrets. A danger to all mundanes
who must be protected from an unbridled magician like yourself. Every kingdom and ruler has his or her assortment of diplomats,
spies and assassins. Sometimes, they are the same person, as once
An Apostate doesn’t live under a mystical tradition set of rules, and inside the enemy lines, a single drop of poison can do the job.
do not benefit from that academic, social, economic or logistic Diplomats, spies and assassins avoid physical conflict, relying on
infrastructure. You are free, but on your own. their wits to dodge dangerous and unnecessary confrontations that
 TYPICAL RACES: Any. could expose them. The true hindrance to any Emissary is too much
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Intelligence (Witchcraft, Wizardry) evidence, too many witnesses, too little alibi – and traveling with an
explorer company is an excellent alibi!
or Presence (Theurgy and Enchantment and Sorcery).
 FAVORED SKILLS: Mysticism, Nature, Religion, Society, Your tasks are simple: get in, do the job and get out. Every Emissary
Insight. has its favored tools, but all use disguises, concealment, forgery,
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: choose any tradition. poison, and small hidden blades to accomplish their goal.
 STARTING MONEY: 4D4 x 10gp
Emissaries come from all cultural races. Wars can be won with the
right information or the death of a single leader.
ROGUES  FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Competence or Presence (choose
The Dark War seems to be over, or it has at least taken a break. But
 FAVORED SKILLS: Diplomat (Society, Streetwise, Insight,
the power struggle in Ambria continues in the shadows, a struggle
Performance - Acting, Persuasion); Spy (Awareness, Stealth,
that spreads into Davokar. The Queen’s Spies, commonly regarded as
Streetwise, Persuasion, Thievery); Assassin (Awareness, Agility,
assassins with a more flattering name, are everywhere. In Yndaros,
Stealth, Ranged Combat, Thievery).
criminal guilds fight over the city’s resources, while a large number
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Cosmopolitan or Poison Craft.
of charlatans fuel peoples’ fantasies while emptying their pockets.
Only Minstrels are welcome around the countryside, bringing and  STARTING MONEY: 8D4 x 10gp
taking news, from the capital and neighborhood lands.

“I’m not who you are looking for.”
“This must be worth something.”

Forbidden Lands of Symbaroum

You are a fugitive. Whether it's from the law, from members of your
old satanic sect, your noble family, your slave-master, the church or
the local thief’s guild. Whatever the case, you must stay hidden and
unsuspicious all the time.
Many fugitives are ex-slaves fleeing their master to live hidden, as
their slave marks would surely expose them. Nobles (usually girls)
may try to run away from arranged marriages. Few of them remain
hidden for too long, so they use false identities to hide in plain sight.
Non-gifted cultists are the most dangerous magic practitioners
running amok the dark streets and alleys. The Church and The Order
are constantly hunting for them. Outlaws of all sorts have their heads
under bounty. Maybe you are hunted only because you are a non-
human – very common in some Ambrian cities.
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Slaves & Outlaws (Potence),
Nobles & Cultists (Intelligence or Presence, choose one).
 FAVORED SKILLS: Slaves (Athletics, Agility, Defense,
Melee Combat, Stealth); Outlaws (Defense, Melee or Combat,
Stealth, Streetwise, Thievery); Nobles (Religion, Society,
Streetwise, Insight, Persuasion); Cultists (Mysticism, Religion,
Streetwise, Persuasion, Stealth).
 ARCHETYPE TALENT: Slaves & Outlaws (Hideout); Nobles
(False Identity); Cultists (Ritualist)
 STARTING MONEY: 2D4 x 10gp

“This can’t go on!”
As Ambrian army advances beyond the Titans, barbarian clans,
goblin tribes and even lone ogres are subjected to imprisonment and
forced labor, i.e., slavery. Even an Ambrian charged of small crimes
can become a slave due to the high demand for construction workers
to build the new kingdom.
A Liberator is any person who decides to oppose this culture of
oppression and forced labor. They may come from very different
origins, but they all have one united goal: free their people and, if
possible, deliver justice against the responsible for so much suffering.
For each successful scaped slave, a new Liberator may arise to
reinforce their ranks and their cause.
Similar in methods, but different in goals, the Revolutionary is any
person who decides to oppose the current law system, dictatorial
ruler, oppressive archbishop, army general or ship captain. They may
accomplish this through a rebellion or riot but always with the help of
other unsatisfied people.
Barbarians, changelings, goblins, and ogres are the most common
races inclined to free their brethren from slavery, but some
unsatisfied Ambrians have also joined the fight. These freedom
fighters may use diplomacy or brute force to achieve their goal.
 FAVORED ATTRIBUTE: Potence or Competence (choose
 FAVORED SKILLS: Athletics, Melee or Ranged Combat
(choose one), Defense, Stealth, Persuasion.
 STARTING MONEY: 4D4 x 10gp


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