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EDUC 200 - The Smartest Kids In The World Journal – Chapters 1 and 2
Task 1. Chapter 1

Question #1 (from chp 1) – In chapter 1 the book discussed the PISA test given to students around the world
every 3 years. Please describe why it is important to have an assessment such as PISA.
PISA specifically looks for problem solving capabilities and critical thinking skills, as well as other areas such as
creativity. These are neglected areas in traditional tests. An interesting note in the chapter was that PISA tests
have to be graded by a person assessing the answers compared to a multitude of correct options, not a simple
sheet of bubbles with one correct answer. That leaves so much more room for students to show how they think,
answering questions in a long, thoughtful form rather than scribbling in a bubble. All I can think is that test
taking would have been much more engaging and potentially less stressful for me as a child with options like

Question #2 (from chp 1) - Write down 3 things (points/topics/ideas) that the author is trying to get across in
this chapter.
The first point that stands out to me is how shocked various high-income countries (America, Germany, etc.)
were by the results. It’s clear that even Finland was surprised by ranking as highly as they did, and no one
seemed quite sure how they had managed it. Another thing that stands out is the emphasis on how PISA is
refined each year, focused on gathering more and more data to break down how the results happen, not just
obtaining the results themselves. The third thing that the author seemed to be trying to communicate is what a
unique experience it is to take PISA. After her description, she clearly marveled at the uniqueness of it just as
much as she worried over how her own success on the test, when taking in her own college education,
compared with the average American student.

Question #3 (from chp 1) - Write down one thing that you personally connected with in this chapter.
I really connected with the idea of a test that focuses on more than just memorization. After having struggled
substantially in school as a disabled student, I was only able to function in a school environment with substantial
accommodations for testing. Even at CWI, I have testing accommodations to help me succeed despite my
difficulties. I think that if more tests functioned like PISA, testing the student on more life applicable skills and
knowledge, it wouldn’t be nearly as difficult for me to manage testing. Memorizing formulas and scientific terms
has never been my strong suit, but I’ve always excelled in more creative areas like writing and art. I think it
would be fantastic to integrate testing for students that encourages learning and creativity rather than daily

Question #4 (from chp 1) Write down one thing that you need clarification on. In other words, what are you
now curious about? What else would you like to know?
I would like more clarification on what kind of results they’re getting from the PISA tests. The book was
somewhat vague, only talking about a few countries near the top and how that compared with the US. I would
really like to know more about the results and what they mean, so I did some digging around on the PISA site
from Module 2. Though the site was somewhat difficult to navigate and I would love a more layman friendly
source than the hundreds of pages of resources on the PISA site, it was really interesting to see the numbers.

Task 2. Chapter 2
Question #1 (from chp 2) – After reading Chapter 2 in our text, type in your newly created quiz question right
here. Be sure this question would challenge a typical high school or college student who just read chapter 2 of
this book. Also, be sure to include your thorough answer! This is very important. I need to see your question
AND the answer. Including a complete answer is critical for this assignment so please include it.
The Question: Kim’s mother has a few theories about why her daughter is acting strangely. Craft at least one
theory of your own. With the context provided in pages 27-30 of the book, what do you think might be the
reason for Kim’s behavior?
Potential Answer: Kim feels alienated by her peers because she doesn’t excel in the areas appreciated by her
school and community. After failing to succeed in both cheerleading and marching band, Kim became more
invested in her drive for curiosity. That curiosity lead her to spending her time reading and investigating to sate
her curiosity, a safer activity for her than reaching out to a friend group that clearly began to bully her for her
unique interests.

Question #2 (from chp 2) – After reading Chapter 2 in our text, type in your newly created quiz question right
here. Be sure this question would challenge a typical high school or college student who just read chapter 2 of
this book. Also, be sure to include your thorough answer! This is very important. I need to see your question
AND the answer. Including a complete answer is critical for this assignment so please include it.

The Question: After familiarizing yourself with Oklahoma’s struggle to improve education in the state, what do
you think would succeed in improving the situation?
Potential Answer: One of the clearest failures in Oklahoma’s history of education reform is the inability to pass
bills actually enforcing more rigorous standards. A great way to begin improving things is to require proper
testing for a high school diploma. Though that may seem harsh for students who are struggling, it provides a
safety net before they step into the greater world beyond their high school and those struggles have far more
serious results. It would also allow the state to familiarize itself more effectively with the areas where students
struggle, focusing its increased budget on improvements that will make a real impact on the Oklahoman
education system.

Question #3 (from chp 2) – After reading Chapter 2 in our text, type in your newly created quiz question right
here. Be sure this question would challenge a typical high school or college student who just read chapter 2 of
this book. Also, be sure to include your thorough answer! This is very important. I need to see your question
AND the answer. Including a complete answer is critical for this assignment so please include it.

The Question: When Kim talks to her mother about the exchange program on pages 38 and 39, what do you
think makes this attempt more successful than when she asked to go to the summer camp?

Potential Answer: Kim approached the situation by telling her mother she would join an exchange program,
rather than asking. Being a few years older and taking a more adult approach (telling rather than asking) makes
her appear more mature and prepared for the responsibility of the program.

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