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Simple Past
Teacher Xavier Alcántara Cuevas
Personal Pronouns
-I -You -He -She -It -We -They
Examples Walk sell play eat
Walked sold played ate

I __________ soccer.
Marie ______ books yesterday..
They ______ to the school.
He ______ pasta last night.
Be wash go take Wake up
Were Washed went took Woke up

1. Julie __________ early.

2. I ________ my face.
3. John ___________ a shower.
4. We ___________ to the park.
5. They __________ doctors.
Do do
didn’t Drink
didn’t dkink Be
weren´t dance
Didn’t dance

I __________ the homework.

We __________ milk.
They _________at the mall.
He ___________at the party.

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