Strengths, Interests, Values Reflection

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Strengths, Interests, Values Reflection

Part 1: Personality
1. What is your personality type?
My personality type is ESTP.

2. What does each aspect of your personality mean about you?

The E means I am more outgoing and like talking to new people. The S means that I like thinking about
what is real and right in front of me. The T means I like thinking logically. Lastly, the P means that I am
more spontaneous.

3. List two strengths indicated on your report. Give an example from your life that demonstrates that
these qualities are strengths.
Two of my strengths are that I am good at improvising and I am energetic, which are both true. I have
been able to get myself out of many sticky situations by improvising.

4. What qualities should a career have in order to satisfy your particular personality?
A career for me based on my personality type should be competitive, exciting, fast paced, and give me
freedom with my schedule and tasks so there is little repetition or rules.

5. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use this information to narrow down possible career options based on what fits my personality.

Part 2: Intelligences
6. What are your top three intelligences?
My top three intelligences are existential, linguistic, and interpersonal.

7. What do these intelligences mean about you?

They mean I am good at seeing the bigger picture, communicating clearly, and recognizing patterns.

8. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use this information to make a career choice by seeing what careers my top intelligences apply to.

Part 3: Career Interest Profiler

9. What are your strongest interests?
My strongest interests are enterprising, investigative, and social.

10. What do these interests mean about you?

They mean I like to lead and persuade people, study and solve math/science problems, and like to do
things to help people.
11. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use this to make my choice by seeing what careers they apply to.

Part 4: Work Values

12. What are your top three work values?
My top three work values are achievement, recognition, and independence.

13. What do these work values mean about you?

They mean I like to do well at my job ALONE and get recognition for it.

14. How can you use this information to make an informed career choice?
I can use this information to see what careers will satisfy my work values.

Part 5: Career Results Comparison

Identify three careers that are similar across the lists. List the careers and explain why each career
may be satisfying to you, citing evidence from your survey results.
Three careers that are similar across the lists are medical professional, artist, and designer. Being a
medical professional might be satisfying for me because of my interests. These include solving science
problems and helping others. I may be satisfied as an artist because of my work values of doing my job
alone. My personality type also leads me to want to be able to create and work on my own schedule.
This also applies to the career of a designer.

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